30.10.2024 kl 21:00
This is not how it works, you can find more information on arbitrations online. A country can not be forced to pay. No money will be seized from the countrys national accounts.
It is not like the money that have been seized from etap, that is a oil company not the state. There need to be a willingness from the country to pay.
But they can stand to lose international trades and support from other countries. And programs like IMF if they have a outstanding arbitration debt that they do not pay.
It is not like the money that have been seized from etap, that is a oil company not the state. There need to be a willingness from the country to pay.
But they can stand to lose international trades and support from other countries. And programs like IMF if they have a outstanding arbitration debt that they do not pay.
30.10.2024 kl 17:55
Fact of the matter is the courts decide and the money will be seized in the bank accounts until payment is made. A country cannot run away and hide money in crypto like a scam artist.
30.10.2024 kl 16:12
In most legal cases, the two sides have opposing views as to who is to blame. If everything is obvious to all parties, there is often a settlement as it is cheaper and less time consuming. As for Zenith, they are not exactly the most trustworthy and competent company around to say the least. I am not saying Zenith will not get compensation, but the opposing side most definitely will try to pin as much blame on them as possible. Now to my question: How much damages are Zenith Seeking in the round that supposedly concludes in December?
30.10.2024 kl 15:51
How do you suggest that opposition council blame Zenith for the Tunisian govt preventing Zenith from producing and selling $45 million of oil over the last three years?
30.10.2024 kl 14:10
I think you missed my point. You are right that the losses suffered by Zenith are real and a lot higher than 10-15 mill USD. What I am saying is that the opposing council may argue that Zenith is to blame for most of these issues, and that it is Tunisia that has suffered damages. A small amount like 10-15 mill could be the «net» effect. Regarding the rig operator that was taking to court in Paris… how many years has that case taken?
Saw this (I have not been following closely the last few years)
«We are hopeful that the outcome of the ICC 1 arbitration, due by the close of
the year, will provide concrete confirmation of the validity of our position as
we direct our efforts towards the much larger ICC 2 and ICSID arbitrations, due
to be concluded in 2025 and 2026 respectively.”
So how much are they asking for in the ICC 1 case to be decided around year end?
Saw this (I have not been following closely the last few years)
«We are hopeful that the outcome of the ICC 1 arbitration, due by the close of
the year, will provide concrete confirmation of the validity of our position as
we direct our efforts towards the much larger ICC 2 and ICSID arbitrations, due
to be concluded in 2025 and 2026 respectively.”
So how much are they asking for in the ICC 1 case to be decided around year end?
Redigert 30.10.2024 kl 14:24
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30.10.2024 kl 13:08
Comments like this make it hard to take your posts seriously. Saying they’ll only get $10-15 million from a $500 million claim is just way off. Zenith was making around $15 million a year from their operations in Tunisia, and it’s been over three years since they were allowed to sell anything. That alone adds up to $45-60 million in lost revenue – not even counting any potential damages. If successful we are looking at $100 million + minimum.
30.10.2024 kl 12:17
Tenker du på denne i Congo?
The Company has appointed Charles Russell Speechlys as new legal counsel before
the Court in connection with the legal claim against SMP. The final submission
for court pleadings is expected to take place on October 25, 2024.
The final pleadings of the case, resulting in a potential positive ruling in
favour of AAOGC by the Court, are expected to now take place on or around March
The Company has appointed Charles Russell Speechlys as new legal counsel before
the Court in connection with the legal claim against SMP. The final submission
for court pleadings is expected to take place on October 25, 2024.
The final pleadings of the case, resulting in a potential positive ruling in
favour of AAOGC by the Court, are expected to now take place on or around March
30.10.2024 kl 11:37
No. I dont think Zenith will get anywhere near that amount. I think the Tunisian government will paint them as incompetent and having oversold their track record and technical/financial abilities. They might try to claim that this has caused damage to Tunisia. Having said that, the Tunisian government sounds a little bit like a mafia state-going too far in their efforts to punish/restrict Zenith. This is speculation from my side. If they get 10-15 million USD, I think it would solve their short term financial needs and send the SP up. They could also risk getting nothing. What ever happened to the case against the drilling company that screwed up in Congo and all the money the Congolese government owes them? And what happens to the money that Tunisia might end up owing them? Would it be easy to collect?
