HEX - analytiker: Lagring av energi kan gå 75 ganger'n
- Ingen industri i verden er posisjonert til å vokse så mye så raskt, sier analytikeren.
Overlater til enhver selv å vurdere analytikerens betraktninger og sammenholde disse med uttalelsen jeg siterer CEO i Hexagon Composites og styrelemedlem i Hexagon Purus Jon Erik Engeset på. Engeset uttalte det man kan lese nederst i trådstart i forbindelse med presentasjonen av Hexagon Composites' Q2 2022, 11.august.
The U.S. Senate Just Freed Energy Storage Stocks to Soar 75X
To our knowledge, no other industry in the world is positioned to grow this much, this quickly
By Luke Lango, InvestorPlace Senior Investment Analyst Aug 9, 2022, 10:46 am EDT
Yep. You read that right. It’s not a typo. Thanks to the Senate’s recent move, a certain group of stocks could soar 75-fold over the next several years. It would turn every $10,000 investment into a $750,000 payday.
It sounds too good to be true. I know. But it’s not. This legislation is truly historic — and it’s about to light a fire under an already red-hot hypergrowth tech industry.
The best stocks in that industry could be your golden tickets. They’re stocks that could make legends out of ordinary investors and fortunes out of small investments.
“Looking ahead, we believe that the US Inflation Reduction Act and the European Commission’s REPower EU, as well as similar programs in other major economies, will drive Hexagon’s total addressable market to new levels,” says Engeset.
Edit) Kom ikke frem at det er Engeset som står bak sitatet nederst. Nå er "says Engeset" på plass.
- Ingen industri i verden er posisjonert til å vokse så mye så raskt, sier analytikeren.
Overlater til enhver selv å vurdere analytikerens betraktninger og sammenholde disse med uttalelsen jeg siterer CEO i Hexagon Composites og styrelemedlem i Hexagon Purus Jon Erik Engeset på. Engeset uttalte det man kan lese nederst i trådstart i forbindelse med presentasjonen av Hexagon Composites' Q2 2022, 11.august.
The U.S. Senate Just Freed Energy Storage Stocks to Soar 75X
To our knowledge, no other industry in the world is positioned to grow this much, this quickly
By Luke Lango, InvestorPlace Senior Investment Analyst Aug 9, 2022, 10:46 am EDT
Yep. You read that right. It’s not a typo. Thanks to the Senate’s recent move, a certain group of stocks could soar 75-fold over the next several years. It would turn every $10,000 investment into a $750,000 payday.
It sounds too good to be true. I know. But it’s not. This legislation is truly historic — and it’s about to light a fire under an already red-hot hypergrowth tech industry.
The best stocks in that industry could be your golden tickets. They’re stocks that could make legends out of ordinary investors and fortunes out of small investments.
“Looking ahead, we believe that the US Inflation Reduction Act and the European Commission’s REPower EU, as well as similar programs in other major economies, will drive Hexagon’s total addressable market to new levels,” says Engeset.
Edit) Kom ikke frem at det er Engeset som står bak sitatet nederst. Nå er "says Engeset" på plass.
Redigert 06.02.2024 kl 15:35
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30.11.2023 kl 20:53
Du tenker på enigheten ifm. COP28..!? Har egentlig ikke fulgt helt med, men viss du sikter til enigheten om et felles fond for å bekjempe klimautfordringer i fattige land, bør det gi muligheter...😉
Sier bare en ting. - Følg med NÅ !
10.11.2023 kl 11:09
Var det noe jeg ikke fikk med meg ift Q3 resultatet!?🤔Resultatene er på tur oppover, men hva får selskaper som leverer på/over estimater å falle 5-10% etter resultat framleggelser...!? Dette ser vi ikke bare i Norge, men er kommentert som en observasjon både her og over dammen...Ikke vanskelig å forstå at handel foregår av roboter, når man ser Oslo børs beveger seg mellom definerte bunner og topper vekselvis gjennom hele dagen!🤔 For en jævla saueflokk!
Redigert 10.11.2023 kl 11:12
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09.11.2023 kl 13:21
HEX tjener 1 mrd NOK i året og er priset til 5 mrd NOK. Hvorfor er de priset med en slik rabatt? Det normale ville vært prising til 10 ganger overskuddet for en bedrift med en fornuftig fremtid.
20.10.2023 kl 09:56
Takk for svar. Det jeg finner mest plagsomt med dette nedsalget var at ikke det ble foretatt på høyere nivå da kursen noen få uker før tross alt strakk seg mot og over 38. Ser panisk ut på 32 med storsalg rabatt til 28.
Han klarte uomtvistelig å skade kursen betydelig. Også skal etterdønningene dra det ytterligere ned.
Han klarte uomtvistelig å skade kursen betydelig. Også skal etterdønningene dra det ytterligere ned.
20.10.2023 kl 08:55
Aksjemarkedet må kanskje ha noen kvartal til for å bli overbevist om at det ikke er noen svarte skyer Flakk så som vi andre ikke ser....
Altfor stort salg til å ha noe med skatteinnbetalinger å gjøre.
Kan vi håpe at den bunnet på 24 idag, noen som vet om det passer teknisk også?
Altfor stort salg til å ha noe med skatteinnbetalinger å gjøre.
Kan vi håpe at den bunnet på 24 idag, noen som vet om det passer teknisk også?
Redigert 20.10.2023 kl 10:13
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Rect Angel
19.10.2023 kl 22:32
Flakks 'ettermiddagssalg' av 5 millioner aksjer+ på kurs 28 (mer enn 4 kroner under sluttkurs samme dag, såvidt jeg husker) opplevdes jo selvfølgelig som en gedigen en, midt på trynet. Kursmessig, og en på ingen måte noen god opplevelse for en småaksjonær. I etterkant har jo dessuten kursen falt videre.
Antar Flakk, som jo har profilert seg som 'formueskatt på arbeidende kapital opprører' bl.a. trengte penger til skatteinnbetaling. Når han tok så godt i, kan man kanskje i det minste kanskje håpe at slikt nå ikke blir en årlig foreteelse???
Kan ikke skjønne at salget er forankret i det fundamentale, altså at han ville ut på grunn av det. Marginforbedringene i Q2 2023 var jo langt mer oppløftende enn noen hadde forventet samtidig som omsetningsveksten YOY kom inn i klart akseptabelt 'vekst-aksje-terreng'. Stemningen og kroppsspråk under Q2 presentasjonen vil jeg dessuten karakterisere som veldig 'upbeat'. Så har fortsatt god tro når det gjelder det fundamentale.
Aner ikke om dette er et tilfredstillende svar på spørsmålet du stilte, men er litt slik jeg ser det.
Antar Flakk, som jo har profilert seg som 'formueskatt på arbeidende kapital opprører' bl.a. trengte penger til skatteinnbetaling. Når han tok så godt i, kan man kanskje i det minste kanskje håpe at slikt nå ikke blir en årlig foreteelse???
Kan ikke skjønne at salget er forankret i det fundamentale, altså at han ville ut på grunn av det. Marginforbedringene i Q2 2023 var jo langt mer oppløftende enn noen hadde forventet samtidig som omsetningsveksten YOY kom inn i klart akseptabelt 'vekst-aksje-terreng'. Stemningen og kroppsspråk under Q2 presentasjonen vil jeg dessuten karakterisere som veldig 'upbeat'. Så har fortsatt god tro når det gjelder det fundamentale.
Aner ikke om dette er et tilfredstillende svar på spørsmålet du stilte, men er litt slik jeg ser det.
Redigert 19.10.2023 kl 23:05
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19.10.2023 kl 21:55
RA. Flack sendte kursen ned så det sang etter. Hvor skadelig anser du det mot det faktisk fundamentale
Rect Angel
19.10.2023 kl 20:31
En liten digresjon i feelgood kategorien.
Extremely successful visit of Bulgarian companies to Norway
Published on 18.10.2023
Five Bulgarian companies participated in an exchange visit to the project Greening For Growth, funded by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism. Exchanging experience, getting acquainted with on-site innovations, contacts, new ideas are only part of the benefits of the trip shared by the participants.
Chavdar Yordanov, „ MEMTEX “ EOOD: „ The visit was extremely well organized. The program was great and the companies very well selected, covering a wide range of activities. I am impressed by the Raufoss industrial park and in particular the Hexagon Ragasco company with its extremely automated production.“
Extremely successful visit of Bulgarian companies to Norway
Published on 18.10.2023
Five Bulgarian companies participated in an exchange visit to the project Greening For Growth, funded by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism. Exchanging experience, getting acquainted with on-site innovations, contacts, new ideas are only part of the benefits of the trip shared by the participants.
Chavdar Yordanov, „ MEMTEX “ EOOD: „ The visit was extremely well organized. The program was great and the companies very well selected, covering a wide range of activities. I am impressed by the Raufoss industrial park and in particular the Hexagon Ragasco company with its extremely automated production.“
Redigert 19.10.2023 kl 20:32
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Rect Angel
19.10.2023 kl 18:18
Hexagon Digital Wave. Hexagon Composites.
Gårsdagens børsmeldte kontrakt i kvartmilliard-klassen til Hexagon Ragasco følges opp av børsmelding i dag om at Hexagon Digital Wave har inngått strategisk partnerskap med Compass Natural Gas, 'an industry leader of compressed natural gas (CNG) delivery'.
Begynner virkelig å få øynene opp for potensialet til Hexagon Digital Wave etter å ha kommet over en artikkel for en ukes tid siden (se innlegg her på tråden 11.10.2023 kl 20:12).
Hexagon Digital Wave enters into strategic partnership with Compass Natural Gas
October 19, 2023 10:00 ET| Source: Hexagon Composites ASA
CENTENNIAL, CO., October 19, 2023: Hexagon Digital Wave, a business of Hexagon Composites, has entered into a strategic partnership with Compass Natural Gas, an industry leader of compressed natural gas (CNG) delivery, to perform Modal Acoustic Emission (MAE) requalification of composite Type 4 cylinders used in mobile pipeline trailers in the northeast region of the United States. This agreement expands the footprint and further strengthens the market position of Hexagon Digital Wave’s MAE services.
Driving energy transformation
Compass Natural Gas has commissioned a new site in Montoursville, Pennsylvania strategically located for easy and efficient distribution of natural gas to a large regional customer base using mobile pipeline trailers. The Department of Transportation requires mobile pipeline trailers to be requalified every fifth year.
“We are excited about this new partnership with Hexagon Digital Wave as it will provide mobile pipeline operators in the northeast region with the opportunity to utilize Hexagon’s proven MAE technology. Compass Natural Gas is committed to the safety, quality, and reliability of our mobile pipeline trailers. Partnering with Hexagon Digital Wave on this new Montoursville, PA site will allow us to meet those objectives efficiently and effectively,” says Oscar Mendez, COO, Compass Natural Gas. “Hexagon has been pivotal to the growth of Compass over the years, and we feel that our talented and experienced staff coupled with their skilled team and innovative technology will make this a successful partnership.”
“We are very pleased to strengthen our relationship with Compass Natural Gas – and to make our MAE technology more regionally accessible within North America,” says George Siedlecki, CEO, Hexagon Digital Wave. “This initiative enhances operational efficiency while alleviating major pain points for our customers. Our unique capabilities, together with Compass’ industry operating experience, make this partnership appealing to both parties.”
Teams from Hexagon Digital Wave and Compass began performing MAE requalification services on Type 4 mobile pipeline CNG fleets in Q3 2023, with services scheduled through Q4 2023. The strategic partnership agreement will automatically be renewed annually.
About the technology
MAE uses advanced electronics and sensors that capture broadband waveforms and specialty algorithms to identify structural integrity flaws present in composite pressure vessels. MAE is an authorized periodic inspection method approved by the Department of Transportation / Pipeline of Hazardous Materials Safety Administration and Transport Canada. Testing using the MAE technology eliminates venting of contents to the atmosphere thereby minimizing environmental impact.
A significant increase in customer demand for compressed gas transport is driving trailer owners to seek safe, yet time efficient, methods of cylinder requalification. Hexagon Digital Wave’s MAE technology meets these needed requirements, and when deployed alleviates pain points for owners / operators and trailer OEMs alike.
Karen Romer, SVP Communications, Hexagon Composites
Telephone: +47 950 74 950 | karen.romer@hexagongroup.com
Ryan C. Pennock, Head of Business Development
Telephone: 770 262 4719 | ryan.pennock@hexagondigitalwave.com
About Compass Natural Gas
Compass Natural Gas Partners LP is an industry leader in compressed natural gas distribution (CNG). Compass utilizes a virtual pipeline to deliver compressed natural gas (CNG) via truck across the Mid- Atlantic region in the northeast of the United States to customers not located on a pipeline. Compass Natural Gas technologies have evolved as the industry standard for best practices of compressed natural gas delivery. With the Quaker Terminal in Montoursville, PA and strategic gas supply partners in the Greater Pittsburgh region, and the Midwest, Compass provides end to end CNG solutions comprised of gas sourcing, compression via stationary or mobile compressors, gas transportation, decompression via our specialized mobile pressure reduction units, and remote 24/7 monitoring. Compass Natural Gas serves numerous customer types such as oil & gas producers, gas utilities, government facilities, greenhouses, food processors, manufacturers, aggregate producers, and vehicle fleets. Compass Natural Gas was born out of a desire to supply clean, safe, and American natural gas to customers across North America and our promise to them is rapid implementation followed by uninterrupted energy delivery.
