DNO- aksjen med minium 100% oppside fra April 2022
Gammel tråd er stengt.
Det kan dog likevel fremholdes aksjens tekniske opptrend ledsaget av både rene trend-tekniske signaler og positiv volumbalanse.
I tillegg er aksjen priset så lavt nå at med dagens olje og gasspriser henter selskapet inn hele selskapsverdien på halvannet år i cashflow.
Merk også at i NOK er overskuddet øket med omkring 10 prosent gjennom USD-styrkelsen i April. Den er sjelden høy.
Det kan dog likevel fremholdes aksjens tekniske opptrend ledsaget av både rene trend-tekniske signaler og positiv volumbalanse.
I tillegg er aksjen priset så lavt nå at med dagens olje og gasspriser henter selskapet inn hele selskapsverdien på halvannet år i cashflow.
Merk også at i NOK er overskuddet øket med omkring 10 prosent gjennom USD-styrkelsen i April. Den er sjelden høy.
Redigert 27.04.2022 kl 17:47
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28.06.2022 kl 12:36
Vilket skmt de ena bolaget ska värderas ner på grund av risken i Irak de andra ska dubblas i kurs , de är ju även verksamma i Irak.
Nu förstår man agendan, de som har blankat en aktie skriver ner den ,de som har köp ,skriver upp den, vilken cirkus.
Nu förstår man agendan, de som har blankat en aktie skriver ner den ,de som har köp ,skriver upp den, vilken cirkus.
28.06.2022 kl 12:22
Nexhal skrev Tror du det blir mer feil fremover eller mer rett?
Risken i Irak verkar bara gälla DNO märkligt nog i dag kom detta
Pareto Securities återupptar bevakning av oljebolaget Shamaran med köprekommendation och riktkurs 1,20 kronor.
Det framgår av en uppdatering från analyshuset.
Bullshit är det analytikerna håller på med ang DNO
Pareto Securities återupptar bevakning av oljebolaget Shamaran med köprekommendation och riktkurs 1,20 kronor.
Det framgår av en uppdatering från analyshuset.
Bullshit är det analytikerna håller på med ang DNO
Se på olja, se på Dno…….ingen som vil kjøpe pga risikoen i Irak? Noe er iallefall veldig feil.
28.06.2022 kl 12:16
Trenger mer kondis i noen aksjer enn andre :-)
DNO får sin nye vår "når som helst"
ikke pga styrelederen, men av oljeprisen og inntjeningen
16 kroner på veldig kort sikt
28.06.2022 kl 12:05
Børsen lever sitt eget liv med trading og manipulasjon. Mossa og resten av mannskapet bidrar til å øke verdiene i selskapet drastisk dag for dag, og det mest spennende er hva de tenker å bruke pengene til. Er trygg på at det uansett kommer aksjonærene til gode på litt sikt. Her ligger det etterhvert an til stort utbyttepotensiale:)
Redigert 28.06.2022 kl 12:05
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Men hvor er den best betalte styrelederen på OSE, mossa. Ikke vil han ha opp kursen, ikke finner han mer olje/gass…..hva driver han egentlig med ? Er ikke jobben hans å øke aksjonærenes verdier?
28.06.2022 kl 11:39
– Vi har folk som ikke vet noe om aksjer, som igjen får råd fra aksjemeglere som vet enda mindre. Det er en utrolig, gal situasjon. Jeg tror ikke at noe klokt land ønsker dette utfallet. Hvorfor vil man at landets aksjer skal handles på et casino?, sa Buffett.
Warren Buffett: – Det er en utrolig, gal situasjon | Finansavisen
28.06.2022 kl 11:35
Ja d kan du si... lytt heller til CEO EXXON....(ikke til Brandon) Verden er helt helt avhengig av Olje fra bl.a. Iraq(Kurdistan)
"Exxon CEO Warns That Consumers Will Pay For Hasty Energy Transition"
Earlier this month, President Joe Biden called out Exxon and other oil companies for making excessive profits, saying that “Exxon made more money than God this year.” President Biden wants companies to produce more gasoline and lower gasoline bills for American consumers.
“At a time of war, refinery profit margins well above normal being passed directly onto American families are not acceptable,” President Biden said in a letter to the industry.
