Jin Lang, Jin Mei, Jin Feng, Jin An, Jin Rong og Jin Shun
Jin Lang er nå på vei til Vietnam, etter å ha vært i havn i Sør-Korea og undersøkt tilstanden på skipet.
Jin Lang har ligget for anker i Dandong, Kina, siden 05. mars, i påvente av å få losset kull fra Hay Point, Australia.
Begge panamaxene har nå omsider fått losset sine skip, og Jin Mei begynner nok å gå ifrakt igjen til uka.
Jin Lang har ligget for anker i Dandong, Kina, siden 05. mars, i påvente av å få losset kull fra Hay Point, Australia.
Begge panamaxene har nå omsider fått losset sine skip, og Jin Mei begynner nok å gå ifrakt igjen til uka.
Redigert 18.11.2021 kl 16:39
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09.05.2022 kl 08:32
Kina fjernet toll på kullimport fra 2 mai til 31 mars 2023. Det betyr økt import fremover. Meget bull for Jinhui!
23.03.2022 kl 22:57
Da er Pacific Crown også innlemmet i rederiet, det har fått navnet Jin Mao! 🙈😅
Da er Pacific Crown også innlemmet i rederiet, det har fått navnet Jin Mao! 🙈😅
Redigert 23.03.2022 kl 23:00
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23.03.2022 kl 15:57
Godeste buffet er også opptatt av økende EPS, så for han burde JIN være midt i blinken 😃
23.03.2022 kl 15:19
“The stock market is a device for transferring money from the impatient to the patient.” Warren Buffett “
23.03.2022 kl 15:02
Vi må jo bare synes synd på dem som solgte mer enn 150.000 jin aksjer mellom 14.00 og 14,20 .
På en dag hvor supramaxratene gikk over 33,000 pr dag- i mars !!!!!!
Helt ubegripelig og sørgelig.
På en dag hvor supramaxratene gikk over 33,000 pr dag- i mars !!!!!!
Helt ubegripelig og sørgelig.
23.03.2022 kl 10:59
thypoon skrev Utrolig at ikke Jinhui handles betydelig høyere
Der har vært slik siden februar i fjor, spør du meg. Har kjøpt og solgt JIN x-antall ganger siden da. Om jeg kan si en ting uten at noen skal bli fornærmet. Fysj, så ufattelig veik den er. Vi venter på rettferdig kurs, alle mann.
22.03.2022 kl 14:22
Supramax fortsetter oppover.
Tirsdag faller Baltic Dry-indeksen, som viser inntjeningsnivået for frakt av tørrlast som kull, korn og jernmalm, 1,7 prosent til 2.546 poeng, ifølge TDN Direkt.
Capesizeratene faller 11,9 prosent til 18.041 dollar, panamax er opp 5,7 prosent til 26.663 dollar mens supramaxratene stiger 1,2 prosent til 32.817 dollar.
På Oslo Børs faller Golden Ocean 2,3 prosent, 2020 Bulkers er ned 1,3 prosent, Belships stiger 3,6 prosent mens Jinhui Shipping er uforandret.
Baltic Dry-indeksen utarbeides av London-baserte Baltic Exchange. Indeksen var oppe i all-time high 20. mai 2008, da den nådde 11.793 poeng. All-time low fant sted 10. februar 2016, da den var nede i 290 poeng.
Tirsdag faller Baltic Dry-indeksen, som viser inntjeningsnivået for frakt av tørrlast som kull, korn og jernmalm, 1,7 prosent til 2.546 poeng, ifølge TDN Direkt.
Capesizeratene faller 11,9 prosent til 18.041 dollar, panamax er opp 5,7 prosent til 26.663 dollar mens supramaxratene stiger 1,2 prosent til 32.817 dollar.
På Oslo Børs faller Golden Ocean 2,3 prosent, 2020 Bulkers er ned 1,3 prosent, Belships stiger 3,6 prosent mens Jinhui Shipping er uforandret.
Baltic Dry-indeksen utarbeides av London-baserte Baltic Exchange. Indeksen var oppe i all-time high 20. mai 2008, da den nådde 11.793 poeng. All-time low fant sted 10. februar 2016, da den var nede i 290 poeng.
