President Biden Announces the Build Back Better Framework
President Biden Announces the Build Back Better Framework
Specifically, the Build Back Better framework will:
Deliver substantial consumer rebates and ensure middle class families save money as they shift to clean energy and electrification. The consumer rebates and credits included in the Build Back Better framework will save the average American family hundreds of dollars per year in energy costs. These measures include enhancement and expansion of existing home energy and efficiency tax credits, as well as the creation of a new, electrification-focused rebate program. The framework will cut the cost of installing rooftop solar for a home by around 30 percent, shortening the payback period by around 5 years; and the framework’s electric vehicle tax credit will lower the cost of an electric vehicle that is made in America with American materials and union labor by $12,500 for a middle-class family. In addition, the framework will help rural communities tap into the clean energy opportunity through targeted grants and loans through the Department of Agriculture.
Ensure clean energy technology – from wind turbine blades to solar panels to electric cars – will be built in the United States with American made steel and other materials, creating hundreds of thousands of good jobs here at home. The Build Back Better legislation will target incentives to grow domestic supply chains in solar, wind, and other critical industries in communities on the frontlines of the energy transition. In addition, the framework will boost the competitiveness of existing industries, like steel, cement, and aluminum, through grants, loans, tax credits, and procurement to drive capital investment in the decarbonization and revitalization of American manufacturing.
Advance environmental justice through a new Clean Energy and Sustainability Accelerator that will invest in projects around the country, while delivering 40% of the benefits of investment to disadvantaged communities, as part of the President’s Justice40 initiative. The framework will also fund port electrification; facilitate the deployment of cleaner transit, buses, and trucks; and support critical community capacity building, including grants to environmental justice communities. In addition, the framework will create a new Civilian Climate Corps – with over 300,000 members that look like America. This diverse new workforce will conserve our public lands, bolster community resilience, and address the changing climate, all while putting good-paying union jobs within reach for more Americans.
OCTOBER 28, 2021
[Showing the text of H.R. 5376, as reported by the Committee]
OCTOBER 29, 2021
SIDE 1320 -> SIDE 1321
NOVEMBER 3, 2021
SIDE 1561 -> SIDE 1562
‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—
‘‘(1) ALLOWANCE OF CREDIT.—For purposes of section 38, the advanced manufacturing production credit for any taxable year is an amount equal to the sum of the credit amounts determined under sub13 section (b) with respect to each eligible component which is— ‘
‘(A) produced by such taxpayer, and
‘‘(B) during the taxable year, sold by the taxpayer to an unrelated person. ‘‘
(2) PRODUCTION AND SALE MUST BE IN TRADE OR BUSINESS.—Any eligible component pro20 duced and sold by the taxpayer shall be taken into account only if the production and sale described in paragraph (1) is in a trade or business of the tax23 payer. ‘‘(3) UNRELATED PERSON.—For purposes of this subsection, a taxpayer shall be treated as selling components to an unrelated person if such compo nent is sold to such person by a person related to the taxpayer.
‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—Subject to paragraph (3), the amount determined under this subsection with respect to any eligible component, including any eli gible component it incorporates, shall be equal to—
‘‘(C) in the case of solar grade polysilicon, $3 per kilogram,
Preliminary Estimates Show Build Back Better Legislation Will Reduce Deficits
NOVEMBER 4, 2021
The Build Back Better Act invests meaningfully in American families and workers, while laying the foundation for meeting imperative climate goals. When the President released the Build Back Better framework last week, he proposed $2 trillion in savings that would more than pay for the critical investments in the legislation – and in fact generate net deficit reduction. With the release of the text of the Build Back Better Act in the House and scoring from the Joint Committee on Taxation, we can update the estimate of fiscal savings.
The legislation would, as the President proposed, generate more than $2 trillion in savings. These savings come from ensuring large multinational corporations and wealthy Americans pay their fair share and reducing the cost of prescription drugs. These provisions will not raise taxes on any taxpayer making less than $400,000.
The table below includes the latest estimates by the Joint Committee on Taxation, Congressional Budget Office, and the Treasury Department of the revenue raising and savings provisions in the bill. The bottom line is that the Build Back Better Act under consideration in the House of Representatives will be fully paid for and reduce the deficit.
