Tomra - Tomra Sorting Food

TOM 26.06.2018 kl 19:23 51163

Tomra Sorting Food melder ikke kundeavtaler/salg av sorteringsteknologi til enkeltkunder, men det man finner om virksomheten på nettet er en fryd å lese. Her er en reportasje om en 4 dagers demo av TOMRA 5B for gamle og nye kunder i lokalitetene til selskapet Kernel Export i Murcia Spania. Braksuksess!

Excellent reception of the Tomra 5B at the Demo Week for sheet products and vegetable customers


Optical sorter Tomra 5B has been the protagonist in one of the Demo Week organized by Tomra Sorting Foodfor a week. It was attended by numerous customers interested in trying the benefits provided by this pointer equipment. The demonstration took place the last week of may in installations of Kernel Export, company dedicated to the production, packaging and distribution for all of Europe's fruit and vegetables located in Murcia.

Unlike other calls, this time was done in two stages. First of all, held a private two-day demonstration for this regular customer of Tomra Sorting Food, where witnessed with their own eyes, and with its product, the benefits associated with the selector Tomra 5B. Then, organized an open day to which was attended by numerous customers in the sector of vegetables of leaf and vegetables which was also Royalveg, producer of spinach with over 50 years of experience.

Om Kernel Export, vertskapet for demoen:

Beskrivelse og video TOMRA 5B:

Redigert: Lagt til beskrivelse og video TOMRA 5B

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:09 Du må logge inn for å svare
16.09.2019 kl 22:11 8036

Tomra: Why the issue of food waste is more important than ever

September 16 , 2019

Leuven, Belgium - The world is currently wasting 1.3 billion tonnes of the food produced for human consumption every year, which amounts to a third of all food produced for that purpose.

From farm to fork, the issue of food waste is rife across all aspects of the supply chain and all corners of the globe. There isn’t just one solution to help reduce the impacts of food waste, however actionable steps can be taken to lessen the amount of food wasted.

We are in the midst of a food waste crisis, and the world must respond now to reverse its impact before it is too late.


Using innovation to improve yields

A lack of precise sorting can lead to unnecessary food losses. To the human eye, a batch of produce which has come out of the field may be deemed as being of a poor quality – something which may purely be based on the aesthetics.

But through adopting and implementing technology, it can be determined that the crop is actually of a good enough quality to be used either for its intended purpose or for an alternative source.

This innovation can have a profound impact. Taking the humble French fry as an example – globally, French fry production is 21 million tons, using 41 million potatoes in the process. Through implementing efficient sorting technology, there can be an increase in both yields and food quality and bring the number of tons of potatoes used closer to the number of tons of French fries produced, thus reducing waste.

The improvement in yield enhancing technology is not simply about ensuring that food can be used for its initial purpose, but also identifying alternative uses for produce that might otherwise have been discarded and lessening waste.

Developments in technologies, such as a 360-degree surround view of the produce for optimal inspection, combined with innovative detection and rejection technology, result in more valid decisions about the quality of the product.

This technological progress not only improves the quantity of available food, but it also maintains the high levels of quality expected by consumers who are increasingly interested in what they are purchasing.

Technology can be a catalyst for change

With the United Nations aiming to reduce waste per capita by 50 per cent by 2030, action needs to be taken to help make reaching this target achievable.

There is a great opportunity for businesses and society as a whole to make a great contribution towards the reduction of food waste and loss through technology.

As a leading manufacturer of sensor-based food sorting systems, TOMRA Sorting Food is acutely aware of the food waste issue and works closely with farmers, processors and retailers to reduce food waste, optimize yields and maximise profits.

Our experience around the world highlights the need to increase the emphasis on preventing ‘good’ products being removed from the food supply chain and unnecessarily wasted, caused at large by inefficient systems.

TOMRA is committed to continuously developing sorting and grading systems to sustainably keep food in our supply chains and out of the waste heap.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:48 Du må logge inn for å svare
12.09.2019 kl 21:14 8071

Fantastisk om den italienske morell/kirsebær-produsenten Apofruits suksess ved hjelp av Tomras Compac InVision TotalView Cherry Sorting Technology!!! Må leses!!!