18.03.2022 kl 16:48
Positivity returned to the Atlantic as brokers spoke to a declining list of open tonnage against a steady flow of enquiry, which has seen levels climb. A 63,000-dwt, open in Houston, was fixed for a trip to Imbituba at $30,000. A 53,000-dwt, open in the North Coast South America end of March, fixed a trip to the UK-Continent in the low $30,000s. A 56,000-dwt, open in the US Gulf, was fixed to the West Coast Italy with an intended cargo of Petcoke at $31,750. A 56,000-dwt open in Jorf Lasfar fixed via the Western Mediterranean to Nigeria in the high $20,000s. A 63,000-dwt, open in Vietnam 21-25 March, was fixed for a trip to Bangladesh with an intended cargo of Clinker at $30,000. A 63,000-dwt, open in Singapore with spot dates, was fixed via Indonesia to China at $41,000. A 61,000-dwt, open in Tianjin end of March, was fixed for short period with worldwide redelivery at $42,000.
Positivity returned to the Atlantic as brokers spoke to a declining list of open tonnage against a steady flow of enquiry, which has seen levels climb. A 63,000-dwt, open in Houston, was fixed for a trip to Imbituba at $30,000. A 53,000-dwt, open in the North Coast South America end of March, fixed a trip to the UK-Continent in the low $30,000s. A 56,000-dwt, open in the US Gulf, was fixed to the West Coast Italy with an intended cargo of Petcoke at $31,750. A 56,000-dwt open in Jorf Lasfar fixed via the Western Mediterranean to Nigeria in the high $20,000s. A 63,000-dwt, open in Vietnam 21-25 March, was fixed for a trip to Bangladesh with an intended cargo of Clinker at $30,000. A 63,000-dwt, open in Singapore with spot dates, was fixed via Indonesia to China at $41,000. A 61,000-dwt, open in Tianjin end of March, was fixed for short period with worldwide redelivery at $42,000.
Lim Gordon
18.03.2022 kl 09:15
Nå ser det ut til at ingen er villige til å selge mer på dette nivået, da blir det spennende å se hva som skjer!
13.03.2022 kl 23:51
It was overall a strong week from Asia, the continued lack of prompt tonnage and strong backhaul demand resulted in some impressive rates being reported. A 56,000-dwt fixing delivery Indonesia redelivery China at $51,000.
Jinhui seiler denne ruten, da særlig med nickel som er brennhett om dagen!! Nå må markedet våkne, aksjen er skambillig!
Jinhui seiler denne ruten, da særlig med nickel som er brennhett om dagen!! Nå må markedet våkne, aksjen er skambillig!
10.03.2022 kl 17:29
Omsetning til Jin pleier å være litt jevn så som i dag, så får vi løft i aksjen og da blir det både kursøkning og langt større volum.
10.03.2022 kl 17:13
Leste igjennom årsrapporten til mitt største innehav: Western bulk chartering.
De tror sitat
"Overall, the supply and demand of the global dry bulk market is expected to be in broad balance in 2022while the Supramax and Handy sectors are likely to perform better than their larger peers. We are seeing returns on investments in operational provement, excellence in execution and data driven decision making. Based on how the year has started and the current market outlook,
the outlook for 2022 is promising."
Høres bra ut for mitt største innehav nr 2. Jinhui shipping
De tror sitat
"Overall, the supply and demand of the global dry bulk market is expected to be in broad balance in 2022while the Supramax and Handy sectors are likely to perform better than their larger peers. We are seeing returns on investments in operational provement, excellence in execution and data driven decision making. Based on how the year has started and the current market outlook,
the outlook for 2022 is promising."
Høres bra ut for mitt største innehav nr 2. Jinhui shipping
10.03.2022 kl 15:59
Beklager litt flåsete der. Joda jeg skal ikke skrive mer om JIN. Skomaker'n skal bli ved sin lest :-)
10.03.2022 kl 15:55
Nærmere 200 000 i volum så langt er ikke så mye, men betydelig mer enn tidligere i lavsesongen. Tror han må mene Bislet kebab kjeden.
Er Kjepet blitt kjepphøy? Burde han ikke heller holde seg til egen tråd enn å bruke tid på å disse børsens mest underprisede?
Er Kjepet blitt kjepphøy? Burde han ikke heller holde seg til egen tråd enn å bruke tid på å disse børsens mest underprisede?
10.03.2022 kl 15:46
Sjekket omsetningen til JIN. I forhold til Eagle Bulk Shipping Inc så minner omsetningen i JIN om en middels stor kebaksjappe i Oslo (i forhold til omsetning). Hvorfor er det ikke omsetning i JIN?
10.03.2022 kl 14:18
thypoon skrev Pacific RV $34,214 +$5071 Voldsomt trykk i supra!
To år til med supersyklus..
10.03.2022 kl 14:12
Pacific RV
$34,214 +$5071
Voldsomt trykk i supra!