Exxon said in response to the letter that in the short term, the U.S. government could enact measures often used in emergencies following hurricanes or other supply disruptions, such as waivers of Jones Act provisions and some fuel specifications to increase supplies.
“Longer term, government can promote investment through clear and consistent policy that supports U.S. resource development, such as regular and predictable lease sales, as well as streamlined regulatory approval and support for infrastructure such as pipelines,” the U.S. supermajor said.
Michael Wirth, CEO at the other supermajor in America, Chevron, replied to President Biden’s letter saying that notwithstanding Chevron’s efforts to boost oil and gas production over the past year, “your Administration has largely sought to criticize, and at times vilify, our industry. These actions are not beneficial to meeting the challenges we face and are not what the American people deserve.”
"Exxon CEO Warns That Consumers Will Pay For Hasty Energy Transition"
Earlier this month, President Joe Biden called out Exxon and other oil companies for making excessive profits, saying that “Exxon made more money than God this year.” President Biden wants companies to produce more gasoline and lower gasoline bills for American consumers.
“At a time of war, refinery profit margins well above normal being passed directly onto American families are not acceptable,” President Biden said in a letter to the industry.
Exxon said in response to the letter that in the short term, the U.S. government could enact measures often used in emergencies following hurricanes or other supply disruptions, such as waivers of Jones Act provisions and some fuel specifications to increase supplies.
“Longer term, government can promote investment through clear and consistent policy that supports U.S. resource development, such as regular and predictable lease sales, as well as streamlined regulatory approval and support for infrastructure such as pipelines,” the U.S. supermajor said.
Michael Wirth, CEO at the other supermajor in America, Chevron, replied to President Biden’s letter saying that notwithstanding Chevron’s efforts to boost oil and gas production over the past year, “your Administration has largely sought to criticize, and at times vilify, our industry. These actions are not beneficial to meeting the challenges we face and are not what the American people deserve.”
28.06.2022 kl 11:12
Hvor i all verden henter disse "analytikerne" grunnlag for sine spådommer? Dette var mye bear-shit på en gang. Noen som er ute etter billige aksjer? Vent heller på resultater for q2:)
28.06.2022 kl 11:01
Den 22.6.22 fikk DNO en nedjustering av fremtidens EPS ( ganske voldsomt/"incredible"). Disse kreftene har betydning for store aktører/fond m.m. Vi her inne i menigheten ser det litt anderledes, men umulig å kjempe mot de større aktørene.
"These Analysts Just Made An Incredible Downgrade To Their DNO ASA EPS Forecasts"
" The analysts covering DNO ASA delivered a dose of negativity to shareholders today, by making a substantial revision to their statutory forecasts for this year. Revenue and earnings per share (EPS) forecasts were both revised downwards, with analysts seeing grey clouds on the horizon.
Following the downgrade, the consensus from dual analysts covering DNO is for revenues of US$1.1b in 2022, implying a small 4.5% decline in sales compared to the last 12 months. Statutory earnings per share are anticipated to crater 41% to US$0.18 in the same period. Prior to this update, the analysts had been forecasting revenues of US$1.3b and earnings per share (EPS) of US$0.25 in 2022. It looks like analyst sentiment has declined substantially, with a measurable cut to revenue estimates and a pretty serious decline to earnings per share numbers as well.
Taking a look at the bigger picture now, one of the ways we can understand these forecasts is to see how they compare to both past performance and industry growth estimates. These estimates imply that sales are expected to slow, with a forecast annualised revenue decline of 5.9% by the end of 2022. This indicates a significant reduction from annual growth of 19% over the last five years. Yet aggregate analyst estimates for other companies in the industry suggest that industry revenues are forecast to decline 12% per year. So it's pretty clear that DNO's revenues are expected to shrink slower than the wider industry.
The Bottom Line
The biggest issue in the new estimates is that analysts have reduced their earnings per share estimates, suggesting business headwinds lay ahead for DNO. Sadly they also cut their revenue estimates, although at least the company is expected to perform a bit better than the wider market. We wouldn't be surprised to find shareholders feeling a bit shell-shocked, after these downgrades. It looks like analysts have become a lot more bearish on DNO, and their negativity could be grounds for caution.
Still, the long-term prospects of the business are much more relevant than next year's earnings. At least one analyst has provided forecasts out to 2023."
