Hexagon Purus - Norges grønne vekstmonster!

Rect Angel
HPUR 04.11.2021 kl 10:08 61485

NB NB!! OPPDATERT 17.08.2022

LINK TIL WEBCAST FRA Q2 2022, lagt 09.08.22 nederst i trådstart.

NB! Har endret overskriften på tråden fra 'hydrogenbomben' til 'Norges grønne vekstmonster' da 'hydrogenbomben` som selvsagt var humoristisk ment, nå likevel føles upassende og gir assosiasjoner til krig som vi nå dessverre ser utspiller seg i Europa. Også litt misvisende fordi Hexagon Purus i løpet av den siste måneden har landet EN KONTRAKT VERDT HELT UTROLIGE 9 MILLIARDER NOK OM LEVERING AV BATTERIPAKKER TIL USA-BASERTE HINO MOTORS, 100% EID AV DEN GLOBALE GIGANTEN TOYOTA. Så her er vi altså vitner til monstervekst både innen hydrogen og batterielektrikk.

NB2! Har også lagt inn link til webcast fra Q4 2021 presentasjonen 15.februar nederst i trådstart. Mektig! Så gå for all del ikke glipp av dette! Must see!

21.06.2022. Lagt til linker nederst til webcast Q1 2022 og CAPITAL MARKETS DAY samme dag.

Så webcasten fra Q3 2021 tirsdag (02.11.2021) for andre gang i går kveld. Denne gang i fred og fordragelighet. Du verden!

Vil ikke si stort mer, for enhver må selv sette seg inn i tingene og gjøre opp sin egen mening når det gjelder investering, men denne historien bør flest mulig asolutt gjøre seg kjent med, og gjør man det ved å se webcasten fra tirsdag samt evetuelt leser seg litt opp, kan jeg egentlig love at man raskt vil se tegningen. Direkte imponerende av CEO Morten Holum å holde en så nøktern og avdempet tone når man har et slikt budskap som her å bringe til torgs. Vi snakker skaleringsmuligheter og veksteksplosjon nesten hinsides det fattbare.

Det nylige oppkjøpet av tyske Wystrach tror jeg bestemt er en genistrek. Tankene tar også en tur sånn litt 10 år tilbake i tid da Tomra Systems stod i ca. 30 kroner og kjøpte det tyske selskapet Tritech, nå Tomra Sorting Solutions...

Vel bekomme!




OPPDATERING 04.03.2022:

Det tok sin tid, men da har jeg omsider også sett Q4 2021 presentasjon. For et overveldende budskap CEO Morten Holum bringer til torgs her. Fantastisk! Allerede nå har f.eks. altså Hexagon Purus allerede veldig mye av guidet 2025-omsetning på 4 - 5 milliarder NOK i ordreboken! Og massevis av annet i pipeline! Det som skjer her er bare så utrolig imponerende. Ja, helt overveldende. Voila!


OPPDATERING 21.06.2022:

Webcasts fra Q1 2022 og CAPITAL MARKETS DAY 2022 samme dag, 10.05.2022



Webcast fra Q2 2022


🇺🇦 🕊️
Redigert 17.08.2022 kl 14:16 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
27.04.2022 kl 22:17 7730

Generalforsamling i Purus i dag. Jon Erik Engeset gjenvalgt som styreleder frem til 2024.

Ved siden av valg og honorarer, var fullmakt til henholdsvis å erverve egne aksjer og utstede nye aksjer de to eneste sakene på dagsorden. Begge forslag ble vedtatt. Protokoll som PDF-vedlegg hvis man åpner linken.

Hexagon Purus ASA: Minutes of Annual General Meeting

April 27, 2022 12:20 ET | Source: Hexagon Purus ASA

Redigert 27.04.2022 kl 22:18 Du må logge inn for å svare
29.04.2022 kl 15:52 7573

Dette er nok en aksje som vil stige jevnt og trutt fremover
Rect Angel
03.05.2022 kl 19:23 7404

Liten artikkel med info rundt Hexagon Groups oppkjøp av 40% eierandel i østerrikske Cryoshelter GmbH, som Hexagon Group hevder besitter markedsledende teknologi for tanking/lagring av flytende LNG og flytende hydrogen.

Hexagon Groups oppkjøp ble gjennomført ved at Hexagon Composites kjøper 40% av Cryoshelter GmbHs flytende LNG-virksomhet og Hexagon Purus 40% av den flytende hydrogen-virksomheten. Avtalen inneholder også en opsjon som gir Hexagon Group mulighet til å kjøpe de resterende 60% av Cryoshelter GmbH i løpet av 3 - 10 år.

03 May 2022 Business Law

Hexagon joins Cryoshelter: The consultants

Energy. Binder Grösswang advised Cryoshelter GmbH on the entry of Hexagon companies: The new alliance partners are interested in liquefied natural gas and liquefied hydrogen technology and have SCWP Schindhelm at their side.

Specifically, Binder Grösswang advised Cryoshelter GmbH on the entry of Hexagon Composites ASA into the liquefied natural gas business and Hexagon Purus ASA into the liquid hydrogen business, according to the law firm. The deals with the Norway-based Hexagon Group were each in the form of a minority stake with an option to acquire all of the shares within a period of time after closing.

The transaction

Hexagon Composites ASA and its subsidiary Hexagon Purus ASA aim to commercialize and industrialize Cryoshelter's technological expertise to develop cryogenic tank technologies for LNG and liquid hydrogen through additional funding. Liquefied natural gas is seen as a possible interim solution for more energy independence in Europe and as a more sustainable energy source.

The enterprise

Cryoshelter GmbH is a company founded in Austria in 2008 that deals with liquid gas tank technologies. The company developed a now patented technology for heavy-duty trucks and buses. The industry-leading and groundbreaking technology enables maximum use of space. Hexagon will now further develop the technology together with Cryoshelter.

the teams

The Binder Grösswang team was led by partner Florian Khol and attorney Christoph Schober (both lead, corporate / M&A) and was supported by partner Clemens Willvonseder (tax law), attorney Regina Kröll (regulatory), attorney Sabine Apfl-Trompeter and attorney Manuel Müllner (both employment law) and associate Valentina Hekele (corporate).

Hexagon was advised by SCWP Schindhelm, led by partners Immanuel Gerstner and Lukas Leitner


Børsmeldingen om oppkjøpet:

Redigert 03.05.2022 kl 19:24 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
04.05.2022 kl 22:32 7298

Full fyr i teltet i etterkant av Fed 'over there'!