Compac InVision TotalView Cherry Sorting Technology Saves the Day for Italian Cooperative Apofruit

Produce September 10, 2019

Auckland, New Zealand – Italian cooperative Apofruit invested in a Compac InVision TotalView cherry sorting platform in 2018 to enhance their ability to deliver consistent quality efficiently. The system was installed in time to save the 2019 cherry season, which got to a terrible start with heavy rains that compromised the quality of the crop. With the InVision TotalView platform, Apofruit was able to recover good fruit even from the poor lots it received in the early weeks, resulting in a positive outcome for the cooperative, which closed the difficult season profitably and was able to support its farmer members.

Apofruit is an excellent example of the advantages that Compac’s automated sorting technologies can bring to packhouses, as explained by Roberto Ricci, Compac Regional Director EMENA: “Compac has developed extensive experience in the world’s key cherry markets, including Washington State and California in the USA, Chile, New Zealand, Italy, Greece and Turkey. This enables us to develop innovative solutions tailored to meet the diverse needs of processing plants. As Apofruit’s experience shows, by transferring this experience to marketing focused companies we can help them guarantee the quality of their premium products and give them a competitive advantage.”

Italian cooperative Apofruit operates 11 fruit and vegetable processing plants and 15 facilities for produce collection and storage in the country. It works closely with its farmer members from across the national territory. In its more than 50 years of operation, it has maintained a steady growth aiming for a high degree of specialization in the country’s main fruit and vegetable products. It strives for continuous quality improvement and variety, innovating in its offering and processes, and providing tailored services to match the requirements the different retail channels. With this aim, in 2018 the cooperative invested in Compac’s InVision technology for their cherry processing line at their plant in Vignola and for sorting organic apricots, peaches, nectarines and citrus fruit at the plant in Scanzano Jonico. Both systems were supplied, installed and supported by Compac’s partner in Italy, ICOEL.

How to deliver consistent product from an inconsistent supply

Apofruit’s decision to purchase the Compac technology was driven by its mission to consistently deliver the highest quality produce to its customers, as well as two key challenges of the sector. The first one is meeting the very different requirements of the various types of Apofruit’s customers, which range from supermarket chains to smaller retailers. Flexibility and speed are key to success.

The second challenge derives from the fact that the bulk of the country’s cherry production comes from small farmers. The cooperative, which processes around 2,000 tonnes per year, receives a multitude of small lots of mixed quality. These are collected at its facilities where they undergo a water-cooling process, then shipped to the Vignola plant near Modena for grading, processing and packing. This fragmentation of the supply significantly adds to the complexity of managing the whole process from receiving, storage and processing, all the way to the final sale. It also means processing a supply of mixed quality to deliver a consistent product, which would be impossible without significant manual grading –resulting in additional labor costs.

World leading size, shape, color and blemish grading for cherries – even from poor fruit lots

The solution offered by Compac is a full Compac SFS 6L InVision 5-View line, later upgraded with the TotalView inspection module. The InVision technology combines powerful imaging, controlled lighting and cherry rotation to enable accurate and consistent grading for size, shape, color and blemishes. This performance is taken further with the TotalView module, which provides 7 views of the cherry and detects stem and nose defects such as rain cracks and mildew, while keeping current production speeds.

The InVision TotalView platform delivers high accuracy of defect grading, and particularly stands out for its ability to grade nose cracks caused by rain, run bad lots faster and recover good fruit from these lots. That is how Compac’s system saved the season for Apofruit and its members, as Mr. Claudio Magnani, Apofruit Technical Director explains: “The difficulties of this year’s cherry season were very obvious to everyone, and there is no doubt that Compac’s InVision technology contributed to mitigating the dramatic consequences by enabling us to process fruit lots that we would never have been able to manage with traditional methods. If I had to sum up the advantages of this platform in one sentence, I would say it is the constant high quality it delivers that would be difficult if not impossible to achieve with the human eye.”

Bruno Stravato, General Manager ICOEL, adds: “When our clients have to deal with fruit of low quality, with many defects, Compac’s InVision TotalView platform enables them to work at their usual production speed while maintaining their high product quality levels. This is impossible with traditional methods, because the low quality of the fruit would require them to reduce the processing speed to enable their personnel to select the fruit manually.”

Compac’s forward-looking, tailored approach: a key deciding factor

The unique features of the InVision TotalView platform are a perfect match for Apofruit’s requirements, but there was another key factor that led them to choose Compac: “the company strategy and its commitment to investing in research, looking towards the future, was a deciding element for us,” explains Magnani. The technical expertise and personalized approach are also very important: “we really appreciate the support we are receiving from Compac and ICOEL with their technical, mechanical and IT expertise. We have enjoyed from the start an excellent relationship with them, with highly professional exchanges throughout.”