Min personlige vurdering er at her ser man KUN på nyere historiske data, og da spesielt på decline i Iraq. Ingen vektlegging av Nordsjøens "kommende" funn, og Baeshiqa.
Otto , hva mener du om disse "analysene"?
"These Analysts Just Made An Incredible Downgrade To Their DNO ASA EPS Forecasts"
" The analysts covering DNO ASA delivered a dose of negativity to shareholders today, by making a substantial revision to their statutory forecasts for this year. Revenue and earnings per share (EPS) forecasts were both revised downwards, with analysts seeing grey clouds on the horizon.
Following the downgrade, the consensus from dual analysts covering DNO is for revenues of US$1.1b in 2022, implying a small 4.5% decline in sales compared to the last 12 months. Statutory earnings per share are anticipated to crater 41% to US$0.18 in the same period. Prior to this update, the analysts had been forecasting revenues of US$1.3b and earnings per share (EPS) of US$0.25 in 2022. It looks like analyst sentiment has declined substantially, with a measurable cut to revenue estimates and a pretty serious decline to earnings per share numbers as well.
Taking a look at the bigger picture now, one of the ways we can understand these forecasts is to see how they compare to both past performance and industry growth estimates. These estimates imply that sales are expected to slow, with a forecast annualised revenue decline of 5.9% by the end of 2022. This indicates a significant reduction from annual growth of 19% over the last five years. Yet aggregate analyst estimates for other companies in the industry suggest that industry revenues are forecast to decline 12% per year. So it's pretty clear that DNO's revenues are expected to shrink slower than the wider industry.
The Bottom Line
The biggest issue in the new estimates is that analysts have reduced their earnings per share estimates, suggesting business headwinds lay ahead for DNO. Sadly they also cut their revenue estimates, although at least the company is expected to perform a bit better than the wider market. We wouldn't be surprised to find shareholders feeling a bit shell-shocked, after these downgrades. It looks like analysts have become a lot more bearish on DNO, and their negativity could be grounds for caution.
Still, the long-term prospects of the business are much more relevant than next year's earnings. At least one analyst has provided forecasts out to 2023."
Min personlige vurdering er at her ser man KUN på nyere historiske data, og da spesielt på decline i Iraq. Ingen vektlegging av Nordsjøens "kommende" funn, og Baeshiqa.
Otto , hva mener du om disse "analysene"?
Dno er veldig svak……Equinor og AkerBp stiger mer ! Er det konflikten med Bagdad som er problemet….det har det jo vært i alle år !
28.06.2022 kl 09:37
Legg merke til hva GKP melder til sin AGM (Meed);
"Gulf Keystone unaffected by Iraq oil dispute""Average production on course to be above 44,000 barrels of oil a day for the year
The Iraqi Kurdistan-focused oil and gas company Gulf Keystone Petroleum has said that its business is “unaffected” by the ongoing dispute between Baghdad and Erbil to control Iraqi Kurdistan's oil and gas sector.
A statement said: “We continue to monitor the long-running dispute between the Federal Iraqi Government and the KRG on the management of oil and gas assets in Kurdistan.
“Our operations currently remain unaffected and we continue to work closely with the KRG, our advisers and other stakeholders to protect the company’s interests.”
Court ruling
A ruling by Iraq’s supreme court in February increased uncertainty about the status of many oil and gas companies operating in the Iraqi Kurdistan region.
The court ruled that Iraqi Kurdistan’s 2007 oil law violated the country’s constitution and was not valid.
The Iraqi Ministry of Oil recently commenced legal proceedings concerning the validity of production sharing contracts (PSCs) issued under the Kurdistan Region of Iraq Oil and Gas Law.
The legal proceedings marked a significant escalation in the dispute between the Federal Iraqi Government and the KRG on managing oil and gas assets in Kurdistan.
Gulf Keystone Petroleum said it has been advised that the Iraqi Ministry of Oil has raised a case in the Baghdad Commercial Court against several international oil companies (IOCs), including Gulf Keystone.
It also said that it understood that the Iraqi Ministry of Oil has also written to contractors and service providers requesting them to cease working in Kurdistan.
The KRG has said that the actions taken by the Iraqi Ministry of Oil are unlawful and that “it will take all constitutional, legal, and judicial measures to protect and preserve all contracts made in the oil and gas sector”.