Redigert 30.10.2024 kl 11:38
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30.10.2024 kl 11:20
So you think that if the company are successful in getting the best part of $500 million dollars in compensation that the share price will only rise by four times?
30.10.2024 kl 11:08
Barneskirenn skrev Hva skjer med oljesalget som ble meldt skulle skjer "by end of october"?
Ideally, Zenith would be able to sell the 11,500 barrels of oil produced in Tunisia in the coming days, which, at the current price of approximately $70 per barrel, would represent a value of around $800,000 to the company. However, in my view, this outcome is highly unlikely.
The Tunisian government has consistently blocked Zenith from benefiting from oil sales for several years, leading to the three ongoing arbitration cases the company has filed against them. I see no compelling reason why they would alter their position at this stage.
Had there been absolute certainty that this revenue would be received, there would have been no need for the recent share placement, which would have prevented shareholder dilution. However, consider the situation if the company had not raised funds and the Tunisian oil revenue still failed to materialise. This would have put Zenith in a precarious financial position. I believe this rationale drove the decision to secure funds now, as private placements require considerable preparation and planning over time.
As I mentioned, I would be very surprised if the Tunisian authorities allowed Zenith to receive any revenue from these oil sales. I think Zenith’s recent announcement of this potential development serves two purposes:
a) Should the funds materialise, it will strengthen the company's financial position.
b) If the revenue does not materialise, it further substantiates Zenith’s first arbitration case against the Tunisian authorities.
In short, there was no risk to the company in having the placing now and then getting additional money but not having the placing now and then not getting the oil money could have been a disaster.
The Tunisian government has consistently blocked Zenith from benefiting from oil sales for several years, leading to the three ongoing arbitration cases the company has filed against them. I see no compelling reason why they would alter their position at this stage.
Had there been absolute certainty that this revenue would be received, there would have been no need for the recent share placement, which would have prevented shareholder dilution. However, consider the situation if the company had not raised funds and the Tunisian oil revenue still failed to materialise. This would have put Zenith in a precarious financial position. I believe this rationale drove the decision to secure funds now, as private placements require considerable preparation and planning over time.
As I mentioned, I would be very surprised if the Tunisian authorities allowed Zenith to receive any revenue from these oil sales. I think Zenith’s recent announcement of this potential development serves two purposes:
a) Should the funds materialise, it will strengthen the company's financial position.
b) If the revenue does not materialise, it further substantiates Zenith’s first arbitration case against the Tunisian authorities.
In short, there was no risk to the company in having the placing now and then getting additional money but not having the placing now and then not getting the oil money could have been a disaster.
30.10.2024 kl 10:50
HVIS de bare hadde fått 90boed opp og stå igjen.... hadde hjulpet mye på status quo! Tror det ikke før jeg ser det, og nå begynner tiden (iht. børsmelding) å renne ut.
30.10.2024 kl 09:41
We shall apply our best endeavours to complete the international crude lifting
on or before October 2024
Ikke lenge igjen nå før 11 500 tønner er solgt. Og pengene renner inn igjen fra ROB og El -Bibane. Håper bare de ikke har glemt å gi gutta lønn da:-)
on or before October 2024
Ikke lenge igjen nå før 11 500 tønner er solgt. Og pengene renner inn igjen fra ROB og El -Bibane. Håper bare de ikke har glemt å gi gutta lønn da:-)
30.10.2024 kl 07:00
Herman* skrev Jo, den betalte jeg dyrt for.
Hei Herman, lenge siden jeg har sett deg her. Husker du la ut aksjonærlisten, jeg har også forsøkt og få aksjonærliste, skulle få kjøpe den gjennom DNB for 2500,- men så fikk de pålegg fra zenith om og ikke levere den ut… så tydelig at de ikke ønsker at folk skal se hva som står der. Antageligvis siden de har disse private emi’ene hvor de samme investerer gang på gang men merkelig nok aldri oppnår 5% da det skal flagges da. Miton premiere f.eks burde jo vært langt over 5% med alle de deltakelsene de har meldt… også har vi disse norske investorene de mener investerer om igjen.. var det DNB du fikk kjøpt aksjonærlisten fra?
