[EXTENDED, MODIFIED] Solar Safeguard Extension Review: Megatråd
QCELLS is currently planning to make massive additional US investments across the full solar supply chain, including modules, cells, wafers and polysilicon.
In fact just 2 months ago QCELLS invested over $160 million in REC Silicon. That investment will enable REC to restart its dormant US polysilicon production and will mark the auspicious rebirth of polysilicon production in the US.
QCELLS is also currently engaging in thorough business planning, including actively exploring sites for large scale cell and wafer manufacturing, aswell as expansion of our module manufacturing
Tænker det er på tide at få lavet en megatråd om denne tariff. Jeg har længe pønset på at lave en samlet tråd om alle de forskellige, men for god ordens skyld ( og min hjerne ) holder vi blot denne om Section 201 Solar Tariffen som blev indført i 2018. Præsident Biden står overfor et stort valg inden d. 6 Februar 2022 hvor tarifferne udløber. Skal tariffen blive, eller skal den fjernes. Dette ved ingen før Onkel Joe siger hvad der skal gøres.
Vi har i de seneste måneder hørt en del om dette emne, i dag var dog en mere spændende dag idet Hanwha QCELLS' investering i REC Silicon blev nævnt ordret i forbindelse med planlagte investeringer i hele værdikæden. Dette skete under det sidste møde inden bestemmelsen (så vidt >jeg< ved, opdater mig gerne på dette) så lad os få samlet så meget information som muligt.
Agendaen fra dagens møde:
JANUARY 4, 2021
1. Auxin
2. Suniva
3. Hanwha
The participants have a collective 60 minutes to provide testimony, which the participants may
divide among themselves, followed by a combined 30 minutes of questions from the panelists to
the participants
*5 Minute Break*
2. EDF Renewables
3. Borrego
4. SOLV Energy
5. Sunnova
6. American Clean Power Association
7. NextEra Energy
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM (60 MINUTES)
1. Maxeon
2. Canadian Solar
3. Heliene
4. Silfab
The participants have a collective 45 minutes to provide testimony, which the participants may
divide among themselves, followed by a combined 15 minutes of questions from the panelists to
the participants
*5 Minute Break*
1. Government of Canada
2. Government of Mexico
3. Government of Vietnam
Each participant has 10 minutes of allocated testimony, followed by a combined 15 minutes of
questions from the panelists to the participants
Livestream fra dagens møde:
Solar Safeguard Extension Review: Public Hearing (UNLISTED)
JANUARY 4, 2021
(Smid gerne timestamps ind, jeg arbejder også på dette. Det er et f****** langt møde haha - dette link begynder fra når Hanwha's QCELLS begynder at snakke )
Hanwha QCELLS' respons d. 23 december kan også varmt anbefales at skimme igennem. Her er en lille teaser :)
Response from Hanwha Q CELLS USA, Inc.
Posted by the Office of United States Trade Representative on Dec 23, 2021
Domestic production of solar panels and components at scale is critically important to the United States’ transition to 100% carbon free electricity by 2035. Indeed, the strategic value of clean energy supply chains, including solar, has never been higher, necessitating a whole of government response. SEMAA and the administration’s various initiatives recognize that the security of U.S. solar electricity requires incentives to build-up the entire supply chain, not just the modules, but also polysilicon, wafers, cells, solar glass, etc. These initiatives are not a substitute for policies that promote fair and non-injurious trade, but they work alongside the safeguard.
Resten af deltagernes responser kan findes i denne kommentar
Crystalline Silicon Photovoltaic Cells, Whether or Not Partially or Fully Assembled Into Other Products
DECEMBER 8, 2021
On the basis of the information in this investigation, the United States International Trade Commission (“Commission”) determines, pursuant to section 204(c) of the Trade Act of 1974 (“the Act”) (19 U.S.C. 2254(c)), that action under section 203 of the Act with respect to imports of crystalline silicon photovoltaic cells whether or not partially or fully assembled into other products (“CSPV products”), continues to be necessary to prevent or remedy serious injury and that there is evidence that the domestic industry is making a positive adjustment to import competition.
Jeg kunne forestille mig at vi inden længe ser frisk pressede nyheder fra pv-magazine, pv-tech, og solarpowerworldonline bl.a.. Indtil da må vi nyde det vi har. Tidligere nyheder og kilder om dette vil blive postet i kommentaren under. God fornøjelse :)
Opdatering d. 4 Februar
A Proclamation to Continue Facilitating Positive Adjustment to Competition From Imports of Certain Crystalline Silicon Photovoltaic Cells (Whether or Not Partially or Fully Assembled Into Other Products)
FEBRUARY 4, 2022
QCELLS is currently planning to make massive additional US investments across the full solar supply chain, including modules, cells, wafers and polysilicon.
In fact just 2 months ago QCELLS invested over $160 million in REC Silicon. That investment will enable REC to restart its dormant US polysilicon production and will mark the auspicious rebirth of polysilicon production in the US.
QCELLS is also currently engaging in thorough business planning, including actively exploring sites for large scale cell and wafer manufacturing, aswell as expansion of our module manufacturing
Tænker det er på tide at få lavet en megatråd om denne tariff. Jeg har længe pønset på at lave en samlet tråd om alle de forskellige, men for god ordens skyld ( og min hjerne ) holder vi blot denne om Section 201 Solar Tariffen som blev indført i 2018. Præsident Biden står overfor et stort valg inden d. 6 Februar 2022 hvor tarifferne udløber. Skal tariffen blive, eller skal den fjernes. Dette ved ingen før Onkel Joe siger hvad der skal gøres.
Vi har i de seneste måneder hørt en del om dette emne, i dag var dog en mere spændende dag idet Hanwha QCELLS' investering i REC Silicon blev nævnt ordret i forbindelse med planlagte investeringer i hele værdikæden. Dette skete under det sidste møde inden bestemmelsen (så vidt >jeg< ved, opdater mig gerne på dette) så lad os få samlet så meget information som muligt.
