VOW 27.10.2021 kl 07:51 1906



Vow ASA : Vow Q3 : Robust and ready

Vow ASA reported stable revenues of NOK 97.8 million (NOK 299.4 year-to-date) in the third quarter, and an EBITDA margin of 8.3 per cent (9.5 per cent YTD). Restrictions relating to the Covid-19 pandemic were gradually lifted during the quarter and resulted in increased activity in the cruise industry and growth in the aftersales business. Vow has secured several milestone contracts in recent months, resulting in an all-time high current order backlog of NOK 2.1 billion including options. "At the same time, we have consistently built capacity. Since early 2020, we have increased our workforce with more than 30 per cent, invested time and resources to develop our business and strategic partnership, and increased our financial strength. Vow is robust and ready for the upturn," said Henrik Badin, CEO of Vow ASA. The order backlog currently stands at NOK 1 284 million, up from NOK 952 million at the start of the year. Vow secured several contracts in cruise in the third quarter which ensures good visibility into 2025/26. In Landbased, the company received confirmation of a purchase order for delivery of process equipment and engineering support to Vow Green Metals valued at NOK 215 million. In addition to the firm backlog, shipowners have placed options on the newbuild series being equipped with Scanship systems amounting to a record-high NOK 849 million in likely future revenues related to the Projects Cruise segment. "As predicted, the cruise industry is bouncing back after the pandemic, welcoming guests back on their ships, and with that comes increased demand for our Aftersales services. Meanwhile, ship upgrades and fleet renewals continue to provide a sound platform for our Cruise Project business," said Badin. "We are also eyeing a new normal for Vow with increased activity in our Landbased business. The third quarter this year will be remembered for the listing of Vow Green Metals, and Vow's start of construction of equipment that will go into Vow Green Metals' biocarbon production plant in Norway, the largest of its kind in Europe," Badin added. Outlook Vow continues to support its customers in their quest to decarbonise their value chains and become more environmentally sustainable. Activity in the cruise industry is increasing as society opens up, and Vow remains confident about the long-term market outlook for its cruise related operations. These growth prospects are supported by increasing demand for solutions for cleaner oceans. Segment Aftersales started the return to growth in the third quarter as more and more cruise ships are returning to normal operations with restrictions related to Covid-19 gradually being lifted. As an increasing share of cruise ships are delivered with Vow systems, the aftersales market is growing, and Vow remains positive about the long-term market opportunities for Aftersales. Vow continues to make investments in the Landbased segment to support growth and profitability going forward and is working closely with its valued customers and partners to refine technology and solutions. At 09:00 CEST today, the company's CEO Henrik Badin will present the results live at Haakon VII's gate 2, 0161 Oslo. Participants are welcome to join in person or to follow the presentation via livestream. The stream will also be available for replay after the event. Use the following link to follow the presentation via livestream: https://channel.royalcast.com/landingpage/hegnarmedia/20211027_7/ Attachments (see link at end of document) Q3 2021 Update - report Q3 2021 Update - presentation For more information, please contact Henrik Badin, CEO, Vow ASA Tel: + 47 90 78 98 25 Email: henrik.badin@vowasa.com Erik Magelssen, CFO, Vow ASA Tel: +47 928 88 728 Email: erik.magelssen@vowasa.com

Redigert 27.10.2021 kl 07:59 Du må logge inn for å svare
27.10.2021 kl 09:16 1332

For en gjeng. Her må man klare å se litt frem i tid.

Og før handelen lå på 27,- og vi raser ned under 26,- etter den rapporten. Tjener penger, enorm ordrereserve, nei her er det bare å komme seg ut for her er aksjonærene helt ut på gjordet. Er vel bedre å komme seg inn i et luftslott hvor ting hauses opp uten substans :) :)
27.10.2021 kl 09:07 1395

Dette var litt skuffende (fra rapporten):

In February 2021, Vow announced an agreement with Betula Energy which, subject to
financing, could lead to an order for delivery of various process equipment. The potential order
was not included in Vow’s order intake or backlog. At the time of reporting, Betula Energy has
not confirmed financing, and Vow understands that the company is contemplating a scaleddown plant without equipment from Vow
27.10.2021 kl 08:55 1473

Den utvidelsen de nå har utført ,gjort klar for videre oppgang er helt klart meget positivt. Dette gjøres ikke uten grunn. Rimelig sikker på at det kommer en tung ordre snart. Vi får se
27.10.2021 kl 08:25 1661

Drukner nok i Equinor og Elkem sine ,litt annen klasse der , ennå :-)
Fokuset vil nok være på nedgang i resultat i stedet for hvorfor , VOW vokser med en sunn vekst i ett stigende marked med sterk å stigene etterspørsel inne de fleste segment .
Tror ikke markedet jubler , vil nok bli adskillig bedre etterhvert ,VOW er en potensiell uslepen diamant , prisingen kommer nok etterhvert :-)
27.10.2021 kl 08:11 1780

Dette er stødig og ikke overaskende. Så lenge de bygger kapasitet i landbasert så vil totalen lide inntil crusie er back on track.
Nå er det bare å håpe og vente på den andre "store" ordren i landbasert. Der er det vi skal ha den største veksten fram mot 2025.
Slettet bruker
27.10.2021 kl 08:06 1840

Positiv omtale av en stort sett positiv rapport. Blir interessant å se hvordan markedet reagerer på dette.