Slik sluttet hydrogenaksjene jeg følger i USA og NASDAQ i dag 04.05.22 etter å ha beveget seg sånn rundt pari da Oslo Børs stengte, med unntak av Nikola som var ned rundt 4 - 5% på det tidspunkt, men som altså også sluttet solid i pluss:

Plug Power Inc: +8.64%
Fuel Cell Energy Inc: +9.66%
Ballard Power Systems Inc: +6.13%
Bloom Energy Corp: +7.12%
Nikola: +3.45%

Nasdaq: +3.19%
Redigert 04.05.2022 kl 22:32 Du må logge inn for å svare
05.05.2022 kl 11:49 7216

Takk for all info.
Rect Angel.
Må ikke glemme deg heller for bra info.
Du og Monitor, er gull vert og ha med.
Dette blir gøy fremover.
05.05.2022 kl 14:43 7211

Kan man forvente bra Q1 ?
Rect Angel
06.05.2022 kl 14:07 7135

Norwegian Hydrogen inngår samarbeid om bygging av hydrogenstasjoner i Norden!

Dette er interessant! Men kan dessverre ikke bidra med mer enn overskrift og billedtekst da dette er en artikkel bak betalingsmur i Sunnmørsposten.

Det som er interessant her er at Hexagon Purus er medeier i Norwegian Hydrogen og ikke minst at Mitsui er representert av Mugihiko Yanagida, VP Business Development i Hexagon Purus på bildet av avtalepartene. Dette lukter av ordrer til Hexagon Purus lang vei.

Mitsui er største aksjonær i Hexagon Composites (22.73%) og tredje største aksjonær i Hexagon Purus (2.01%).

Næringsliv →

Inngår samarbeid om hydrogenstasjoner i Norden

Harald Skotheim
Sist oppdatert: 3 timer siden

Redigert 06.05.2022 kl 14:08 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
08.05.2022 kl 18:51 6992

Kan det faktum at Hexagon Purus falt -7.68% på dagen selskapet børsmeldte denne avtalen (fredag 06.05.2022)...


...kanskje vise seg å gå over i historien som en legendarisk kultbegivenhet på Oslo Børs?

For hvis man faktisk ønsker å forstå hvor stort dette er, bør man lese den kinesiske artikkelen jeg poster her (oversatt til engelsk) nøye. Fredagens børsmeldte avtale er nemlig del av en hydrogensatsing fra kinesiske myndigheter sin side som potensielt kan bli hvor stor som helst, ja på grensen til det ufattelige. Full backing fra myndighetshold altså. Ikke bare i Hong Kong, men som man kan lese, innbefatter planene at det som skjer i Hong Kong nå også etterhvert skal kunne projiseres over på og gjennomføres i andre kinesiske storbyer. Og det finnes en del av dem i Kina med sine nær 1.5 milliarder innbyggere...

PS) Artikkelen er altså oversatt til engelsk, men linken under er til den kinesiske originalen slik at man selv står fritt til å oversette til det språk man eventuelt ønsker

PS2) Disse nyhetene er etter min mening så signifikante og viktige for Hexagon Group at jeg poster dette innlegget på to Purus-tråder. Så det finnes dermed også her på denne tråden:


CIMC Enric and Shanshui Capital cooperate to create an overall solution for hydrogen energy in Hong Kong's public transportation

Polaris Hydrogen Energy Network Source: CIMC Enric 2022/5/7 9:20:15

On May 6, CIMC Enric and Shanshui Capital Group signed a strategic cooperation agreement to carry out in-depth cooperation in green hydrogen production, hydrogen refueling, hydrogen use and other links, and actively expand the application scenarios of hydrogen energy . Build Hong Kong's first hydrogen fuel cell double-decker bus demonstration application and the first hydrogen production and hydrogenation integrated hydrogen refueling station demonstration project based on the first demonstration standard, jointly expand Hong Kong's hydrogen energy market, and create an overall solution for Hong Kong's public transportation hydrogen energy.

In this cooperation, CIMC Enric will actively respond to Shanshui Capital's demand for hydrogen energy equipment such as hydrogen fuel buses, airport shuttles, and hydrogen refueling stations, and provide high-quality IV-type vehicle-mounted hydrogen storage bottles and vehicle-mounted hydrogen supply. systems, hydrogen storage tanks and other equipment and integrated solutions. Recently, the two parties will cooperate on the first hydrogen fuel cell double-decker bus IV bottle hydrogen supply system and Hong Kong's first hydrogen production and hydrogenation integrated hydrogen refueling station demonstration project, and take this opportunity to obtain support from the Hong Kong SAR government. Lead the standardization of the hydrogen energy industry in Hong Kong, and will further cooperate in the development of diversified hydrogen energy application scenarios and projects.

It is understood that the "Hong Kong Climate Action Blueprint 2050" puts forward the vision of "zero carbon emissions, green and livable, sustainable development", and outlines Hong Kong's strategies and goals for addressing climate change and achieving carbon neutrality, and hydrogen energy plays a role in it. plays a key role. The Hong Kong SAR government has previously stated that it will invest about HK$240 billion in the next 20 years to implement various measures to mitigate and adapt to climate change, and strive to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, including actively promoting various electric and other new energy public The development of transportation and commercial vehicles, in cooperation with franchised bus companies to pilot buses powered by hydrogen fuel cells, with a view to establishing a more specific future route and timetable for the use of new energy transportation in 2025.

Statistics show that there are currently about 580,000 private cars and 150,000 commercial vehicles in Hong Kong. The carbon emissions of these commercial vehicles are equivalent to 2.7 times the overall carbon emissions of private cars. The overall market potential of hydrogen energy replacement in commercial vehicles such as transportation will be considerable.

Mr. Yang Xiaohu, Executive Director and General Manager of CIMC Enric, said: "I am very pleased to join hands with Shanshui Capital to provide hydrogen energy equipment and comprehensive zero-carbon solutions for the entire industry chain, and to undertake the construction of the first integrated hydrogen production and hydrogenation in Hong Kong. Starting from the hydrogen refueling station, we will jointly build a hydrogen energy demonstration chain for the whole industry chain of green hydrogen production, hydrogen refueling and hydrogen use in Hong Kong, leading the hydrogen energy industry standard in the Hong Kong market and contributing to Hong Kong's carbon neutral vision."

Zhang Yiren, the founding partner and CEO of Shanshui Capital, said: "Investment in carbon emission reduction has always been an important strategic direction of Shanshui Capital. As an international asset management company, Shanshui Capital will invest in a global scale. A hydrogen energy high-tech company, it has implemented its world-leading technology in mainland China and Hong Kong. We have been actively working with the Hong Kong SAR government to jointly promote the application of hydrogen energy in the field of transportation. We are convinced that CIMC, the leader in clean energy On the basis of the comprehensive cooperation between Enric and Shanshui Capital on the carbon emission reduction strategy, we have made sufficient preparations to promote the hydrogen energy market and zero-carbon transportation business in Hong Kong, help Hong Kong achieve the carbon neutrality goal as soon as possible, and in the future This experience extends to more regions.”