Stravato adds: “We have listened to Apofruit, examined the technical data they provided and studied their requirements to design dedicated solutions, with suggestions of the various options available and new ideas we have developed from our experience in other markets. We have worked with them and supported the project from the beginning to completion. Now that the system is up and running, we remain at their side, providing technical and service support full time throughout the season.”

· Visit Compac at Asia Fruit Logistica 2019 to find out more about the benefits of our cherry grading and sorting solutions: we are in Hall 5 Booth n.20.

About Compac & TOMRA

Compac provides integrated post-harvest solutions and services to the global fresh produce industry using the world’s most advanced grading technology. Combining industry leading solutions with award-winning grading platforms like Spectrim, the company’s mission is to enable its customers to improve returns, gain operational efficiencies, and ensure a safe food supply via smart, usable technologies. To achieve this, Compac operates centers of excellence, regional offices and manufacturing locations within the United States, Europe, South America, Asia, Africa and Australasia. For further information about Compac, please see

Compac is member of the TOMRA Group that was founded on innovation in 1972 that began with design, manufacture and sale of reverse vending machines (RVMs) for automated collection of used beverage containers. Today TOMRA provides technology-led solutions that enable the circular economy with advanced collection and sorting systems that optimize resource recovery and minimize waste in the food, recycling and mining industries.

TOMRA has ~100,000 installations in over 80 markets worldwide and had total revenues of ~8.6 billion NOK in 2018. The Group employs ~4,000 globally and is publicly listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange (OSE: TOM). For further information about TOMRA, please see

Demonstrasjonene i Hong Kong gjorde at det var færre deltagere enn vanlig under årets Asia Fruit Logistica i storbyen. Tomra var likevel fornøyd med utbyttet under årets messe.

Quality Shines Through at Asia Fruit Logistica

Asia Fruit Logistica Produce September 11, 2019


Ken Moynihan, CEO, Tomra Compac (New Zealand)

“It’s been a bit quieter in terms of visitors but this has made for some really excellent interactions with the various chief executives and senior directors who have attended the show. We’ve been able to take the time to show them our technology and explain how it can add value to their business.”

ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA will provide further exhibitor and visitor statements on its social media channels, namely Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and Wechat; access via the website

Denne om fremtidenes supermarkeder og kampen mot matsløsing har jagborisverige en egen trådstart på i dag. Meget meningsfullt, interessant og lesverdig. Tas med her "for the record".

Tomra seeks way for future supermarkets to cope with food waste

September 10, 2019
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:48 Du må logge inn for å svare
05.09.2019 kl 19:53 8133

Jagborisverige har en egen trådstart på denne som er nok en ferski innovasjon fra Tomra, men "for the record" tar vi den også mned her på samletråden for Tomra Sorting Food.

04 Sep2019


The TOMRA 3A improves upon its predecessor in every way: higher capacity, green potato detection, simpler to use, and easier to maintain.

TOMRA Food has introduced the TOMRA 3A sensor-based sorting machine for freshly harvested root crops, offering potato growers unrivalled sorting capabilities, dependability, and affordability. The TOMRA 3A replaces the FPS (Field Potato Sorter) machine with which TOMRA first entered this specialised sector seven years ago and has been developed in light of customer feedback and experience accumulated during this time.


Jim Frost commented:

“Real-world field validations of the TOMRA 3A with farmers in Ireland and France, sorting fresh-pack and processed potatoes, have proven the great capabilities and reliability of this machine. Every one of the farmers who tried the TOMRA 3A wants it! We expect the TOMRA 3A to be popular with all potato growers and packhouses worldwide and to increase TOMRA’s presence in this sector in the USA.”

The TOMRA 3A will be shown publicly for the first time on September 4th and 5th at the Potato Europe exhibition in Tournai (Kain), Belgium, on TOMRA’s stand, booth 16.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:48 Du må logge inn for å svare
05.09.2019 kl 19:44 8121

Tomras sorteringsteknologi er også spydspiss i kampen mot matsløsing.

Why the issue of food waste is more Important than ever

September 4, 2019

The world is currently wasting 1.3 billion tonnes of the food produced for human consumption every year, which amounts to a third of all food produced for that purpose.