29.10.2024 kl 22:59
Simple. They need the cash, and in order to secure the rest of the finsncing, they had to put their money where their mouth is. Do you think the other investors would have put up the cash if a wealthy CEO did not? As for the warrants: Good grief what greed: If the legal cases fail, the company is pretty much done. If they succeed, the big winners will be AC and the inner circle. Others wont even get their money back even if the SP doubles or triples.
29.10.2024 kl 21:18
That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever why would the company go bankrupt if they didn’t invest? Explain your reasoning for this theory please
29.10.2024 kl 17:16
Hei, Var det ikke du som skaffet til veie liste over aksjonærer en gang for lenge siden?
29.10.2024 kl 15:35
You seem to be quite smart for a Zenith shareholder. Personally I currently do not hold any position in the company as I got out a long time ago. My opinion is that this company is the least serious entity I have seen on the Oslo Stock Exchange for the last few decades. Zenith seems to be "chased out" of almost every country they try to enter. I am only speculating, but I think I see a pattern: They enter some of the most questionable jurisdictions where they have a theoretical chance to be awarded licenses. After a due dil, even these countries realise that they have no track record, financial muscles or the needed in-house competency. Another issue that I do not like is that it seems the company was created to make certain people very wealthy irrespective of how the company performs. Regarding the arbitration cases, I am in no position to predict the outcome with any type of certainty. What I can say is that I would guess that they will receive some compensation, but I am sure that their track record will be used against them for all it is worth. In this last share issue, I belive the management had to invest in order to avoid bankruptcy before they receive the outcome of the arbitration. In case they are successful, these people will stand to take a lot of the upside. So much for loyal shareholders. Investing in Zenith at this point is extremely risky. However, I do see that the share price could go 100-200% on moderately successful outcome.
29.10.2024 kl 13:21
Barneskirenn skrev Hva skjer med oljesalget som ble meldt skulle skjer "by end of october"?
Godt spørsmål - der hadde de hatt kapitalen.
Så kunne de også fått handlet aksjer i det åpne marked.
Da hadde etterspørselen for høyere kurs økt og de også kunne fått vært med å høyne kursen.
Så kunne de også fått handlet aksjer i det åpne marked.
Da hadde etterspørselen for høyere kurs økt og de også kunne fått vært med å høyne kursen.
29.10.2024 kl 13:11
Hva skjer med oljesalget som ble meldt skulle skjer "by end of october"?
29.10.2024 kl 12:35
I have not posted much on here over the last few months, but I feel that the recent raising announcement deserves comment. As ever with Zenith this announcement brings both positive and less favourable aspects. On the positive side, the company has successfully raised approximately $1 million, ensuring solvency at least until the completion of the first two arbitration processes. However, a downside is the 72% increase in shares outstanding due to the inclusion of warrants, resulting in significant dilution for existing shareholders.
One notable strength of the RNS is that Andrea Cattaneo and Luca Benedetto have personally invested $320,000 and $134,000, respectively, in this placement. Their commitment not only reflects their confidence in the company's potential success in the arbitration but also signals their belief in a favourable outcome. Personally, I view this near half-million-dollar investment by these key directors at this critical juncture as a strong indication of their confidence, potentially forecasting a substantial increase in the share price within the next five months.
Some voices in our community, here are critical of the directors' investment, especially given that the placement shares include a warrant. However, many of these same individuals have long claimed that the company lacks viability, insisting it is not worth investment. This stance seems contradictory; if Zenith truly were a poor investment, they should have no issue with directors investing their own funds. Conversely, if Zenith holds promise, as recent developments might suggest, then their previous claims could be seen as misleading.
As is often the case, the reality likely lies somewhere in between. The directors evidently have confidence in the potential success of the arbitration claims, anticipating a significant financial outcome from Tunisia in the near term—otherwise, such a personal investment would be unlikely. At the same time, they now stand to benefit more than others due to the warrants. This, however, is simply the nature of investing: those willing to assume greater risk often reap higher rewards. Anyone, who shares the directors' confidence in arbitration success is equally free to purchase shares on the open market and still deliver a significant return – albeit without the benefit of the warrants.
Including all of the new share shares and warrants, Zenith will now have 429,383,440 shares in issue. This would mean that the company’s current market capitalisation stands at approximately $8 million, while arbitration claims amount to nearly $500 million. A successful claim for even half of this amount could yield a thirtyfold increase in the current share price. This is the game we are playing. Each investor must decide individually whether to follow the directors' example and increase their stake in Zenith, maintain their current investment, or sell as others might advise. I know where I sit on this matter, but it is up to each of us to decide our own strategy. Good luck all.