The hydrogen energy joint venture between CIMC Enric and Hexagon Purus focuses on providing transportation hydrogen storage bottles and hydrogen supply system solutions for China and Southeast Asia. Health”), and signed a memorandum of understanding with Hong Kong bus operator Huida Transportation. According to the memorandum of understanding, CIMC SCO will initially provide Type IV on-board hydrogen storage cylinders and hydrogen supply systems (referred to as "Type IV cylinder hydrogen supply systems") for the first hydrogen fuel cell double-decker bus in Hong Kong. At the same time, if the relevant approval from the Hong Kong government is obtained, the two parties will carry out more pilot hydrogen fuel cell double-decker buses.

Redigert 08.05.2022 kl 20:36 Du må logge inn for å svare
08.05.2022 kl 19:01 6977

Takk for alt du legger ned av innsats for å spre disse fantastiske nyhetene her inne! Fremtiden ser lys ut
Rect Angel
08.05.2022 kl 20:33 6925

Takk for hyggelige ord Gitarhelt1.

👍 Ja, for Hexagon Group ser fremtiden såvisst lys ut! Så heller merkverdig at interessen for Hexagon Group blant dem som henter sitt levebrød fra skriverier om næringsliv og finans, tilsynelatende er og blir lik null. Føles en smule rart å være landets eneste nyhetsformidler når det gjelder selskapsspesifikke nyheter, for å si det sånn, litt spissformulert 😉

PS) Hexagon Purus avholder Capital Markets Day nå tirsdag 10.mai.

Redigert 08.05.2022 kl 20:39 Du må logge inn for å svare
08.05.2022 kl 22:40 6855

Hva tenker du om at kineserne er ganske gode til å overta andres teknologi ved slike avtaler? Kjenner du noe til om de har kjøpt seg inn i selskapet?
Enig med deg at HPUR er saker og har uendelig med mulighetger fremover gitt at hydrogen ikke flopper, noe det ikke ser ut til.
Rect Angel
08.05.2022 kl 23:06 6839

Ja, dette er jo en innsigelse som alltid fremmes vedr Kina. Såvidt jeg husker svarte selskapet rett frem at alt var godt ivaretatt rundt dette, under en Q & A. Snakker også positivt om JV partner på alle måter. Aner ikke om CIMC Enric har kjøpt aksjer i Purus eller vice versa. Ikke hørt noe om det.

CEO sa vel allerede under nest siste kvartalspresentasjon i høst at Purus sammen med andre selskaper i bransjen allerede hadde sett nok til nærmest å kunne slå fast at hydrogen kommer til å spille en viktig rolle. Glem heller ikke batterielektrisk hvor vi venter på endelige underskrifter på to børsmeldte avtaler om leveranser av batteripakker til to bilprodusenter innen tungtransport vei, verdt hehholdsvis 7(10) og 9 milliarder NOK. Den ene ønsker ikke navnet gjort kjent mens den andre er USA-baserte HINO Motors, 100% eid av Toyota.

Essensen når det gjelder Hexagon Purus er først og fremst skalaene og skaleringsmulighetene. Partnerne. Det er enormt rett og slett. Best in class innnen det vi snakker om her. Hallo!
Redigert 08.05.2022 kl 23:34 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
09.05.2022 kl 12:33 6722

Ny milepæl nådd av Hexagon Purus!

Hexagon Purus Maritime børsmelder i dag sin første ordre om levering av sylindere til bruk for lagring av hydrogen i maritime fartøy! Det blir garantert ikke den siste, men den første av veldig mange. :)

HPUR: Hexagon Purus Maritime receives inaugural order for hydrogen cylinders for maritime applications

9.5.2022 12:00 • Oslo Børs •

Hexagon Purus Maritime, a wholly owned subsidiary of Hexagon Purus, has received its inaugural order for cylinders to be used in onboard storage of hydrogen in maritime vessels. Hexagon Purus' type 4 hydrogen cylinders will be used in onboard swappable storage containers for maritime vessels operating in the inland waterways in Europe. The value of the order is approximately EUR 1.1 million (approx. NOK 11 million).

Driving Energy Transformation

"Our Type 4 high-pressure cylinders are at the core of what we do and with their corrosion resistance and long lifetime, the cylinders enable lower operational cost and total cost of ownership, which makes them ideal for maritime applications", says Robert Haugen, Managing Director of Hexagon Purus Maritime.

"This order represents an important commercial milestone for Hexagon Purus Maritime and lends further credence to our maritime strategy".

About the market

Hexagon Purus combines maritime experience with extensive hydrogen storage expertise to provide a holistic approach to zero emission maritime solutions.

Hexagon Purus is at the forefront of developing innovative hydrogen storage solutions with lightweight composite cylinders that are ideal for maritime applications.

Hexagon Purus' hydrogen storage and distribution business is well-positioned to support the ambitious energy transition required in the maritime sector - and to take a global leading role for integrated products in the emerging maritime hydrogen market. Together with partners, Hexagon Purus can cover major parts of the maritime hydrogen value chain.


Delivery of the cylinders are scheduled for Q4 2022.

For more information:

Mathias Meidell, Investor Relations Director, Hexagon Purus
Telephone: +47 909 82 242 | mathias.meidell@hexagonpurus.com

Karen Romer, SVP Communications, Hexagon Composites
Telephone: +47 950 74 950 | karen.romer@hexagongroup.com

About Hexagon Purus

Hexagon Purus, a Hexagon Composites company, enables zero emission mobility for a cleaner energy future. Hexagon Purus is a world leading provider of Hydrogen Type 4 high-pressure cylinders, complete vehicle systems and battery packs for fuel cell electric and battery electric vehicles (FCEV and BEV) including hybrid mobility applications on light, medium and heavy-duty vehicles, transit buses, ground storage, distribution, marine, rail, and aerospace applications.

Learn more at www.hexagonpurus.com (http://www.hexagonpurus.com) and follow @HexagonPurus on Twitter and LinkedIn.


Husk! Imorgen avholder Hexagon Purus Capital Markets Day.
Redigert 09.05.2022 kl 12:37 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
31.05.2022 kl 12:51 6346

Motley Fool har sett lyset og har troa.