About Hexagon Digital Wave
Hexagon Digital Wave, a subsidiary of Hexagon Composites ASA, is a leading digital solutions provider of non-destructive testing methods, which includes Ultrasonic Examination (UE) and Modal Acoustic Emission (MAE) inspection products and services. With applications in the industrial gas, fire service equipment, medical oxygen, automotive, alternative fuels, and aerospace industries, Hexagon Digital Wave’s goal is to remove technology barriers and simplify workflows with digital and automated platforms that enhance productivity and reduce total cost of ownership. Through its platforms, Hexagon Digital Wave is on the leading edge of reducing cylinder landfill waste and increasing asset availability and up-time.
About Hexagon Composites ASA
Hexagon delivers safe and innovative solutions for a cleaner energy future. Our solutions enable storage, transportation, and conversion to clean energy in a wide range of mobility, industrial and consumer applications. Learn more at www.hexagongroup.com and follow @HexagonASA on Twitter and LinkedIn.
Gårsdagens børsmeldte kontrakt i kvartmilliard-klassen til Hexagon Ragasco følges opp av børsmelding i dag om at Hexagon Digital Wave har inngått strategisk partnerskap med Compass Natural Gas, 'an industry leader of compressed natural gas (CNG) delivery'.
Begynner virkelig å få øynene opp for potensialet til Hexagon Digital Wave etter å ha kommet over en artikkel for en ukes tid siden (se innlegg her på tråden 11.10.2023 kl 20:12).
Hexagon Digital Wave enters into strategic partnership with Compass Natural Gas
October 19, 2023 10:00 ET| Source: Hexagon Composites ASA
CENTENNIAL, CO., October 19, 2023: Hexagon Digital Wave, a business of Hexagon Composites, has entered into a strategic partnership with Compass Natural Gas, an industry leader of compressed natural gas (CNG) delivery, to perform Modal Acoustic Emission (MAE) requalification of composite Type 4 cylinders used in mobile pipeline trailers in the northeast region of the United States. This agreement expands the footprint and further strengthens the market position of Hexagon Digital Wave’s MAE services.
Driving energy transformation
Compass Natural Gas has commissioned a new site in Montoursville, Pennsylvania strategically located for easy and efficient distribution of natural gas to a large regional customer base using mobile pipeline trailers. The Department of Transportation requires mobile pipeline trailers to be requalified every fifth year.
“We are excited about this new partnership with Hexagon Digital Wave as it will provide mobile pipeline operators in the northeast region with the opportunity to utilize Hexagon’s proven MAE technology. Compass Natural Gas is committed to the safety, quality, and reliability of our mobile pipeline trailers. Partnering with Hexagon Digital Wave on this new Montoursville, PA site will allow us to meet those objectives efficiently and effectively,” says Oscar Mendez, COO, Compass Natural Gas. “Hexagon has been pivotal to the growth of Compass over the years, and we feel that our talented and experienced staff coupled with their skilled team and innovative technology will make this a successful partnership.”
“We are very pleased to strengthen our relationship with Compass Natural Gas – and to make our MAE technology more regionally accessible within North America,” says George Siedlecki, CEO, Hexagon Digital Wave. “This initiative enhances operational efficiency while alleviating major pain points for our customers. Our unique capabilities, together with Compass’ industry operating experience, make this partnership appealing to both parties.”
Teams from Hexagon Digital Wave and Compass began performing MAE requalification services on Type 4 mobile pipeline CNG fleets in Q3 2023, with services scheduled through Q4 2023. The strategic partnership agreement will automatically be renewed annually.
About the technology
MAE uses advanced electronics and sensors that capture broadband waveforms and specialty algorithms to identify structural integrity flaws present in composite pressure vessels. MAE is an authorized periodic inspection method approved by the Department of Transportation / Pipeline of Hazardous Materials Safety Administration and Transport Canada. Testing using the MAE technology eliminates venting of contents to the atmosphere thereby minimizing environmental impact.
A significant increase in customer demand for compressed gas transport is driving trailer owners to seek safe, yet time efficient, methods of cylinder requalification. Hexagon Digital Wave’s MAE technology meets these needed requirements, and when deployed alleviates pain points for owners / operators and trailer OEMs alike.
Karen Romer, SVP Communications, Hexagon Composites
Telephone: +47 950 74 950 | karen.romer@hexagongroup.com
Ryan C. Pennock, Head of Business Development
Telephone: 770 262 4719 | ryan.pennock@hexagondigitalwave.com
About Compass Natural Gas
Compass Natural Gas Partners LP is an industry leader in compressed natural gas distribution (CNG). Compass utilizes a virtual pipeline to deliver compressed natural gas (CNG) via truck across the Mid- Atlantic region in the northeast of the United States to customers not located on a pipeline. Compass Natural Gas technologies have evolved as the industry standard for best practices of compressed natural gas delivery. With the Quaker Terminal in Montoursville, PA and strategic gas supply partners in the Greater Pittsburgh region, and the Midwest, Compass provides end to end CNG solutions comprised of gas sourcing, compression via stationary or mobile compressors, gas transportation, decompression via our specialized mobile pressure reduction units, and remote 24/7 monitoring. Compass Natural Gas serves numerous customer types such as oil & gas producers, gas utilities, government facilities, greenhouses, food processors, manufacturers, aggregate producers, and vehicle fleets. Compass Natural Gas was born out of a desire to supply clean, safe, and American natural gas to customers across North America and our promise to them is rapid implementation followed by uninterrupted energy delivery.
About Hexagon Digital Wave
Hexagon Digital Wave, a subsidiary of Hexagon Composites ASA, is a leading digital solutions provider of non-destructive testing methods, which includes Ultrasonic Examination (UE) and Modal Acoustic Emission (MAE) inspection products and services. With applications in the industrial gas, fire service equipment, medical oxygen, automotive, alternative fuels, and aerospace industries, Hexagon Digital Wave’s goal is to remove technology barriers and simplify workflows with digital and automated platforms that enhance productivity and reduce total cost of ownership. Through its platforms, Hexagon Digital Wave is on the leading edge of reducing cylinder landfill waste and increasing asset availability and up-time.
About Hexagon Composites ASA
Hexagon delivers safe and innovative solutions for a cleaner energy future. Our solutions enable storage, transportation, and conversion to clean energy in a wide range of mobility, industrial and consumer applications. Learn more at www.hexagongroup.com and follow @HexagonASA on Twitter and LinkedIn.
Rect Angel
18.10.2023 kl 23:36
Kveldens børsmelding om ny kontrakt til Hexagon Ragasco, verdt en knapp kvartmilliard NOK, vekker tilsynelatende like liten interesse på forumet som i finanspressen.
Vil bare tilføye, gjennom å vise til børsmeldingen 26.september hvor vi får vite at Hexagon Composites har igangsatt en strategisk gjennomgang når det gjelder Hexagon Ragasco (se innlegg her på tråden 26.09.2023 kl 10:41 for mer), at jeg nå, i lys av kveldens melding, i enda sterkere grad håper på børsnotering eller en eller annen form for fusjon/samarbeid, fremfor et eventuelt salg av Hexagon Ragasco.
Vil bare tilføye, gjennom å vise til børsmeldingen 26.september hvor vi får vite at Hexagon Composites har igangsatt en strategisk gjennomgang når det gjelder Hexagon Ragasco (se innlegg her på tråden 26.09.2023 kl 10:41 for mer), at jeg nå, i lys av kveldens melding, i enda sterkere grad håper på børsnotering eller en eller annen form for fusjon/samarbeid, fremfor et eventuelt salg av Hexagon Ragasco.
Redigert 19.10.2023 kl 00:05
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Rect Angel
18.10.2023 kl 20:24
Hexagon Composites. Hexagon Ragasco.
Børsmelding. Hexagon Ragasco har signert kontrakt verdt ca. €20 millioner (ca. 233 millioner NOK).
Gasco Saudi Arabia and Hexagon Ragasco sign a five-year distribution agreement for new, custom-sized LPG cylinders.
October 18, 2023 12:45 ET| Source: Hexagon Composites ASA
18 October 2023: National Gas and Industrial Company (Gasco), the largest Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) distributor in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and Hexagon Composites' subsidiary Hexagon Ragasco have signed a long-term distribution agreement. The five-year contract (2023-2028) covers the provision and distribution of custom-made LPG cylinders on the Saudi Arabian domestic market and is valued at approximately 20 million euros.
Gasco has played a significant role in the development of the composite cylinder market in Saudi Arabia, which is the largest market for domestic LPG utilization in the Middle East. Since 2015, Hexagon Ragasco has been a supplier to Gasco.
A Collaborative Strategy for Enhancing Operational Effectiveness
The new custom-sized composite cylinder by Hexagon Ragasco is specifically designed to increase Gasco’s filling and logistical operational efficiency. The broader and shorter cylinder fits seamlessly with Gasco’s filling systems and logistic equipment, making filling, storage, and transport of the cylinders more streamlined and efficient.
“We are pleased to have this agreement in place with our long-time partner, Hexagon Ragasco. Hexagon Ragasco’s collaborative approach continually adds value to our business. The new cylinder is designed specifically for our existing pallets and bottling systems, allowing us to fill and deliver modern LPG composite cylinders more cost-effectively to customers that reap the benefits of lightweight, durable composite cylinders and a lower CO2 footprint" says Eng. Abdulrahman Bin Sulaiman, CEO of Gasco.
The new cylinder will be manufactured at Hexagon Ragasco’s world-class, high-volume, fully automated production facility in Raufoss, Norway.
"This is our second long-term distribution agreement with Gasco—an alliance that has strengthened our position in the Middle East region over the last decade. As a preferred supplier, we are able to engage with Gasco’s team and help them address some of the operational challenges that face business growth in a key region for both the LPG industry and Hexagon Ragasco," says Skjalg Stavheim, President of Hexagon Ragasco. "Today’s announcement is an example of the role customer intimacy plays in driving innovation."
The first new composite LPG cylinders will be shipped and introduced to the Saudi market in 2024.
For more information:
Karen Romer, SVP Communications, Hexagon Composites ASA
Telephone: +47 950 74 950 | karen.romer@hexagongroup.com
Ingrid Aarsnes, VP Investor Relations and ESG, Hexagon Composites ASA
Telephone: +47 950 38 364 | ingrid.aarsnes@hexagongroup.com
About National Gas and Industrial Company (Gasco)
Gasco was incorporated in 1963 (1383H) via the merger of National Gas Company in Dammam and its two branches in Riyadh and Jeddah, together with Saudi manufacturing and Gas Company in Riyadh and its branches in Dammam.
Gasco's main activities are transportation, filling, distributing, and marketing of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), which consists of propane (C3H8), butane (C4H10), or a mixture of both. Gasco has generated revenues of more than SAR 2 billion in 2022.
About Hexagon Ragasco AS
At Hexagon Ragasco, we are committed to quality, safety, and innovation. We are the leading manufacturer of composite LPG cylinders, with an industry-leading safety record of 20+ years and more than 20 million cylinders sold worldwide. Our products bring unique benefits to both LPG marketers and their customers.
LPG has a significant role to play as a transitional energy source with the potential to improve air quality and health for billions of people who rely on highly polluting and toxic fuels as their primary energy source. We believe in cleaner air and safer LPG for everyone, everywhere.
Learn more at www.hexagonragasco.com and follow @Hexagon_Ragasco on Twitter and LinkedIn.
About Hexagon Composites
Hexagon delivers safe and innovative solutions for a cleaner energy future. Our solutions enable storage, transportation, and conversion to clean energy in a wide range of mobility, industrial and consumer applications.
Learn more at hexagongroup.com and follow @HexagonASA on Twitter and LinkedIn
This information is considered to be inside information pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation and is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5-12 the Norwegian Securities Trading Act. This stock exchange release was published by Ingrid Aarsnes, VP IR & ESG, Hexagon Composites ASA on 18 October 2023 at 18:45 CEST.
Børsmelding. Hexagon Ragasco har signert kontrakt verdt ca. €20 millioner (ca. 233 millioner NOK).
Gasco Saudi Arabia and Hexagon Ragasco sign a five-year distribution agreement for new, custom-sized LPG cylinders.
October 18, 2023 12:45 ET| Source: Hexagon Composites ASA
18 October 2023: National Gas and Industrial Company (Gasco), the largest Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) distributor in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and Hexagon Composites' subsidiary Hexagon Ragasco have signed a long-term distribution agreement. The five-year contract (2023-2028) covers the provision and distribution of custom-made LPG cylinders on the Saudi Arabian domestic market and is valued at approximately 20 million euros.
Gasco has played a significant role in the development of the composite cylinder market in Saudi Arabia, which is the largest market for domestic LPG utilization in the Middle East. Since 2015, Hexagon Ragasco has been a supplier to Gasco.
A Collaborative Strategy for Enhancing Operational Effectiveness
The new custom-sized composite cylinder by Hexagon Ragasco is specifically designed to increase Gasco’s filling and logistical operational efficiency. The broader and shorter cylinder fits seamlessly with Gasco’s filling systems and logistic equipment, making filling, storage, and transport of the cylinders more streamlined and efficient.
“We are pleased to have this agreement in place with our long-time partner, Hexagon Ragasco. Hexagon Ragasco’s collaborative approach continually adds value to our business. The new cylinder is designed specifically for our existing pallets and bottling systems, allowing us to fill and deliver modern LPG composite cylinders more cost-effectively to customers that reap the benefits of lightweight, durable composite cylinders and a lower CO2 footprint" says Eng. Abdulrahman Bin Sulaiman, CEO of Gasco.