29.10.2024 kl 11:14
TheLondonOiler skrev so you believe it is very likely that Zenith will win the arbitration?
Hvis du ser på ett av mine tidligere innlegg så har jeg beskrevet situasjonen som nå utspinner seg. Hvis ledelsen tror voldgiftskrav vil ha positivt utfall så vil de berike seg selv med store mengder aksjer uten at vi vanlige aksjonærer får delta.
Det er nøyaktig det som har skjedd nå, og antageligvis kommer til og skje igjen da de allerede har meldt at de skal hente inn penger til Italia i starten av året. Vi vanlige aksjonærer sitter igjen med skjegget i postkassen, men min mening er at prisen vil nå muligens gå opp over 30 øre men ledelsen vil vanne ut slik de sitter med en meget høy andel aksjer i % slik de sitter igjen med mesteparten av ett eventuelt utbytte. Så de som sitter med snitt på langt over 30 øre pr nå vil fremdeles ikke tjene noe særlig. Dette er kun mitt synspunkt og min mening. Langt ifra noe fakta. Men jeg har idag kjøpt flere hundre tusen aksjer for og snitte ned da JEG tror prisen vil stige 50% fra der vi er idag.
Den burde gått tusenvis av prosent opp men desverre tror jeg ledelsen er for opptatt av og fylle egne lommer fremfor de som har blødd og tapt enormt med penger gjennom alle år. Nemlig oss vanlige aksjonærer.
Det er nøyaktig det som har skjedd nå, og antageligvis kommer til og skje igjen da de allerede har meldt at de skal hente inn penger til Italia i starten av året. Vi vanlige aksjonærer sitter igjen med skjegget i postkassen, men min mening er at prisen vil nå muligens gå opp over 30 øre men ledelsen vil vanne ut slik de sitter med en meget høy andel aksjer i % slik de sitter igjen med mesteparten av ett eventuelt utbytte. Så de som sitter med snitt på langt over 30 øre pr nå vil fremdeles ikke tjene noe særlig. Dette er kun mitt synspunkt og min mening. Langt ifra noe fakta. Men jeg har idag kjøpt flere hundre tusen aksjer for og snitte ned da JEG tror prisen vil stige 50% fra der vi er idag.
Den burde gått tusenvis av prosent opp men desverre tror jeg ledelsen er for opptatt av og fylle egne lommer fremfor de som har blødd og tapt enormt med penger gjennom alle år. Nemlig oss vanlige aksjonærer.
29.10.2024 kl 10:55
so you believe it is very likely that Zenith will win the arbitration?
29.10.2024 kl 09:56
Ingen som saksøker noen, men kan kreve generalforsamling og stoppe utvanning, og spesielt slik som de warrant’ene de har tildelt seg selv, jeg tror det er i beste fall på grensen til ulovlig med tanke på de beløpene de har meldt muligens kan vinnes i voldgiftskrav. Det er en direkte hand inn i honningkrukka fra styret.
29.10.2024 kl 09:42
Who "we" is working on stopping the dilution and how can you do this? ZENA is incorporated in Canada --> you sue them in Canada?
29.10.2024 kl 09:26
Det jobbes med og stoppe ledelsen i og gjøre slikt, det undres også hvorfor ledelsen ikke kjøper noe i det åpne markedet, kun i private emi’er bak lukkede dører
29.10.2024 kl 09:07
I still do not understand how is it possible that a dilution is not decided on a General Meeting but by the management! it's unprecedented and absurd! there's very close parallel with EAM case but there the dilution was put on a General Meeting and was voted down. In the present case the shareholders can do nothing.
