Zenith Energy * 4,000 barrels of oil per day* Q1 2022

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ZENA 29.11.2021 kl 08:23 37803

Nå må folk kjøpe det de klarer!!!


November 29, 2021

("Zenith" or the "Company")

Option Agreement for OML 141 RSC in Nigeria

Zenith Energy Ltd. ("Zenith" or the "Company") (LSE: ZEN; OSE: ZENA), the Africa
focused production and development energy company, is pleased to announce that
it has entered into an Option Agreement (the “Option”) with Noble Hill-Network
Limited ("NHNL"), a private Nigerian oil and gas company.

NHNL is the sole, 100% holder of a Risk Service Contract (“RSC”) for the
development of the North-West Corner of OML 141 in Nigeria, defined as the Risk
Service Contract Area (“RSCA”), which covers 105 square kilometres of the Niger
Delta region and contains the potentially highly productive Barracuda and Elepa
South oilfields, as well one prospective field with an estimated 232.7 million
barrels of discovered oil (Degeconek 2019 CPR).

Terms of the Option

The object of the Option is to provide Zenith with the opportunity to jointly
develop the RSCA of OML 141 with NHNL.

Plans have already been finalised to drill, test, and complete the Barracuda 5
well (“B-5”), which is situated between two previously drilled wells that have
both encountered significant hydrocarbons. In the event of a successful outcome,
production will commence immediately using a barge-mounted Early Production
Facility to initially transport the produced oil to a nearby floating storage
and offloading vessel for subsequent monetisation.

The Option gives Zenith the ability to purchase 42,000,000 (forty-two million)
ordinary shares of Naira 1.00 in NHNL that are available and unincumbered for
issue to Zenith, representing an interest of 42% (forty-two percent) in the
outstanding share capital of NHNL.

The consideration to exercise the Option and thereby acquire a 42% interest in
NHNL has been agreed as US$20,000,000 (twenty million United States Dollars)
(the “Consideration”), payable in 7 instalments over 270 days each of
US$3,000,000, except for the first and the last which will satisfy the remaining
Consideration payable.

NHNL will use the Consideration to fund the drilling of B-5. The Company has
been informed that the drilling location for B-5 has already been acquired by
NHNL and all necessary civil works (including dredging and clearing of the
designated well location) have been performed in preparation for the
mobilisation of a barge-mounted drilling rig.
A suitable and fully inspected drilling rig has been identified and a site visit
is planned in mid-December 2021, with the expectation of signing a drilling
contract in January 2022 to begin operations during the first quarter of 2022.
Production from the Barracuda oilfield is expected to begin during the second
quarter of 2022 at a rate of approximately 4,000 barrels of oil per day.

Further development and drilling activities are planned to follow the drilling
of B-5, with the locations for Barracuda wells 6,7 and 8 having already been
identified. In the event the Option was exercised, and Zenith thereby held 42%
of NHNL, it would only be required to fund its share of future development work.

The Option will expire on January 15, 2022.

Andrea Cattaneo, Chief Executive Officer of Zenith, commented:

“We are delighted to have signed an Option to acquire an exclusive material
interest in NHNL, the sole holder of the RSC for OML 141, containing the
Barracuda and Elepa South Oilfields, following our ongoing due diligence

The near-term drilling of B-5 is an opportunity for Zenith to rapidly achieve a
material progression in its development by exploiting the considerable
production potential of the Barracuda oilfield. We view the risk profile of
drilling B-5 as low to medium primarily, amongst other factors, due to the
strongly confirmed presence of hydrocarbons in nearby wells accessing the same

Further, it should be noted that the Option, and its potential exercise, are not
subject to external approvals or other bureaucratic procedures resulting in
delays, meaning that Zenith and NHNL can speedily progress in executing
operational activities.

We are confident in our ability to finance the Option by using multiple sources
of funding, specifically funding from pan-African financial institutions.

Finally, while this transaction would represent the largest single investment in
Zenith’s history, it will in no way divert attention away from our development
in Tunisia, and especially in the Republic of the Congo, where we expect to
finally achieve significant progress in due course.”

The information included in this announcement is defined as inside information
pursuant to MAR article 7 and is publicly disclosed in accordance with MAR
article 17 and section 5 -12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act. The
announcement is made by the contact person.