On 4 June 2022, the Judicial Council of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq stated that the Kurdistan Region of Iraq Oil and Gas Law “remains in full force” and that the Iraq Federal Supreme Court “lacks the constitutional authority” to invalidate the law.
On 13 June 2022, Iraqi Kurdistan’s Ministry of Natural Resources stated that “the contracts entered into between the IOCs and the Kurdistan Regional Government are entirely in accordance with the 2007 Oil and Gas Law”.
As part of the dispute, the KRG has launched criminal and civil lawsuits that seek to protect the validity of the PSCs.
Dette blir en langvarig disputt....
"Gulf Keystone unaffected by Iraq oil dispute""Average production on course to be above 44,000 barrels of oil a day for the year
The Iraqi Kurdistan-focused oil and gas company Gulf Keystone Petroleum has said that its business is “unaffected” by the ongoing dispute between Baghdad and Erbil to control Iraqi Kurdistan's oil and gas sector.
A statement said: “We continue to monitor the long-running dispute between the Federal Iraqi Government and the KRG on the management of oil and gas assets in Kurdistan.
“Our operations currently remain unaffected and we continue to work closely with the KRG, our advisers and other stakeholders to protect the company’s interests.”
Court ruling
A ruling by Iraq’s supreme court in February increased uncertainty about the status of many oil and gas companies operating in the Iraqi Kurdistan region.
The court ruled that Iraqi Kurdistan’s 2007 oil law violated the country’s constitution and was not valid.
The Iraqi Ministry of Oil recently commenced legal proceedings concerning the validity of production sharing contracts (PSCs) issued under the Kurdistan Region of Iraq Oil and Gas Law.
The legal proceedings marked a significant escalation in the dispute between the Federal Iraqi Government and the KRG on managing oil and gas assets in Kurdistan.
Gulf Keystone Petroleum said it has been advised that the Iraqi Ministry of Oil has raised a case in the Baghdad Commercial Court against several international oil companies (IOCs), including Gulf Keystone.
It also said that it understood that the Iraqi Ministry of Oil has also written to contractors and service providers requesting them to cease working in Kurdistan.
The KRG has said that the actions taken by the Iraqi Ministry of Oil are unlawful and that “it will take all constitutional, legal, and judicial measures to protect and preserve all contracts made in the oil and gas sector”.
On 4 June 2022, the Judicial Council of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq stated that the Kurdistan Region of Iraq Oil and Gas Law “remains in full force” and that the Iraq Federal Supreme Court “lacks the constitutional authority” to invalidate the law.
On 13 June 2022, Iraqi Kurdistan’s Ministry of Natural Resources stated that “the contracts entered into between the IOCs and the Kurdistan Regional Government are entirely in accordance with the 2007 Oil and Gas Law”.
As part of the dispute, the KRG has launched criminal and civil lawsuits that seek to protect the validity of the PSCs.
Dette blir en langvarig disputt....
Redigert 28.06.2022 kl 09:40
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gogl mannen
28.06.2022 kl 09:28
100 dager siden Edinburgh ble spudet. Bore programet er estimert til ca 120 dager, så spenningen stiger....
En fultreffer vil gjøre underverk.
Ellers ening med SteveP, kursen burde vært betydelig høyere. DNO er et kjempe kjøp på disse nivåene.
En fultreffer vil gjøre underverk.
Ellers ening med SteveP, kursen burde vært betydelig høyere. DNO er et kjempe kjøp på disse nivåene.
28.06.2022 kl 09:19
Om DNO åker iväg uppåt, som i dag så är dödgrävarna där o kör ner den direkt, om de hade agerat på samma sätt i lundin hade de också legat kvar på 15-20 kr, m
28.06.2022 kl 09:18
Det kan hende man avventer oppstart på Baeshiqa av disse grunner inntil videre, selv om det feltet har hatt sine avklaringer over en ganske lang periode....
Bagdad har nok i prinsippet ikke noe problemer med det faktiske kontraktsinnholdet for operatører i Kurdistan, det er ikke avvikende fra det normale ellers, det er nok mer samordning av oljestrømmen og inntektene som er deres fokus. Men som sagt, da må man også erkjenne Kurdistans utgifter.
Bagdad har nok i prinsippet ikke noe problemer med det faktiske kontraktsinnholdet for operatører i Kurdistan, det er ikke avvikende fra det normale ellers, det er nok mer samordning av oljestrømmen og inntektene som er deres fokus. Men som sagt, da må man også erkjenne Kurdistans utgifter.