28.10.2024 kl 20:17
the share price has hardly fallen and the directors purchased a vast majority of those shares which mean they cannot sell them anytime soon. I think the bottom has finally been seen and from here on the price will gradually rise in anticipation of the arbitration results.
tsu for all
28.10.2024 kl 15:58
Nå som firma er reddet og har egenkapital til alle 3 rettsaker
Med 271 millioner aksjer + 62 millioner + evt 95 millioner = 428 millioner aksjer
Vinner vi alle 3 rettsaker ca 6 tusen millioner = 14 kr pr aksje, våren 2026
Med 271 millioner aksjer + 62 millioner + evt 95 millioner = 428 millioner aksjer
Vinner vi alle 3 rettsaker ca 6 tusen millioner = 14 kr pr aksje, våren 2026
tsu for all
28.10.2024 kl 15:39
Det er i dag 271 millioner aksjer i selskapet
det er idag 271 millioner aksjer i firma +62 millioner i dag , viss ledelsen kjøpte 62 millioner aksjer 25 okt + 95 millioner aksjer til 0,29, innen 2 år, så har di veldig kontroll og tro på firma = utvanning av aksjen i dag med 50 % ca
Status er att firma ikke går konkurs pga ny egenkapital av ledelsen
det er idag 271 millioner aksjer i firma +62 millioner i dag , viss ledelsen kjøpte 62 millioner aksjer 25 okt + 95 millioner aksjer til 0,29, innen 2 år, så har di veldig kontroll og tro på firma = utvanning av aksjen i dag med 50 % ca
Status er att firma ikke går konkurs pga ny egenkapital av ledelsen
Redigert 28.10.2024 kl 15:47
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tsu for all
28.10.2024 kl 15:32
Selskapet har utstedt 95.000.000 aksjekjøpswarranter (“Warrantene”) som kan utøves til en kurs på NOK 0,29, med et forhold på 1:1 i forbindelse med Plasseringsaksjene og Gjeldsordningsaksjene, med en fast varighet på to år fra datoen. av utstedelse.
tsu for all
28.10.2024 kl 15:30
Gjennomføring av rettet emisjon og gjeldsordning
Zenith Energy Ltd. ("Zenith" eller "Selskapet") (LSE: ZEN; OSE: ZENA; OTC PINK: ZENAF), det børsnoterte internasjonale energiproduksjons- og utviklingsselskapet, har gleden av å kunngjøre at det har gjennomført en rettet emisjon i Norge ("Plasseringen") og et gjeldsoppgjør ("Gjeldsoppgjøret").
Plasseringen har tiltrukket seg deltakelse fra eksisterende investorer, samt tre styremedlemmer, herr Andrea Cattaneo, herr. Sergey Borowskiy og herr. Luca Benedetto, og samlet inn et samlet beløp på ca. NOK 11 938 353 (tilsvarer ca. 841 000 pund og 1 092 dollar) , noe som resulterer i utstedelse av totalt 62 833 440 nye ordinære aksjer ("Nye ordinære aksjer").
Emisjonen ble gjennomført til kurs NOK 0,19, som representerer en premie til sluttkursen på selskapets aksjepapirer tatt opp til handel på Euronext Growth Oslo 25. oktober 2024.
Bruk av inntektene
Inntektene fra Plasseringen vil bli brukt til å gi ytterligere finansiering til støtte for Selskapets internasjonale voldgiftssaker mot Republikken Tunisia, samt til generelle arbeidskapitalformål.
En søknad om at de nye ordinære aksjene skal noteres på standardsegmentet av FCAs offisielle liste og tas opp til handel på London Stock Exchange Main Market for børsnoterte verdipapirer vil bli gjort innen 12 måneder etter utstedelsen av de nye ordinære aksjene.
Zenith Energy Ltd. ("Zenith" eller "Selskapet") (LSE: ZEN; OSE: ZENA; OTC PINK: ZENAF), det børsnoterte internasjonale energiproduksjons- og utviklingsselskapet, har gleden av å kunngjøre at det har gjennomført en rettet emisjon i Norge ("Plasseringen") og et gjeldsoppgjør ("Gjeldsoppgjøret").
Plasseringen har tiltrukket seg deltakelse fra eksisterende investorer, samt tre styremedlemmer, herr Andrea Cattaneo, herr. Sergey Borowskiy og herr. Luca Benedetto, og samlet inn et samlet beløp på ca. NOK 11 938 353 (tilsvarer ca. 841 000 pund og 1 092 dollar) , noe som resulterer i utstedelse av totalt 62 833 440 nye ordinære aksjer ("Nye ordinære aksjer").
Emisjonen ble gjennomført til kurs NOK 0,19, som representerer en premie til sluttkursen på selskapets aksjepapirer tatt opp til handel på Euronext Growth Oslo 25. oktober 2024.