The new cylinder will be manufactured at Hexagon Ragasco’s world-class, high-volume, fully automated production facility in Raufoss, Norway.
"This is our second long-term distribution agreement with Gasco—an alliance that has strengthened our position in the Middle East region over the last decade. As a preferred supplier, we are able to engage with Gasco’s team and help them address some of the operational challenges that face business growth in a key region for both the LPG industry and Hexagon Ragasco," says Skjalg Stavheim, President of Hexagon Ragasco. "Today’s announcement is an example of the role customer intimacy plays in driving innovation."
The first new composite LPG cylinders will be shipped and introduced to the Saudi market in 2024.
For more information:
Karen Romer, SVP Communications, Hexagon Composites ASA
Telephone: +47 950 74 950 | karen.romer@hexagongroup.com
Ingrid Aarsnes, VP Investor Relations and ESG, Hexagon Composites ASA
Telephone: +47 950 38 364 | ingrid.aarsnes@hexagongroup.com
About National Gas and Industrial Company (Gasco)
Gasco was incorporated in 1963 (1383H) via the merger of National Gas Company in Dammam and its two branches in Riyadh and Jeddah, together with Saudi manufacturing and Gas Company in Riyadh and its branches in Dammam.
Gasco's main activities are transportation, filling, distributing, and marketing of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), which consists of propane (C3H8), butane (C4H10), or a mixture of both. Gasco has generated revenues of more than SAR 2 billion in 2022.
About Hexagon Ragasco AS
At Hexagon Ragasco, we are committed to quality, safety, and innovation. We are the leading manufacturer of composite LPG cylinders, with an industry-leading safety record of 20+ years and more than 20 million cylinders sold worldwide. Our products bring unique benefits to both LPG marketers and their customers.
LPG has a significant role to play as a transitional energy source with the potential to improve air quality and health for billions of people who rely on highly polluting and toxic fuels as their primary energy source. We believe in cleaner air and safer LPG for everyone, everywhere.
Learn more at www.hexagonragasco.com and follow @Hexagon_Ragasco on Twitter and LinkedIn.
About Hexagon Composites
Hexagon delivers safe and innovative solutions for a cleaner energy future. Our solutions enable storage, transportation, and conversion to clean energy in a wide range of mobility, industrial and consumer applications.
Learn more at hexagongroup.com and follow @HexagonASA on Twitter and LinkedIn
This information is considered to be inside information pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation and is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5-12 the Norwegian Securities Trading Act. This stock exchange release was published by Ingrid Aarsnes, VP IR & ESG, Hexagon Composites ASA on 18 October 2023 at 18:45 CEST.
Biden med milliardstøtte til hydrogensatsing
Biden-administrasjonen melder fredag at de vil støtte hydrogensatsingen i USA med 7 milliarder dollar.
Det fremgår av meldingen at finansieringens hensikt er å akselerere det innenlandske markedet for billig, rent hydrogen. De syv regionale knutepunktene som vil motta støtte er estimert til å utløse 40 milliarder dollar i private investeringer og skape titusenvis av jobber. - Det kan bli penger av slikt for HEX aksjonærene.
Biden-administrasjonen melder fredag at de vil støtte hydrogensatsingen i USA med 7 milliarder dollar.
Det fremgår av meldingen at finansieringens hensikt er å akselerere det innenlandske markedet for billig, rent hydrogen. De syv regionale knutepunktene som vil motta støtte er estimert til å utløse 40 milliarder dollar i private investeringer og skape titusenvis av jobber. - Det kan bli penger av slikt for HEX aksjonærene.
13.10.2023 kl 19:03
Biden med milliardstøtte til hydrogensatsing
Biden-administrasjonen melder fredag at de vil støtte hydrogensatsingen i USA med 7 milliarder dollar.
Kan det dryppe litt på Hex eller Hpur kanskje.
Biden-administrasjonen melder fredag at de vil støtte hydrogensatsingen i USA med 7 milliarder dollar.
Kan det dryppe litt på Hex eller Hpur kanskje.
Rect Angel
11.10.2023 kl 20:12
Hexagon Digital Wave. Hexagon Composites.
Divisjonen har allerede meldt flere interessante avtaler, og ledelsen har fremstått som veldig entusiastisk på Hexagon Digital Waves vegne under de siste kvartalpresentasjonene. Begynner nå for alvor å skjønne hvorfor.
For her er en skikkelig godbit av en nyhet om hvordan Hexagon Digital Wave hvis teknologi nyttegjør seg av AI og ML, like godt utropes som markedsledende og No1 når det gjelder patentert applikasjonsmangfold innen kontroll- og varslingssystemer for produksjonsutstyr innen olje- og gassindustrien av 'Offshore Technology'!
Must read! For dette føles definitivt som om Hexagon Composites her har noe veldig stort er på gang!
Premium Insights
Artificial intelligence: who are the leaders in intelligent predictive maintenance for the oil & gas industry?
October 10, 2023
The oil & gas industry continues to be a hotbed of patent innovation. Activity is driven by the need to innovate, improve efficiencies, increase safety, reduce environmental impact, and increasing competition, and the growing importance of technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), big data, blockchain, and robotics. In the last three years alone, there have been over 523,000 patents filed and granted in the oil & gas industry, according to GlobalData’s report on Artificial intelligence in oil & gas: intelligent predictive maintenance.
According to GlobalData’s Technology Foresights, which uses over 196,000 patents to analyze innovation intensity for the oil & gas industry, there are 60+ innovation areas that will shape the future of the industry.
Intelligent predictive maintenance is a key innovation area in artificial intelligence
Intelligent predictive maintenance leverages artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms to foresee and proactively mitigate equipment failures and downtime. By harnessing data from sensors and various sources, it constructs predictive models capable of assessing the prevailing condition of equipment and foreseeing potential problems in advance. The method effectively lowers maintenance expenses, while enhancing the reliability and availability of equipment.
In terms of application diversity, Hexagon Composites leads the pack, while Hexagon and Engie stood in the second and third positions, respectively. Hexagon Composites’ predictive maintenance solutions utilize AI and ML to detect anomalies and interpret warning signals in manufacturing equipment, enabling manufacturers to take swift remedial actions and prevent downtime.
Intelligent predictive maintenance is increasingly being seen as a viable tool by the players in the oil & gas industry. Adoption of intelligent predictive maintenance helps companies to improve the reliability, efficiency and safety of the machinery, and reduce operational costs and downtime.
Offshore Technology
Hexagon Agility. Hexagon Composites.
Hexagon Agility står i dag for mer 80% av omsetningen til Hexagon Composites.
Veldig interessant case study fra selskapet som har strømlinjeformet og effektivisert virksomheten til Hexagon Agility. Hexagon Agility har i særdeleshet høstet gevinst på grunn av forbedret kommunikasjonen mellom selskapets 6 avdelinger. Dette er veldig oppløftende lesning som gir grunn til optimisme. Mon tro om ikke noe av grunnen til de overraskende sterkt forbedrede marginer selskapet rapporterte i allerede i Q2 2023 ligger nettopp her!? Link til case study'en finner man her:
Hexagon Agility transforms sales & operations planning with IFS Success plan
Clean fuel manufacturer, Hexagon Agility, was able to implement sales and operations planning across all manufacturing plants within six months with IFS Success, providing a clear way to demonstrate ROI
Divisjonen har allerede meldt flere interessante avtaler, og ledelsen har fremstått som veldig entusiastisk på Hexagon Digital Waves vegne under de siste kvartalpresentasjonene. Begynner nå for alvor å skjønne hvorfor.
For her er en skikkelig godbit av en nyhet om hvordan Hexagon Digital Wave hvis teknologi nyttegjør seg av AI og ML, like godt utropes som markedsledende og No1 når det gjelder patentert applikasjonsmangfold innen kontroll- og varslingssystemer for produksjonsutstyr innen olje- og gassindustrien av 'Offshore Technology'!
Must read! For dette føles definitivt som om Hexagon Composites her har noe veldig stort er på gang!
Premium Insights
Artificial intelligence: who are the leaders in intelligent predictive maintenance for the oil & gas industry?
October 10, 2023
The oil & gas industry continues to be a hotbed of patent innovation. Activity is driven by the need to innovate, improve efficiencies, increase safety, reduce environmental impact, and increasing competition, and the growing importance of technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), big data, blockchain, and robotics. In the last three years alone, there have been over 523,000 patents filed and granted in the oil & gas industry, according to GlobalData’s report on Artificial intelligence in oil & gas: intelligent predictive maintenance.
According to GlobalData’s Technology Foresights, which uses over 196,000 patents to analyze innovation intensity for the oil & gas industry, there are 60+ innovation areas that will shape the future of the industry.
Intelligent predictive maintenance is a key innovation area in artificial intelligence
Intelligent predictive maintenance leverages artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms to foresee and proactively mitigate equipment failures and downtime. By harnessing data from sensors and various sources, it constructs predictive models capable of assessing the prevailing condition of equipment and foreseeing potential problems in advance. The method effectively lowers maintenance expenses, while enhancing the reliability and availability of equipment.
In terms of application diversity, Hexagon Composites leads the pack, while Hexagon and Engie stood in the second and third positions, respectively. Hexagon Composites’ predictive maintenance solutions utilize AI and ML to detect anomalies and interpret warning signals in manufacturing equipment, enabling manufacturers to take swift remedial actions and prevent downtime.
Intelligent predictive maintenance is increasingly being seen as a viable tool by the players in the oil & gas industry. Adoption of intelligent predictive maintenance helps companies to improve the reliability, efficiency and safety of the machinery, and reduce operational costs and downtime.
Offshore Technology
Hexagon Agility. Hexagon Composites.
Hexagon Agility står i dag for mer 80% av omsetningen til Hexagon Composites.
Veldig interessant case study fra selskapet som har strømlinjeformet og effektivisert virksomheten til Hexagon Agility. Hexagon Agility har i særdeleshet høstet gevinst på grunn av forbedret kommunikasjonen mellom selskapets 6 avdelinger. Dette er veldig oppløftende lesning som gir grunn til optimisme. Mon tro om ikke noe av grunnen til de overraskende sterkt forbedrede marginer selskapet rapporterte i allerede i Q2 2023 ligger nettopp her!? Link til case study'en finner man her:
Hexagon Agility transforms sales & operations planning with IFS Success plan
Clean fuel manufacturer, Hexagon Agility, was able to implement sales and operations planning across all manufacturing plants within six months with IFS Success, providing a clear way to demonstrate ROI
Redigert 11.10.2023 kl 20:41
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11.10.2023 kl 18:02
I tillegg har vi politikere som spiller casino med norske aksjonærer i form av uforutsigbarhet. Denne utspiller seg ofte i form av uforutsigbare rammevilkår for industrien i form av Co2 kompensasjon, formueskatt, grunnrenteskatt mm. Ikke for å glemme at vanlige aksjonærer skattes ihjel for å legge risikokapital på bordet. 37-38% rente på overskudd er phsyko!
Rect Angel
11.10.2023 kl 13:37
Takk for info. La merke til at hydrogenaksjene jeg følger steg kraftig i USA i går, uten at noen kjappe søk da ledet meg til forklaringen.
Leser jo stadig om norske 'grønne selskaper' som vurdererer å satse og t.o.m. vurderer å emigrere til USA. Som aksjonær i Hexagon Group er det godt å vite hvor veletablert gruppen er 'over there'. Kursutvilingen i HEX og HPUR har vært svak en stund, men det fundamentale lover godt IMO.
Leser jo stadig om norske 'grønne selskaper' som vurdererer å satse og t.o.m. vurderer å emigrere til USA. Som aksjonær i Hexagon Group er det godt å vite hvor veletablert gruppen er 'over there'. Kursutvilingen i HEX og HPUR har vært svak en stund, men det fundamentale lover godt IMO.
Redigert 11.10.2023 kl 13:41
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Siste nytt; Biden ventes å legge frem en pakke på 7 milliarder dollar til hydrogensasning neste uke. Stort fokus på hydrogerellaterte aksjer ventes å følge.
Rect Angel
28.09.2023 kl 15:00
Ja, HEX er det ikke noe i veien med. Selskapet opplever nå veldig stor etterspørsel etter sine produkter og er i full fart på vei opp og frem med voldsom omsetningsvekst og radikalt forbedrede marginer.
Flakk og andre i Norge som har mesteparten av formuen i form av arbeidende kapital og ikke velger 'å rømme landet', tvinges i realiteten fort til å selge aksjer for å kunne betale formueskatt. Veldig lite smart skattepolitikk, IMO. Flakk og stortingspolitikerne våre har vel forhåpentligvis uansett til salt i grøten. Så får vi småaksjonærer som, som en konsekvens, får børsdager som dagen i dag i trynet, trøste oss med at det er vanlige folks tur og ta vel imot hyllesten fra de nevnte poltikere om hvor flott og samfunnsnyttig det er at vi er villige til å bidra til helt nødvendig verdiskapning til fellesskapets beste, gjennom å ta risiko og investere sparepengene våre i aksjer i norske selskaper.