Further Information:

Zenith Energy Ltd

Andrea Cattaneo, Chief Executive Officer Tel: +1 (587) 315 9031

E: info@zenithenergy.ca


01.12.2021 kl 11:20 4014

Nei, det er helt utrolig at vi ligger og roter nede på 0,11-tallet.
01.12.2021 kl 11:11 4045

Børs er rare greier. Kjempepositiv artikkel på et sted som er mye lest. Olja i tillegg solid opp, og Zenith ned. Jeg har sagt det før. Børsen er ikke stedet for de med godt utviklet logisk sans.
01.12.2021 kl 10:41 4146

Selvfølgelig vil O&G selskapene fokusere sin virksomhet der de tjener penger.
Dette grønne er nok mer "å please" noen :-)
01.12.2021 kl 09:51 4256

O&G selskapene har satt i gang en grønn skift, og det er sikkert med god intensjoner osv, men hoved fokus er fortsatt på å tjene penger. 80-90% av virksomhet er fortsatt rettet mot utvinning av olje og gass.
01.12.2021 kl 09:14 4300

Olje og gass virksomhet generelt er nok ikke så "sexy" lenger. Hele bransjen blir jo mobbet ihjel av politikere og såkalte eksperter.
Det er jo bare grønn industri og bærekraft det snakkes om på inn- og utpust. Men, før eller siden rakner denne ilusjonen. Uten subsidier blir det mange konkurser fremover. Ikke mange år siden vi hadde den berømte IT bobla (dot.com) som sprakk. Så vi den første spede begynnelse til at bedrifter begynner å bli skektiske til den "grønne" utvikling, da Equinor og Hydro stopper planene med batterifabrikken?

Det kommer nok en kraftig rekyl, når folk flest har brent fingrene sine nok.
Slettet bruker
01.12.2021 kl 09:04 4335

At ikke flere har oppdaget ZENA på dagens lave kurs er for meg helt utrolig!
Slettet bruker
01.12.2021 kl 09:00 4328

Half year report highlights
Page 58 - SLK will complete within next 31 days
1)The acquisition from KUFPEC was agreed for a consideration of US$500,000, of which US$250,000 was paid in June 2020, as per the terms of the conditional share purchase agreement in relation to this transaction. The balance of the purchase price is due upon completion of the acquisition, which is expected to be obtained within December 31, 2021.
Zenith currently generates more revenue than at any prior stage in its history and it is our expectation that the next audited annual results will more comprehensively showcase the Company’s very positive performance, which will be further strengthened by way of the recently announced acquisition of a 22.5% interest in the Sidi El Kilani concession from CNPC, as well as other potential near-term acquisitions in the Republic of the Congo and elsewhere.
- potential near-term acquisitions in the Republic of the Congo and elsewhere. ( Not license extension but acquisitions in Congo so new field ? and one more in Tunisia )

Redigert 01.12.2021 kl 09:19 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
30.11.2021 kl 23:59 4613

Synes det var et steg i riktig retning!

Nå må de proffe begynne å kjøpe!
30.11.2021 kl 23:35 4651

Er dere fornøyde med resultater?
30.11.2021 kl 21:48 4835

AC har jobbet knallhardt det siste året, og det vises på resultatet.. Tror svært få på forumet her er i nærheten av den kapasiteten som han viser.. Drt er bare et år aiden selskapet var teknisk konk.. Er ikke der i dag akkurat..
30.11.2021 kl 21:06 4909

Jeg antar at dette har blitt postet tidligere, men fant noe av dette interessant.
"....consideration for the Investment may total up to US$1.3 million payable in cash and equity. The remainder of the consideration is contingent on demonstrating commercial flow rates from the first new well, and payable as follows:-- US$0.1 million in ordinary shares of ADM issued at the higher of 7p and the five-day average of the then prevailing share price upon signing of drilling contract for the Barracuda-5 well-- US$0.4 million in ordinary shares of ADM issued at the higher of 7p and the five-day average of the then prevailing share price on completion of a successful flow test in respect of the Barracuda-5 wellOsamede Okhomina, CEO of ADM Energy plc, said: "We are delighted to complete our investment and acquire a controlling interest in a Risk Sharing Agreement for the development of the Barracuda Field. The expectation is for Barracuda Field to come on stream later this year following the drilling of a new well, which, if successful, should give ADM a considerable increase in production volumes and cashflows."