Redigert 28.06.2022 kl 09:20
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28.06.2022 kl 09:16
Situasjonen der nede er nok litt mer komplisert et enkelte av oss liker å tro tenker jeg. Men på den positive siden så er det kun fremtidige prosjekter de midlertidig trekker seg ut fra. Nåværende aktivitet fortsetter som den er. For oss som liker å se på glasset som halvt fullt kan man også tolke dette som at konflikten mellom Kurdistan og Irak ikke vil bli løst ved en væpnet konflikt eller lignende, men langvarig press fra Iraks side. For DNO sin del er dette rimelig positivt mtp. at de vil ha tjent inn hele sin markedsverdi i løpet av 2 år med dagens produksjon, alt tyder jo på at den vil fortsette som normalt.
Redigert 28.06.2022 kl 09:17
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Anywhere skrev SteveP, hvorfor minst 1 krone?
Sist olja var på 117$ så var jo Dno 16-17kr……henger etter nå !
28.06.2022 kl 08:58
Ulempen er kanskje mest at det ikke kommer så mye ny produksjon til. Den eksisterende vil i prinsippet kunne kontinueres i omkring samme form som i dag under en enighetsavtale mellom KRG og Bagdad, og man ønkser så å kontinuere all virksomhet under en felles administrasjon. Før det er KRG nødt til å få systemer på plass som sikrer deres andel av budsjetter og levekårsopprettholdelse.
Med denne oljeprisen så bør vel Dno løfte seg minimum 1kr i dag men det skjer vel ikke !
28.06.2022 kl 00:22
Oto1 hva tenker du om denne utviklingen? Vil personlig tro at US vil begynne å involvere seg fir å løse denne feiden, ingen er tjent med ustabilitet i de 500k bpd som Kurdistan leverer i dag. https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/schlumberger-will-not-apply-iraqi-kurdistan-oil-tenders-letter-2022-06-27/
28.06.2022 kl 00:00
For en dust. Akkurat som om Biden og hans administrasjon ikke visste om dette fra før, og dette oppdager Macron først nå.....?? JAJA.. tipper olja skal fortsette oppgangen,ja. De har jo ingen ting å øke med! https://www.reuters.com/world/macron-tells-biden-that-uea-saudi-can-barely-raise-oil-output-2022-06-27/
27.06.2022 kl 21:40
Og eksempelvis i Norge minsker produksjonen. Når alt går på høygear en stund så får det sin pris....
27.06.2022 kl 21:35
DNO i kveld går fra sinnsyk inntjening tidligere i dag på 112 dollar fatet til sinnsyk+ inntjening på kveldens 115...
27.06.2022 kl 21:27
Tyskland står overfor en formidabel energi-krise, som vil medføre meltdown for industrien og frostige inbyggere. Forslaget til Scholz (på G7) kan redde situasjonen, men klimadiktatorene (Meyer&co) vil fortsette med Merkels hodeløse energipolitikk.Scholz sitt forlag vil neppe få støtte fra en fjernstyrt Brandon. Hva gjør man da? Sosial uro fremstår som det grønne resultatet. Blir garantert høy oljepris i 2022 og 2023. Kjøp DNO og andre oljeproduserende selskap. DNO har en ekstrem inntjening så langt øye kan c.
OP; "Germany, Italy Voice Support For More Fossil Fuel Investments Abroad
In a marked departure from the official G7 position on new fossil fuel investments in third countries, Germany and Italy have voiced support for a reconsideration of this position.
Bloomberg first reported last weekend that Germany had suggested G7 countries lift their self-imposed ban on investments in fossil fuels in non-G7 countries at the meeting of the seven countries that began in Germany on Sunday.
A draft of the proposal cited by Bloomberg said that G7 had to "acknowledge that publicly supported investment in the gas sector is necessary as a temporary response to the current energy crisis."
The draft added that this should be done "in a manner consistent with our climate objectives and without creating lock-in effects."
Reuters then reported that Italy's Prime Minister Mario Draghi had also spoken in favor of such an acknowledgment, adding that the meeting's delegates were debating whether the self-imposed ban could be lifted without compromising net-zero commitments.
"(It is) possible that there will be wording in the declaration that investment for fossil energy should be possible for a certain time," one European Union diplomat said, as quoted by Reuters.