Flakk og andre i Norge som har mesteparten av formuen i form av arbeidende kapital og ikke velger 'å rømme landet', tvinges i realiteten fort til å selge aksjer for å kunne betale formueskatt. Veldig lite smart skattepolitikk, IMO. Flakk og stortingspolitikerne våre har vel forhåpentligvis uansett til salt i grøten. Så får vi småaksjonærer som, som en konsekvens, får børsdager som dagen i dag i trynet, trøste oss med at det er vanlige folks tur og ta vel imot hyllesten fra de nevnte poltikere om hvor flott og samfunnsnyttig det er at vi er villige til å bidra til helt nødvendig verdiskapning til fellesskapets beste, gjennom å ta risiko og investere sparepengene våre i aksjer i norske selskaper.
Redigert 29.09.2023 kl 00:47
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28.09.2023 kl 14:35
Veldig bra!! Selg til utlendingene som slipper formueskatt. Godt jobba regjeringen.
28.09.2023 kl 14:07
Skatteopprører selger aksjer
Knut Flakk var en av initiativtagerne bak protestene mot formuesskatten. Nå selger han aksjer i sin børsbaby, blant annet på grunn av formuesskatten.
Publisert 28. sep. 2023 kl. 13.13
Knut Flakk var en av initiativtagerne bak protestene mot formuesskatten. Nå selger han aksjer i sin børsbaby, blant annet på grunn av formuesskatten.
Publisert 28. sep. 2023 kl. 13.13
27.09.2023 kl 22:55
Hvis han må selge for å betale formue skatt og eie mindre aksjer er det en stor skam for Norge
27.09.2023 kl 22:41
Skal bli spennende å se hvilken pris han kan oppnå. Er ikke prisen tilfredstillende, blir det vel neppe noe salg. Eller hva?
Hva tror Dere ?
Hva tror Dere ?
Rect Angel
27.09.2023 kl 18:37
Flakk selger seg ned i HEX.
27.9.2023 16:39 • TDN Finans •
Oslo (Infront TDN Direkt): Flakk Composites og Flakk Gruppen har hyret DNB Markets for å vurdere et potensielt blokksalg av totalt inntil om lag fem millioner eksisterende aksjer i Hexagon Composites.
Det fremgår av en melding onsdag.
Inntil 4.486.783 aksjer vurderes selges av Flakk Composites og inntil 513.217 aksjer av Flakk Gruppen AS.
Kursen i tilbudet vil bli satt gjennom en akselerert bokbyggingsprosess.
TDN Direkt finans@tdn.no Infront TDN Direkt, +47 21 95 60 70
Contemplated block sale of existing shares in Hexagon Composites ASA (HEX)
Flakk Composites AS and Flakk Gruppen AS (together the “Sellers”), have retained DNB Markets, a part of DNB Bank ASA as Sole Bookrunner (the "Manager") to explore a potential block sale of existing shares in Hexagon Composites ASA (the "Company") through a private placement (the “Offering”).
The Sellers are contemplating selling up to approximately 5,000,000 shares in the Company (up to 4,486,783 shares sold by Flakk Composites AS and up to 513,217 shares sold by Flakk Gruppen AS), equivalent to approximately 2.48% of the Company’s outstanding shares. The price in the Offering will be set through an accelerated bookbuilding process and will be denominated in NOK. The Sellers reserve the right, at their sole discretion, to decide the number of shares to be sold, or to sell no shares at all in the Offering.
The bookbuilding period in the Offering will commence today, 27 September 2023 at 16:30 CEST and will close on 28 September 2023 at 08:00 CEST. The Sellers, in consultation with the Manager, reserve the right to close the bookbuilding period at any time at their sole discretion, at short notice. The Offering is expected to be priced and allocated before 08:00 CEST on 28 September 2023 (T). The settlement in the Offering will be conducted on a normal delivery-versus-payment basis (DVP, T+2).
Flakk Composites AS currently owns 20,000,000 shares in the Company, representing approximately 9.92% of the number of outstanding shares in the Company, and will following the Transaction hold 15,513,217 shares assuming all shares are sold as part of the Transaction, representing 7.69% of the number of shares outstanding in the Company. Flakk Composites AS is partially owned and controlled by Knut Flakk, founder and Chairman of the Board in the Company.
Flakk Gruppen AS currently owns 2,203,721 shares in the Company, representing approximately 1.09% of the number of outstanding shares in the Company, and will following the Transaction hold 1,690,504 shares assuming all shares are sold as part of the Transaction, representing 0.84% of the number of shares outstanding in the Company. Flakk Composites partially owned and controlled by Knut Flakk, founder and Chairman of the Board in the Company.
Knut Flakk and related parties hold an additional 5,631,248 shares in the Company, representing approximately 2.79% of the number of shares outstanding in the Company.
The minimum order and allocation in the Offering have been set to the NOK equivalent of EUR 100,000. The Manager may, however, offer and allocate an amount below the NOK equivalent of EUR 100,000 in the Offering to the extent exemptions from prospectus requirements, in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2017/1129, are available. For more information about the Offering please contact the Manager: DNB Markets, a part of DNB Bank ASA: +47 24 16 90 20
27.9.2023 16:39 • TDN Finans •
Oslo (Infront TDN Direkt): Flakk Composites og Flakk Gruppen har hyret DNB Markets for å vurdere et potensielt blokksalg av totalt inntil om lag fem millioner eksisterende aksjer i Hexagon Composites.
Det fremgår av en melding onsdag.
Inntil 4.486.783 aksjer vurderes selges av Flakk Composites og inntil 513.217 aksjer av Flakk Gruppen AS.
Kursen i tilbudet vil bli satt gjennom en akselerert bokbyggingsprosess.
TDN Direkt finans@tdn.no Infront TDN Direkt, +47 21 95 60 70
Contemplated block sale of existing shares in Hexagon Composites ASA (HEX)
Flakk Composites AS and Flakk Gruppen AS (together the “Sellers”), have retained DNB Markets, a part of DNB Bank ASA as Sole Bookrunner (the "Manager") to explore a potential block sale of existing shares in Hexagon Composites ASA (the "Company") through a private placement (the “Offering”).
The Sellers are contemplating selling up to approximately 5,000,000 shares in the Company (up to 4,486,783 shares sold by Flakk Composites AS and up to 513,217 shares sold by Flakk Gruppen AS), equivalent to approximately 2.48% of the Company’s outstanding shares. The price in the Offering will be set through an accelerated bookbuilding process and will be denominated in NOK. The Sellers reserve the right, at their sole discretion, to decide the number of shares to be sold, or to sell no shares at all in the Offering.
The bookbuilding period in the Offering will commence today, 27 September 2023 at 16:30 CEST and will close on 28 September 2023 at 08:00 CEST. The Sellers, in consultation with the Manager, reserve the right to close the bookbuilding period at any time at their sole discretion, at short notice. The Offering is expected to be priced and allocated before 08:00 CEST on 28 September 2023 (T). The settlement in the Offering will be conducted on a normal delivery-versus-payment basis (DVP, T+2).
Flakk Composites AS currently owns 20,000,000 shares in the Company, representing approximately 9.92% of the number of outstanding shares in the Company, and will following the Transaction hold 15,513,217 shares assuming all shares are sold as part of the Transaction, representing 7.69% of the number of shares outstanding in the Company. Flakk Composites AS is partially owned and controlled by Knut Flakk, founder and Chairman of the Board in the Company.
Flakk Gruppen AS currently owns 2,203,721 shares in the Company, representing approximately 1.09% of the number of outstanding shares in the Company, and will following the Transaction hold 1,690,504 shares assuming all shares are sold as part of the Transaction, representing 0.84% of the number of shares outstanding in the Company. Flakk Composites partially owned and controlled by Knut Flakk, founder and Chairman of the Board in the Company.
Knut Flakk and related parties hold an additional 5,631,248 shares in the Company, representing approximately 2.79% of the number of shares outstanding in the Company.
The minimum order and allocation in the Offering have been set to the NOK equivalent of EUR 100,000. The Manager may, however, offer and allocate an amount below the NOK equivalent of EUR 100,000 in the Offering to the extent exemptions from prospectus requirements, in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2017/1129, are available. For more information about the Offering please contact the Manager: DNB Markets, a part of DNB Bank ASA: +47 24 16 90 20
Rect Angel
26.09.2023 kl 10:41
Hexagon Ragasco.
Ja, lagring av energi har stor verdi, særlig for de beste innen forretningsområdet, som Hexagon Group.
Sånn umiddelbart føler jeg vel mer for en eventuell børsnotering enn et eventuelt salg. Men her er kanskje flere alternativer?
Kan kanskje en eller annen form for kompaniskap være et alternativ? Hvor stort skal det satses globalt? I børsmeldingen nevnes jo f.eks. piloten som nå pågår sammen med Linde spesifikt. Uansett er følelsen nå litt at denne piloten med 'smarte sylindere' innvarsler noe stort nytt. Her er mer om Hexagon Ragascos neste generasjon LPG sylindere og den pågående piloten:
Hexagon Ragasco’s smart cylinder technology makes summer grilling carefree - Linde launches smart cylinder pilot program in Norway
Hexagon Composites initiates strategic review of its LPG cylinder business
September 26, 2023 02:00 ET| Source: Hexagon Composites ASA
26.9.2023 08:09 • TDN Finans •
Oslo (Infront TDN Direkt): Hexagon Composites starter en strategisk gjennomgang av datterselskapet Hexagon Ragasco.
Det fremgår av en melding tirsdag.
Hexagon Ragasco er den globale markedslederen innen komposittsylindere for flytende petroleumsgass (LPG), og utvikler for tiden neste generasjons konsept for LPG-komposittsylindre. Selskapet ser også betydelige vekstmuligheter utenfor kjernemarkedet i Europa.
-Hexagon Ragasco har en spennende pipeline av vekstmuligheter som kan bli realisert gjennom blant annet strukturelle strategiske grep. Vi vil nøye vurdere om selskapets vekstpotensial best kan realiseres innenfor eller utenfor Hexagon Group, sier konsernsjef Jon Erik Engeset i en kommentar.
DNB Markets og Danske Bank er engasjert som finansielle rådgivere i forbindelse med prosessen.
TDN Direkt finans@tdn.no Infront TDN Direkt, +47 21 95 60 70
26.9.2023 08:41 • TDN Finans •
Oslo (Infront TDN Direkt): Hexagon Composites håper på å konkluderer den strategiske gjennomgangen av datterselskapet Hexagon Ragasco i løpet av første halvår 2024.
Det sier investorkontakt Ingrid Aarsnes i Hexagon Composites til TDN Direkt tirsdag.
-Vi vil bruke den tiden som trengs for å få gjort grundige vurderinger, men vi håper på å konkludere i løpet av første halvår 2024, sier hun.
På spørsmål om det kan være aktuelt å selge Hexagon Ragasco, svarer hun:
-Vi vil se på ulike alternativer for å sikre den beste strukturen både finansielt og industrielt for Hexagon Ragasco, og vi gjør en bred gjennomgang.
På spørsmål om det kan bli aktuelt å børsnotere selskapet, gjentar Aarsnes at de kommer til å gjøre en bred gjennomgang, og at de vil bruke tiden til å se på ulike alternativer for å finne den beste strukturen.
TDN Direkt finans@tdn.no Infront TDN Direkt, +47 21 95 60 70
Ja, lagring av energi har stor verdi, særlig for de beste innen forretningsområdet, som Hexagon Group.
Sånn umiddelbart føler jeg vel mer for en eventuell børsnotering enn et eventuelt salg. Men her er kanskje flere alternativer?
Kan kanskje en eller annen form for kompaniskap være et alternativ? Hvor stort skal det satses globalt? I børsmeldingen nevnes jo f.eks. piloten som nå pågår sammen med Linde spesifikt. Uansett er følelsen nå litt at denne piloten med 'smarte sylindere' innvarsler noe stort nytt. Her er mer om Hexagon Ragascos neste generasjon LPG sylindere og den pågående piloten:
Hexagon Ragasco’s smart cylinder technology makes summer grilling carefree - Linde launches smart cylinder pilot program in Norway
Hexagon Composites initiates strategic review of its LPG cylinder business
September 26, 2023 02:00 ET| Source: Hexagon Composites ASA
26.9.2023 08:09 • TDN Finans •
Oslo (Infront TDN Direkt): Hexagon Composites starter en strategisk gjennomgang av datterselskapet Hexagon Ragasco.
Det fremgår av en melding tirsdag.
Hexagon Ragasco er den globale markedslederen innen komposittsylindere for flytende petroleumsgass (LPG), og utvikler for tiden neste generasjons konsept for LPG-komposittsylindre. Selskapet ser også betydelige vekstmuligheter utenfor kjernemarkedet i Europa.
-Hexagon Ragasco har en spennende pipeline av vekstmuligheter som kan bli realisert gjennom blant annet strukturelle strategiske grep. Vi vil nøye vurdere om selskapets vekstpotensial best kan realiseres innenfor eller utenfor Hexagon Group, sier konsernsjef Jon Erik Engeset i en kommentar.
DNB Markets og Danske Bank er engasjert som finansielle rådgivere i forbindelse med prosessen.
TDN Direkt finans@tdn.no Infront TDN Direkt, +47 21 95 60 70
26.9.2023 08:41 • TDN Finans •
Oslo (Infront TDN Direkt): Hexagon Composites håper på å konkluderer den strategiske gjennomgangen av datterselskapet Hexagon Ragasco i løpet av første halvår 2024.
Det sier investorkontakt Ingrid Aarsnes i Hexagon Composites til TDN Direkt tirsdag.