Nå kjøpte/forsøkte ADM å kjøpe en litt mindre andel (50% av 70% tror jeg) I oljefeltet, men prisen virker å være en god del lavere enn det Zena skal betale. Kan det være en grunn til at Nobel er mer motivert til å jobbe med Zenith? Uansett er ikke 20 mill dollar mye å betale hvis feltet leverer. Ellers leser jeg at produksjonskostnadene er estimert til 20 dollar per fat, men kan reduseres I fremtiden til 12 dollar hvis de bygger en rørledning.
30.11.2021 kl 19:50 5066

Slettet bruker skrev No
orders from 08:16:08-08:59:58 (750k)
16:23:43 and 16:24:59(250k) ….How to name those orders than?
30.11.2021 kl 19:21 5084

Hvis Zena går 3x skal jeg gratulere dere. Jeg sier ikke noe annet nå enn da jeg var aksjonær.
30.11.2021 kl 18:45 5148


Det er riktig 10 gangeren på så kort tid er sjelden.
Dette er heilt unikt med Zena - de har masse emi aksjer som
Holder kursen nede nå. Holder olje pris seg og avtaler starter med borring og produksjon - ja 10 gangeren den kommer.
Herman kjøp deg aksjer eller ikke se meir på Zenith.
Når Zena går 2-3 osv frykter de fleste av oss her på forum du sitter og griner oppgulp hver dag.
Anbefaler alle kjøp en pot til jul og selg neste sommer💵💵💵
Slettet bruker
30.11.2021 kl 18:25 5189

BlackPearl skrev Nothing today?
30.11.2021 kl 18:09 5228

Nothing today?
Slettet bruker
30.11.2021 kl 17:57 5264

I am expecting feild which will give zenith @350bopd is on table.
Slettet bruker
30.11.2021 kl 17:56 5205

Big hidden order was at 0.1246 yesterday.
30.11.2021 kl 17:41 5154

Noen dager til så er Winance tom for aksjer, ser at det begynner å minke med skjulte ordrer(bare spekulasjon fra min side)…..Hvem er heldig kjøper av siste aksje i dagens handel😀
30.11.2021 kl 17:36 5134

Whilst waiting for the next RNS from ZEN, I'm tempted to speculate on what might be an additional target in Tunisia, namely the Mazrane Field which has a common border with Robbana and produces from the same reservoirs. It had been producing at 140-160 bopd from two wells, MZR-1 drilled in 2007 and MZR-2 in 2015 but on Oct 15 fell to 18 bopd and has remained below 50 bopd since then.

The Field permit is held by ETAP the state oil company but the concession is regulated by a PSC [Production Sharing Contract] with an independent operator, HBS Oil Co, a private Tunisian company which appears to be a subsidiary of HBS International Egypt Ltd , based in Cairo and with interests mainly in Egypt and Libya. The contract between ETAP and HBS included the drilling of two more production wells and a production target probably approaching 1000 bopd but none of the developmental schedule has been implemented.

Since I suspect this is due to HBS failing to come up with its share of the finance, I expect ETAP would be more than pleased for ZEN to take over.
The two producing wells which are activated by sucker rod pumps probably require the same workover as ROB-1 and since production is already trucked to Zarzis, can presumably be incorporated into the 'Zarzis blend'. The drilling of two more production wells could also be a timely addition to plans for Robbana and Ezzaouia.

With the recent slump in production, HBS might see this as time to offload the Field.
30.11.2021 kl 16:03 5280

you mean precious time? Because Zenith is one of a handfull companies on my "watch list". I try to have a critical approach to all companies whether I am a shareholder or not, trying to be a contrast to people who live on their pink cloud, detached from reality. To fall in love with a share/Stock is the road to ruin in my opinion.
Slettet bruker
30.11.2021 kl 15:09 5365

Halvårs rapport kommer nok etter lukking av børsen i dag. Evt. i morgen tidlig.
Håper da vi får avklarer på videre vei for de gjenstående 22,5% på SLK og fremdrift i Tilapia.

30.11.2021 kl 14:39 5439

Ja. The proof is in the pudding.

Malco omtalte Zenith i går i bloggen sin.

« People who know Mr Cattaneo are aware that he has ambitions to grow Zenith and this is certainly another step in that direction. As he points out in his statement this move does not mean that recent portfolio activity is going to suffer, indeed I suspect that they remain all systems go. I hope to interview him in a few days and he can explain his latest moves.»

