TEONE just provided the market with bullish 2019 revenue guid..

TEONE 10.12.2018 kl 11:10 2255

SB1M og Petter Kongslie er ute med en oppdatering i dag etter at TEONE-ME sendte ut en børsmelding hvor de guider for 2019 (https://newsweb.oslobors.no/message/465364). SB1M skriver følgende i sin oppdatering:

"TEO just provided the market with bullish 2019 revenue guidance

Earlier this morning, TEO provided the market with a bullish 2019 revenue guidance of SEK60m, which compares to our SEK36m estimate and October at SEK2m. The bullish guidance is based on 1) market analysis of more than 1,000 potential customers in Sweden and Norway and2) customer feedback on the back of the finalized beta version of its new Martech platform; SpectrumOne on December 1st. The strategy is to approach the Norwegian market and expand to Sweden by 1H19, before further international expansion. Gross margin was guided at 50%, which was somewhat below our 52% estimate.

Our take is that as a subscription to SpectrumOne to some extent is a strategic decision, the sale process is also expectedto last for one to six months. Coupled with the fact that the platform finalized its beta version 1st of December, we are reluctant to fully appreciate the guidance and still attach a significant discount on it – i.e. more proof of concept is needed. Nevertheless, this is a positive “data-point”

Assuming TEO reach guidance of SEK60m in revenues at 50% gross margin, this correspond to SEK30m in gross profit for ‘19e(vs. our SEK36m ‘20e estimate) and as such, the company will be profitable already in ‘19e vs. our ‘20e assumption. With this assumption, TEO is a +100% return candidate!

What’s new?
TEO just provided the market with bullish 2019 revenue guidance

Best regards
Petter Kongslie
Equity Analyst "
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 09:10 Du må logge inn for å svare
12.12.2018 kl 14:34 2197

Synes Petter Kongslie er beskjeden når han sier TEO er en doblingskandidat. Med en lønnsom vekst og overskudd allerede i 2019 bør TEO kunne forsvare en verdi vesentlig høyere enn 3 kroner aksjen.

Ser ut som markedskommunikasjonen blir bedre med den nye ledelsen. Satser på økt informasjonsstrøm og økt interesse fremover.
12.12.2018 kl 15:14 2182

Det virker som om de er på rett vei. Hvis de fortsetter og oppdatere markedet slik det nye mgmt nå ser ut til å gjøre, ja da kan det bli litt mer interesse for denne aksjen. Tror det er et ganske stort uforløst potensial i denne her.
19.12.2018 kl 13:43 2094

Nok en oppdatering fra SB1M og Petter Kongslie på TEONE-ME. Er dette en potensiell nyttårsrakett i år? De skriver følgende:

Please not that SB1M are acting as bookrunners

TargetEveryOne AB | TEONE ME

Secures funding for the launch of the TEO 2.0 platform

TEO announces a partially underwritten (59%) rights issue of convertible bonds of SEK17.3m (10% annual interest, semi-annual) and a bridge loan of SEK5m (2.5% monthly interest rate and expires with the convertible) from the same underwriters. Indeed, in relation to the launch of the new TEO 2.0 platform first of December, the company has decided to raise more capital to develop the market position for the platform (positive) + strengthen the working capital (negative). The convertible will accrue to existing shareholders with one share entitling 10 subscription rights and 102 rights are needed to subscribe for one convertible, each with a value of SEK3.25. The record date set at 17. January and subscription period from 21. January to February 6. The loan falls due 31. December 2020 unless not converted.

Positive the company gets money to ramp-up the launch of the new platform (most likely needed in order to reach SEK60m in revenues in 2019 as guided), with strike price considerably above todays share price (SEK3.25 vs. SEK1.6). Yet, obviously that TEO has been balancing at the edge of the knife, as there is apparently need for SEK5m in bridge loan until the convertible is in place (this was not as expected). However, this should take out the risk related to another share issue in the stock and there will not be need for the credit facility with consumer finance interest rate. We welcome SEK60m in revenues in 2019, but currently model with SEK36.4m

Best regards
Petter Kongslie
Equity Analyst"
19.12.2018 kl 13:44 2093

TargetEveryone AB announces a partially underwritten rights issue of convertible bonds of approximately MSEK 17.3 and takes up a bridge loan of MSEK 5
Pursuant to the authorization of the General Meeting held on June 28, 2018, the
Board of Directors of TargetEveryone AB (publ) ("TargetEveryone" or "the
Company") decided on December 19, 2018 that the Company is to raise a
convertible loan of a nominal maximum amount of approximately MSEK 17.3 with
preferential rights for existing shareholders. The rights issue is underwritten
to 59 per cent through external underwriting agreements. Parallelly, the Company
has taken up a bridge loan of MSEK 5 from the underwriters.