Forget plug power! This hydrogen stock is getting interesting now

Ralf Anders, Contributing Investment Analyst to the Motley Fool (CMFCondorEye) | May 31, 2022

The better choice: Hexagon Purus

One of these suppliers, who are world leaders in their field, is called Hexagon Purus. While PLUG is still very much attached to intralogistics and is only slowly penetrating other areas of application, the Norwegian-German company is at home wherever hydrogen needs to be stored, whether stationary or mobile.

Since the takeover of Wystrach, the range of services has also included solutions for hydrogen transport, power-to-gas and hydrogen filling stations. With its recent entry into Cryoshelter from Austria, Purus is also positioning itself in the long-term promising niche of liquid hydrogen storage.

Of course, Hexagon Purus is not alone in the competition and must also make sure that the margins are not undermined. But the combination of technology leadership, economies of scale and established relationships with gas companies, truck builders and other important market players means that the conditions are good to assert oneself successfully.

Hexagon Purus: Expensive only at first glance

The specialist is still very small in terms of turnover. Even after the incorporation of Wystrach, it was the equivalent of just under EUR 16 million in the first quarter. This is offset by an impressive market capitalization of around EUR 838 million.

However, its small size, coupled with its excellent market position and rapidly expanding target markets, makes me confident that Hexagon Purus stock can quickly push the sales multiple into more manageable territory.

Redigert 31.05.2022 kl 12:52 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
21.06.2022 kl 10:22 6372

Hva har vi i vente når det gjelder Hexagon Purus (i flere tiår fremover)? No-brainer dette! 😊

Da er første hydrogenbuss allerede levert i Hong Kong! Blir nok mange slike å se i Hong Kong og storbyene i Kina og Sørøst-Asia forøvrig fremover. Fra Yahoo.

The delivery of Hong Kong's first hydrogen bus to Citybus will help the government to establish regulations to drive in Hong Kong

Monday June 20, 2022 at 11:58 pm

[Sing Tao Daily Report] The world's first and the first three-axle double-decker hydrogen fuel cell bus custom-made for Hong Kong arrived in Hong Kong today and delivered it to Citybus. Following the introduction of Hong Kong's first double-decker electric bus earlier, this Hong Kong's first public bus powered by hydrogen fuel cells has set a new milestone for Citybus. Citybus will continue to work closely with the Government to assist the Government in formulating relevant regulations to allow hydrogen fuel cell vehicles to operate in Hong Kong.

Based on the successful experience of the double-decker electric bus project, this double-decker hydrogen bus was jointly designed and constructed by a team of experts led by Huida Transportation and Wei Chi Teng (Fujian) Automobile Co., Ltd., and provided by internationally renowned partners and suppliers. parts are manufactured. The main component of the bus, the fuel cell that converts hydrogen into electricity, is provided by Ballard Power, a world-leading fuel cell manufacturer; the bus is equipped with Type 4 on-board hydrogen storage cylinders and a hydrogen supply system, which is provided by CIMC Enric Holdings Co., Ltd. The company and Hexagon Purus's hydrogen energy joint venture, CIMC Hydrogen Energy Systems Co., Ltd. Huida Transportation will cooperate with Ballard Power and CIMC to build a number of double-decker hydrogen buses for long-term trials in Hong Kong.

Cooperate with relevant departments to develop regulations and guidelines

Zhang Kun, chairman of Huida Transportation, said that he is very honored to be the first public transportation operator in Hong Kong to introduce three-axle double-decker hydrogen fuel cells and double-decker electric buses. The two buses mark Citybus' leading position in driving Hong Kong's public transport industry towards a zero-emission transition. He also thanked the government for the continuous cooperation with the company, and pointed out that he will continue to work closely with relevant government departments to formulate relevant regulations and guidelines, so that hydrogen energy buses can complete relevant approvals and be officially put into service in Hong Kong. He continued that he is committed to the goal of achieving zero-emission across the entire fleet by 2045, and believes that both hydrogen fuel cell and battery power technologies are feasible solutions suitable for the challenging local operating environment. And cooperate with the government to formulate a comprehensive plan to promote the transformation of Hong Kong's transportation industry towards carbon neutrality.

The hydrogen bus is a prototype to demonstrate that a hydrogen fuel cell electric bus can handle Hong Kong, the world's most challenging operating environment - mountainous roads, high passenger capacity and continuous use of air-conditioning systems. The side panels of the bus body are made of a lightweight but high-strength carbon fiber material commonly used in the production of aircraft, further introducing innovative designs to the bus; the main structural frame of the bus is made of stainless steel tubes.


Redigert 21.06.2022 kl 10:23 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
22.06.2022 kl 10:14 6241

Med overalt hvor det gjelder å være med nå som 'den gamle verden' står for fall og fremtiden utformes.


Photo Gallery: CARB, CALSTART Showcase Zero-Emission Trucks

By David Sickels
on Jun 21, 2022


Nok en artikkel om den strålende nyheten om at første toetasjers hydrogenbuss nå allerede er levert til Hong Kong (se også forrige innlegg her på tråden)

Bus giant rides green wave to hydrogen first

Local | Grace To 22 Jun 2022

Citybus yesterday got Hong Kong's first tri-axle hydrogen double-decker bus that is tailor-made for the city. It is the SAR's first public bus to be powered by hydrogen.


Redigert 22.06.2022 kl 10:47 Du må logge inn for å svare
23.06.2022 kl 14:19 6144

Hvor blir det av bekreftelsen på bestillingen fra Hino? Den trengs nå!
Rect Angel
23.06.2022 kl 16:17 6101

Ja, Hexagon Group aksjene presses nedover mens Topp 20 har økt i begge de siste månedene. Personlig sitter jeg langsiktig og TROR nå vi har kommet så langt at det kun er et tidsspørsmål før de beste aksjene innen fornybart/utslippsreduksjon tar av. Hexagon Group aksjene Hexagon Purus og Hexagon Composites tilhører definitivt denne kategorien.

Så skjer det jo også litt her på berget, kan man lese i dag. Under Purus' sitt Q1 2022 i mai, virket det som om CEO Morten Holum kjempet litt for å undertrykke smilet da han touchet innom det som foregår innen maritim satsing på hydrogen langs norskekysten. Verdensledende, sa han, og det sier vel nesten seg selv at Hexagon Purus Maritime vil være aktøren som bidrar med tanking/lagring og drivstoffsystemer når det gjelder skipsbyggingen på verftene.

Gir 1,1 milliard til hydrogenproduksjon

Regjeringen mener bruk av hydrogen vil bli en viktig klimaløsning i framtida og åpner lommeboka for storproduksjon langs kysten.