Estimated Budgetary Effects of Title I, Committee on Agriculture, H.R. 5376, the Build Back Better Act
NOVEMBER 15, 2021
Estimated Budgetary Effects of Title II, Committee on Education and Labor, H.R. 5376, the Build Back Better Act
NOVEMBER 17, 2021
Estimated Budgetary Effects of Title III, Committee on Energy and Commerce, H.R. 5376, the Build Back Better Act
NOVEMBER 18, 2021
Estimated Budgetary Effects of Title IV, Committee on Financial Services, H.R. 5376, the Build Back Better Act
NOVEMBER 15, 2021
Estimated Budgetary Effects of Title IV, Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, for the Senate Amendment to H.R. 5376, the Build Back Better Act
DECEMBER 8, 2021
Estimated Budgetary Effects of Title V, Committee on Homeland Security, H.R. 5376, the Build Back Better Act
NOVEMBER 10, 2021
Estimated Budgetary Effects of Title VI, Committee on the Judiciary, H.R. 5376, the Build Back Better Act
NOVEMBER 18, 2021
Estimated Budgetary Effects of Title VII, Committee on Natural Resources, H.R. 5376, the Build Back Better Act
NOVEMBER 17, 2021
Estimated Budgetary Effects of Title VIII, Committee on Oversight and Reform, H.R. 5376, the Build Back Better Act
NOVEMBER 12, 2021
Estimated Budgetary Effects of Title VIII, Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, for the Senate Amendment to H.R. 5376, the Build Back Better Act
DECEMBER 8, 2021
Estimated Budgetary Effects of Title IX, Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, H.R. 5376, the Build Back Better Act
NOVEMBER 10, 2021
Estimated Budgetary Effects of Title X, Committee on Small Business, H.R. 5376, the Build Back Better Act
NOVEMBER 10, 2021
Estimated Budgetary Effects of Title X, Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship, for the Senate Amendment to H.R. 5376, the Build Back Better Act
DECEMBER 8, 2021
Estimated Budgetary Effects of Title XI, Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, H.R. 5376, the Build Back Better Act
NOVEMBER 12, 2021
Estimated Budgetary Effects of Title XI, Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, for the Senate Amendment to H.R. 5376, the Build Back Better Act
DECEMBER 8, 2021
Estimated Budgetary Effects of Title XII, Committee on Veterans Affairs, H.R. 5376, Build Back Better Act
NOVEMBER 10, 2021
Estimated Budgetary Effects of Title XIII, Committee on Ways and Means, H.R. 5376, the Build Back Better Act
NOVEMBER 18, 2021
Specifically, the Build Back Better framework will:
Deliver substantial consumer rebates and ensure middle class families save money as they shift to clean energy and electrification. The consumer rebates and credits included in the Build Back Better framework will save the average American family hundreds of dollars per year in energy costs. These measures include enhancement and expansion of existing home energy and efficiency tax credits, as well as the creation of a new, electrification-focused rebate program. The framework will cut the cost of installing rooftop solar for a home by around 30 percent, shortening the payback period by around 5 years; and the framework’s electric vehicle tax credit will lower the cost of an electric vehicle that is made in America with American materials and union labor by $12,500 for a middle-class family. In addition, the framework will help rural communities tap into the clean energy opportunity through targeted grants and loans through the Department of Agriculture.
Ensure clean energy technology – from wind turbine blades to solar panels to electric cars – will be built in the United States with American made steel and other materials, creating hundreds of thousands of good jobs here at home. The Build Back Better legislation will target incentives to grow domestic supply chains in solar, wind, and other critical industries in communities on the frontlines of the energy transition. In addition, the framework will boost the competitiveness of existing industries, like steel, cement, and aluminum, through grants, loans, tax credits, and procurement to drive capital investment in the decarbonization and revitalization of American manufacturing.