Preferential rights issue in brief

The purpose of the rights issue is to develop the market position for the
TargetEveryone's newly launched product SpectrumOne and also to strengthen the
working capital of the Company.

Entitlement to subscribe for the convertible bonds with preferential rights will
accrue to the Company's existing shareholders with one share entitling 10
subscription rights and 102 subscription rights are needed to subscribe for one
convertible, each with a nominal value of SEK 3.25. Accordingly, the nominal
amount of the convertible loan will total a maximum of SEK 17,265,911. The
convertible bonds will be issued at a nominal amount.

The record date for participating in the rights Issue is January 17, 2019 and
the subscription period will be from January 21 to February 6, 2019. The
convertible loan carries an annual rate of interest of 10 %, with semi-annual
coupon payments. Holders of convertible bonds are entitled at the beginning of
the last month of every quarter throughout the whole period until maturity date,
to convert their convertible bonds to new ordinary shares in TargetEveryone at a
conversion price of SEK 3.25. The loan falls due for payment on December 31,
2020 unless it is converted prior to this date.

The Company will apply to admit subscription rights and the convertible bonds
for trading on Nasdaq First North.

The rights issue is underwritten by Qualcon AB (MSEK 2), Formue Nord
Marknadsneutral A/S (MSEK 6), Dividend Sweden AB (MSEK 1.5) and Niclas Löwgren
(MSEK 0.6).

The complete terms, conditions and instructions of the convertible bond issue
and other information about TargetEveryone will be provided in the Information
Memorandum that will be published prior to the subscription period.

Terms of the bridge loan

The bridge loan amounts to SEK 5 and expires in connection with the Company
receiving funds from the rights issue. The monthly interest rate is 2,5 %. The
Lenders are Gerald Dal (MSEK 1.250), Formue Nord Marknadsneutral A/S (MSEK
3.5),) and Niclas Löwgren (MSEK 0.3).

Preliminary timetable

Date Event

January 14, 2019 Expected publication of the Information

January 15, 2019 Last day of trading including rights to
receive subscription rights in the issue of convertible bonds

January 16, 2019 First day of trading excluding rights to
receive subscription rights in the issue of convertible bonds

January 17, 2019 The record date for entitlement to
participate in the issue of convertible bonds

January 21 - February 4, 2019 Trading in subscription rights

January 21 - February 6, 2019 Subscription period

February 11, 2019 Announcement of the final outcome of the
issue of convertible bonds

Göteborg Corporate Finance AB and Sparebank 1 Markets are the sole bookrunners
for the right issue.
For further information contact:
Fredric Forsman
Chairman of the Board
+46 739 78 78 44

Certified Adviser:
Mangold Fondkommission AB (556585-1267)
Box 55 691 102 15 Stockholm
Telefon: +46 8 503 015 50

TargetEveryone AB (publ) is obligated to publish this information under the EU
Market Abuse Regulation. The information was provided by the above contact
person's auspices, for publication on December 19, 2018 at 01.00 p.m. CET.
About TargetEveryone

TargetEveryone is a global MARTECH company, enabling our clients to streamline
their 1-1 digital marketing, content and experiences within one SasS online
platform. Within our solution, Email marketing, SMS, SMS landing pages, Native
App development, proximity marketing, QR codes and mobile payment solutions all
converge in our easy to use multichannel distribution system. For small- and
medium sized customers the company provides an online subscription solution,
whilst we serve larger clients directly or through our partner network. The
solution is based on big data to analyze and refine the customers behavior and
demands. TargetEveryone has over 3000 clients in more than 92 countries, and has
experienced strong growth as marketing investments continues to move from
traditional media to digital media. Customers include Nespresso, Coop, Vita,
Match, DNB, Krogh Optikk, Cirkel K and Red Cross. TargetEveryone´s headquarter
is in Oslo, with branch offices in Sweden, Holland, Portugal, India and USA.
TargetEveryone is listed on Nasdaq First North in Stockholm and Merkur Market in


Slettet bruker
07.10.2019 kl 16:05 1473

Slettet bruker
08.10.2019 kl 09:19 1380

Kraftig rekkyl i sverge.

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08.10.2019 kl 14:56 1336

Sverge sjekk.

Snart 32øre
08.10.2019 kl 15:15 1314

"Bare" opp 35 % nå i dag!!! 🚀🚀🚀🚀
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08.10.2019 kl 22:24 1269

Nå skal vi opp til gammle nivå fort.

1 til 2kr.