$34,214 +$5071
Voldsomt trykk i supra!
Redigert 10.03.2022 kl 14:12
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09.03.2022 kl 22:21
In a market and world with a lot of a lot of uncertainty we saw this week further day of gains for the Panamax market with all routes yielding considerable returns. North appeared well supported with improved numbers reported especially for the shorter duration trips, further South something of a slower day but with SE Asia rates seeing sizeable jumps owners’ offers were said to be difficult to nail down. Further North in the Pacific, talk of some strong numbers being concluded on the NoPac runs for well described tonnage on good delivery positions, continued to improve sentiment and feeling here.
Some representative fixtures this week:
The Navios Southern Star (82,224/2013) Rotterdam 10/11 March was heard fixing for a transatlantic trip via US Gulf redelivery Skaw-Gibraltar at USD 21,500.
Nan Xin 27 (74,483/2006) was heard fixing a trip via EC South America redelivery Skaw-Passero option 4-6 months at USD 35,000 basis delivery APS EC South America 17 March alternatively USD 24,750 basis retro sailing Sunda 15 February.
Yasa H Mulla (83,482/2011) Gibraltar 8 March fixed clean, delivery aps NC South America redelivery Far East at USD 27,000 + USD 1.4mio ballast bonus with Norden.
The Ocean Legend (78,208/2020) Cai Mep 13-14 March was rumored fixed for a trip via Indonesia redelivery Japan at USD 45,000.
Last Friday K Line secured the CSK Unity (77,105/2015) Manila 11/13 March for a trip via Indonesia redelivery Japan at USD 40,000.
The Supra market continue to surge despite changing and challenging environment. Owners remain cautious reg trading CIS. However, there were talks about Ultra fixing CIS China coal round at USD 80,000. From the Atlantic, 55,000 dwt was covered for Med to Conakry at USD 16,000. 60,000 dwt open Vera Cruz concluded a trip from SW Pass redelivery Rotterdam with grains at USD 31,000. Clinker run to West Africa were done at USD 27,000 levels. From the Pacific, Ultramax open at Yosu was covered for trip via Indonesia redelivery West Coast India at USD 42,000. Other Ultramax open Gresik covered Indonesia to Thailand at USD 50,000. Still active talks around period; 57,000 dwt open East Med was fixed for sp at USD 24,000. 1-year for 58,000 dwt were discussed at high 20s
In a market and world with a lot of a lot of uncertainty we saw this week further day of gains for the Panamax market with all routes yielding considerable returns. North appeared well supported with improved numbers reported especially for the shorter duration trips, further South something of a slower day but with SE Asia rates seeing sizeable jumps owners’ offers were said to be difficult to nail down. Further North in the Pacific, talk of some strong numbers being concluded on the NoPac runs for well described tonnage on good delivery positions, continued to improve sentiment and feeling here.
Some representative fixtures this week:
The Navios Southern Star (82,224/2013) Rotterdam 10/11 March was heard fixing for a transatlantic trip via US Gulf redelivery Skaw-Gibraltar at USD 21,500.
Nan Xin 27 (74,483/2006) was heard fixing a trip via EC South America redelivery Skaw-Passero option 4-6 months at USD 35,000 basis delivery APS EC South America 17 March alternatively USD 24,750 basis retro sailing Sunda 15 February.
Yasa H Mulla (83,482/2011) Gibraltar 8 March fixed clean, delivery aps NC South America redelivery Far East at USD 27,000 + USD 1.4mio ballast bonus with Norden.
The Ocean Legend (78,208/2020) Cai Mep 13-14 March was rumored fixed for a trip via Indonesia redelivery Japan at USD 45,000.
Last Friday K Line secured the CSK Unity (77,105/2015) Manila 11/13 March for a trip via Indonesia redelivery Japan at USD 40,000.
The Supra market continue to surge despite changing and challenging environment. Owners remain cautious reg trading CIS. However, there were talks about Ultra fixing CIS China coal round at USD 80,000. From the Atlantic, 55,000 dwt was covered for Med to Conakry at USD 16,000. 60,000 dwt open Vera Cruz concluded a trip from SW Pass redelivery Rotterdam with grains at USD 31,000. Clinker run to West Africa were done at USD 27,000 levels. From the Pacific, Ultramax open at Yosu was covered for trip via Indonesia redelivery West Coast India at USD 42,000. Other Ultramax open Gresik covered Indonesia to Thailand at USD 50,000. Still active talks around period; 57,000 dwt open East Med was fixed for sp at USD 24,000. 1-year for 58,000 dwt were discussed at high 20s
09.03.2022 kl 12:02
teknisk går det mot brudd av opp av trendkanalen, etter 6 måneders konsolidering!