-Vi vil bruke den tiden som trengs for å få gjort grundige vurderinger, men vi håper på å konkludere i løpet av første halvår 2024, sier hun.
På spørsmål om det kan være aktuelt å selge Hexagon Ragasco, svarer hun:
-Vi vil se på ulike alternativer for å sikre den beste strukturen både finansielt og industrielt for Hexagon Ragasco, og vi gjør en bred gjennomgang.
På spørsmål om det kan bli aktuelt å børsnotere selskapet, gjentar Aarsnes at de kommer til å gjøre en bred gjennomgang, og at de vil bruke tiden til å se på ulike alternativer for å finne den beste strukturen.
TDN Direkt finans@tdn.no Infront TDN Direkt, +47 21 95 60 70
Redigert 26.09.2023 kl 10:58
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Rect Angel
15.09.2023 kl 12:21
Tilbakekjøpsprogrammet ble børsmeldt 18.august og ble da gitt følgende tidsramme:
"The duration of the buyback program: 18 August 2023 until 31 October 2023"
Når HEX ledelsen valgte å gjøre seg ferdig allerede 14.september, en og en halv måned før øvre skranke i tidsintervallet, antar jeg man har sine gode grunner til det.
Det har stort sett vært 'meldingstørke' i Composites og Purus den siste måneden, i etterkant av Q2 2023 presentasjonene medio august. Bør kanskje være håp om at det livner litt til på meldingsfronten nå etterhvert når det viste seg at Composites altså hadde det relativt travelt med 'å få i hus' mer enn hele 1.3 millioner egne aksjer.
Vi fikk en stor nyhet fra USA allerede i går kveld når det gjelder Purus (hvor HEX eier 38% av aksjene) da Nikola meldte at man starter opp salg av serieproduserte, hydrogendrevne tungtransportkjøretøyer denne måneden. Se de seneste innlegg på denne tråden for mer om dette:
Inntil videre overser imidlertid markedet fullstendig denne milepælen for Hexagon Purus. Men en stor milepæl er det, like fullt.
"The duration of the buyback program: 18 August 2023 until 31 October 2023"
Når HEX ledelsen valgte å gjøre seg ferdig allerede 14.september, en og en halv måned før øvre skranke i tidsintervallet, antar jeg man har sine gode grunner til det.
Det har stort sett vært 'meldingstørke' i Composites og Purus den siste måneden, i etterkant av Q2 2023 presentasjonene medio august. Bør kanskje være håp om at det livner litt til på meldingsfronten nå etterhvert når det viste seg at Composites altså hadde det relativt travelt med 'å få i hus' mer enn hele 1.3 millioner egne aksjer.
Vi fikk en stor nyhet fra USA allerede i går kveld når det gjelder Purus (hvor HEX eier 38% av aksjene) da Nikola meldte at man starter opp salg av serieproduserte, hydrogendrevne tungtransportkjøretøyer denne måneden. Se de seneste innlegg på denne tråden for mer om dette:
Inntil videre overser imidlertid markedet fullstendig denne milepælen for Hexagon Purus. Men en stor milepæl er det, like fullt.
Redigert 15.09.2023 kl 13:44
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15.09.2023 kl 11:49
Det ble en stygg nedtur for HEX i dag. Tilbakekjøpsprogrammet av sluttet i går, så det ble naturligvis littt mindre kjøperer. Men HEX hadde et snitt på godt ovr 37 på de siste oppkjøpene. Regner med at det roer seg og at den snart er over 37 igjen.
Rect Angel
14.09.2023 kl 21:29
Tilbakekjøpsprogrammet til Hexagon Composites avsluttet. Med det øker kanskje også sannsynligheten litt for at det snart dukker opp et eller annet interessant nytt på meldingsfronten, fra Composites eller Purus.
Hexagon Composites ASA: Share buyback program completed
September 14, 2023 14:28 ET| Source: Hexagon Composites ASA
14 September 2023: With reference to the share buyback program announced 18 August 2023, Hexagon Composites ASA ("the Company") has from 7 to 14 September 2023 purchased 476,880 of its own shares. The shares were purchased at an average price of NOK 37.3105 per share. An overview of daily share purchases, as well as a detailed overview of all transactions made under the share buyback program is attached.
Date on which the buyback program was announced: 18 August 2023
The duration of the buyback program: 18 August 2023 until 31 October 2023
Size of the buyback program: Up to NOK 50 million
Following the transactions, the Company owns 1,379,853 of its own shares, which represents 0.68% of the total shares outstanding.
For additional information:
Ingrid Aarsnes, VP Investor Relations and ESG, Hexagon Composites ASA
Telephone: +47 950 38 364 | ingrid.aarsnes@hexagongroup.com
About Hexagon Composites ASA
Hexagon delivers safe and innovative solutions for a cleaner energy future. Our solutions enable storage, transportation, and conversion to clean energy in a wide range of mobility, industrial and consumer applications. Learn more at www.hexagongroup.com and follow @HexagonASA on Twitter and LinkedIn.
This information is made public by Hexagon Composites pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation and subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.
Hexagon Composites ASA: Share buyback program completed
September 14, 2023 14:28 ET| Source: Hexagon Composites ASA
14 September 2023: With reference to the share buyback program announced 18 August 2023, Hexagon Composites ASA ("the Company") has from 7 to 14 September 2023 purchased 476,880 of its own shares. The shares were purchased at an average price of NOK 37.3105 per share. An overview of daily share purchases, as well as a detailed overview of all transactions made under the share buyback program is attached.
Date on which the buyback program was announced: 18 August 2023
The duration of the buyback program: 18 August 2023 until 31 October 2023
Size of the buyback program: Up to NOK 50 million
Following the transactions, the Company owns 1,379,853 of its own shares, which represents 0.68% of the total shares outstanding.
For additional information:
Ingrid Aarsnes, VP Investor Relations and ESG, Hexagon Composites ASA
Telephone: +47 950 38 364 | ingrid.aarsnes@hexagongroup.com
About Hexagon Composites ASA
Hexagon delivers safe and innovative solutions for a cleaner energy future. Our solutions enable storage, transportation, and conversion to clean energy in a wide range of mobility, industrial and consumer applications. Learn more at www.hexagongroup.com and follow @HexagonASA on Twitter and LinkedIn.
This information is made public by Hexagon Composites pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation and subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.
Redigert 14.09.2023 kl 21:33
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12.09.2023 kl 14:02
Litt suspekt med kursfall på 4-5% uten selskap spesifikke nyheter...🤔
Samler krefter før nytt støt opp. Flott. Fikk noen 1000 nye i dag til en ok pris.
Rect Angel
11.09.2023 kl 21:57
Hexagon Digital Wave’s proprietary Modal Acoustic Emission technology approved for use in Canada
September 11, 2023 13:00 ET| Source: Hexagon Composites ASA
CENTENNIAL, CO., September 11, 2023 - Hexagon Digital Wave, a business of Hexagon Composites, has received an equivalency certificate from Transport Canada (TC) authorizing the use of its Modal Acoustic Emission (MAE) technology to requalify composite overwrapped pressure vessels (COPV) used in virtual pipeline trailers manufactured by Quantum Fuel Systems which are subject to periodic inspection and testing once every five years.
This equivalency certificate opens a new market for Hexagon Digital Wave’s MAE technology in Canada and further positions the company as the leader in the North American requalification market.
Driving energy transformation
“Hexagon Digital Wave’s MAE technology provides a faster, and more accurate means of assessing structural integrity in cylinders used to transport compressed gases. We are excited to offer the benefits of our superior technology to Canadian customers that enables safe and efficient operations,” says George Siedlecki, CEO, Hexagon Digital Wave.
With the issuance of this TC-SH 13911 equivalency certification, Transport Canada becomes the second regulatory agency authority with high pressure compressed gas cylinder oversight to acknowledge and approve the benefits and safety provided by MAE testing.
About the technology
MAE uses advanced electronics and sensors that capture broadband waveforms and specialty algorithms to identify structural integrity flaws present in composite pressure vessels. MAE is an authorized periodic inspection method for the Department of Transportation / Pipeline of Hazardous Materials Safety Administration and Transport Canada jurisdictions. Testing using the MAE technology eliminates venting of contents to the atmosphere thereby minimizing environmental impact.
A significant increase in customer demand for compressed gas transport is driving trailer owners to seek safe, yet time efficient, methods of cylinder requalification. Hexagon Digital Wave’s MAE technology meets these needed requirements, and when deployed alleviates pain points for owners / operators and trailer OEMs alike.
Karen Romer, SVP Communications, Hexagon Composites
Telephone: +47 950 74 950 | karen.romer@hexagongroup.com
Ryan C. Pennock, Head of Business Development
Telephone: 770 262 4719 | ryan.pennock@hexagondigitalwave.com
About Hexagon Digital Wave
Hexagon Digital Wave, a subsidiary of Hexagon Composites ASA, is a leading digital solutions provider of non-destructive testing methods, which includes Ultrasonic Examination (UE) and Modal Acoustic Emission (MAE) inspection products and services. With applications in the industrial gas, fire service equipment, medical oxygen, automotive, alternative fuels, and aerospace industries, Hexagon Digital Wave’s goal is to remove technology barriers and simplify workflows with digital and automated platforms that enhance productivity and reduce total cost of ownership. Through its platforms, Hexagon Digital Wave is on the leading edge of reducing cylinder landfill waste and increasing asset availability and up-time.
Learn more at www.hexagondigitalwave.com and follow @HexagonDigitalWave on LinkedIn.
About Hexagon Composites ASA
Hexagon delivers safe and innovative solutions for a cleaner energy future. Our solutions enable storage, transportation, and conversion to clean energy in a wide range of mobility, industrial and consumer applications.
Learn more at www.hexagongroup.com and follow @HexagonASA on Twitter and LinkedIn.
Hexagon Digital Wave’s proprietary Modal Acoustic Emission technology approved for use in Canada
September 11, 2023 13:00 ET| Source: Hexagon Composites ASA
CENTENNIAL, CO., September 11, 2023 - Hexagon Digital Wave, a business of Hexagon Composites, has received an equivalency certificate from Transport Canada (TC) authorizing the use of its Modal Acoustic Emission (MAE) technology to requalify composite overwrapped pressure vessels (COPV) used in virtual pipeline trailers manufactured by Quantum Fuel Systems which are subject to periodic inspection and testing once every five years.
This equivalency certificate opens a new market for Hexagon Digital Wave’s MAE technology in Canada and further positions the company as the leader in the North American requalification market.
Driving energy transformation
“Hexagon Digital Wave’s MAE technology provides a faster, and more accurate means of assessing structural integrity in cylinders used to transport compressed gases. We are excited to offer the benefits of our superior technology to Canadian customers that enables safe and efficient operations,” says George Siedlecki, CEO, Hexagon Digital Wave.
With the issuance of this TC-SH 13911 equivalency certification, Transport Canada becomes the second regulatory agency authority with high pressure compressed gas cylinder oversight to acknowledge and approve the benefits and safety provided by MAE testing.
About the technology
MAE uses advanced electronics and sensors that capture broadband waveforms and specialty algorithms to identify structural integrity flaws present in composite pressure vessels. MAE is an authorized periodic inspection method for the Department of Transportation / Pipeline of Hazardous Materials Safety Administration and Transport Canada jurisdictions. Testing using the MAE technology eliminates venting of contents to the atmosphere thereby minimizing environmental impact.
A significant increase in customer demand for compressed gas transport is driving trailer owners to seek safe, yet time efficient, methods of cylinder requalification. Hexagon Digital Wave’s MAE technology meets these needed requirements, and when deployed alleviates pain points for owners / operators and trailer OEMs alike.
Karen Romer, SVP Communications, Hexagon Composites
Telephone: +47 950 74 950 | karen.romer@hexagongroup.com
Ryan C. Pennock, Head of Business Development
Telephone: 770 262 4719 | ryan.pennock@hexagondigitalwave.com
About Hexagon Digital Wave
Hexagon Digital Wave, a subsidiary of Hexagon Composites ASA, is a leading digital solutions provider of non-destructive testing methods, which includes Ultrasonic Examination (UE) and Modal Acoustic Emission (MAE) inspection products and services. With applications in the industrial gas, fire service equipment, medical oxygen, automotive, alternative fuels, and aerospace industries, Hexagon Digital Wave’s goal is to remove technology barriers and simplify workflows with digital and automated platforms that enhance productivity and reduce total cost of ownership. Through its platforms, Hexagon Digital Wave is on the leading edge of reducing cylinder landfill waste and increasing asset availability and up-time.
Learn more at www.hexagondigitalwave.com and follow @HexagonDigitalWave on LinkedIn.
About Hexagon Composites ASA
Hexagon delivers safe and innovative solutions for a cleaner energy future. Our solutions enable storage, transportation, and conversion to clean energy in a wide range of mobility, industrial and consumer applications.
Learn more at www.hexagongroup.com and follow @HexagonASA on Twitter and LinkedIn.
Redigert 11.09.2023 kl 21:58
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Rect Angel
10.09.2023 kl 20:53
Gedigne nyheter fra helgens G20 møte i India, og en ditto trigger for Hexagon Composites som er global markedsleder innen transport og lagring av gass samt innen gassbaserte drivstoffsystemer til transportnæringen.