Agendaen fra dagens møde:
JANUARY 4, 2021
1. Auxin
2. Suniva
3. Hanwha
The participants have a collective 60 minutes to provide testimony, which the participants may
divide among themselves, followed by a combined 30 minutes of questions from the panelists to
the participants
*5 Minute Break*
2. EDF Renewables
3. Borrego
4. SOLV Energy
5. Sunnova
6. American Clean Power Association
7. NextEra Energy
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM (60 MINUTES)
1. Maxeon
2. Canadian Solar
3. Heliene
4. Silfab
The participants have a collective 45 minutes to provide testimony, which the participants may
divide among themselves, followed by a combined 15 minutes of questions from the panelists to
the participants
*5 Minute Break*
1. Government of Canada
2. Government of Mexico
3. Government of Vietnam
Each participant has 10 minutes of allocated testimony, followed by a combined 15 minutes of
questions from the panelists to the participants
Livestream fra dagens møde:
Solar Safeguard Extension Review: Public Hearing (UNLISTED)
JANUARY 4, 2021
(Smid gerne timestamps ind, jeg arbejder også på dette. Det er et f****** langt møde haha - dette link begynder fra når Hanwha's QCELLS begynder at snakke )
Hanwha QCELLS' respons d. 23 december kan også varmt anbefales at skimme igennem. Her er en lille teaser :)
Response from Hanwha Q CELLS USA, Inc.
Posted by the Office of United States Trade Representative on Dec 23, 2021
Domestic production of solar panels and components at scale is critically important to the United States’ transition to 100% carbon free electricity by 2035. Indeed, the strategic value of clean energy supply chains, including solar, has never been higher, necessitating a whole of government response. SEMAA and the administration’s various initiatives recognize that the security of U.S. solar electricity requires incentives to build-up the entire supply chain, not just the modules, but also polysilicon, wafers, cells, solar glass, etc. These initiatives are not a substitute for policies that promote fair and non-injurious trade, but they work alongside the safeguard.
Resten af deltagernes responser kan findes i denne kommentar
Crystalline Silicon Photovoltaic Cells, Whether or Not Partially or Fully Assembled Into Other Products
DECEMBER 8, 2021
On the basis of the information in this investigation, the United States International Trade Commission (“Commission”) determines, pursuant to section 204(c) of the Trade Act of 1974 (“the Act”) (19 U.S.C. 2254(c)), that action under section 203 of the Act with respect to imports of crystalline silicon photovoltaic cells whether or not partially or fully assembled into other products (“CSPV products”), continues to be necessary to prevent or remedy serious injury and that there is evidence that the domestic industry is making a positive adjustment to import competition.
Jeg kunne forestille mig at vi inden længe ser frisk pressede nyheder fra pv-magazine, pv-tech, og solarpowerworldonline bl.a.. Indtil da må vi nyde det vi har. Tidligere nyheder og kilder om dette vil blive postet i kommentaren under. God fornøjelse :)
Opdatering d. 4 Februar
A Proclamation to Continue Facilitating Positive Adjustment to Competition From Imports of Certain Crystalline Silicon Photovoltaic Cells (Whether or Not Partially or Fully Assembled Into Other Products)
FEBRUARY 4, 2022
Redigert 04.02.2022 kl 18:39
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04.01.2022 kl 22:53
Section 201 – Imported Solar Cells and Modules
MARCH 9, 2020
WTO backs U.S. in solar cell case brought by China
WTO rejects China’s challenge to US Section 201 solar tariffs
Investing in the long-term health of the U.S. solar industry
NOVEMBER 3, 2021
U.S. trade court reinstates tariff exemption for bifacial panels
NOVEMBER 16, 2021
US court throws out Trump trade action on bifacial modules
NOVEMBER 17, 2021
NOVEMBER 24, 2021
USITC recommends extension of Section 201 tariffs on solar cells, modules
NOVEMBER 24, 2021
U.S. International Trade Commission recommends extension of solar tariffs
NOVEMBER 24, 2021
ITC says that Section 201 tariffs should be extended
NOVEMBER 24, 2021
Trump’s solar tariffs still needed to protect industry, U.S. agency says
NOVEMBER 24, 2021
US International Trade Commission says that Section 201 tariffs should be extended
NOVEMBER 26, 2021
Solar Industry Statement on USITC’s Section 201 Tariff Recommendation
DECEMBER 8, 2021
U.S. Trade Agency Urges Biden to Extend Trump’s Solar Tariffs
DECEMBER 9, 2021
MARCH 9, 2020
WTO backs U.S. in solar cell case brought by China
WTO rejects China’s challenge to US Section 201 solar tariffs
Investing in the long-term health of the U.S. solar industry
NOVEMBER 3, 2021
U.S. trade court reinstates tariff exemption for bifacial panels
NOVEMBER 16, 2021
US court throws out Trump trade action on bifacial modules
NOVEMBER 17, 2021
NOVEMBER 24, 2021
USITC recommends extension of Section 201 tariffs on solar cells, modules
NOVEMBER 24, 2021
U.S. International Trade Commission recommends extension of solar tariffs
NOVEMBER 24, 2021
ITC says that Section 201 tariffs should be extended
NOVEMBER 24, 2021
Trump’s solar tariffs still needed to protect industry, U.S. agency says
NOVEMBER 24, 2021
US International Trade Commission says that Section 201 tariffs should be extended
NOVEMBER 26, 2021
Solar Industry Statement on USITC’s Section 201 Tariff Recommendation
DECEMBER 8, 2021
U.S. Trade Agency Urges Biden to Extend Trump’s Solar Tariffs
DECEMBER 9, 2021
Redigert 04.01.2022 kl 22:56
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04.01.2022 kl 23:02
Response from Auxin Solar Inc.
Posted by the Office of United States Trade Representative on Dec 23, 2021
Response from Suniva, Inc.
Posted by the Office of United States Trade Representative on Dec 23, 2021
Response from Hanwha Q CELLS USA, Inc.