09.03.2022 kl 09:56
Rykte: Hong Kong based buyer Jinhui were report to be behind purchase of Hanton Trader II abt 64k blt 2014 Jiangsu Hantong (BWTS fitted) at $25.5 mln net to
Jin Cheng er også riktig tippet: SUPRA JIN CHENG 53,806 2004 NEW TIMES, China B&W Jan-24 4 X 40t CRANES $ 13.9m
Jin Cheng er også riktig tippet: SUPRA JIN CHENG 53,806 2004 NEW TIMES, China B&W Jan-24 4 X 40t CRANES $ 13.9m
Redigert 09.03.2022 kl 10:01
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09.03.2022 kl 09:38
Muffe skrev Noen er ikke interessert i at JIN skal over 14,-
ikke rart det.
jeg skulle også gjerne ha kjøpt Jin på 13 tallet- hvis jeg hadde hatt penger .
jeg skulle også gjerne ha kjøpt Jin på 13 tallet- hvis jeg hadde hatt penger .
08.03.2022 kl 18:14
Salgspris 13.9 milloner dollar og bokført verdi 7.9 millioner for skipet ETTER 2 oppskrivninger av skipsverdier. Dette viser jo i beste fall at noen av skipene er undervurdert i balansen. Det blir vel ca 74 prosent feil på det ene skipet. Da er egenkapitalen på 389 millioner dollar i anleggsmidler verdt over 600 milloner hvis dette salget kan bli brukt som et eksempel på hele flåten. Man bør dermed ikke være redd for at oppskrivningene ikke er riktige men at de er utrolig nok forsiktig oppskrevet. Denne aksjen er gratis vil jeg nesten si nå. I tillegg så raser ratene oppover i Stillehavet pluss at nikkel prisene dobler seg. Kansje vi kan få et rally i aksjen på slutten av uken.
Redigert 08.03.2022 kl 18:29
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08.03.2022 kl 17:02
Dette her er jo ett fantastisk stykke forretning 😎
Så ikke den komme📈
Så ikke den komme📈
08.03.2022 kl 15:53
Lim Gordon skrev Now we speak!
12 av skipene våre går for øyeblikket i nikkel-frakt mellom Filippinene og Kina, 2 av skipene er i Indonesia, som også leverer mye nikkel.
Endel av skipene våre har et lengre havne-opphold, ettersom det sannsynligvis utføres vedlikehold, og ettermontering av BWTS.
Endel av skipene våre har et lengre havne-opphold, ettersom det sannsynligvis utføres vedlikehold, og ettermontering av BWTS.
08.03.2022 kl 15:32
Det er Jin Cheng som er solgt, Jin Feng ble også kjøpt ifjor og er like gammel.
Vil tro Jin Feng, Jin Yao, og Atlantica vil bli solgt iløpet av året, ettersom disse er hhv. bygget i 2004, 2004, og 2001.
Vil tro Jin Feng, Jin Yao, og Atlantica vil bli solgt iløpet av året, ettersom disse er hhv. bygget i 2004, 2004, og 2001.
08.03.2022 kl 15:25
The Directors continuously review the prevailing market conditions of the shipping industry and
monitor and adjust the Group's fleet profile as appropriate. The Directors believe that the Disposal
will enable the Group to enhance its working capital position and further strengthen its liquidity, and
optimize the fleet profile through this ongoing management of asset portfolio.
- 3 -
Despite the recent improvement in shipping market, we continue to seek to fine tune the quality of
our fleet, in particularly in terms of seeking to lower the overall age profile of our fleet. We try to
strike as good as possible, the balance of additional maintenance costs that is associated with the
aging of a vessel, the expected revenue generating ability and cargo flexibility when compared to
younger vessels, the potential asset value appreciation of an asset, as well as the importance of
ensuring we are financially nimble by monetizing suitable assets. We believe in being prepared at all
times for future possible opportunities of redeployment of capital into other more suitable assets that
may arise going forward while keeping leverage at comfortable levels. The Disposal would result in
a book gain and generate positive cash inflow to boost its working capital and liquidity. We will
continuously monitor the market as well as our operations going forward and look out for
opportunities to maintain a reasonably modern and competitive fleet, not ruling out any future
disposal or acquisition of vessels and will make such decisions on an ad hoc basis to maintain a high
financial flexibility and operational competitiveness.