Publisert i dag kl. 12:20 Oppdatert for 39 minutter siden


Det grønne skiftet

Enova gir milliardstøtte til hydrogen

En rekke hydrogen- og ammoniakkfartøy og produksjonsanlegg for hydrogen får til sammen 1,12 milliarder kroner i støtte fra statlige Enova.

Kjetil Malkenes Hovland
Publisert: I dag 13:47

Redigert 23.06.2022 kl 18:21 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
05.07.2022 kl 12:47 5770

Under HANNOVER MESSE 2022 (3.mai - 2.juni) opplyste Hexagon Purus til japanske nikkei.com at etterspørselen etter selskapets type 4 hydrogensylindere nå er så stor at selskapets produksjonskapasitet ikke greier å holde tritt med etterspørselen.

Nyheter om slik salgsvekst med stor V er selvsagt søt musikk og lover, mildt sagt, veldig godt for fortsettelsen når man vet hvilke vekstestimater som gjelder for hydrogensektoren. Også godt å vite da at Hexagon Purus p.t. investerer i utvidet produksjonskapasitet på flere kontinenter. Illustrasjonsfotos hvis man åpner linken.


"Double sales every year", the European hydrogen tank market is booming

Megumi Iwano Nikkei Cross Tech / Nikkei Manufacturing

"HANNOVER MESSE 2022" (May 30th to June 2nd, 2022, Hannover, Germany) had the most hydrogen-related exhibits. Hall 13, one of the 10 venues used as an exhibition venue, has a number of large orange banners with the words "hydrogen + fuel cell" on it, a company aiming to expand in the hydrogen market. Gathered.

 Among them, the one that caught the eye of the visitors on the road was the huge hydrogen tank for transporting hydrogen. Against the backdrop of rapidly increasing hydrogen-related demand, especially in Europe, some companies have doubled their sales volume each year over the past few years.

Hexagon Purus of Norway exhibited a glowing black hydrogen tank with a diameter of about 60 cm and a length of about 2.5 m at the exhibition booth. The company sells a high-pressure hydrogen tank called "Type 4". Type 4 has carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) wrapped around the outside of a resin container made of polyethylene (PE) or polyamide (PA) to increase its strength. The large tanks on display are used for transportation from hydrogen production sites to hydrogen stations and factories that use hydrogen, and for storing hydrogen.

The type classification of tanks is defined by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and others. Type 1 is a low alloy steel container, type 2 is a low alloy steel container wrapped with CFRP, and type 3 is an aluminum alloy container wrapped with CFRP.

 One of the strengths of the Type 4 hydrogen tank is its lightness. According to a Hexagon Purus representative, "Type 4 mass is only about 25% of Type 1 mass." Since the maximum load capacity of trucks that carry hydrogen tanks is fixed, "when the container becomes lighter, it can carry three to four times as much hydrogen at a time," said the person in charge. Operation costs can be kept low.

The company has been involved in the manufacture of pressure vessels for more than 50 years, including the activities of its predecessor company, and is proud to be a "pioneer of hydrogen tanks" (the person in charge of the company). In addition to hydrogen tanks for transportation and storage, we also handle hydrogen tanks for fuel cell vehicles (FCVs) and railway fuels.

 The type 4 hydrogen tanks currently on sale are actually products that have been available for over 10 years. There is nothing new about it, but the person in charge says happily, "The social environment has changed and the importance has grown rapidly in the past few years." Recently, production cannot keep up with demand. In particular, there are many sales to Europe, followed by the United States, South Korea, and Australia.

Redigert 05.07.2022 kl 16:44 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
06.07.2022 kl 11:31 5661

Kjøp denne hydrogenaksjen

Onsdag blir det kjent at analytiker Joakim Pettersen i Danske Bank tar opp dekningen av hydrogenselskapet Hexagon Purus. Banken rykker ut med en kjøpsanbefaling, og setter kursmålet til 35 kroner per aksje.

– Hexagon Purus er en tidlig pådriver i et voksende marked for hydrogen hvor distribusjon og sluttbruk vil være sentralt for vekst og vi ser fordelaktig bruk av hydrogen i tunge kjøretøyer og en rekke andre bruksområder, skriver Danske Bank til TDN Direkt.

I skrivende stund står aksjekursen i 24,06 kroner per aksje. Dersom kursmålet innfris vil investorer se en oppside på om lag 46 prosent.

Rect Angel
12.07.2022 kl 15:32 5436

Fersk nyhet om ytterligere forsterket satsing på alternative energikilder som biometan/renewable natural gas og hydrogen som energibærer i de mange EU-landene, er seff ensbetydende med 'rett i koppen' for Hexagon Group som er global markedsleder innen lagring/tanking og transport av gass.

Press release11 July 2022 Brussels

State aid: Commission consults Member States on proposal to amend Temporary Crisis Framework

The European Commission has sent to Member States for consultation a draft proposal to adjust the State aid Temporary Crisis Framework, initially adopted on 23 March 2022 to support the economy in the context of Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

Executive Vice-President Margrethe Vestager, in charge of competition policy, said: “Russia's unjustified military aggression against Ukraine continues. So does its impact on Ukrainians and also on our EU economy. This is why we are proposing to adjust the Temporary Crisis Framework so that it reflects and supports the important and urgent REPowerEU Plan objectives of accelerating the diversification of energy supplies to become independent from fossil fuels even more quickly.
Among others, the Commission is consulting Member States on possible amendments relating to:
# The need for additional measures, facilitating the investments in renewable energy, including renewable hydrogen, biogas and biomethane, storage and renewable heat, including through heat pumps, in line with the REPowerEU Plan. This amendment would enable Member States to set up schemes with simplified tender procedures that can be quickly implemented, while including sufficient safeguards to protect the level playing field. In particular, Member States would be able to devise schemes for a specific technology, requiring support in view of the particular national energy mix; and

# The need for additional measures to further accelerate the diversification of energy supplies, reducing the dependency on imported fossil fuels by supporting energy efficiency measures and measures to decarbonise industrial processes. This amendment would enable Member States to either (i) set up new tender based schemes, or (ii) directly support projects, without tenders, with certain limits on the share of public support per investment. Specific top-up bonuses would be foreseen for small and medium sized enterprises as well as for particularly energy efficient solutions.


Redigert 12.07.2022 kl 15:43 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
18.07.2022 kl 11:58 5242

Ferietid, men veldig mye positivt skjer...

Hydrogen. EU nasjoner viser vei ved å 'put their money where their mouth is' og legger nå milliarder av euro på bordet. Daimler og Alstom med flere som mottar midler, er tette samarbeidspartnere/kunder av Hexagon Purus.