Advance environmental justice through a new Clean Energy and Sustainability Accelerator that will invest in projects around the country, while delivering 40% of the benefits of investment to disadvantaged communities, as part of the President’s Justice40 initiative. The framework will also fund port electrification; facilitate the deployment of cleaner transit, buses, and trucks; and support critical community capacity building, including grants to environmental justice communities. In addition, the framework will create a new Civilian Climate Corps – with over 300,000 members that look like America. This diverse new workforce will conserve our public lands, bolster community resilience, and address the changing climate, all while putting good-paying union jobs within reach for more Americans.
OCTOBER 28, 2021
[Showing the text of H.R. 5376, as reported by the Committee]
OCTOBER 29, 2021
SIDE 1320 -> SIDE 1321
NOVEMBER 3, 2021
SIDE 1561 -> SIDE 1562
‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—
‘‘(1) ALLOWANCE OF CREDIT.—For purposes of section 38, the advanced manufacturing production credit for any taxable year is an amount equal to the sum of the credit amounts determined under sub13 section (b) with respect to each eligible component which is— ‘
‘(A) produced by such taxpayer, and
‘‘(B) during the taxable year, sold by the taxpayer to an unrelated person. ‘‘
(2) PRODUCTION AND SALE MUST BE IN TRADE OR BUSINESS.—Any eligible component pro20 duced and sold by the taxpayer shall be taken into account only if the production and sale described in paragraph (1) is in a trade or business of the tax23 payer. ‘‘(3) UNRELATED PERSON.—For purposes of this subsection, a taxpayer shall be treated as selling components to an unrelated person if such compo nent is sold to such person by a person related to the taxpayer.
‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—Subject to paragraph (3), the amount determined under this subsection with respect to any eligible component, including any eli gible component it incorporates, shall be equal to—
‘‘(C) in the case of solar grade polysilicon, $3 per kilogram,
Preliminary Estimates Show Build Back Better Legislation Will Reduce Deficits
NOVEMBER 4, 2021
The Build Back Better Act invests meaningfully in American families and workers, while laying the foundation for meeting imperative climate goals. When the President released the Build Back Better framework last week, he proposed $2 trillion in savings that would more than pay for the critical investments in the legislation – and in fact generate net deficit reduction. With the release of the text of the Build Back Better Act in the House and scoring from the Joint Committee on Taxation, we can update the estimate of fiscal savings.
The legislation would, as the President proposed, generate more than $2 trillion in savings. These savings come from ensuring large multinational corporations and wealthy Americans pay their fair share and reducing the cost of prescription drugs. These provisions will not raise taxes on any taxpayer making less than $400,000.
The table below includes the latest estimates by the Joint Committee on Taxation, Congressional Budget Office, and the Treasury Department of the revenue raising and savings provisions in the bill. The bottom line is that the Build Back Better Act under consideration in the House of Representatives will be fully paid for and reduce the deficit.
Estimated Budgetary Effects of Title I, Committee on Agriculture, H.R. 5376, the Build Back Better Act
NOVEMBER 15, 2021
Estimated Budgetary Effects of Title II, Committee on Education and Labor, H.R. 5376, the Build Back Better Act
NOVEMBER 17, 2021
Estimated Budgetary Effects of Title III, Committee on Energy and Commerce, H.R. 5376, the Build Back Better Act
NOVEMBER 18, 2021
NOVEMBER 15, 2021
Estimated Budgetary Effects of Title IV, Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, for the Senate Amendment to H.R. 5376, the Build Back Better Act
DECEMBER 8, 2021
Estimated Budgetary Effects of Title V, Committee on Homeland Security, H.R. 5376, the Build Back Better Act
NOVEMBER 10, 2021
Estimated Budgetary Effects of Title VI, Committee on the Judiciary, H.R. 5376, the Build Back Better Act
NOVEMBER 18, 2021
Estimated Budgetary Effects of Title VII, Committee on Natural Resources, H.R. 5376, the Build Back Better Act
NOVEMBER 17, 2021
NOVEMBER 12, 2021
Estimated Budgetary Effects of Title VIII, Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, for the Senate Amendment to H.R. 5376, the Build Back Better Act
DECEMBER 8, 2021
Estimated Budgetary Effects of Title IX, Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, H.R. 5376, the Build Back Better Act
NOVEMBER 10, 2021
NOVEMBER 10, 2021
Estimated Budgetary Effects of Title X, Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship, for the Senate Amendment to H.R. 5376, the Build Back Better Act
DECEMBER 8, 2021
NOVEMBER 12, 2021
Estimated Budgetary Effects of Title XI, Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, for the Senate Amendment to H.R. 5376, the Build Back Better Act
DECEMBER 8, 2021
Estimated Budgetary Effects of Title XII, Committee on Veterans Affairs, H.R. 5376, Build Back Better Act
NOVEMBER 10, 2021
Estimated Budgetary Effects of Title XIII, Committee on Ways and Means, H.R. 5376, the Build Back Better Act
NOVEMBER 18, 2021
Redigert 09.12.2021 kl 20:27
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28.10.2021 kl 19:20
Nsxnsx skrev Sanders ??? Lever han enda ?? :) :)
I beste velgående. Direkte intervju på CNN.