Posted by the Office of United States Trade Representative on Dec 23, 2021
Submission from Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA)
Posted by the Office of United States Trade Representative on Dec 16, 2021
Response from Solar Energy Industries Association
Posted by the Office of United States Trade Representative on Dec 23, 2021
Submission from EDF Renewables Distributed Solutions, Inc.
Posted by the Office of United States Trade Representative on Dec 16, 2021
Submission from Borrego Solar Systems, Inc.
Posted by the Office of United States Trade Representative on Dec 16, 2021
Submission from SOLV Energy
Posted by the Office of United States Trade Representative on Dec 16, 2021
Submission from Sunnova Energy Corp.
Posted by the Office of United States Trade Representative on Dec 16, 2021
Submission from American Clean Power Association
Posted by the Office of United States Trade Representative on Dec 16, 2021
Submission from NextEra Energy, Inc.
Posted by the Office of United States Trade Representative on Dec 16, 2021
Response from NextEra Energy, Inc.
Posted by the Office of United States Trade Representative on Dec 23, 2021
Submission from Canadian Solar Solutions Inc., Heliene Inc., Heliene USA Inc., Silfab Solar Inc., Silfab Solar WA Inc.
Posted by the Office of United States Trade Representative on Dec 16, 2021
Response from Canadian Solar Solutions Inc., Heliene Inc., Heliene USA Inc., Silfab Solar Inc., Silfab Solar WA Inc.
Posted by the Office of United States Trade Representative on Dec 23, 2021
Submission from the Government of Canada
Posted by the Office of United States Trade Representative on Dec 16, 2021
Submission from Government of Mexico
Posted by the Office of United States Trade Representative on Dec 16, 2021
Submission from Vietnam Trade Remedies Authority
Posted by the Office of United States Trade Representative on Dec 16, 2021
Posted by the Office of United States Trade Representative on Dec 23, 2021
Response from Suniva, Inc.
Posted by the Office of United States Trade Representative on Dec 23, 2021
Response from Hanwha Q CELLS USA, Inc.
Posted by the Office of United States Trade Representative on Dec 23, 2021
Submission from Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA)
Posted by the Office of United States Trade Representative on Dec 16, 2021
Response from Solar Energy Industries Association
Posted by the Office of United States Trade Representative on Dec 23, 2021
Submission from EDF Renewables Distributed Solutions, Inc.
Posted by the Office of United States Trade Representative on Dec 16, 2021
Submission from Borrego Solar Systems, Inc.
Posted by the Office of United States Trade Representative on Dec 16, 2021
Submission from SOLV Energy
Posted by the Office of United States Trade Representative on Dec 16, 2021
Submission from Sunnova Energy Corp.
Posted by the Office of United States Trade Representative on Dec 16, 2021
Submission from American Clean Power Association
Posted by the Office of United States Trade Representative on Dec 16, 2021
Submission from NextEra Energy, Inc.
Posted by the Office of United States Trade Representative on Dec 16, 2021
Response from NextEra Energy, Inc.
Posted by the Office of United States Trade Representative on Dec 23, 2021
Submission from Canadian Solar Solutions Inc., Heliene Inc., Heliene USA Inc., Silfab Solar Inc., Silfab Solar WA Inc.
Posted by the Office of United States Trade Representative on Dec 16, 2021
Response from Canadian Solar Solutions Inc., Heliene Inc., Heliene USA Inc., Silfab Solar Inc., Silfab Solar WA Inc.
Posted by the Office of United States Trade Representative on Dec 23, 2021
Submission from the Government of Canada
Posted by the Office of United States Trade Representative on Dec 16, 2021
Submission from Government of Mexico
Posted by the Office of United States Trade Representative on Dec 16, 2021
Submission from Vietnam Trade Remedies Authority
Posted by the Office of United States Trade Representative on Dec 16, 2021
Redigert 04.01.2022 kl 23:28
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04.01.2022 kl 23:41
Q CELLS USA respectfully requests that the President allow the U.S. CSPV industry to continue its recovery by implementing these proposed remedies.
The Section 201 measures saved and created jobs and drove unprecedented investments in domestic solar manufacturing. As demonstrated in its comments to the USTR,5 Q CELLS USA has invested substantial resources in solar manufacturing in the United States, including in bifacial modules, in response to Section 201 relief. Q CELLS has also invested in domestic polysilicon production and is considering further investments in the solar supply chain. At the same time, the overall domestic solar industry has experienced explosive growth under the safeguard and will continue to grow if relief is extended, contrary to the predictions of opponents of the safeguard that Section 201 relief will reduce demand.
Response from Hanwha Q CELLS USA, Inc.
Posted by the Office of United States Trade Representative on Dec 23, 2021
Domestic production of solar panels and components at scale is critically important to the United States’ transition to 100% carbon free electricity by 2035. Indeed, the strategic value of clean energy supply chains, including solar, has never been higher, necessitating a whole of government response. SEMAA and the administration’s various initiatives recognize that the security of U.S. solar electricity requires incentives to build-up the entire supply chain, not just the modules, but also polysilicon, wafers, cells, solar glass, etc. These initiatives are not a substitute for policies that promote fair and non-injurious trade, but they work alongside the safeguard.
Q CELLS USA respectfully requests that the President allow the U.S. CSPV industry to continue its recovery by implementing these proposed remedies.
The Section 201 measures saved and created jobs and drove unprecedented investments in domestic solar manufacturing. As demonstrated in its comments to the USTR,5 Q CELLS USA has invested substantial resources in solar manufacturing in the United States, including in bifacial modules, in response to Section 201 relief. Q CELLS has also invested in domestic polysilicon production and is considering further investments in the solar supply chain. At the same time, the overall domestic solar industry has experienced explosive growth under the safeguard and will continue to grow if relief is extended, contrary to the predictions of opponents of the safeguard that Section 201 relief will reduce demand.
Response from Hanwha Q CELLS USA, Inc.