BRUSSELS -- The European Commission has approved a 5.4-billion-euro ($5.4 billion) hydrogen project jointly funded by 15 EU countries and 35 companies including Alstom and Daimler, to boost the bloc's competitiveness and economy.

Called IPCEI Hy2Tech, the project hopes to attract another 8.8 billion euros in private investments.


Bosch er også et av selskapene som tildeles EU-midler, og den som følger med, vet at Hexagon Purus utvikler flate hydrogentanker for personbiler i samarbeid med nettopp Bosch og BMW. Sistnevnte ser nå mot serieproduksjon.

The DAX company BMW is examining the series production of hydrogen cars. The CEO Oliver Zipse told the Handelsblatt . From 2025, a "new class" of electric cars with better and cheaper batteries will also come onto the market. Zipse wants to make BMW fit for the future.

"To start with, we are planning a compact sedan in the 3-seater segment and a corresponding sporty SUV," said the manager to the Handelsblatt . BMW is therefore also working on the development of hydrogen drives for this new generation of vehicles. "I can well imagine that we will also see fuel cells in series production in the new class," said Zipse. "Hydrogen as an energy carrier will play an important role in many regions of the world."

Look at suppliers

It will be interesting to see where BMW will get the heart of the planned hydrogen car, the fuel cell. Among other things, the car manufacturer is part of the "Autostack Industry" project, to which the Swedish fuel cell specialist PowerCell also belongs ( DER AKTIONÄR reported ). The same applies to the high-pressure tanks in which the hydrogen is stored. Here, BMW is working with Bosch and Hexagon Purus, among others, as part of the “FlatHyStor” project .


Og i Hong Kong ruller allerede en protype hydrogenbuss med tanker og drivstoffsystemer fra CIMC Hexagon i gatene, og det snakkes nå om masseproduksjon av hydrogenbuss allerede neste år!

'Early days', men under seneste kvartalspresentasjon + CMD i mai levnet ikke Holum tvil om at Kina og Sørøst-Asia blir et meget viktig marked for Hexagon Purus.

The policy address also states that it will study the promotion of hydrogen energy buses. Citybus announced today (15th) that it has introduced the first three-axle double-decker hydrogen bus in Hong Kong. The hydrogen refueling process only takes about 10 to 15 minutes, and it can cope with the driving environment on mountain roads and slopes in Hong Kong. The potential of mainstream transportation energy.

However, the relevant bus is currently only a model vehicle for testing and experimental purposes. Citybus plans to introduce mass-produced models with a cruising range of more than 400 kilometers next year, and will work closely with the government to formulate relevant regulations and guidelines to allow hydrogen-powered vehicles to run in Hong Kong.
In addition to fuel cells, the hydrogen bus is also equipped with four types of on-board hydrogen storage tanks and a hydrogen supply system, which are supplied by CIMC Enric Holdings Co., Ltd. and Hexagon Purus' hydrogen energy joint venture, CIMC Sikang Hydrogen Energy Systems Co., Ltd.

Matthew Buchholz, business development director of Hexagon Purus, came to Hong Kong recently to explain the hydrogen storage cylinder technology. He emphasized that the hydrogen storage cylinder used in the hydrogen bar has undergone multiple experimental tests and will not be damaged even if it is burned by fire or even run over by a tank. He emphasized that the hydrogen storage bottle is very strong and safe, but in case of accidental fire, the handling method is different from that of traditional fuel vehicles. Since hydrogen is lighter than air, it will rise upward, and the flame will also burn upward, like a pillar of fire. After all the hydrogen is burned, it will go out naturally, and it does not need to be sprinkled. He described the situation as being safer than when a petrol car started a fire.


PS) Jeg oversetter artikler som er på annet språk enn norsk og engelsk til engelsk, men poster linker til de originale artiklene. Dermed kan hver enkelt oversette artiklene til det språk man måtte ønske.
Redigert 18.07.2022 kl 12:05 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
18.07.2022 kl 14:57 5179

Hvilke typer prosjekter er det så det skal satses på når det gjelder den ferske nyheten om EUs storsatsing på hydrogen som ble offentliggjort fredag 15.juli (se begynnelsen av forrige innlegg på tråden)...? Jo, når man leser om det, skjønner man fort at det neppe er noen ulempe å være globalt markedsledende innen lagring/tanking og transport/distribusjon av hydrogen. Noe Hexagon Purus altså er samtidig som man har Daimler, Alstom med flere i sin kundeportefølje. :)

EU launches 5.4-billion-euro hydrogen project with Alstom, Daimler, others

By Foo Yun Chee
July 15, 2022
The group will take part in 41 projects in the hydrogen scheme focusing on generation of hydrogen, fuel cells, storage, transportation and distribution of hydrogen and end-users applications, in particular in the mobility sector.

Redigert 18.07.2022 kl 20:33 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
27.07.2022 kl 12:52 4951

Det kryr av rapporter, men gjengir overskriften til denne for å illustrere hvilke vekstmuligheter Hexogon Purus, som globalt markedsledende innen lagring/tanking og transport av komprimert hydrogen, nå står overfor når det gjelder hydrogendelen av selskapets virksomhet.

CEO Morten Holum sa vel da også rett ut under Q1 i mai at etterspørselen i markedet er større enn tilbudssiden så Purus' pågående kraftige ekspansjon på flere kontinenter for å øke produksjonskapasiteten, synes å være veldig berettiget når man altså ser hvilke årlige vekstrater som estimeres for forretningssegmentet i årene som kommer.

Her må det virkelig være lov å ha forventninger!

Hydrogen Energy Storage Market Size Projected to Reach $119.2 Billion by 2027 at a CAGR of 54.0% - Exclusive Report by MarketsandMarkets™

Redigert 27.07.2022 kl 13:35 Du må logge inn for å svare
29.07.2022 kl 11:49 4838

Hvordan ligger det an med signering av den giga dealen (den som ikke ble avlyst ) ??
01.08.2022 kl 19:48 4653