Var vel Sanders som hadde egne samtaler med Manchin for å få Manchin på bedre tanker og blir med og få pakkene gjennom? Merkelig at han selv nå skal bli den som kan velte dette.
28.10.2021 kl 19:28
På FA akkurat nå:
"Lover 104.000 kroner i skattefradrag ved kjøp av elbil
Joe Biden la frem sin pakke for klimatiltak og sosial reform."
"Lover 104.000 kroner i skattefradrag ved kjøp av elbil
Joe Biden la frem sin pakke for klimatiltak og sosial reform."
Det er den dårligste oppsummeringen av pakken, jeg noensinne har lest. FA gjør alt for å ikke nevne noe positivt for REC.
28.10.2021 kl 19:55
Dette er positivt. I tillegg til at elektriske biler er det virkelig store for Group14 og dermed ML så lønner det seg med amerikansk produsert. Hvis man leser litt mer nøye går gis det blant annet 500 usd til hver bil som har amerikansk produserte batterier. Det sannsynliggjør en raskere oppstart av group14 sine planer i Washington.
Ja her kan man si at vi sikter inn fremtiden. Spennende høst/vintersesong ;-) Hold på godsakene folkens!
28.10.2021 kl 20:40
Tror ikke det vil gå så veldig lenge før vi hører noe fra REC og Group14 etter denne utviklingen.
28.10.2021 kl 20:50
Dette lover veldig bra, lunta er tent, fredag i morra og hold på aksjene🚀☀️🍾
Redigert 28.10.2021 kl 21:03
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Vær ikke overrasket hvis vi tar heisen ned igjen i 1 etasje i morgen. Usikkerheten om de vil lande disse pakkene skal utnyttes til sitt fulle.
28.10.2021 kl 21:03
Jepp. Nå går Sanders sterkt ut, så det skal skvises og spilles litt mer, desverre. Lurer på hvor lenge de kan holde på slikt, blir jo bare sirkus!
28.10.2021 kl 21:13
Bullinvestor skrev Dette lover veldig bra, lunta er tent, fredag i morra og hold på aksjene🚀☀️🍾
28.10.2021 kl 21:19
Er sånn sett forståelig at han er misfornøyd, blir mye kutting i helsesektoren,så skjønner han der. Kjedelig for oss aksjonærer da.
Ja , barnehage , demokratene ødelegger for seg selve nå.
Liberals defy Pelosi, say they'll block infrastructure bill
Liberals on Thursday vowed to block a popular infrastructure bill — a central piece of President Biden’s domestic agenda — just hours after the president urged their support and Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) announced plans to bring the bipartisan proposal to the House floor for a vote the same day.
Another progressive, Rep. Steve Cohen (D-Tenn.), predicted the infrastructure bill would still come to the floor on Thursday but that it will fail.
Liberals defy Pelosi, say they'll block infrastructure bill
Liberals on Thursday vowed to block a popular infrastructure bill — a central piece of President Biden’s domestic agenda — just hours after the president urged their support and Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) announced plans to bring the bipartisan proposal to the House floor for a vote the same day.
Another progressive, Rep. Steve Cohen (D-Tenn.), predicted the infrastructure bill would still come to the floor on Thursday but that it will fail.