Posted by the Office of United States Trade Representative on Dec 23, 2021
Domestic production of solar panels and components at scale is critically important to the United States’ transition to 100% carbon free electricity by 2035. Indeed, the strategic value of clean energy supply chains, including solar, has never been higher, necessitating a whole of government response. SEMAA and the administration’s various initiatives recognize that the security of U.S. solar electricity requires incentives to build-up the entire supply chain, not just the modules, but also polysilicon, wafers, cells, solar glass, etc. These initiatives are not a substitute for policies that promote fair and non-injurious trade, but they work alongside the safeguard.
05.01.2022 kl 00:17
QCELLS is currently planning to make massive additional US investments across the full solar supply chain, including modules, cells, wafers and polysilicon.
In fact just 2 months ago QCELLS invested over $160 million in REC Silicon. That investment will enable REC to restart its dormant US polysilicon production and will mark the auspicious rebirth of polysilicon production in the US.
QCELLS is also currently engaging in thorough business planning, including actively exploring sites for large scale cell and wafer manufacturing, aswell as expansion of our module manufacturing
QCELLS is currently planning to make massive additional US investments across the full solar supply chain, including modules, cells, wafers and polysilicon.
In fact just 2 months ago QCELLS invested over $160 million in REC Silicon. That investment will enable REC to restart its dormant US polysilicon production and will mark the auspicious rebirth of polysilicon production in the US.
QCELLS is also currently engaging in thorough business planning, including actively exploring sites for large scale cell and wafer manufacturing, aswell as expansion of our module manufacturing
Redigert 05.01.2022 kl 00:20
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05.01.2022 kl 00:28
konge - det er som om der ligger en bunden opgave (must-do) sammen med deres indgang i REC = Åbne fabrikken nu.... ! ?
Selv for dem som ikke kan legge sammen to og to, ser tegninga her nå, veldig bra!
De linjene om QCELLS planer og REC burde limes inn i første posten i tråden, helt øverst så det er det første folk leser:)
De linjene om QCELLS planer og REC burde limes inn i første posten i tråden, helt øverst så det er det første folk leser:)
05.01.2022 kl 00:36
Nsxnsx skrev Takk for deling 👍👍 fantastisk.
Tak for at læse med :)
Det her blir utrolig spennende fram mot Q4 rapporten 😃 takk for info!
05.01.2022 kl 07:49
Du manman burde få deg jobb i norsk finans media så de endelig kan begynne å skrive om disse tingene rundt rec
flott manman
Her er det bare å posisjonere seg for dem som ikke er inne enda.. venter bare på når short skal dekke inn... 😂
Her er det bare å posisjonere seg for dem som ikke er inne enda.. venter bare på når short skal dekke inn... 😂
Redigert 05.01.2022 kl 08:30
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05.01.2022 kl 08:27
Short økte faktisk med ca 180k på fredag, får se hva de gjorde i går kl 1530
05.01.2022 kl 08:41
Helt rått, Manman, takk for glimrende informasjon som er en deilig bekreftelse. Håper du koste deg med popcornet i går 👌🏼
Er jo megabull om tariffen blir videreført. Men, for å veie litt opp på motsatt side, så er det verdt å bite seg merke i hva HS sier i svar runden, når de blir spurt om hva konsekvensene av eventuell ikke videreført tariff vil være (se ca 1:37:00 ut i videoen). Svaret var at da vil de vurdere å stoppe utbyggingen av wafer, utvidelse av panelproduksjon og oppstart av REC Silicon sin fabrikk. Jeg er long i REC, men greit å få med seg de negative sidene i denne videoen også:)
Redigert 05.01.2022 kl 08:55
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onkel_østkant skrev Fantastisk arbeid, dette er megabull!
Om dere ikke har fått med dere at det er nå dere burde handle Rec mens den enda er på billig salg er det snart ikke håp. Nyheter renner inn og det mangler kun melding fra selskapet før det exploderer:))) Rec er klart den aksjen man burde eie i 2022:)))
Flott innlegg. Jeg mener i likhet med mange andre at REC fremdeles er på tilbud så her er det bare å laste opp!
Godt at du tar dette opp. Dette er nok også for å gi tegn til politikere at de må få fart på ting og ta riktig avgjørelser, ettersom dette kan påvirke mange potensielle arbeidsplasser. Fra min forståelse, så virker det som om HS er ute etter å starte ML så tidlig som mulig, men da er det viktig at forutsetningene for at de faktisk lykkes er tilstede.
Kjempe gode nyheter. Kjempe gode tider i vente. REC er definitivt et selskap en bør ha øynene sine på i 2022. Dessverre, så er det fremdeles tradere som styrer retningen på kort sikt. Tipper at det er en del bagholdere på 19-20 tallet som selger seg ut sekundet de får mulighet, samt swing tradere som utnytter 10% opp og ned, fordi de ikke vet / bryr seg om fremtidig prospekter, ettersom de har dårlig erfaring av å være investert i ett selskap som er så volatilt og som egentlig i 2021 ikke ga noe særlig avkastning. Dette ødelegger momentet. Heldigvis er kortsiktige bevegelser bare støy i det store bildet.
Likevel er det en flott mulighet til å akkumulere. Det å kjøpe REC aksjer til 18-19kr, når HS betalte 20kr for to måneder siden og med alt vi vet vil forekomme er en god pris i mitt syn. Ja, det er risiko involvert, men oppsiden er så mye større enn nedsiden. Med all volatiliteten til selskapet derimot, vet jeg ikke om dette er en god inngang kortsiktig eller om vi kommer til å dippe igjen. Kursutviklingen er litt latterlig, mener jeg. Men dette får vi leve med litt til.