Bruk av inntektene
Inntektene fra Plasseringen vil bli brukt til å gi ytterligere finansiering til støtte for Selskapets internasjonale voldgiftssaker mot Republikken Tunisia, samt til generelle arbeidskapitalformål.
En søknad om at de nye ordinære aksjene skal noteres på standardsegmentet av FCAs offisielle liste og tas opp til handel på London Stock Exchange Main Market for børsnoterte verdipapirer vil bli gjort innen 12 måneder etter utstedelsen av de nye ordinære aksjene.
28.10.2024 kl 15:19
Feil. I Zenith er det den som satser mest, sitter med det største tapet!!!!
28.10.2024 kl 14:39
Viser att dette kan gå veien. Ikke feil det!! Den som satser mest vinner mest. Bare fair det
28.10.2024 kl 14:32
De tømmer jo sjappa hele tiden. Kjører skyhøy bonuser og lønn på våres bekostning, for så å "redde" videre drift. Om du finner dette positivt er du bra optimist.
28.10.2024 kl 14:10
Nøyaktig dette advarte jeg om, ledelsen skal berike seg selv ved en eventuell positiv avgjørelse i voldgiftskrav. I tillegg så kommer nok enorme bonuser… vanlige aksjonærer skal ikke ha store deler av eventuelt oppgjør
28.10.2024 kl 13:42
but look at at the amount of the dilution for us --> 95,000,000 shares for a price of NOK 0.29!
28.10.2024 kl 13:35
AC seems extremely confident regarding the arbitration success if he and his fellow financial officer have piled in that much money
Redigert 28.10.2024 kl 14:17
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28.10.2024 kl 13:16
that's where they cheat on us -->
The Company has issued 95,000,000 share purchase warrants (the “Warrants”)
exercisable at a price of NOK 0.29, applying a ratio of 1:1 in connection with
the Placement Shares and Debt Settlement Shares, with a fixed duration of two
years from the date of issuance."
The Company has issued 95,000,000 share purchase warrants (the “Warrants”)
exercisable at a price of NOK 0.29, applying a ratio of 1:1 in connection with
the Placement Shares and Debt Settlement Shares, with a fixed duration of two
years from the date of issuance."
28.10.2024 kl 13:05
futureistoday skrev Hei, send meg en mld på messenger👍🏻
28.10.2024 13:00:54: Completion of Private Placement and Debt Settlement
October 28, 2024
("Zenith" or the "Company")
Completion of Private Placement and Debt Settlement
Zenith Energy Ltd. ("Zenith" or the "Company") (LSE: ZEN ; OSE: ZENA ; OTC PINK:
ZENAF), the listed international energy production and development company, is
pleased to announce that it has completed a private placement in Norway (the
"Placement") and a Debt Settlement (the "Debt Settlement").
The Placement has attracted the participation of existing investors, as well
three Directors, Mr. Andrea Cattaneo, Mr. Sergey Borowskiy and Mr. Luca
Benedetto, raising an aggregate total amount of approximately NOK 11,938,353
(equivalent to approx. £841,000 and US$1,092,000), resulting in the issuance of
a total of 62,833,440 new Common Shares ("New Common Shares").
Issue Price
The Placement was completed at price of NOK 0.19, representing a premium to the
closing price of the Company's equity securities admitted to trading on the
Euronext Growth Oslo on October 25, 2024.
Use of Proceeds
The proceeds of the Placement will be used to provide additional funding in
support of the Company's international arbitrations against the Republic of
Tunisia, as well as for general working capital purposes.
An application for the new Common Shares to be listed on the standard segment of
the FCA Official List and to be admitted for trading on the London Stock
Exchange Main Market for listed securities will be made within 12 months of the
issue of the new Common Shares.
Debt Settlement
The Company has issued 32,166,560 Common Shares ("Debt Settlement Shares") in
settlement of certain debts in lieu of cash payment for a total value of
6,111,646 NOK (equivalent to approx. £430,000 and US$559,000).
The Debt Settlement Shares will rank pari passu in all respects with the
existing common shares of the Company.
An application for the Debt Settlement Shares to be listed on the standard
segment of the FCA Official List and to be admitted for trading on the London
Stock Exchange Main Market for listed securities will be made within 12 months
of the issue of the Debt Settlement Shares.