Redigert 28.10.2021 kl 21:21
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28.10.2021 kl 21:46
Med så mye støy det er her inne nå med ukorrekt informasjon/feiltolkninger så forventer jeg en liten drop ved børsstart imorgen før større aktører vil sluke alt som er av billige aksjer.
Dette ser så jævlig lovende ut for å si det mildt.
Dette ser så jævlig lovende ut for å si det mildt.
28.10.2021 kl 22:01
Helt enig med deg. At noen i det hele tatt kan tro at fornybartoget kan stoppes lenger, er meg helt ubegripelig. Politikerne får leke politikk, men Utviklingen går bare en vei, og det er fremover. Ingen kan stoppe dette lenger.
Den største finanspakken som adresserer klima og sosiale forhold i verdens største økonomi er snart vedtatt. Dette i en verden hvor de fleste seriøse vitenskapsmenn sier at klokka er fem på 12. At 550 Mrd Dollar i dette programmet er avsatt til klima forhold og at man hadde ambisjoner om mye mer synes herr Haugen å gått hus forbi. Pinlig.... meget pinlig. At Hegnar ikke sparker en slik middelshavfarer er underlig. OG, som norsk finanspresse, hva kan Bidens pakke kunne bety for norske bedrifter.... ingen ting å melde. Kanskje var Haugen redaktør i ei russeavis i 1975, men dette duger ikke. Meeeget pinlig, igjen. Hegnar, det finnes lesere som etterspør kvalitet!
Ser forøvrig på tråder hvor man må kvalifisere seg for å få tillgang ikke vet forskjellen mellom billioner og trillioner avhengig av om man "snakker" engelsk eller europeisk....
Ser forøvrig på tråder hvor man må kvalifisere seg for å få tillgang ikke vet forskjellen mellom billioner og trillioner avhengig av om man "snakker" engelsk eller europeisk....
Redigert 28.10.2021 kl 22:35
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Dropp å dropp, hvem i himmelens Nav vil droppe sine aksjer så nær målstreken, er jo bare lommerusk som gjennstår for Rec, etter årevis med venting.
Mener du virkelig aktører vil droppe og gå glitt av stor oppside for å spare ei krone eller en 50 øring for at penne strøket tar noen dager lengre tid?
Tja, hvem vet.
Har angrer i flere dager på at jeg ikke kjøpte mer for noen dager tilbake, så faller det passer det meg personlig kjempe bra, men tror lite på det.
Faller det vil store aktører trolig hugge innpå og kjøpe med begge hender.
Mener du virkelig aktører vil droppe og gå glitt av stor oppside for å spare ei krone eller en 50 øring for at penne strøket tar noen dager lengre tid?
Tja, hvem vet.
Har angrer i flere dager på at jeg ikke kjøpte mer for noen dager tilbake, så faller det passer det meg personlig kjempe bra, men tror lite på det.
Faller det vil store aktører trolig hugge innpå og kjøpe med begge hender.
Redigert 28.10.2021 kl 22:31
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Clean Robber
28.10.2021 kl 22:38
Biden kan jo ikke først re-innmelde USA i parisavtalen for så å komme å si at de skal fortsette å fyre med køl og å importere alternativene fra Kina. Hold på aksjene nå.
Det finnes 1000+ prosjekter som avventer nye rammebetingelser før de besluttes. Vi skal trende pent opp nå.
Det finnes 1000+ prosjekter som avventer nye rammebetingelser før de besluttes. Vi skal trende pent opp nå.
28.10.2021 kl 22:47
Har som sagt i overkant mye aksjer i den her, men skulle det bli et lite dropp så blir fristelsen for stor til å la være å fylle på enda litt mer 😉 men tror ikke på noe dropp. Har aldri vært nærmere å bli multi m...... slik jeg ser det 👍🍾 meeen har tatt feil før...
Redigert 28.10.2021 kl 22:48
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28.10.2021 kl 22:49
Hvorfor forventer flere dropp i morgen? Sol i USA er opp og flere grønne aksjer er opp. Vil heller tro at Voleon benytter muligheten til å dekke inn noe mere
28.10.2021 kl 22:53
Lollo skrev I beste velgående. Direkte intervju på CNN.