Oil & Gas
6 Min Read
India launches Global Biofuel Alliance at G20: A paradigm shift in sustainable energy and economic strategy
The establishment of the Global Biofuels Alliance signifies a monumental step toward a more sustainable energy future.
Saurav Anand, ETEnergyWorld
Updated On Sep 10, 2023 at 10:24 AM IST
New Delhi: The Global Biofuel Alliance (GBA), formally launched during the G20 Summit in New Delhi by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, stands as a transformative milestone in the global energy landscape. This alliance, driven by India, the United States, and Brazil, is a concerted effort to address pressing energy and economic challenges through sustainable biofuels. Let's find out what the GBA means for global biofuel efforts, its potential to ease India's oil import bill crisis, and how it can catalyze cost-effective biofuel production.
The Global Biofuels Alliance: A game-changer for sustainable energy
The inauguration of the Global Biofuel Alliance at the G20 Summit signifies a pivotal moment in the pursuit of sustainable energy solutions. Led by India, Brazil, and the United States, this alliance aims to reshape the global biofuels landscape, providing a collaborative platform for nations to exchange best practices, accelerate technology development, and bolster policy frameworks.
Biofuels, derived from renewable sources such as biomass and agricultural waste, offer a greener alternative to conventional fossil fuels, with lower carbon emissions. The GBA's mission is to propel these sustainable alternatives into the mainstream, contributing significantly to climate change mitigation.
The road ahead: Biofuels as a sustainable energy solution
The establishment of the Global Biofuels Alliance heralds a new era in the pursuit of sustainable energy solutions. Nations worldwide are coming together to champion biofuels, recognizing their pivotal role in curbing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating climate change.
The Significance of the GBA: Data insights
The Alliance was officially launched at the G20 Summit in New Delhi. Spearheaded by India, Brazil, and the United States, the GBA has nine initiating members, including India, the US, Brazil, Argentina, Bangladesh, Italy, Mauritius, South Africa, and the United Arab Emirates. Canada and Singapore are observer countries, and a total of 19 countries and 12 international organizations have expressed their intent to join the alliance.
Seven of the 19 countries are from the G20, four are G20 invitee countries, and eight are neither G20 members nor invitees. Notably, key international organizations such as the World Bank, Asian Development Bank, World Economic Forum, International Energy Agency, International Energy Forum, International Renewable Energy Agency, and International Civil Aviation Organization have also pledged to join the alliance.
The GBA's objectives include promoting international collaboration, developing robust biofuel markets, intensifying the use of sustainable biofuels in transportation, sharing policy lessons, and offering technical support for national biofuels programs. This alliance aims to complement existing regional and international agencies and initiatives in the bioenergy and energy transition sectors.
Oil & Gas
6 Min Read
India launches Global Biofuel Alliance at G20: A paradigm shift in sustainable energy and economic strategy
The establishment of the Global Biofuels Alliance signifies a monumental step toward a more sustainable energy future.
Saurav Anand, ETEnergyWorld
Updated On Sep 10, 2023 at 10:24 AM IST
New Delhi: The Global Biofuel Alliance (GBA), formally launched during the G20 Summit in New Delhi by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, stands as a transformative milestone in the global energy landscape. This alliance, driven by India, the United States, and Brazil, is a concerted effort to address pressing energy and economic challenges through sustainable biofuels. Let's find out what the GBA means for global biofuel efforts, its potential to ease India's oil import bill crisis, and how it can catalyze cost-effective biofuel production.
The Global Biofuels Alliance: A game-changer for sustainable energy
The inauguration of the Global Biofuel Alliance at the G20 Summit signifies a pivotal moment in the pursuit of sustainable energy solutions. Led by India, Brazil, and the United States, this alliance aims to reshape the global biofuels landscape, providing a collaborative platform for nations to exchange best practices, accelerate technology development, and bolster policy frameworks.
Biofuels, derived from renewable sources such as biomass and agricultural waste, offer a greener alternative to conventional fossil fuels, with lower carbon emissions. The GBA's mission is to propel these sustainable alternatives into the mainstream, contributing significantly to climate change mitigation.
The road ahead: Biofuels as a sustainable energy solution
The establishment of the Global Biofuels Alliance heralds a new era in the pursuit of sustainable energy solutions. Nations worldwide are coming together to champion biofuels, recognizing their pivotal role in curbing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating climate change.
The Significance of the GBA: Data insights
The Alliance was officially launched at the G20 Summit in New Delhi. Spearheaded by India, Brazil, and the United States, the GBA has nine initiating members, including India, the US, Brazil, Argentina, Bangladesh, Italy, Mauritius, South Africa, and the United Arab Emirates. Canada and Singapore are observer countries, and a total of 19 countries and 12 international organizations have expressed their intent to join the alliance.
Seven of the 19 countries are from the G20, four are G20 invitee countries, and eight are neither G20 members nor invitees. Notably, key international organizations such as the World Bank, Asian Development Bank, World Economic Forum, International Energy Agency, International Energy Forum, International Renewable Energy Agency, and International Civil Aviation Organization have also pledged to join the alliance.
The GBA's objectives include promoting international collaboration, developing robust biofuel markets, intensifying the use of sustainable biofuels in transportation, sharing policy lessons, and offering technical support for national biofuels programs. This alliance aims to complement existing regional and international agencies and initiatives in the bioenergy and energy transition sectors.
Redigert 10.09.2023 kl 21:02
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Rect Angel
06.09.2023 kl 22:48
Hexagon Composites.
Børsmelding. Foreløpig status pr. 06.09.2023 når det gjelder tilbakekjøpsprogrammet annonsert 18.08.2023 (se innlegg 18.08.2023 kl 12:47 på denne tråden for mer).
Åpner man linken nederst, finner man link til detaljert oversikt over alle handler.
Hexagon Composites ASA: Share buyback program status
September 06, 2023 15:35 ET| Source: Hexagon Composites ASA
6 September 2023: With reference to the share buyback program announced 18 August 2023, Hexagon Composites ASA ("the Company") has from 29 August to 6 September 2023 purchased 501,398 of its own shares. The shares were purchased at an average price of NOK 37.6778 per share. An overview of daily share purchases, as well as a detailed overview of all transactions made under the share buyback program is attached.
Date on which the buyback program was announced: 18 August 2023
The duration of the buyback program: 18 August 2023 until 31 October 2023
Size of the buyback program: Up to NOK 50 million
Following the transactions, the Company owns 902,973 of its own shares, which represents 0.45% of the total shares outstanding.
For additional information:
Ingrid Aarsnes, VP Investor Relations and ESG, Hexagon Composites ASA
Telephone: +47 950 38 364 | ingrid.aarsnes@hexagongroup.com
About Hexagon Composites ASA
Hexagon delivers safe and innovative solutions for a cleaner energy future. Our solutions enable storage, transportation, and conversion to clean energy in a wide range of mobility, industrial and consumer applications. Learn more at www.hexagongroup.com and follow @HexagonASA on Twitter and LinkedIn.
This information is made public by Hexagon Composites pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation and subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.
Børsmelding. Foreløpig status pr. 06.09.2023 når det gjelder tilbakekjøpsprogrammet annonsert 18.08.2023 (se innlegg 18.08.2023 kl 12:47 på denne tråden for mer).
Åpner man linken nederst, finner man link til detaljert oversikt over alle handler.
Hexagon Composites ASA: Share buyback program status
September 06, 2023 15:35 ET| Source: Hexagon Composites ASA
6 September 2023: With reference to the share buyback program announced 18 August 2023, Hexagon Composites ASA ("the Company") has from 29 August to 6 September 2023 purchased 501,398 of its own shares. The shares were purchased at an average price of NOK 37.6778 per share. An overview of daily share purchases, as well as a detailed overview of all transactions made under the share buyback program is attached.
Date on which the buyback program was announced: 18 August 2023
The duration of the buyback program: 18 August 2023 until 31 October 2023
Size of the buyback program: Up to NOK 50 million
Following the transactions, the Company owns 902,973 of its own shares, which represents 0.45% of the total shares outstanding.
For additional information:
Ingrid Aarsnes, VP Investor Relations and ESG, Hexagon Composites ASA
Telephone: +47 950 38 364 | ingrid.aarsnes@hexagongroup.com
About Hexagon Composites ASA
Hexagon delivers safe and innovative solutions for a cleaner energy future. Our solutions enable storage, transportation, and conversion to clean energy in a wide range of mobility, industrial and consumer applications. Learn more at www.hexagongroup.com and follow @HexagonASA on Twitter and LinkedIn.
This information is made public by Hexagon Composites pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation and subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.
Rect Angel
01.09.2023 kl 17:16
Som Doepke er inne på her, er den nye 15 liters motoren til Cummins en kjempetrigger for Hexagon Agility/Hexagon Composites.
August ble en fin måned. God helg.
Tenfold ‑ Candidate Hexagon Composites: Revaluation runs – Share with new high
Today, 12:35 ‧ Michel Doepke
Hexagon Composites shares have hit a fresh 52-week high on the home exchange in Oslo. However, the potential of the value, which was presented as a potential tenfold increase in the 31/23 issue of DER AKTIONÄR, should not yet be exhausted. Because the growth prospects for the manufacturer of high-pressure vessels and systems are brilliant.
The company generates over 60 percent of its sales in North America. And the market is becoming increasingly important. Renewable natural gas (RNG) is becoming increasingly popular overseas as a low-emission alternative to diesel. "A significant portion of RNG comes from agricultural sources that are stranded without access to pipeline infrastructure. Our mobile pipeline solutions are key to getting this gas to the pipelines or directly to end customers in various industries, leading us to an important part of the ecosystem," Hexagon Composites boss Jon Erik Engeset recently told DER AKTIONÄR.
At the beginning of the year, S&P Global reported that RNG was attracting new interest from lenders and financiers. According to this, the expansion of subsidies for RNG production is expected to lead to massive growth and investments in the coming years.
"We expect production capacity to increase by about 50 percent by 2024 as the investment tax credit is passed and new development projects pick up," S&P Global quoted Daniel Flannery, managing director at Riverstone Holdings, as saying earlier this year. "We believe there is an opportunity to make a lot of money in the short and medium term," Flannery said.
Cummins as the driving force
The boom in low-emission gases in North America could only really pick up speed in the coming years. "There is a clear recognition of 'well-to-wheel' emissions in some states, driving the adoption of RNG as the most immediate and effective solution to reducing greenhouse gases," said Hexagon Composites CEO Engeset. "Against this backdrop, the addressable market for natural gas solutions is expected to triple after Cummins unveiled its new 15-liter natural gas engine, which is expected to hit the market in 2024."
The prospects for Norwegians, especially in the US and Canada, remain excellent. If the company manages to sustainably increase its margins and keep the number of major orders high, the share price should be significantly higher in the medium to long term. As a result of the demerger of the hydrogen subsidiary Hexagon Purus, the company should soon be in the black for a long time - and the market will give the company a higher valuation.
August ble en fin måned. God helg.
Tenfold ‑ Candidate Hexagon Composites: Revaluation runs – Share with new high
Today, 12:35 ‧ Michel Doepke
Hexagon Composites shares have hit a fresh 52-week high on the home exchange in Oslo. However, the potential of the value, which was presented as a potential tenfold increase in the 31/23 issue of DER AKTIONÄR, should not yet be exhausted. Because the growth prospects for the manufacturer of high-pressure vessels and systems are brilliant.
The company generates over 60 percent of its sales in North America. And the market is becoming increasingly important. Renewable natural gas (RNG) is becoming increasingly popular overseas as a low-emission alternative to diesel. "A significant portion of RNG comes from agricultural sources that are stranded without access to pipeline infrastructure. Our mobile pipeline solutions are key to getting this gas to the pipelines or directly to end customers in various industries, leading us to an important part of the ecosystem," Hexagon Composites boss Jon Erik Engeset recently told DER AKTIONÄR.
At the beginning of the year, S&P Global reported that RNG was attracting new interest from lenders and financiers. According to this, the expansion of subsidies for RNG production is expected to lead to massive growth and investments in the coming years.
"We expect production capacity to increase by about 50 percent by 2024 as the investment tax credit is passed and new development projects pick up," S&P Global quoted Daniel Flannery, managing director at Riverstone Holdings, as saying earlier this year. "We believe there is an opportunity to make a lot of money in the short and medium term," Flannery said.
Cummins as the driving force
The boom in low-emission gases in North America could only really pick up speed in the coming years. "There is a clear recognition of 'well-to-wheel' emissions in some states, driving the adoption of RNG as the most immediate and effective solution to reducing greenhouse gases," said Hexagon Composites CEO Engeset. "Against this backdrop, the addressable market for natural gas solutions is expected to triple after Cummins unveiled its new 15-liter natural gas engine, which is expected to hit the market in 2024."
The prospects for Norwegians, especially in the US and Canada, remain excellent. If the company manages to sustainably increase its margins and keep the number of major orders high, the share price should be significantly higher in the medium to long term. As a result of the demerger of the hydrogen subsidiary Hexagon Purus, the company should soon be in the black for a long time - and the market will give the company a higher valuation.
Rect Angel
29.08.2023 kl 18:53
CNBC artikkel.
RNG/biometan/biogass. Gates og kumpaner fokuserer her 100% for å substituere kjøtt med plantebasert, for å begrense metanutslipp fra krøtter og naturgjødsel.
Tillater meg å vinkle over mot Hexagon Composites og en annen måte å redusere metanutslipp på:
RNG/biometan/biogass (les: metan) som energikilde, for når RNG/biometan/biogass benyttes som energikilde som drivstoff, til industriproduksjon eller til oppvarming, hva skjer da?