The proposal is being put forward as European economies are urgently looking to replace Russian hydrocarbons with alternative sources in order to keep functioning.
Environmentalists immediately hit back at the suggestion, however.
"This would be a huge setback from the progress we made last month at the G-7 energy and environment ministers when we finally brought Japan, the last G-7 holdout, into the commitment to end such financial support for fossil fuels," Alden Meyer, senior associate at climate think tank E3G told Bloomberg.
"Where we saw Chancellor Merkel being the climate chancellor at the last G-7 summit Germany hosted, Scholz could go down in history as the climate backtracking Chancellor, which I think would be a real mark on his record, and we don't need to do this," he also said."
OP; "Germany, Italy Voice Support For More Fossil Fuel Investments Abroad
In a marked departure from the official G7 position on new fossil fuel investments in third countries, Germany and Italy have voiced support for a reconsideration of this position.
Bloomberg first reported last weekend that Germany had suggested G7 countries lift their self-imposed ban on investments in fossil fuels in non-G7 countries at the meeting of the seven countries that began in Germany on Sunday.
A draft of the proposal cited by Bloomberg said that G7 had to "acknowledge that publicly supported investment in the gas sector is necessary as a temporary response to the current energy crisis."
The draft added that this should be done "in a manner consistent with our climate objectives and without creating lock-in effects."
Reuters then reported that Italy's Prime Minister Mario Draghi had also spoken in favor of such an acknowledgment, adding that the meeting's delegates were debating whether the self-imposed ban could be lifted without compromising net-zero commitments.
"(It is) possible that there will be wording in the declaration that investment for fossil energy should be possible for a certain time," one European Union diplomat said, as quoted by Reuters.
The proposal is being put forward as European economies are urgently looking to replace Russian hydrocarbons with alternative sources in order to keep functioning.
Environmentalists immediately hit back at the suggestion, however.
"This would be a huge setback from the progress we made last month at the G-7 energy and environment ministers when we finally brought Japan, the last G-7 holdout, into the commitment to end such financial support for fossil fuels," Alden Meyer, senior associate at climate think tank E3G told Bloomberg.
"Where we saw Chancellor Merkel being the climate chancellor at the last G-7 summit Germany hosted, Scholz could go down in history as the climate backtracking Chancellor, which I think would be a real mark on his record, and we don't need to do this," he also said."
27.06.2022 kl 21:13
Opec klarer ikke øke produksjonen til det de selv er blitt enige om. Oljeprisen vil holde seg høy i både 2022 og 2023. Denne nyheten bidrar heller ikke til lavere oljepris:
"Libya’s National Oil Corporation (NOC) could declare force majeure on oil exports from several key export terminals in the Gulf of Sirte amid continued blockades and closures of oil-producing and export infrastructure, the corporation said on Monday as Libya’s political crisis continues."
Anbefaler opleproduserende selskaper... som DNO
"Libya’s National Oil Corporation (NOC) could declare force majeure on oil exports from several key export terminals in the Gulf of Sirte amid continued blockades and closures of oil-producing and export infrastructure, the corporation said on Monday as Libya’s political crisis continues."
Anbefaler opleproduserende selskaper... som DNO
Redigert 27.06.2022 kl 21:13
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27.06.2022 kl 21:09
Brandon skal snart på road show i SA. Er ikke sikker på at det blir morsomt, for han.... Gutten har en ekstrem virkelighetsoppfatning.
27.06.2022 kl 20:15
Stokk Dum
27.06.2022 kl 19:57
Så er det gitt borretilatelse for Deepsea Stavanger å borre brønn 6607/12-5 (PL943 Uer).
"Deepsea Stavanger skal bore tre letebrønner for Equinor utenfor Helgeland i løpet av sensommeren."
Ref: hblad.no og npd.no
"Deepsea Stavanger skal bore tre letebrønner for Equinor utenfor Helgeland i løpet av sensommeren."