Kjempe gode nyheter. Kjempe gode tider i vente. REC er definitivt et selskap en bør ha øynene sine på i 2022. Dessverre, så er det fremdeles tradere som styrer retningen på kort sikt. Tipper at det er en del bagholdere på 19-20 tallet som selger seg ut sekundet de får mulighet, samt swing tradere som utnytter 10% opp og ned, fordi de ikke vet / bryr seg om fremtidig prospekter, ettersom de har dårlig erfaring av å være investert i ett selskap som er så volatilt og som egentlig i 2021 ikke ga noe særlig avkastning. Dette ødelegger momentet. Heldigvis er kortsiktige bevegelser bare støy i det store bildet.
Likevel er det en flott mulighet til å akkumulere. Det å kjøpe REC aksjer til 18-19kr, når HS betalte 20kr for to måneder siden og med alt vi vet vil forekomme er en god pris i mitt syn. Ja, det er risiko involvert, men oppsiden er så mye større enn nedsiden. Med all volatiliteten til selskapet derimot, vet jeg ikke om dette er en god inngang kortsiktig eller om vi kommer til å dippe igjen. Kursutviklingen er litt latterlig, mener jeg. Men dette får vi leve med litt til.
05.01.2022 kl 16:18
Crystalline Silicon Photovoltaic Cells, Whether or Not Partially or Fully Assembled Into Other Products
DECEMBER 8, 2021
On the basis of the information in this investigation, the United States International Trade Commission (“Commission”) determines, pursuant to section 204(c) of the Trade Act of 1974 (“the Act”) (19 U.S.C. 2254(c)), that action under section 203 of the Act with respect to imports of crystalline silicon photovoltaic cells whether or not partially or fully assembled into other products (“CSPV products”), continues to be necessary to prevent or remedy serious injury and that there is evidence that the domestic industry is making a positive adjustment to import competition.
Crystalline Silicon Photovoltaic Cells, Whether or Not Partially or Fully Assembled Into Other Products
DECEMBER 8, 2021
On the basis of the information in this investigation, the United States International Trade Commission (“Commission”) determines, pursuant to section 204(c) of the Trade Act of 1974 (“the Act”) (19 U.S.C. 2254(c)), that action under section 203 of the Act with respect to imports of crystalline silicon photovoltaic cells whether or not partially or fully assembled into other products (“CSPV products”), continues to be necessary to prevent or remedy serious injury and that there is evidence that the domestic industry is making a positive adjustment to import competition.
Redigert 05.01.2022 kl 16:18
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07.01.2022 kl 11:46
Will U.S. Solar Be Totally Owned by China? We Will Know in February
JANUARY 6, 2022
JANUARY 6, 2022
08.01.2022 kl 18:59
U.S. Solar Fends Off Importers; Hopes to Convince Biden To Stick With Them
JANUARY 7, 2022
Andy Munro, General Counsel, Hanwha Q Cells: “We have momentum. But to protect it, a strong and smart 201 extension is necessary. The 201s have been impacted by Covid and by the bifacial exclusion – it lasted a year and a half and resulted in a massive amount of imports from China and SE Asia. (Roughly 10 GW imported in 2020, five times what Q Cells makes). Every day that goes by with that exclusion in place seriously harms U.S. manufacturing. It has to be withdrawn.”
If the bifacial solar panels are allowed into this country duty free – Asia will be the primary source of solar electricity generated by utility companies. That is a fact. Any country stating its willingness to be dependent on foreign sources of electric power is sticking the neck of its national energy security under a guillotine in order to see what happens next.
Members of the USTR Trade Committee asked Q Cells, others, if four years would be enough to get their investments to start producing more solar cells and bifacials the other side of the market wants so badly.
Rashid: “The safeguard is one component of an all of government approach to reshore the solar industry here, including taxes and looking at South East Asia, where China is circumventing. You will hear from panelists later today who enable those imports and hold back the growth of the solar industry in the U.S.”
The Commerce Department recently dropped a case against Southeast Asian-based Chinese multinationals for circumvention of China anti-dumping charges, along with new ones against companies in Vietnam, Malaysia and Thailand.
Scott Moscowitz, Director of Public Affairs, Market Intelligence, Q Cells: “Look, it’s not that if you take away the 201s you magically get more imports and we will be installing even more solar. We are installing more solar anyway. What it really means is that the market price would drop and it would make domestic manufacturing extremely difficult.”
USTR asked: Would a removal of the safeguards push a reliance on China?
Rashid: “If we are not in a position with the proper policies in place to get factories online…which takes years…if you are not doing that now, then yes, you essentially give up control of your solar energy grid.”
Will Martin of USTR confronted SEIA about their claims of job loss due to tariffs.
Martin: “What I see from the ITC report is that the number of jobs peaked in 2016, fell in 2017 and 2018, and then rose in 2019. How is that consistent with your assertion that the safeguard measures resulted in loss of employment?”
Abigail Ross Hopper, President, SEIA: “The loss of jobs were the jobs that were not created. It is our opinion and our economic analysis shows that the job loss has been greater because of the imposition of tariffs.”
Those “losses” were based on a forecast that didn’t come to fruition. Jobs remain steady and heading in the right direction. Installations are up, though this may not be the case across all segments of the market.
Martin: “If the President sides with the ITC, does SEIA have any impact studies you can share?”
Hopper referred to Nicely who didn’t know.
Nicely: “We don’t have any studies. Just cost to consumers, which are significant.”
That was SEIA’s chance to say once again in their closing remarks that utilities were not buyers, not starting new projects, because of concern that bifacials will be tariffed. They did not.
For big producers here like Q Cells, their capacity is currently 1.9GW and they are just now getting into the bifacial solar market. They start shipping next month after making investments in a facility in Dalton, Georgia. Politico wrote about this on January 2.
Moscowitz: “Throughout the Section 201 tariffs, prices did not go up as the importers anticipated and installations continued to rise. Any argument that the 201s have or will reduce installations is all based on forecasts and not actual sales.”
JANUARY 7, 2022
Andy Munro, General Counsel, Hanwha Q Cells: “We have momentum. But to protect it, a strong and smart 201 extension is necessary. The 201s have been impacted by Covid and by the bifacial exclusion – it lasted a year and a half and resulted in a massive amount of imports from China and SE Asia. (Roughly 10 GW imported in 2020, five times what Q Cells makes). Every day that goes by with that exclusion in place seriously harms U.S. manufacturing. It has to be withdrawn.”