Jo, vi får 0 utslipp av metan til atmosfæren. Alt brennes vekk. Dette er vår tids 'her og nå løsning' No1 når det gjelder å kutte klimagassutslipp. Dette har man allerede skjønt i USA der opptak av RNG/biometan/biogass som energikilde nå vokser eksplosivt. Deler av kloden har begynt å følge etter, og alt tyder nå på at utviklingen og veksten her bare vil akselerere, i uoverskuelig fremtid.
Så vi snakker her om en gigatrigger for Hexagon Composites som er den globalt ledende aktøren innen lagring og transport av gass samt innen gassbaserte drivstoffsystemer. Veksten dokumenteres av selskapet i kvartalsrapporter, senest i Q2 2023 rapporten for 14 dager siden (omsetningsvekst på 32% YOY i kvartalet).
Bill Gates: This is the major contributor to climate change that people are ‘probably least aware of’—It’s ‘a challenge’
Published Tue, Aug 29 202312:07 PM EDT
Tom Huddleston Jr.
“Of all the climate areas, the one that people are probably least aware of is all the fertilizer and cows, and that’s a challenge,” Gates recently said on the latest episode of his podcast, “Unconfuse Me.”
RNG/biometan/biogass. Gates og kumpaner fokuserer her 100% for å substituere kjøtt med plantebasert, for å begrense metanutslipp fra krøtter og naturgjødsel.
Tillater meg å vinkle over mot Hexagon Composites og en annen måte å redusere metanutslipp på:
RNG/biometan/biogass (les: metan) som energikilde, for når RNG/biometan/biogass benyttes som energikilde som drivstoff, til industriproduksjon eller til oppvarming, hva skjer da?
Jo, vi får 0 utslipp av metan til atmosfæren. Alt brennes vekk. Dette er vår tids 'her og nå løsning' No1 når det gjelder å kutte klimagassutslipp. Dette har man allerede skjønt i USA der opptak av RNG/biometan/biogass som energikilde nå vokser eksplosivt. Deler av kloden har begynt å følge etter, og alt tyder nå på at utviklingen og veksten her bare vil akselerere, i uoverskuelig fremtid.
Så vi snakker her om en gigatrigger for Hexagon Composites som er den globalt ledende aktøren innen lagring og transport av gass samt innen gassbaserte drivstoffsystemer. Veksten dokumenteres av selskapet i kvartalsrapporter, senest i Q2 2023 rapporten for 14 dager siden (omsetningsvekst på 32% YOY i kvartalet).
Bill Gates: This is the major contributor to climate change that people are ‘probably least aware of’—It’s ‘a challenge’
Published Tue, Aug 29 202312:07 PM EDT
Tom Huddleston Jr.
“Of all the climate areas, the one that people are probably least aware of is all the fertilizer and cows, and that’s a challenge,” Gates recently said on the latest episode of his podcast, “Unconfuse Me.”
Redigert 29.08.2023 kl 18:55
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Rect Angel
29.08.2023 kl 10:38
10x candidate Hexagon Composites: Rally alert – stock unleashed
Today, 10:02 a.m. ‧ Michel Doepke
In issue 31/23 of DER AKTIONÄR shares were presented that have what it takes to increase tenfold in the future. Among them was the share from Hexagon Composites. After a record order for Mobile Pipeline, strong second quarter figures and positive analyst comments, the value is unstoppable.
At the beginning of the week, analyst Fabian Jorgensen from the Carnegie Group took another close look at the Scandinavian title. The expert increased his price target for the manufacturer of high-pressure vessels and systems by 7.00 to 42.00 Norwegian kroner (equivalent to 3.63 euros), his rating is accordingly "Buy".
Upbeat analyst comment sent the Scandinavian stock to a fresh 52-week high on Monday. And chances are the rally will continue in the coming months. In the opinion of the DER AKTIONÄR, Hexagon Composites is a clear winner of the progressive decarbonization. The company generates most of its sales in the USA, followed by Europe.
"We are world leaders in composite cylinder technology and related systems that enable the safe delivery of clean gaseous energy for transportation, industry and homes," company director Jon Erik Engeset recently told DER AKTIONÄR. "Our products are sold in over 100 countries around the world."
The outlook for Hexagon Composites remains excellent. If the company manages to sustainably increase its margins and keep the number of major orders high, the share price should be significantly higher in the medium to long term. After the dynamic upward movement, however, it is time for a breather. After a reset, speculatively oriented newcomers can then access it.
Today, 10:02 a.m. ‧ Michel Doepke
In issue 31/23 of DER AKTIONÄR shares were presented that have what it takes to increase tenfold in the future. Among them was the share from Hexagon Composites. After a record order for Mobile Pipeline, strong second quarter figures and positive analyst comments, the value is unstoppable.
At the beginning of the week, analyst Fabian Jorgensen from the Carnegie Group took another close look at the Scandinavian title. The expert increased his price target for the manufacturer of high-pressure vessels and systems by 7.00 to 42.00 Norwegian kroner (equivalent to 3.63 euros), his rating is accordingly "Buy".
Upbeat analyst comment sent the Scandinavian stock to a fresh 52-week high on Monday. And chances are the rally will continue in the coming months. In the opinion of the DER AKTIONÄR, Hexagon Composites is a clear winner of the progressive decarbonization. The company generates most of its sales in the USA, followed by Europe.
"We are world leaders in composite cylinder technology and related systems that enable the safe delivery of clean gaseous energy for transportation, industry and homes," company director Jon Erik Engeset recently told DER AKTIONÄR. "Our products are sold in over 100 countries around the world."
The outlook for Hexagon Composites remains excellent. If the company manages to sustainably increase its margins and keep the number of major orders high, the share price should be significantly higher in the medium to long term. After the dynamic upward movement, however, it is time for a breather. After a reset, speculatively oriented newcomers can then access it.
Redigert 29.08.2023 kl 10:38
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Selger ikke en aksje her under 50 !
Rect Angel
29.08.2023 kl 09:48
Carnegie höjer riktkursen för Hexagon Composites till 42 norska kronor (35), upprepar köp – BN
28 aug kl 13.13
Carnegie höjer riktkursen för Hexagon Composites till 42 norska kronor (35), upprepar köp – BN
Nyhetsbyrån Finwire
28 aug kl 13.13
Carnegie höjer riktkursen för Hexagon Composites till 42 norska kronor (35), upprepar köp – BN
Nyhetsbyrån Finwire
Rect Angel
28.08.2023 kl 21:48
Hexagon Composites.
Børsmelding. Foreløpig status pr. 28.08.2023 når det gjelder tilbakekjøpsprogrammet annonsert 18.08.2023 (se innlegg 18.08.2023 kl 12:47 på denne tråden for mer).
Åpner man linken nederst, finner man link til detaljert oversikt over alle handler.
Hexagon Composites ASA: Share buyback program status
August 28, 2023 13:44 ET| Source: Hexagon Composites ASA
28 August 2023: With reference to the share buyback program announced 18 August 2023, Hexagon Composites ASA ("the Company") has purchased 392,102 of its own shares. The shares were purchased at an average price of NOK 33.88 per share. An overview of daily share purchases, as well as a detailed overview of all transactions made under the share buyback program is attached.
Date on which the buyback program was announced: 18 August 2023
The duration of the buyback program: 18 August 2023 until 31 October 2023
Size of the buyback program: Up to NOK 50 million
Following the transactions, the Company owns 401,575 of its own shares, which represents 0.2% of the total shares outstanding.
For additional information:
Ingrid Aarsnes, VP Investor Relations and ESG, Hexagon Composites ASA
Telephone: +47 950 38 364 | ingrid.aarsnes@hexagongroup.com
About Hexagon Composites ASA
Hexagon delivers safe and innovative solutions for a cleaner energy future. Our solutions enable storage, transportation, and conversion to clean energy in a wide range of mobility, industrial and consumer applications. Learn more at www.hexagongroup.com and follow @HexagonASA on Twitter and LinkedIn.
This information is made public by Hexagon Composites pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation and subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.
Børsmelding. Foreløpig status pr. 28.08.2023 når det gjelder tilbakekjøpsprogrammet annonsert 18.08.2023 (se innlegg 18.08.2023 kl 12:47 på denne tråden for mer).
Åpner man linken nederst, finner man link til detaljert oversikt over alle handler.
Hexagon Composites ASA: Share buyback program status
August 28, 2023 13:44 ET| Source: Hexagon Composites ASA
28 August 2023: With reference to the share buyback program announced 18 August 2023, Hexagon Composites ASA ("the Company") has purchased 392,102 of its own shares. The shares were purchased at an average price of NOK 33.88 per share. An overview of daily share purchases, as well as a detailed overview of all transactions made under the share buyback program is attached.
Date on which the buyback program was announced: 18 August 2023
The duration of the buyback program: 18 August 2023 until 31 October 2023
Size of the buyback program: Up to NOK 50 million
Following the transactions, the Company owns 401,575 of its own shares, which represents 0.2% of the total shares outstanding.
For additional information:
Ingrid Aarsnes, VP Investor Relations and ESG, Hexagon Composites ASA
Telephone: +47 950 38 364 | ingrid.aarsnes@hexagongroup.com
About Hexagon Composites ASA
Hexagon delivers safe and innovative solutions for a cleaner energy future. Our solutions enable storage, transportation, and conversion to clean energy in a wide range of mobility, industrial and consumer applications. Learn more at www.hexagongroup.com and follow @HexagonASA on Twitter and LinkedIn.
This information is made public by Hexagon Composites pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation and subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.
Redigert 28.08.2023 kl 22:03
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Rect Angel
23.08.2023 kl 10:33
23.8.2023 09:57 • TDN Finans •
Oslo (Infront TDN Direkt): Danske Bank oppjusterer kursmål på Hexagon Composites til 42 kroner, fra tidligere 36 kroner, og gjentar kjøpsanbefalingen.
Det fremgår av en analyse fra meglerhuset onsdag.
Oppjusteringen kommer som følge av en sterk kvartalsrapport for andre kvartal, hvor meglerhuset skriver at både salg og ebitda var godt over forventningene i de underliggende segmentene.
Ljungberg Steensen, Philip finans@tdn.no Infront TDN Direkt, +47 22 00 11 55
Danske Bank-analytiker Joakim Petterson har justert opp kursmålet på Hexagon Composites-aksjen fra 36 til 42 kroner. Han gjentar kjøpsanbefaling. Blant analytikerne er det 5 kjøpsanbefalinger, 2 holdanbefalinger og ingen salgsanbefalinger.
23.8.2023 09:57 • TDN Finans •
Oslo (Infront TDN Direkt): Danske Bank oppjusterer kursmål på Hexagon Composites til 42 kroner, fra tidligere 36 kroner, og gjentar kjøpsanbefalingen.
Det fremgår av en analyse fra meglerhuset onsdag.
Oppjusteringen kommer som følge av en sterk kvartalsrapport for andre kvartal, hvor meglerhuset skriver at både salg og ebitda var godt over forventningene i de underliggende segmentene.
Ljungberg Steensen, Philip finans@tdn.no Infront TDN Direkt, +47 22 00 11 55
Danske Bank-analytiker Joakim Petterson har justert opp kursmålet på Hexagon Composites-aksjen fra 36 til 42 kroner. Han gjentar kjøpsanbefaling. Blant analytikerne er det 5 kjøpsanbefalinger, 2 holdanbefalinger og ingen salgsanbefalinger.
Redigert 23.08.2023 kl 10:35
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21.08.2023 kl 17:32
Det ser godt ud. Super potientiale i denne og Purus. Dette bliver stort for de tålmodige 🤑🤑🤑
Rect Angel
21.08.2023 kl 12:28
Eksklusivt intervju med Engeset.
Drahjelp fra DER AKTIONÄR for Hexagon Composites når det gjelder det tyske aksjemarkedet. Dermed synliggjøres torsdagens Q2 2023 med superstrong YOY omsetningsvekst og en nærmest 'sjokkartet' rask forbedring av EBITDA-marginer for mange. Og noe bedre neser i Tyskland enn i Norge når det gjelder å lukte seg frem til de beste 'grønne investeringene'?
Gjengir det man får gratis. For å lese resten av dette eksklusive intervjuet med Engeset, kreves det innlogging.
Today, 11:30 a.m. ‧ Michel Doepke
Exclusive: After a record order and top ‑ Numbers – Hexagon ‑ Composites ‑ Chief in AKTIONÄR ‑ Interview
The Norwegian manufacturer of high-pressure containers and systems recently received a record order in the Mobile Pipeline segment. Hexagon Composites then convinced with strong figures for the second quarter. DER AKTIONÄR took the news as an opportunity to interview company leader Jon Erik Engeset.
DER AKTIONÄR: Mr. Engeset, Mobile Pipeline has reported the largest single order in history. Are there any other orders of this size in the pipeline?
Jon Erik Engeset: In the current year we have announced orders of more than 1.2 billion Norwegian kroner for the Hexagon Agility Mobile Pipeline distribution systems and we have an order backlog, that extends well into 2024. Significant orders are expected, but as a listed company, we cannot comment on details. However, I can say that there is a rapidly growing demand for mobile pipeline units in both the United States and Europe as customers are urgently trying, want to improve their carbon footprint – and secure reliable energy costs. RNG / biomethane is an immediate and cost-effective carbon-negative solution.