I know....Men i beste velgående er vel å ta hardt i 🤣🤣
28.10.2021 kl 23:33
Dette er ingen vedtatt avtale. Jeg håper, men se siste nytt fra CNN:
Following meeting with Sinema, Jayapal still says she’s a no on infrastructure bill today
From CNN's Lauren Fox and Annie Grayer
After a meeting with moderate Democratic Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, Rep. Pramila Jayapal, the head of the progressive caucus, told CNN she is still unchanged and would vote against the infrastructure bill if it came to the House floor today.
Dette er ingen vedtatt avtale. Jeg håper, men se siste nytt fra CNN:
Following meeting with Sinema, Jayapal still says she’s a no on infrastructure bill today
From CNN's Lauren Fox and Annie Grayer
After a meeting with moderate Democratic Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, Rep. Pramila Jayapal, the head of the progressive caucus, told CNN she is still unchanged and would vote against the infrastructure bill if it came to the House floor today.
Dette er typisk politikk. Tegn på at det fremdeles må forhandles før alle parter er helt enige. Jeg ser på dette som utelukkende positivt. Biden har gått ut med sitt ord og det samme gjelder The White House. Nå gjenstår de siste forhandlingene og finpussingen. Kun snakk om litt tid til så vil hele verden være nødt til å anerkjenne det.
Fornybart er fremtiden og REC har mulighetene til å bli et gigantisk merkenavn innenfor fornybart ettersom de produserer produktene som blir brukt for blant annet batteri og sol industrien. Jeg spår at de siste månedene for året vil være veldig spennende på både makro og mikro nivå.
Langsiktig håper jeg at Røkke utnytter mulighetene innenfor AKH porteføljen og det er en god grunn for at han er styreleder for REC. Jeg håper at årsaken bak 20% emisjon fullmakt er for vekst og ekspansjon og jeg håper virkelig at dette utnyttes. Spennende tider er i vente, mine venner.
Fornybart er fremtiden og REC har mulighetene til å bli et gigantisk merkenavn innenfor fornybart ettersom de produserer produktene som blir brukt for blant annet batteri og sol industrien. Jeg spår at de siste månedene for året vil være veldig spennende på både makro og mikro nivå.
Langsiktig håper jeg at Røkke utnytter mulighetene innenfor AKH porteføljen og det er en god grunn for at han er styreleder for REC. Jeg håper at årsaken bak 20% emisjon fullmakt er for vekst og ekspansjon og jeg håper virkelig at dette utnyttes. Spennende tider er i vente, mine venner.
Fordi det tradisjonelt sett er mye trading i papiret og utnyttelse av usikkerhet(selv om det meste er ganske sikkert).
Tipper handelen åpner på 15,- og går så de første 5 til 10 minuttene opp til 15.20, for så å bli dumpet nedover til 14.50 /14.40 ved bunn rundt kl 10.30. Utover dagen stiger den sakte men sikkert opp til 14,90-15,00 der vi tar helg. Volumet blir moderat med ca. 8 millioner aksjer omsatt.
Og Voleon dekker fortsatt ikke inn.
Tipper handelen åpner på 15,- og går så de første 5 til 10 minuttene opp til 15.20, for så å bli dumpet nedover til 14.50 /14.40 ved bunn rundt kl 10.30. Utover dagen stiger den sakte men sikkert opp til 14,90-15,00 der vi tar helg. Volumet blir moderat med ca. 8 millioner aksjer omsatt.
Og Voleon dekker fortsatt ikke inn.
Redigert 29.10.2021 kl 00:26
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Vi tåler litt opp og ned to tre uker til. Litt synd at Biden stresset å få ferdig avtalen før han skulle på europaturne, aksjen skal nok trades litt til før den fortsetter ferden opp, får trade litt på svingene igjen, og som nevnt ovenfor så må en ikke bli sjokkert om den skal litt ned igjen. REC melder ikke gjenåpning av ML før alle detaljene i miljø delen av pakken er endelig.