If the bifacial solar panels are allowed into this country duty free – Asia will be the primary source of solar electricity generated by utility companies. That is a fact. Any country stating its willingness to be dependent on foreign sources of electric power is sticking the neck of its national energy security under a guillotine in order to see what happens next.
Members of the USTR Trade Committee asked Q Cells, others, if four years would be enough to get their investments to start producing more solar cells and bifacials the other side of the market wants so badly.
Rashid: “The safeguard is one component of an all of government approach to reshore the solar industry here, including taxes and looking at South East Asia, where China is circumventing. You will hear from panelists later today who enable those imports and hold back the growth of the solar industry in the U.S.”
The Commerce Department recently dropped a case against Southeast Asian-based Chinese multinationals for circumvention of China anti-dumping charges, along with new ones against companies in Vietnam, Malaysia and Thailand.
Scott Moscowitz, Director of Public Affairs, Market Intelligence, Q Cells: “Look, it’s not that if you take away the 201s you magically get more imports and we will be installing even more solar. We are installing more solar anyway. What it really means is that the market price would drop and it would make domestic manufacturing extremely difficult.”
USTR asked: Would a removal of the safeguards push a reliance on China?
Rashid: “If we are not in a position with the proper policies in place to get factories online…which takes years…if you are not doing that now, then yes, you essentially give up control of your solar energy grid.”
Will Martin of USTR confronted SEIA about their claims of job loss due to tariffs.
Martin: “What I see from the ITC report is that the number of jobs peaked in 2016, fell in 2017 and 2018, and then rose in 2019. How is that consistent with your assertion that the safeguard measures resulted in loss of employment?”
Abigail Ross Hopper, President, SEIA: “The loss of jobs were the jobs that were not created. It is our opinion and our economic analysis shows that the job loss has been greater because of the imposition of tariffs.”
Those “losses” were based on a forecast that didn’t come to fruition. Jobs remain steady and heading in the right direction. Installations are up, though this may not be the case across all segments of the market.
Martin: “If the President sides with the ITC, does SEIA have any impact studies you can share?”
Hopper referred to Nicely who didn’t know.
Nicely: “We don’t have any studies. Just cost to consumers, which are significant.”
That was SEIA’s chance to say once again in their closing remarks that utilities were not buyers, not starting new projects, because of concern that bifacials will be tariffed. They did not.
For big producers here like Q Cells, their capacity is currently 1.9GW and they are just now getting into the bifacial solar market. They start shipping next month after making investments in a facility in Dalton, Georgia. Politico wrote about this on January 2.
Moscowitz: “Throughout the Section 201 tariffs, prices did not go up as the importers anticipated and installations continued to rise. Any argument that the 201s have or will reduce installations is all based on forecasts and not actual sales.”
08.01.2022 kl 23:32
Har forstått at dette gjelder «Section 201 solar safeguard tariffs», og om Biden i begynnelsen av februar skal holde fast ved 18% toll på import av blant annet solpaneler, eller kanskje øke denne satsen. Er dette riktig forstått? Uendelige mengder med engelsk tekst, til dels med kompliserte ord, gjør det nokså vanskelig for en tilårskommen nordmann å følge med. Jo, jeg får ofte hjelp av Google Translate! Men kan noen bekrefte at Auxin Solar, Hanwha Q Cells og Suniva helst vil ha en kraftig økning av tollsatsen, for å bremse importen fra Kina? Hanwha Q-Clls har jo en stor panel-fabrikk i staten Georgia. Den vil vel gjøre det bra selv med «bare» 18% toll på importerte solpaneler? Spesielt hvis Hanwha som Rec-kunde kan få god pris på silisium fra Moses Lake, til både wafere og ferdige paneler. Men en pris som kan gi Rec et overskudd som gjør at fabrikken blir «jump-started». Vil gjerne ha svar på norsk eller dansk! Svar også hvis jeg er helt på jorde.
09.01.2022 kl 00:07
Hovedpoenget står vel i artikkelen her:
The issue is over whether or not the White House will follow the advice of the International Trade Commission and extend the 18% tariffs on solar panels and solar cells; keep tariff quotas on 2.5GW of solar cells; and re-impose tariffs on two-sided solar panels used by utilities.
After listening to both sides, the ITC affirmed its view after the Thanksgiving holiday that safeguards should remain. They sent their opinion to the President on December 8. Biden will make his decision by February 6.
Såvidt jeg forstår så ber de ikke om en økning, bare en videreføring av 18%-tariffen som nå utløper etter fire år. Rec er selvsagt på den siden som vil ha tariffene videreført, siden det vil hjelpe på oppstart av ML.
The issue is over whether or not the White House will follow the advice of the International Trade Commission and extend the 18% tariffs on solar panels and solar cells; keep tariff quotas on 2.5GW of solar cells; and re-impose tariffs on two-sided solar panels used by utilities.
After listening to both sides, the ITC affirmed its view after the Thanksgiving holiday that safeguards should remain. They sent their opinion to the President on December 8. Biden will make his decision by February 6.
Såvidt jeg forstår så ber de ikke om en økning, bare en videreføring av 18%-tariffen som nå utløper etter fire år. Rec er selvsagt på den siden som vil ha tariffene videreført, siden det vil hjelpe på oppstart av ML.
09.01.2022 kl 00:13
Har forstått at dette gjelder «Section 201 solar safeguard tariffs», og om Biden i begynnelsen av februar skal holde fast ved 18% toll på import av blant annet solpaneler, eller kanskje øke denne satsen. Er dette riktig forstått?
Section 201 tarifferne udløber i starten af februar 2022. Biden skal vælge om han vil lade den udløbe, eller han vil forlænge den :)
Uendelige mengder med engelsk tekst, til dels med kompliserte ord, gjør det nokså vanskelig for en tilårskommen nordmann å følge med. Jo, jeg får ofte hjelp av Google Translate! Men kan noen bekrefte at Auxin Solar, Hanwha Q Cells og Suniva helst vil ha en kraftig økning av tollsatsen, for å bremse importen fra Kina?