The Company has issued 95,000,000 share purchase warrants (the "Warrants")
exercisable at a price of NOK 0.29, applying a ratio of 1:1 in connection with
the Placement Shares and Debt Settlement Shares, with a fixed duration of two
years from the date of issuance.
Director Dealing/ PDMR Shareholding
Mr. Andrea Cattaneo, Chief Executive Officer & President of Zenith, has
participated in the Placement by subscribing for 18,119,411 New Common Shares of
no-par value in the capital of the Company.
Following the Placement, Mr. Cattaneo will be directly beneficially interested
in a total of 42,548,748 common shares in the capital of the Company,
representing 11.61% percent of the total issued and outstanding common share
capital of the Company admitted to trading on the Euronext Growth Oslo.
Mr. Luca Benedetto, Chief Financial Officer of Zenith, participated in the
Placement by subscribing for 7,361,011 New Common Shares of no-par value in the
capital of the Company.
Following the Placement, Mr. Benedetto will be directly beneficially interested
in a total of 11,055,706 common shares in the capital of the Company,
representing 3.02% percent of the total issued and outstanding common share
capital of the Company.
Mr. Sergey Borowskiy, Director of Zenith, also participated in the Placement by
subscribing for 2,831,158 New Common Shares of no-par value in the capital of
the Company.
Following the Placement, Mr. Borowskiy will be directly beneficially interested
in a total of 3,216,087 common shares in the capital of the Company,
representing 0.88% percent of the total issued and outstanding common share
capital of the Company.
Total Voting Rights
The Company wishes to announce, in accordance with the Financial Conduct
Authority's Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules and section 3.10 of the
Euronext Growth Oslo Rule Book Part II, the following information resulting from
the issuance of the New Common Shares and the Debt Settlement Shares.
Class of share
Total number of shares
Number of voting rights per share
Total number of voting rights per class of share
Common Shares admitted to trading on the Main Market of the London Stock
Exchange on Admission. 232,860,686 1 232,860,686
Common Shares in issue and admitted to trading on the Euronext Growth Market of
the Oslo Børs, representing the newly enlarged outstanding share capital of the
Company following the Placement.
366,545,401 1 366,545,401
Andrea Cattaneo, Chief Executive Officer, commented:
"We are hopeful that there will be a potential favourable decision in the ICC 1
Arbitration expected to be published prior to the close of the year. Zenith has
taken every step to minimise expenditure and direct its financial resources and
management attention towards the international arbitration proceedings initiated
against the Republic of Tunisia.
The Board has every confidence in the merit of our legal position. The
participation in the Placement of three Directors, including myself, is evidence
of our unwavering belief in the material opportunity for Zenith and its
shareholders to be compensated for the very significant damages caused by the
Tunisian authorities."
Further Information:
Zenith Energy Ltd
Andrea Cattaneo, Chief Executive Officer
Tel: +1 (587) 315 1279
E: info@zenithenergy.ca
Notes to Editors:
Zenith Energy Ltd. is a revenue generating, independent energy company with
energy production, exploration and development assets in North Africa, the US
and Europe. The Company is listed on the London Stock Exchange Main Market (LSE:
ZEN), the Euronext Growth of the Oslo Stock Exchange (OSE: ZENA) and the Pink
Markets of the OTC (OTC PINK: ZENAF).
Zenith's strategic focus is on pursuing development opportunities through the
development of proven revenue generating energy production assets, as well as
low-risk exploration activities in assets with existing production.
For more information, please visit: www.zenithenergy.ca
Twitter: @zenithenergyltd
LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/3A5PRJb
Market Abuse Regulation (MAR) Disclosure
The information included in this announcement is defined as inside information
pursuant to MAR article 7 and is publicly disclosed in accordance with MAR
article 17 and section 5 -12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act. The
announcement is made by the contact person.