29.10.2021 kl 06:30
[Showing the text of H.R. 5376, as reported by the Committee]
OCTOBER 29, 2021
[Showing the text of H.R. 5376, as reported by the Committee]
OCTOBER 29, 2021
29.10.2021 kl 06:33
US House unveils new reconciliation bill loaded with climate, clean energy money
OCTOBER 28, 2021
OCTOBER 28, 2021
29.10.2021 kl 07:38
Nydelig manman01 🤩
Along with multiyear extensions to existing clean energy tax credits, the legislation provides incentives for the manufacturing of clean energy components. For instance, it would provide tax credits for U.S.-made thin-film and crystalline silicon solar cells, solar wafers, solar modules, and polysilicon, which is a key ingredient in most solar panels.
Along with multiyear extensions to existing clean energy tax credits, the legislation provides incentives for the manufacturing of clean energy components. For instance, it would provide tax credits for U.S.-made thin-film and crystalline silicon solar cells, solar wafers, solar modules, and polysilicon, which is a key ingredient in most solar panels.
29.10.2021 kl 07:45
Så er jo det store spørsmålet nå: når blir pakken vedtatt? Hvis politikerne faktisk vil bidra til en grønn vekst og forandring. Og hva skal Biden gjøre under klimamøtet? For pr nå foreligger det jo ingen avtale, kun en skisse.
29.10.2021 kl 08:00
Snart, senest 1-2 uker vil jeg tro. Det er altfor mye politisk prestisje og press nå til at dette ikke kommer til å gå igjennom.
29.10.2021 kl 08:05
Det er ikke snakk om 2-3 uker til. De skriver ferdig pakke nr. 2 i løpet av helgen, så stemmes det over begge pakkene i neste uke.
29.10.2021 kl 08:09
Så blir det jo spennende å se om pakken får flertall og alle stemmer for.
29.10.2021 kl 08:14
Ingen tvil om at disse pakkene i en eller annen form blir vedtatt. Er det så farlig å vente noen dager til.
29.10.2021 kl 08:35
Er det noe shorterne vet å utnytte maksimalt så er det usikkerhet…. Be aware!!!
29.10.2021 kl 08:40
Kan bli dramatisk idag - begge veier. Skal bli interessant å se hvilken vei vi tar idag.
29.10.2021 kl 08:40
Dette blir vedtatt, glem alt annet. REC skal reprises, vilkårene er endret.
Er jo bare å se haussingen som foregikk her inne i går. Snakk om å selge skinnet før bjørnen er skutt.
Blir spennende å se om shorterne dekker inn i dag mens de enda har sjansen. Pakkene blir godkjent det vet vi alle noe annet er utelukket for USA . Spillet er snart over og da er det for sent for short:))
29.10.2021 kl 09:08
manman01 skrev Eller hvad? (;
Tror ikke vi skal mye ned i dag. ser bra ut det her 👍
29.10.2021 kl 09:10
Dette har du tydelig ret i - indtil videre ((:
Tog mig et lille frustrationskøb lige under 15 - så må vi se (:
Tog mig et lille frustrationskøb lige under 15 - så må vi se (:
29.10.2021 kl 09:38
Rep. Veronica Escobar (D-Texas), a senior whip for the Congressional Progressive Caucus, argued that Biden’s Build Back Better framework won a critical endorsement from the roughly 100-member CPC and that progressives and moderates significantly narrowed their differences, agreeing which key policy provisions were in or out.
“It is going to make a deep and lasting impact on families in economically disadvantaged communities like mine. And the amount between infrastructure and the framework for climate change — that amount combined is nearly $1 trillion,” Escobar, who represents El Paso, told The Hill.
“I think the president should embrace this as a victory,” she said, “because what he got from the Progressive Caucus was an endorsement of the framework and a commitment that we will help him get those bills across the finish line with our votes.”
--Updated at 8:38 p.m.
“It is going to make a deep and lasting impact on families in economically disadvantaged communities like mine. And the amount between infrastructure and the framework for climate change — that amount combined is nearly $1 trillion,” Escobar, who represents El Paso, told The Hill.
“I think the president should embrace this as a victory,” she said, “because what he got from the Progressive Caucus was an endorsement of the framework and a commitment that we will help him get those bills across the finish line with our votes.”
--Updated at 8:38 p.m.