Haha jep dette er super kringlet, det er bare at holde tungen lige i munden mens man prøver sit bedste. Min tolkning er næppe perfekt heller. Er jo ingen advokat :) Når det så er sagt, så har præsidenten ikke mulighed for at hæve tariff raterne over 18%, (sådan som jeg forstår) kun forlænge dem. Der kæmpes for at få den højeste tariff rate (18%), med det laveste "step-down" niveau muligt (ref: https://youtu.be/r-8PY4QATKo?t=3259 )
Hanwha Q-Clls har jo en stor panel-fabrikk i staten Georgia. Den vil vel gjøre det bra selv med «bare» 18% toll på importerte solpaneler?
https://youtu.be/r-8PY4QATKo?t=4118 Lyt indtil 1:09:20 "... for a manufacturer, it is the difference between life and death"
Håber at dette var afklaring nok, ellers må du sige til. Uddyber mig gerne yderligere.. imorgen hehe :)
God aften!
Section 201 tarifferne udløber i starten af februar 2022. Biden skal vælge om han vil lade den udløbe, eller han vil forlænge den :)
Uendelige mengder med engelsk tekst, til dels med kompliserte ord, gjør det nokså vanskelig for en tilårskommen nordmann å følge med. Jo, jeg får ofte hjelp av Google Translate! Men kan noen bekrefte at Auxin Solar, Hanwha Q Cells og Suniva helst vil ha en kraftig økning av tollsatsen, for å bremse importen fra Kina?
Haha jep dette er super kringlet, det er bare at holde tungen lige i munden mens man prøver sit bedste. Min tolkning er næppe perfekt heller. Er jo ingen advokat :) Når det så er sagt, så har præsidenten ikke mulighed for at hæve tariff raterne over 18%, (sådan som jeg forstår) kun forlænge dem. Der kæmpes for at få den højeste tariff rate (18%), med det laveste "step-down" niveau muligt (ref: https://youtu.be/r-8PY4QATKo?t=3259 )
Hanwha Q-Clls har jo en stor panel-fabrikk i staten Georgia. Den vil vel gjøre det bra selv med «bare» 18% toll på importerte solpaneler?
https://youtu.be/r-8PY4QATKo?t=4118 Lyt indtil 1:09:20 "... for a manufacturer, it is the difference between life and death"
Håber at dette var afklaring nok, ellers må du sige til. Uddyber mig gerne yderligere.. imorgen hehe :)
God aften!
Redigert 09.01.2022 kl 00:30
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12.01.2022 kl 16:07
Will Biden Go Against Majority of Americans Who Want Solar Made In The US?
JANUARY 11, 2022
JANUARY 11, 2022
15.01.2022 kl 20:39
DOJ to Appeal Decision That Reopened Solar Loophole Trump Killed
JANUARY 14, 2022
Solar Industry Responds to Department of Justice Decision to Appeal Section 201 Ruling
JANUARY 14, 2022
JANUARY 14, 2022
Solar Industry Responds to Department of Justice Decision to Appeal Section 201 Ruling
JANUARY 14, 2022
16.01.2022 kl 19:42
Kan det blive mere spændende? :))))
US DOJ appeals Section 201 bifacial exemption repeal
JANUARY 16, 2022
The US Government has appealed against the reinstatement of an exemption from Section 201 tariffs for bifacial modules.
Late last week the Department of Justice (DOJ) lodged a formal appeal against a decision handed down in mid-November last year by Judge Katzmann of the US Court of International Trade. That decision found that the government had overstepped in repealing the exemption, with former US President Donald Trump found in particular to have overstepped his authority when repealing the exemption just weeks before he left office.
However it is considered that the exemption for bifacial panels was essentially issued in error, and the appeal from the DOJ is the start of a legal process towards formally removing the exemption.
US DOJ appeals Section 201 bifacial exemption repeal
JANUARY 16, 2022
The US Government has appealed against the reinstatement of an exemption from Section 201 tariffs for bifacial modules.
Late last week the Department of Justice (DOJ) lodged a formal appeal against a decision handed down in mid-November last year by Judge Katzmann of the US Court of International Trade. That decision found that the government had overstepped in repealing the exemption, with former US President Donald Trump found in particular to have overstepped his authority when repealing the exemption just weeks before he left office.
However it is considered that the exemption for bifacial panels was essentially issued in error, and the appeal from the DOJ is the start of a legal process towards formally removing the exemption.
16.01.2022 kl 19:53
Hva innebærer dette manman? Er det administrasjonen som ikke vil gi unntak fra tariffene for dobbelsidige solpaneler? Altså som vi recere helst vil, at alle typer solpaneler skal være underlagt tariff? Eller misforstå jeg?
16.01.2022 kl 20:57
Hvis us dropper sin tariff på paneler, må jo Kina kunne droppe sin tariff på poly. Burde hvertfall....
Slik jeg ser det kommer REC greit ut av det ved begge alternativene. Videre toll gir insentiver for egen us solar chain, dropp av toll gir store sjanser for tilgang til Kina markedet igjen.
Det viktigste er at det blir tatt en beslutning. På tariff, på BBB/sena. Det er dette alle venter på. Man må vite hva man skal forholde seg til før man setter igang fabrikker og investeringer.
Slik jeg ser det kommer REC greit ut av det ved begge alternativene. Videre toll gir insentiver for egen us solar chain, dropp av toll gir store sjanser for tilgang til Kina markedet igjen.
Det viktigste er at det blir tatt en beslutning. På tariff, på BBB/sena. Det er dette alle venter på. Man må vite hva man skal forholde seg til før man setter igang fabrikker og investeringer.