1 Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities / person
closely associated
a) Name Andrea Cattaneo
2 Reason for the notification
a) Position/status Chief Executive Officer & President
b) Initial notification/Amendment Initial Notification
3 Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, auction
platform, auctioneer or auction monitor
a) Name Zenith Energy Ltd.
b) LEI 213800AYTYOYD61S4569
4 Details of the transaction(s): section to be repeated for (i) each type of
instrument ; (ii) each type of transaction ; (iii) each date ; and (iv) each place
where transactions have been conducted
a) Description of the financial instrument, type of instrument
Common Shares of No Par Value
Identification code CA98936C8584
b) Nature of the transaction Subscription for New Common Shares
c) Price(s) and volumes(s) Price(s) Volume(s)
NOK 0.19 18,119,411
d) Date of the transaction(s) October 28, 2024
e) Place of the transaction Off Market
1 Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities / person
closely associated
a) Name Luca Benedetto
2 Reason for the notification
a) Position/status Chief Financial Officer
b) Initial notification/Amendment Initial Notification
3 Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, auction
platform, auctioneer or auction monitor
a) Name Zenith Energy Ltd.
b) LEI 213800AYTYOYD61S4569
4 Details of the transaction(s): section to be repeated for (i) each type of
instrument ; (ii) each type of transaction ; (iii) each date ; and (iv) each place
where transactions have been conducted
a) Description of the financial instrument, type of instrument
Common Shares of No Par Value
Identification code CA98936C8584
b) Nature of the transaction Subscription for New Common Shares
c) Price(s) and volumes(s) Price(s) Volume(s)
NOK 0.19 7,361,011
d) Date of the transaction(s) October 28, 2024
e) Place of the transaction Off Market
1 Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities / person
closely associated
a) Name Sergey Borowskiy Alexandrovich
2 Reason for the notification
a) Position/status Director
b) Initial notification/Amendment Initial Notification
3 Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, auction
platform, auctioneer or auction monitor
a) Name Zenith Energy Ltd.
b) LEI 213800AYTYOYD61S4569
4 Details of the transaction(s): section to be repeated for (i) each type of
instrument ; (ii) each type of transaction ; (iii) each date ; and (iv) each place
where transactions have been conducted
a) Description of the financial instrument, type of instrument
Common Shares of No Par Value
Identification code CA98936C8584
b) Nature of the transaction Subscription for New Common Shares
c) Price(s) and volumes(s) Price(s) Volume(s)
NOK 0.19 2,831,158
d) Date of the transaction(s) October 28, 2024
e) Place of the transaction Off Market
28.10.2024 kl 11:06
I am in the same boat as you and have averaged down considerably to the point that if the stock increases by 100% I will be close to break even. I may add more this week if my finances allow me. It is very simple now that if the arbitration is won then most here will be in profit and very happy, if we lose the struggle to recover will be very real. I believe the upside is significantly in our favour and time will reveal all, and we do not have very long to wait.
X-43 scramjet
27.10.2024 kl 12:03
Heleid datterselskap av Zenit, Canadian North Africa Oil and Gas Limited
The originally claimed amount, US$85.8 million, has been increased to US$130 million following calculations performed by the Company’s advisers, specifically Chapman, regarding the quantifiable damages sustained by CNAOG.
A decision, resulting in a possible award favourable to CNAOG, is expected to be made during the first quarter of 2025.
1.3 milliarder erstatning våren 2025. Verdt å vente på etter første rettssaken i desember
The originally claimed amount, US$85.8 million, has been increased to US$130 million following calculations performed by the Company’s advisers, specifically Chapman, regarding the quantifiable damages sustained by CNAOG.
A decision, resulting in a possible award favourable to CNAOG, is expected to be made during the first quarter of 2025.
1.3 milliarder erstatning våren 2025. Verdt å vente på etter første rettssaken i desember
26.10.2024 kl 17:57
Problemet er at vi nå har trodd i mange år nå.
Du ser jo aksjonærer ikke stoler på selskapet lengre - det kommer alltid et eller noe hinder er følelsen jeg personlig sitter med.
Selv har jeg økt på og har nå over 1,1millioner aksjer.
Jeg håper og tror at vi nå er ved et veiskille - men du ser tydelig at nye aksjonærer ikke gjør.
Du ser jo aksjonærer ikke stoler på selskapet lengre - det kommer alltid et eller noe hinder er følelsen jeg personlig sitter med.
Selv har jeg økt på og har nå over 1,1millioner aksjer.
Jeg håper og tror at vi nå er ved et veiskille - men du ser tydelig at nye aksjonærer ikke gjør.
26.10.2024 kl 16:09
tror jeg også. I mars 2024 hadde jeg et snitt på 87 øre, nå 70øre. 106øre på det meste. Litt av en historie det. :-). Fortsatt god helg