, 1 August 2022) Reference is made to the stock exchange announcement by Hexagon Purus on 21 April 2022, regarding the agreement to acquire 40% of Cryoshelter GmbH's ("Cryoshelter") liquid hydrogen business. Hexagon Purus is pleased to announce that the transaction has been successfully completed. The initial investment of EUR 3.5 million brings early-stage expertise in liquid hydrogen tank technology for zero emission mobility applications and could potentially result in a future complementary offering to Hexagon Purus' market leading portfolio of zero emission mobility technologies. For more information: Mathias Meidell, Investor Relations Director, Hexagon Purus Telephone: +47?909 82 242 | mathias.meidell@hexagonpurus.com Karen Romer, SVP Communications, Hexagon Composites Telephone: +47 950 74 950 | karen.romer@hexagongroup.com (mailto:karen.romer@hexagongroup.com) About Cryoshelter Cryoshelter is an Austrian cryogenic storage technology company founded in 2008 by Dr. Matthias Rebernik (currently holds approximately 80% of the shares in the Company) whose PhD thesis was part of the LH2-tank project for the BMW Hydrogen 7. The Company has developed and secured patented technology for heavy-duty trucks and buses using liquid storage solutions for natural gas and hydrogen based on the same technology platform. Using proprietary designs, Cryoshelter's commercialized liquid natural gas tanks allow for maximum utilization of frame rail space to give industry leading performance (e.g., 20-50% better fuel storage and 2-4x improved hold time versus competitors). About Hexagon Purus Hexagon Purus, a Hexagon Composites company, enables zero emission mobility for a cleaner energy future. The company is a world leading provider of hydrogen Type 4 high-pressure cylinders and systems, battery systems and vehicle integration solutions for fuel cell electric and battery electric vehicles. Hexagon Purus' products are used in a variety of applications including light, medium and heavy-duty vehicles, buses, ground storage, distribution, refueling, maritime, rail and aerospace. Learn more at www.hexagonpurus.com (http://www.hexagonpurus.com) and follow @HexagonPurus on Twitter and LinkedIn.
Rect Angel
02.08.2022 kl 20:26 4476

Ja, og da kan vi forhåpentligvis begynne å se frem til at Hexagon Purus etterhvert blir overført til hovedlisten ('før jul', er det siste jeg husker Engeset har uttalt). Først ble overføring til hovedlisten forsinket pga oppkjøpet av Wystrach, og så helt sikkert pga kjøpet av 40% av Crysohelter. Så kom altså nyheten om alt nå også er i boks vedrørende dette kjøpet.

Hydrogenaksjer er kraftig opp i USA p.t. Er forhåpentligvis en indikasjon på at senator Sinema slutter seg til senator Manchin med den følge at president Biden får sin klimapakke vellykket gjennom Kongressen og på sitt bord til undertegning med det aller første.

Hexagon successfully acquires 40 percent stake in Cryoshelter, unlocking new opportunities for Hexagon Agility and Hexagon Purus

August 01, 2022 15:24 ET | Source: Hexagon Agility

Costa Mesa, CA, Aug. 01, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- On 21 April 2022 Hexagon Composites (“Hexagon”) and Hexagon Purus announced that it signed an agreement to acquire a 40% stake in Cryoshelter GmbH, an Austria based company specialized in the development of cryogenic tank technology for liquid (renewable) natural gas (LNG/RLNG) and liquid hydrogen (LH2).

Redigert 02.08.2022 kl 20:41 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
07.08.2022 kl 09:15 4247

Sånn skal det låte! Gode toner strømmer ut fra UK i denne nyheten fra Daily Express. 👍

Hydrogen will ‘effectively replace fossil fuels’ as the UK invests in clean vehicles

HYDROGEN has been described as a key "solution" for the UK's goal of zero-emission vehicles, according to a new whitepaper.

15:17, Sat, Aug 6, 2022 | UPDATED: 15:20, Sat, Aug 6, 2022

The use of hydrogen for long-haul trucking has been supported by H2Accelerate through new research designed to evaluate the success of the fuel type in the UK. The paper sets out that larger companies like Amazon, Nestle and DB Schenker, have the potential to drive significant market demand for hydrogen trucks and the growth of the sector.

07.08.2022 kl 09:23 4230

Den store vinneren her blir Hyon med sin infrastruktur for den maritime næringen. De er først ut både Hyon og båter
Rect Angel
07.08.2022 kl 09:32 4215

Hexagon Purus har divisjonen Hexagon Purus Maritime så maritimt står helt sentralt i selskapets satsing. Hexagon Purus er også deleier i Hyon gjennom sitt eierskap i Norwegian Hydrogen.

Hydrogen har definitivt et enormt potensial innen maritimt, men nyheten jeg postet fra Daily Express, gjelder altså britisk satsing på hydrogen inn mellom- og tung transport på vei.
Redigert 07.08.2022 kl 09:54 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
07.08.2022 kl 09:35 4208

Samtidig stiger spenningen i Kongressen. Nå nærmer det seg avstemning i Senatet.

U.S. Senate Democrats fend off amendments to $430 billion climate and drug bill

By Richard Cowan

WASHINGTON, Aug 7 (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate on Sunday repelled attempts to amend a $430 billion measure sought by President Joe Biden, as Democrats forged ahead with their bill to control climate change and cut prescription drug costs for the elderly, while tightening enforcement on tax payments from corporations and the wealthy.

Redigert 07.08.2022 kl 09:36 Du må logge inn for å svare
07.08.2022 kl 22:51 4067

Bidens klima og helsepakke vedtatt i Senatet !
07.08.2022 kl 22:59 4052

Ja, det er mange gode grunner til å kjøpe her nå !
Rect Angel
09.08.2022 kl 09:19 3899

Avslappet og grei presentasjon. Til tross for at selskapet, som mange andre, berøres negativt av problemene i forsyningskjedene og inflasjonspress, er Hexagon Purus i rute og gjentok tidligere gitt guiding både på kort og lang sikt. Ordrebøkene fulle ut 2022 og allerede 60% fylt for 2023. Så investeringene som nå gjøres med henblikk på økt produksjonskapasitet, synes å være veldig på sin plass.

Siktemål om notering på hovedlisten innen utgangen av 2022.

Hexagon Purus ASA: Results for the second quarter 2022

9.8.2022 07:00 • GlobeNewswire •

Hexagon Purus delivered robust year-over-year revenue growth in Q2 2022 coupled with strong commercial momentum in hydrogen distribution applications.
Q2 2022 highlights:

* Revenue grew 123 % year over year to NOK 210 million, including NOK 142 million contribution from Wystrach driven by strong demand in distribution and rail applications. EBITDA contribution from Wystrach in the quarter was NOK 14m (10% margin)

* Entered into an agreement to acquire 40% of Cryoshelter’s liquid hydrogen business bringing early-stage expertise in liquid hydrogen tank technology for zero emission mobility applications and which could potentially result in a future complementary offering to Hexagon Purus’ market leading compressed hydrogen cylinder technology

* Hexagon Purus Maritime received its inaugural order for hydrogen cylinders to be used in onboard swappable storage containers for maritime vessels operating in inland waterways in Europe

* Signed a 15-year lease for a new hydrogen cylinder production and office facility in Kassel, Germany, expected to be ready for move in during the second half of 2023

In the second quarter of 2022, Hexagon Purus Group (“the Company”) generated NOK 210 (94) million in revenue and recorded operating profit before depreciation (EBITDA) of NOK -112 (-69) million. Revenue growth of 123 % was driven by the acquisition of Wystrach which contributed NOK 142 million in sales and NOK 14 million in EBITDA.