Before the completion of the Disposal, the Group currently owns two modern Post-Panamaxes and
twenty three modern grabs fitted Supramaxes including the Vessel. Total carrying capacity will be
reduced by 53,806 metric tons to 1,415,073 metric tons after the Disposal, and the Directors believe
that the Disposal will not have any material adverse effect on the operations of the Group.
The terms and conditions of the Agreement have been agreed on normal commercial terms following
arm’s length negotiations with reference to the prevailing market values. The Directors consider that
the Disposal represents an opportunity for the Group to readjust its fleet profile and reduce our
operational risk exposures in current high-risk volatile markets and the Disposal will improve the
liquidity position of the Group. The Directors consider that the terms and conditions of the
Agreement was concluded between a willing seller and willing buyer and concluded base on arm’s
length negotiations, the Directors consider such terms and conditions are fair and reasonable and
believe that the Disposal is in the interests of the Company and its shareholders as a whole.
The Directors continuously review the prevailing market conditions of the shipping industry and
monitor and adjust the Group's fleet profile as appropriate. The Directors believe that the Disposal
will enable the Group to enhance its working capital position and further strengthen its liquidity, and
optimize the fleet profile through this ongoing management of asset portfolio.
- 3 -
Despite the recent improvement in shipping market, we continue to seek to fine tune the quality of
our fleet, in particularly in terms of seeking to lower the overall age profile of our fleet. We try to
strike as good as possible, the balance of additional maintenance costs that is associated with the
aging of a vessel, the expected revenue generating ability and cargo flexibility when compared to
younger vessels, the potential asset value appreciation of an asset, as well as the importance of
ensuring we are financially nimble by monetizing suitable assets. We believe in being prepared at all
times for future possible opportunities of redeployment of capital into other more suitable assets that
may arise going forward while keeping leverage at comfortable levels. The Disposal would result in
a book gain and generate positive cash inflow to boost its working capital and liquidity. We will
continuously monitor the market as well as our operations going forward and look out for
opportunities to maintain a reasonably modern and competitive fleet, not ruling out any future
disposal or acquisition of vessels and will make such decisions on an ad hoc basis to maintain a high
financial flexibility and operational competitiveness.
Before the completion of the Disposal, the Group currently owns two modern Post-Panamaxes and
twenty three modern grabs fitted Supramaxes including the Vessel. Total carrying capacity will be
reduced by 53,806 metric tons to 1,415,073 metric tons after the Disposal, and the Directors believe
that the Disposal will not have any material adverse effect on the operations of the Group.
The terms and conditions of the Agreement have been agreed on normal commercial terms following
arm’s length negotiations with reference to the prevailing market values. The Directors consider that
the Disposal represents an opportunity for the Group to readjust its fleet profile and reduce our
operational risk exposures in current high-risk volatile markets and the Disposal will improve the
liquidity position of the Group. The Directors consider that the terms and conditions of the
Agreement was concluded between a willing seller and willing buyer and concluded base on arm’s
length negotiations, the Directors consider such terms and conditions are fair and reasonable and
believe that the Disposal is in the interests of the Company and its shareholders as a whole.
08.03.2022 kl 12:35
Fantastisk forretning !!
De har kjøpt båter ned byggeår ca 2010 til 17,5 mill $ og selger en med byggeår 2004 til 13,9 mill $.
De har altså kjøpt 6 års ekstra levetid til 3,6 mill $
Med dagens rater tjener de ca 7,2 mill $ i året på båtene.
Ps salgsprisen er ca NOK 1,15 pr aksje om de skulle velge å dele ut utbytte 😂
De har kjøpt båter ned byggeår ca 2010 til 17,5 mill $ og selger en med byggeår 2004 til 13,9 mill $.
De har altså kjøpt 6 års ekstra levetid til 3,6 mill $
Med dagens rater tjener de ca 7,2 mill $ i året på båtene.
Ps salgsprisen er ca NOK 1,15 pr aksje om de skulle velge å dele ut utbytte 😂
Redigert 08.03.2022 kl 12:37
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08.03.2022 kl 12:27
The Board of Jinhui Shipping and Transportation Limited (the 'Company') announces that a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company entered into a memorandum of agreement on 8 March 2022 for the disposal of a Supramax at a consideration of US$13,900,000.
08.03.2022 kl 12:22
kodenavn skrev solgt en gammel supra, 2004, med gevinst 6 MUSD
ding ding
utbytte i mai, og avhending av gammel balje med stor gevinst. Hva venter markedet på!??
utbytte i mai, og avhending av gammel balje med stor gevinst. Hva venter markedet på!??
Redigert 08.03.2022 kl 12:25
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