Ref: hblad.no og npd.no
27.06.2022 kl 16:53
Noen holder fast ved at oljepris skal svært mye høyere enn pr i dag; Det betyr i så fall med slike priser som estimeres en løpende inntjening på nær 80% av marked cap år/år:
27.06.2022 kl 16:42
citius skrev Hva er det de sier.......??? Penger på gaten :-))
Drit kjipt ingen melding fra Sbanken… da ordre ikke gikk gjennom… brrr, ser om jeg legger ny i morgen
27.06.2022 kl 16:41
Dock DNO oljeaktien som stiger minst vid uppgång i oljepriset o faller mest när oljepriset backar,
Gratulerer, den endte i pluss. Fikk en liten pustepause til i morgen 👍
27.06.2022 kl 16:22
Ranudo skrev Den dag "Skuffejernet" er positiv sælger jeg!
Fanns de nån som trodd3 DNO skulle harva på 13 talet när oljan gick över 115 dollar, tror ’inte de ,systerbolaget Genel stiger över 5 procent i dag tex,
27.06.2022 kl 16:02
Vurderer inngang nå alt under 14kr , det lover bra 140dollar fatet
27.06.2022 kl 15:54
Alt peker på skarp oppgang
Goldman Sachs: Skal til 140 dollar fatet
Goldman Sachs tror på oljepris på 140 dollar i løpet av sommeren.
– Dette er en kjøpsmulighet, ifølge Jeff Currie.
– Kjernen i vårt positive syn på energi og råvarer generelt handler om at det investeres for lite, og det er mer gjeldende i dag enn for både to og tre uker siden, sa Jeff Currie som er global sjef for råvareanalyse i Goldman Sachs, til CNBCs Squawk Box.
Han viser til at penger de siste ukene er blitt tatt ut fra energiområdet, samtidig som den eneste kuren mot verdens energiproblemer er økte investeringer.
– Analysen vår har ikke endret seg, og vi tror oljeprisen skal opp mot 140 dollar i løpet av sommeren, sier analysesjefen til CNBC.
Enda mere....
Analysesjef for råvarer i SEB, Bjarne Schieldrop klør seg i hodet over at oljeprisen ikke handles for 150-200 dollar per aksje
27.06.2022 kl 15:54
Hvem er det der sælger til os. Jeg tror ikke vi slutter i rødt og der må snart komme et rebound, det her er for sindsygt. Total oversolgt.
27.06.2022 kl 15:47
Når det gjelder prising i forhold til inntjening er det meg bekjent bare MPCC, som stiller i samme klasse som DNO. Forskjellen er derimot at MPCC betaler ut 75% av gevinsten, som utbytte, mens DNO tviholder på pengesekken.
27.06.2022 kl 15:39
Velkjent, bakcwardation i oljemarkedet er som kjent et ganske bullish signal for asseten - og bør ditto ha noe å si for oppstrøms-selskapene.
DNO er definitivt der, men det store ankepunktet mot prisingen er og blir det faktum at selskapet henter inn resultat på mer enn 50% av markedsverdien...
Halvpris, ja, det er rom for minst en krone i ekstraordinært, men foreløpig tror jeg selskapet ikke vil briefe mer enn nødvendig med dette...
DNO er definitivt der, men det store ankepunktet mot prisingen er og blir det faktum at selskapet henter inn resultat på mer enn 50% av markedsverdien...
Halvpris, ja, det er rom for minst en krone i ekstraordinært, men foreløpig tror jeg selskapet ikke vil briefe mer enn nødvendig med dette...
Redigert 27.06.2022 kl 15:41
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27.06.2022 kl 15:19
Det er fortsatt noe fondsrebalansering og volumene ikke så svært høye, så reduksjonen hos enkelte i aksjer som DNO skjer under lavere volumer, og styrker som vi har sett tidligere volumbalansen. DNO har de fleste indikatorer nå i kjøpsmodus, og sirkulerer omtrent midt på glidende 100-dagers. Typisk vendeplass.
Oppdriften i DNO er berettiget av en inntjening på over 1,5 milliarder pr pågående måned for tiden.
Netto resultat er på over 50% av selskapsprisingen nå i et selskap som turner kraftig cash-positiv kommende måneder, faktisk med free cashflow på omkring 1 milliard norske kroner pr mnd.
Oppdriften i DNO er berettiget av en inntjening på over 1,5 milliarder pr pågående måned for tiden.
Netto resultat er på over 50% av selskapsprisingen nå i et selskap som turner kraftig cash-positiv kommende måneder, faktisk med free cashflow på omkring 1 milliard norske kroner pr mnd.
Redigert 27.06.2022 kl 15:22
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