Continued investments in personnel and infrastructure to support and accelerate Hexagon Purus’ future growth drive negative profitability. Additionally, the Group has been subject to inflationary pressure in the cost of its key inputs which is being addressed through offsetting pricing actions as well as cost reduction efforts.

Key developments after balance sheet date:

* Received orders worth approximately EUR 14 million for hydrogen distribution systems from industrial gas customers. These systems with Hexagon Purus’ type 4 cylinders will be used to deliver hydrogen for industrial and mobility applications in Germany and the Netherlands

* Successfully closed the acquisition of a 40% interest in Cryoshelter’s liquid hydrogen storage business

* Jannicke Hilland stepped down as a member of the Company’s Board of Directors. Ms. Hilland has seen a need to limit her number of board memberships due to overall workload

Presentation of the results:

Hexagon Purus will present the Q2 2022 results at 08:30 CET and the presentation will be broadcasted live via https://hexagonpurus.kg5.no/.

The presentation will be held in English and be virtual. Recording of the presentation will be made available on www.hexagonpurus.com.

For more information:

Mathias Meidell, IR Director, Hexagon Purus ASA

Telephone: +47 909 82 242 | mathias.meidell@hexagonpurus.com

Dilip Warrier, CFO, Hexagon Purus ASA

Telephone: +1 949-236-5528 | dilip.warrier@hexagonpurus.com

About Hexagon Purus ASA

Hexagon Purus, a Hexagon Composites company, enables zero emission mobility for a cleaner energy future. The company is a world leading provider of hydrogen Type 4 high-pressure cylinders and systems, battery systems and vehicle integration solutions for fuel cell electric and battery electric vehicles. Hexagon Purus' products are used in a variety of applications including light, medium and heavy-duty vehicles, buses, ground storage, distribution, refueling, maritime, rail and aerospace.

Learn more at www.hexagonpurus.com and follow @HexagonPurus on Twitter and LinkedIn.

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5-12 the Norwegian Securities Trading Act




Redigert 09.08.2022 kl 10:05 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
09.08.2022 kl 21:10 3771

Av og til kjennes det godt å finne 'støttespillere i cyberspace' når det nærmest er tyst som i graven og synes å være tilnærmet null interesse rundt investeringsobjekter en selv har identifisert og har tro på har potensial til å bli til 'det helt store'.

Dette er en omfattende og lang analyse, og jeg gjengir bare litt. Men å lese dette lille, bør være nok til å forstå at Hexagon Group (Hexagon Purus og Hexagon Composites) som globalt markedsledende innen lagring og transport av alle typer gass, har iboende potensial til å utvikle seg til å bli det helt, helt store hvis artikkelforfatter her har rett. Og det tror jeg han har.

Under dagens Q2 presentasjon fra Hexagon Purus, opplyste da også CEO Morten Holum at det som virkelig boom'er i selskapet i dag, er etterspørselen etter distribusjonssystemer for hydrogen (lagring og transport). Holum fortalte i dag om full ordrebok for hele 2022 og 60% fylt ordrebok for 2023 allerede når det gjelder Purus' distribusjonssystemer for hydrogen.

Så takk og pris for at Hexagon Purus 'as we speak' altså investerer tungt i utviding av produksjonskapasiteten, i form av bygging av nye fabrikker og ansettelser av nødvendig, kompetent personell, sier jeg! For når man venter på noe virkelig godt, ja da er det verdt å vente.

The U.S. Senate Just Freed Energy Storage Stocks to Soar 75X

To our knowledge, no other industry in the world is positioned to grow this much, this quickly

3h ago · By Luke Lango, InvestorPlace Senior Investment Analyst
The Best Clean Energy Sector to Invest in Today

This new legislation gives investors a multitude of options to capitalize on the accelerated Clean Energy Revolution.

There are solar stocks, which we like because solar is the world’s cheapest clean energy source with robust power potential. Plus, the recent bill just extended massive ITCs for solar by a decade.

You have wind stocks, which we also like because wind farms can generate power on a massive scale. And turbines can be built offshore.

You have hydrogen stocks, which we really like because hydrogen, unlike solar and wind, is transportable and ultra-dense. Not to mention, the new climate bill creates the first-ever PTC for clean hydrogen.

But our favorite niche, which we believe will yield the biggest stock market winners, is the energy storage sector.

The story here is shockingly simple.

Of all the knocks against clean energy, only one really has any merit, and that’s the intermittency issue.

That is, solar and wind are intermittent energy sources. The sun doesn’t shine every day, nor does it shine at all hours. And when it isn’t shining, there’s no guarantee that the wind is blowing. Like the sun, wind is intermittent, too.

By themselves, then, clean energy sources cannot power the world at all times. It’s scientifically impossible. They need help.

Energy storage is the solution. 

Redigert 09.08.2022 kl 21:29 Du må logge inn for å svare
09.08.2022 kl 22:52 3704

Herlig innlegg. Tror også Taiwan situasjonen påvirker og kommer til å påvirke mer så lenge den er uavklart.
Rect Angel
17.08.2022 kl 14:16 3444

(Mellom)lagring av fornybar energi kommer til å bli det helt store fremover!

Så Hexagon Group aksjene sitter faktisk så midt i smørøyet man kan sitte her, men har egentlig likevel ikke fått være med på oppturen i særlig grad. Foreløpig.

Clean energy stocks are the winners of the Inflation Reduction Act

Ines Ferré·Markets Reporter
Tue, August 16, 2022, 6:40 PM

Clean energy related stocks have been the clear winners of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). Solar panel makers, fuel cell manufacturers and energy storage companies all stand to benefit from the measure.

Solar and wind energy stocks have been rallying since the bill was announced in late July. A large number of these equities are up double digit percentages year-to-date. They have far outperformed the broader markets.


Redigert 17.08.2022 kl 14:17 Du må logge inn for å svare
02.09.2022 kl 17:44 3192

Noen som vet noe mer om Hino og avtalen som skulle signeres?
02.09.2022 kl 18:44 3151

Om 5-10 år så tror jeg de fleste kender denne aktie. Fremtiden er grøn
02.09.2022 kl 18:55 3138

Noen som vet noe mer om Hino og avtalen som var klar til signering?