In response to this growing demand, Hexagon continues to develop its portfolio. Our groundbreaking gas transportation solutions such as the TITAN 450 enable our customers, transport more carbon-neutral fuel per trip and thus reduce the number of trips required. This is both good for business and good for the environment.
Drahjelp fra DER AKTIONÄR for Hexagon Composites når det gjelder det tyske aksjemarkedet. Dermed synliggjøres torsdagens Q2 2023 med superstrong YOY omsetningsvekst og en nærmest 'sjokkartet' rask forbedring av EBITDA-marginer for mange. Og noe bedre neser i Tyskland enn i Norge når det gjelder å lukte seg frem til de beste 'grønne investeringene'?
Gjengir det man får gratis. For å lese resten av dette eksklusive intervjuet med Engeset, kreves det innlogging.
Today, 11:30 a.m. ‧ Michel Doepke
Exclusive: After a record order and top ‑ Numbers – Hexagon ‑ Composites ‑ Chief in AKTIONÄR ‑ Interview
The Norwegian manufacturer of high-pressure containers and systems recently received a record order in the Mobile Pipeline segment. Hexagon Composites then convinced with strong figures for the second quarter. DER AKTIONÄR took the news as an opportunity to interview company leader Jon Erik Engeset.
DER AKTIONÄR: Mr. Engeset, Mobile Pipeline has reported the largest single order in history. Are there any other orders of this size in the pipeline?
Jon Erik Engeset: In the current year we have announced orders of more than 1.2 billion Norwegian kroner for the Hexagon Agility Mobile Pipeline distribution systems and we have an order backlog, that extends well into 2024. Significant orders are expected, but as a listed company, we cannot comment on details. However, I can say that there is a rapidly growing demand for mobile pipeline units in both the United States and Europe as customers are urgently trying, want to improve their carbon footprint – and secure reliable energy costs. RNG / biomethane is an immediate and cost-effective carbon-negative solution.
In response to this growing demand, Hexagon continues to develop its portfolio. Our groundbreaking gas transportation solutions such as the TITAN 450 enable our customers, transport more carbon-neutral fuel per trip and thus reduce the number of trips required. This is both good for business and good for the environment.
Redigert 21.08.2023 kl 12:41
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Rect Angel
18.08.2023 kl 12:47
Da var allerede meldingen om tilbakekjøp av egne aksjer kommet ja, klokken 08:00 imorges. Tilbakekjøp av inntil hele 2 000 000 millioner egne aksjer i perioden fra publisering av meldingen frem til 31.oktober 2023.
Tak for total kostnad er 50 millioner NOK. Så hvis man teoretisk hadde kjøpt for hele beløpet akkurat nå, i skrivende stund, på kurs 30.70 NOK, hadde man fått 1 628 664 aksjer.
Av en eller annen grunn er der ingen referanse eller link til denne meldingen hos Nordnet under "Nyheter og Analyser" hvor alle meldinger vanligvis publiseres. Så denne har man ikke fått med seg.
Hexagon Composites ASA: Initiation of share buyback program to fulfil incentive programs obligations
August 18, 2023 02:00 ET Source: Hexagon Composites ASA
18 August 2023: Hexagon Composite ASA has decided to initiate a buyback of up to 2,000,000 of its own shares for an amount up to NOK 50 million. The buyback program may be carried out in the period from this announcement and until 31 October 2023. The[DB1] purpose of the program is to fulfil the Company's obligations under its incentive programs.
Hexagon Composites has engaged a third party to carry out the share buybacks in the market. The third party will make its trading decisions independently of, and uninfluenced by the Company. The share buybacks will be made in accordance with the authorization granted to the Board of Directors by the Company's Annual General Meeting held on 26 April 2023.
Transactions will be conducted in accordance with the Market Abuse Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 ("MAR") and Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 2016/1052 ("Safe Harbour Regulation").
Hexagon Composites holds 9,473 own shares as of the date of this announcement.
For more information:
Ingrid Aarsnes, VP Investor Relations and ESG, Hexagon Composites ASA
Telephone: +47 950 38 364 | ingrid.aarsnes@hexagongroup.com
About Hexagon Composites ASA
Hexagon delivers safe and innovative solutions for a cleaner energy future. Our solutions enable storage, transportation, and conversion to clean energy in a wide range of mobility, industrial and consumer applications. Learn more at www.hexagongroup.com and follow @HexagonASA on Twitter and LinkedIn.
This information is made public by Hexagon Composites pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation and subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.
Tak for total kostnad er 50 millioner NOK. Så hvis man teoretisk hadde kjøpt for hele beløpet akkurat nå, i skrivende stund, på kurs 30.70 NOK, hadde man fått 1 628 664 aksjer.
Av en eller annen grunn er der ingen referanse eller link til denne meldingen hos Nordnet under "Nyheter og Analyser" hvor alle meldinger vanligvis publiseres. Så denne har man ikke fått med seg.
Hexagon Composites ASA: Initiation of share buyback program to fulfil incentive programs obligations
August 18, 2023 02:00 ET Source: Hexagon Composites ASA
18 August 2023: Hexagon Composite ASA has decided to initiate a buyback of up to 2,000,000 of its own shares for an amount up to NOK 50 million. The buyback program may be carried out in the period from this announcement and until 31 October 2023. The[DB1] purpose of the program is to fulfil the Company's obligations under its incentive programs.
Hexagon Composites has engaged a third party to carry out the share buybacks in the market. The third party will make its trading decisions independently of, and uninfluenced by the Company. The share buybacks will be made in accordance with the authorization granted to the Board of Directors by the Company's Annual General Meeting held on 26 April 2023.
Transactions will be conducted in accordance with the Market Abuse Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 ("MAR") and Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 2016/1052 ("Safe Harbour Regulation").
Hexagon Composites holds 9,473 own shares as of the date of this announcement.
For more information:
Ingrid Aarsnes, VP Investor Relations and ESG, Hexagon Composites ASA
Telephone: +47 950 38 364 | ingrid.aarsnes@hexagongroup.com
About Hexagon Composites ASA
Hexagon delivers safe and innovative solutions for a cleaner energy future. Our solutions enable storage, transportation, and conversion to clean energy in a wide range of mobility, industrial and consumer applications. Learn more at www.hexagongroup.com and follow @HexagonASA on Twitter and LinkedIn.
This information is made public by Hexagon Composites pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation and subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.
Redigert 18.08.2023 kl 12:48
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Rect Angel
18.08.2023 kl 11:05
Ettersom Hexagon Composites sitter igjen med kun 9 473 egne aksjer/'treasury shares' etter at dette insentivprogramnet er gjort opp, er det vel grunn til å tro at selskapet må i markedet for å handle egne aksjer man trenger til oppgjør i fremtidige insentivprogram for ansatte.
Tid 18.08.2023, 07:30:00
MeldingsID 597230
UtstederID HEX
MarkedOslo Børs
Hexagon Composites ASA: Settlement of Restricted Share Units
18 August 2023: Reference is made to the announcement on 29 July 2020, in which Hexagon Composites ASA (the "Company") announced the provisional award of Restricted Share Units ("RSUs") under a Long-Term Incentive Program (LTIP) to align the interests of the participating employees with those of the Company's shareholders. Each vested RSU give the holder the right to receive one share in the Company at an exercise price corresponding to the par value of the shares being NOK 0.10.
The total program ended at 85,058 RSUs. The transaction is settled in treasury shares, and following the transaction, the Company holds 9,473 treasury shares.
Ettersom Hexagon Composites sitter igjen med kun 9 473 egne aksjer/'treasury shares' etter at dette insentivprogramnet er gjort opp, er det vel grunn til å tro at selskapet må i markedet for å handle egne aksjer man trenger til oppgjør i fremtidige insentivprogram for ansatte.
Tid 18.08.2023, 07:30:00
MeldingsID 597230
UtstederID HEX
MarkedOslo Børs
Hexagon Composites ASA: Settlement of Restricted Share Units
18 August 2023: Reference is made to the announcement on 29 July 2020, in which Hexagon Composites ASA (the "Company") announced the provisional award of Restricted Share Units ("RSUs") under a Long-Term Incentive Program (LTIP) to align the interests of the participating employees with those of the Company's shareholders. Each vested RSU give the holder the right to receive one share in the Company at an exercise price corresponding to the par value of the shares being NOK 0.10.
The total program ended at 85,058 RSUs. The transaction is settled in treasury shares, and following the transaction, the Company holds 9,473 treasury shares.
Redigert 18.08.2023 kl 11:29
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Rect Angel
17.08.2023 kl 12:23
Børsjubel og børsjubel... Basert på dagens Q2 tall og outlook, er det vanskelig å skjønne annet enn at oppsiden bør være betydelig fremover. Glem heller ikke 38.4% eierposten i vekstbomben Hexagon Purus som presenterte sitt Q2 tirsdag.
Husker jeg rett, nedgraderte iallefall 4 meglerhus Hexagon Composites i løpet av de siste par ukene før dagens Q2 presentasjon. Akkompagnert av kraftig kursnedgang, > 10%. Spennede å se om det blir noe å høre fra den kanten, i etterkant av at selskapet altså gruset analytikerenes estimater for Q2 fullstendig i morges.
Gjentar at jeg anbefaler på det sterkeste å se webcast'ene både fra Composites's og Purus's Q2 presentasjoner.
Børsjubel etter resultathopp
Endelig begynner prisøkningene å slå inn for Hexagon Composites. Det førte til en solid resultatforbedring og et kraftig kursløft.
Publisert 17. aug. 2023 kl. 11.59
Husker jeg rett, nedgraderte iallefall 4 meglerhus Hexagon Composites i løpet av de siste par ukene før dagens Q2 presentasjon. Akkompagnert av kraftig kursnedgang, > 10%. Spennede å se om det blir noe å høre fra den kanten, i etterkant av at selskapet altså gruset analytikerenes estimater for Q2 fullstendig i morges.
Gjentar at jeg anbefaler på det sterkeste å se webcast'ene både fra Composites's og Purus's Q2 presentasjoner.
Børsjubel etter resultathopp
Endelig begynner prisøkningene å slå inn for Hexagon Composites. Det førte til en solid resultatforbedring og et kraftig kursløft.
Publisert 17. aug. 2023 kl. 11.59
Redigert 17.08.2023 kl 12:24
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Rect Angel
17.08.2023 kl 09:11
Presentasjonen og Q & A runden ble avrundet med vel fortjent applaus fra de tilstedeværende.
Opptak av presentasjonen er allerede tilgjengelig.
Resultathopp i Hexagon Composites
Hexagon Composites kan vise til vekst i både omsetning og resultat. Aksjen stiger markant på Oslo Børs.
Publisert 17. aug. 2023 kl. 09.06
Opptak av presentasjonen er allerede tilgjengelig.
Resultathopp i Hexagon Composites
Hexagon Composites kan vise til vekst i både omsetning og resultat. Aksjen stiger markant på Oslo Børs.
Publisert 17. aug. 2023 kl. 09.06
Redigert 17.08.2023 kl 09:15
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Rect Angel
17.08.2023 kl 08:52
Sitter og ser presentasjonen. Man strutter av selvtillit. En ren fornøyelse dette. Så anbefales på det sterkeste når opptak etterhvert foreligger.
Nå Q & A.
17.8.2023 07:59 • TDN Finans •
Oslo (Infront TDN Direkt): Hexagon Composites ser sterk etterspørsel i de fleste segmenter.
Det fremgår av selskapets kvartalsrapport for andre kvartal torsdag.
"Etterspørselen er sterk i de fleste segmenter. Pågående utvikling i EU og USA og endringer i industridynamikken forventes å støtte betydelige langsiktige muligheter for ren energiteknologi", skriver selskapet i kvartalsrapporten.
Videre skriver selskapet at Hexagon Agility sin ordrebok for andre halvår 2023 er sunn med ordrereserve som strekker seg inn i 2024.
For Mobile Pipeline CNG/RNG-segmentet forventes den høye etterspørselen å fortsette, drevet av dekarboriseringsmål og mangel på rørledningsinfrastruktur. Produksjonskapasiteten for 2023 er fullbooket, med ordrereserve som strekker seg inn i 2024, skriver selskapet.
TDN Direkt finans@tdn.no Infront TDN Direkt, +47 21 95 60 70
Nå Q & A.
17.8.2023 07:59 • TDN Finans •
Oslo (Infront TDN Direkt): Hexagon Composites ser sterk etterspørsel i de fleste segmenter.
Det fremgår av selskapets kvartalsrapport for andre kvartal torsdag.
"Etterspørselen er sterk i de fleste segmenter. Pågående utvikling i EU og USA og endringer i industridynamikken forventes å støtte betydelige langsiktige muligheter for ren energiteknologi", skriver selskapet i kvartalsrapporten.
Videre skriver selskapet at Hexagon Agility sin ordrebok for andre halvår 2023 er sunn med ordrereserve som strekker seg inn i 2024.
For Mobile Pipeline CNG/RNG-segmentet forventes den høye etterspørselen å fortsette, drevet av dekarboriseringsmål og mangel på rørledningsinfrastruktur. Produksjonskapasiteten for 2023 er fullbooket, med ordrereserve som strekker seg inn i 2024, skriver selskapet.
TDN Direkt finans@tdn.no Infront TDN Direkt, +47 21 95 60 70
Redigert 17.08.2023 kl 14:43
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