Slettet bruker
30.11.2021 kl 13:51 5570

Why you are using your precise time here
Slettet bruker
30.11.2021 kl 13:50 5564

"with both companies laying claim to a stake in it" how zenith is lying? zenith is dealing with NHNL and ADME with KONH UK, whatever claim by ADME and KONH UK in between two of them. NHNL and KONH UK. NHNL already inform on 17th August and started discussion with zenith after 31st August. ADME inform shareholders last week about dispute after raising a capital in the name of OML141. Something is strange Zenith is paying USD$20 million for 42% stake and ADME claiming 35% with USD$1.75 million.
Redigert 30.11.2021 kl 13:51 Du må logge inn for å svare
30.11.2021 kl 13:18 5635

« Zenith, ADM square off over Barracuda claims
Zenith Energy and ADM Energy appear set to clash over an oilfield offshore Nigeria, with both companies laying claim to a stake in it.»

30.11.2021 kl 13:14 5653

Ikke så nøye med fakta, Olje. 42% av alt som produseres, både inntekter, capex og Opex. Hadde jeg hatt aksjer i Zenith hadde jeg vært strålende fornøyd om den gikk 3x i løpet av seks måneder. Sitter på aksjer i TXP og Quantafuel som begge kan gå 10x, men da snakker vi om 5 år, ikke noen få måneder. Så er jo Zenith caset noe annerledes, men det er svært sjelden at markedet klarer å absorbere 10x på seks måneder fordi det hele tiden er folk som er fornøyd og selger seg ut. Si 10x om 36 mnd så er det i hvert fall mulig om alt klaffer.
Slettet bruker
30.11.2021 kl 13:05 5626

It is 42% of 4000 First well, 4000bopd before Q2 and they are planning next 3 wells in next few months so total = 16000 *42% = 6700 bopd to zenith from Nigeria with Tilapia it will reach 10000 bopd start of 2023.
30.11.2021 kl 12:27 3109

Is it 4000 bopd to Zenith?? I thought it was 42% of 4000??
Slettet bruker
30.11.2021 kl 12:18 3082

again, I wrote in few months ( max 6 months) after production starts in Nigeria with 4000bopd, Tilapia drilling and Tunisia will reach 2000bopd until that, what is the factor which will be stopping zenith growing to 10 times?
so you are saying PNOR with similar number of share with 3000 bopd current date around 1.1 to 1.2 but with 6000 bopd zenith will be kr0.35. Both are in same countries.
30.11.2021 kl 12:03 3098

Exactly. Market rarely valuate companies high without a proven track record.
Just look at REC Silicon, its green and everything, not even valuated 50% of their factories value.
30.11.2021 kl 11:55 2869

Again: This is a theoretical valuation. The market will never price Zena at 10x in a few months, because: Its Zenith, its a small company, its Nigeria, oil is not fashionable, they have not proven that they can develop the field… But, if the legal issues will not stop Zenith, and Baracuda and Tilapia deals are closed, the share price will increase a lot. To believe in a share price of 1.80 in a few months however, is just crazy.
Slettet bruker
30.11.2021 kl 10:07 3037

Again I posted based on facts not in ignorance, I told valuation based on 2P reserve gives kr 1.82 which is 15 times of todays rate I write 10 times. Metric EV/2P US$/boe - 3 is very conservative it will go unto 9 too.
here is the numbers, If you have if and buts please raise.
Without SLK, $5.6 million and with 1.8 billion shares, OML141 gives following value.
Debt - $27 Million (Including $20million for Nigeria)
OML-141 - Zenith 99MMBL (42% of 273.7 million barrels )
Tunisia + Tilapia - 19.5 MMBL
Total - 119.33 MMBL
Metric EV/2P US$/boe - 3 - Kr - 1.82
Metric EV/2P US$/boe - 6 - Kr - 3.64
Metric EV/2P US$/boe - 9 - Kr - 5.46
Redigert 30.11.2021 kl 10:12 Du må logge inn for å svare
30.11.2021 kl 09:43 3044

Forventer å få bekreftet det vi allerede vet. Noe som er mer enn nok for min del til å sitte med alt av tilgjengelige midler i dette selskapet. Disiplinerte selgere nå, de som ønsker volum må opp mot 13 øre tenker jeg, vi får se.
30.11.2021 kl 09:25 3095

10x på noen få mnd…Javel. Hadde håpet at flere hadde skjønt at slik haussing skader mer enn det hjelper. Er det forresten noen som har noen forventninger til q rapporten?