Redigert 16.01.2022 kl 21:06
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16.01.2022 kl 21:09
Når taksonomi og CO2 (fotavtrykk) avgift får innpass for industrien (krav til merking ala det biler - flyreiser etc. gjør så vil RECSI blomstre i forhold til mange andre leverandører er min spådom. Å bli tatt i juks her vil ikke være særlig fordelaktig.
Redigert 16.01.2022 kl 22:36
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16.01.2022 kl 21:18
The US solar industry continues to wait for a decision from President Biden on the future of Section 201 tariffs, which are due to expire next month. In December the US International Trade Commission recommended the tariffs be extended for a further four years – with some minor amends – however Biden could still ignore that recommendation.
16.01.2022 kl 22:26
DOJ vil appellere den “exemption” som en US dommer har tilladt, da dommeren mente den daværende præsident havde oversteppet hans grænser ved at tilføje bifacial moduler til Section 201 tarifferne.
ref: https://www.solarpowerworldonline.com/2021/11/bifacial-solar-panels-are-once-again-exempt-from-section-201-tariffs/
Så, som situationen står nu er der ikke toldafgift på bifacial panels. Dette vil DOJ kæmpe for bliver genindført, da de mener at toldafgiften på bifacial paneler var indført retfærdigt.
Mit indtryk er også, at jo færre billige kinesiske paneler som bliver dumpet i US, jo bedre for REC (:
Håber det var svar nok, ellers uddyber jeg gerne når jeg er ved min pc.. imorgen hehe (:
Ellers vil jeg ønske alle en God aften!
ref: https://www.solarpowerworldonline.com/2021/11/bifacial-solar-panels-are-once-again-exempt-from-section-201-tariffs/
Så, som situationen står nu er der ikke toldafgift på bifacial panels. Dette vil DOJ kæmpe for bliver genindført, da de mener at toldafgiften på bifacial paneler var indført retfærdigt.
Mit indtryk er også, at jo færre billige kinesiske paneler som bliver dumpet i US, jo bedre for REC (:
Håber det var svar nok, ellers uddyber jeg gerne når jeg er ved min pc.. imorgen hehe (:
Ellers vil jeg ønske alle en God aften!
16.01.2022 kl 23:43
Hanwha nevnte spesifikt bifacial som et viktig vekst område i USA ved høringen, spennende utvikling, takk for link.
17.01.2022 kl 01:12
Hanwha Q CELLS will begin mass production on new bifacial solar module this year (2019)
Hanwha Q Cells Unveils Brand-new Bifacial and Floating-type Solar Modules (2021)
Hanwha Q Cells Unveils Brand-new Bifacial and Floating-type Solar Modules (2021)
Redigert 17.01.2022 kl 01:16
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17.01.2022 kl 18:25
U.S. DOJ appeals against the reinstatement of bifacial panel exemption from Section 201 tariffs
JANUARY 17, 2022
Department of Justice appeals ITC’s Section 201 ruling
JANUARY 17, 2022
JANUARY 17, 2022
Department of Justice appeals ITC’s Section 201 ruling
JANUARY 17, 2022
21.01.2022 kl 00:14
Rosen Leads Letter to President Biden in Opposition to Extending Job-Killing Solar Tariffs
JANUARY 20, 2022
Bipartisan group of eight US Senators urge President Biden not to extend solar tariffs
JANUARY 20, 2022
JANUARY 20, 2022
Bipartisan group of eight US Senators urge President Biden not to extend solar tariffs
JANUARY 20, 2022
21.01.2022 kl 00:16
Portman, Brown, Rubio, Casey, Braun, Marshall Urge President Biden to Extend Safeguard Tariffs on Foreign Solar Panels
JANUARY 20, 2022
JANUARY 20, 2022
21.01.2022 kl 01:20
Gjett om! Uten tariff vil det være utfordrende for usa å bygge egen verdikjede.
21.01.2022 kl 01:48
Takk for svar. Tenkte kanskje Kina ville fjerne tariffer på poly hvis US fjernet tariffer på paneler, men vi ønsker oss heller mer en ny verdikjede?
21.01.2022 kl 02:03
Jeg kan anbefale at læse hvad en af vores største ejere har at sige om dette :)
Response from Hanwha Q CELLS USA, Inc.
Posted by the Office of United States Trade Representative on Dec 23, 2021
Response from Hanwha Q CELLS USA, Inc.
Posted by the Office of United States Trade Representative on Dec 23, 2021
21.01.2022 kl 07:52
Jeg antar at du regner med USA fortsetter ned Tariffen Manman.
Det virker jo mest logisk ift til at USA skal kunne stable på beina sin egen komplette verdikjede innen produksjon av solenergi. Detter vel og et politisk mål for Biden administrasjonen at de skal skape jobber industri jobber innen fornybart i USA.
Samtidig er vel argumentet til selskapene som bygger solparker og andre at det tar for lang tid å bygge opp innenlands produksjon. Amerikanerne trenger tilgang på mer strøm nå og de er nødt til å kutte på CO2 utslipp raskt for å nå målsetningene i Paris avtalen. Det klarer de ikke hvis de ikke øker utviklingen av nye solparker massivt og for å få til det er de enn så lenge avhengige av å importere solceller.
Det virker jo mest logisk ift til at USA skal kunne stable på beina sin egen komplette verdikjede innen produksjon av solenergi. Detter vel og et politisk mål for Biden administrasjonen at de skal skape jobber industri jobber innen fornybart i USA.
Samtidig er vel argumentet til selskapene som bygger solparker og andre at det tar for lang tid å bygge opp innenlands produksjon. Amerikanerne trenger tilgang på mer strøm nå og de er nødt til å kutte på CO2 utslipp raskt for å nå målsetningene i Paris avtalen. Det klarer de ikke hvis de ikke øker utviklingen av nye solparker massivt og for å få til det er de enn så lenge avhengige av å importere solceller.
Redigert 21.01.2022 kl 08:51
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21.01.2022 kl 08:02
Det er vel i begynnelsen av februar Biden-administrasjonen må ta et standpunkt?