From farm to fork, the issue of food waste is rife across all aspects of the supply chain and all corners of the globe. There isn’t just one solution to help reduce the impacts of food waste, however actionable steps can be taken to lessen the amount of food wasted.

We are in the midst of a food waste crisis, and the world must respond now to reverse its impact before it is too late.


Technology can be a catalyst for change

With the United Nations aiming to reduce waste per capita by 50 per cent by 2030, action needs to be taken to help make reaching this target achievable.

There is a great opportunity for businesses and society as a whole to make a great contribution towards the reduction of food waste and loss through technology.

As a leading manufacturer of sensor-based food sorting systems, TOMRA Sorting Food is acutely aware of the food waste issue and works closely with farmers, processors and retailers to reduce food waste, optimize yields and maximise profits.

Our experience around the world highlights the need to increase the emphasis on preventing ‘good’ products being removed from the food supply chain and unnecessarily wasted, caused at large by inefficient systems.

TOMRA is committed to continuously developing sorting and grading systems to sustainably keep food in our supply chains and out of the waste heap.

Tomra er på plass med sin markedsledende teknologi i Hong Kong i disse dager.

TOMRA to highlight the benefits of its sorting and grading technologies at Asia Fruit Logistica 2019

TOMRA Food, Compac and BBC Technologies to showcase advanced sorting, grading and packing solutions at Asia Fruit Logistica 2019.

TOMRA Food, Compac and BBC Technologies will showcase their advanced sorting, grading and packing technologies at Asia Fruit Logistica 2019, which will take place from 4-6 September in Hong Kong.

The three companies will be exhibiting together at Hall 5 Booth N20, where Compac will unveil InVision2, the new cherry grading platform that takes cherry grading and sizing accuracy to a new level.

TOMRA’s three pillars: technology leadership, food trust, and digital transformation

TOMRA Food’s presence at the exhibition with Compac and BBC Technologies will highlight how the technology leadership of its unique offering enables producers to improve accuracy, efficiency and yields, while ensuring high standards in food quality, hygiene and traceability – and reducing food waste.

The result is produce that is accurately graded and safety-assured, packed efficiently and handled with extreme care. And through digital transformation, data analytics are optimising machine efficiency, reducing operational costs, and assisting food traceability. For the producers this means establishing food trust, safeguarding their reputations and enhancing their economic performance.

Compac raises the bar on cherry grading and sizing accuracy with new InVision2

Compac will present its new cherry grading platform, InVision2, which delivers the most accurate cherry sizing and grading performance on the market today. It retains its predecessor’s industry-leading five views of the fruit and raises the bar on detection of fine defects, such as stem pulls, bruising, sutures, small scarring and other small-size blemishes.

It features ultra-high-resolution optics for the detection of fine blemishes, while new LED lighting provides greater illumination of each cherry. It also introduces an all-new compute and electrical system which provides a step-change in performance and a platform for future software releases to deliver further improvements over time, so that InVision2 will grow and evolve with the customers’ requirements.

With these improvements, InVision2 delivers the most accurate and stable sizing, resulting in higher value packout. The extremely accurate defect grading with low good-in-bad (GIB) enables consistent throughput irrespective of fruit quality, and maximises yield and returns for the packhouse and grower. The greater precision of the system also reduces the operators’ workload, to the benefit of the overall operation. InVision2 is supported by Compac Care, the service program that ensures the customer’s equipment is ready on day one and runs optimally throughout the cherry season.

InVision2 can be further enhanced with the TotalView module to provide seven views, delivering the only system capable of true 100 percent surface inspection of the cherry at true production speeds. The positioning of the TotalView cameras at a low angle ensures optimal coverage of the cherry stem bowl or nose, critical areas where defects have previously been difficult to detect. This unique field of view enables InVision2 TotalView to deliver the clearest and most complete view of the cherry available on the market. By offering TotalView as a module, customers have the option to upgrade their operation as their business develops and they seek to further automate their packing line and reduce weather-related risk.

Prototype testing of InVision2 was completed at Prima Frutta, California’s premier supplier of cherries and apples. The system was tested thoroughly in the very challenging 2019 Californian cherry season with very positive sizing and blemish improvements. As a result of the performance and return on investment, Prima Frutta has decided to expand its operation’s capacity with 32 new InVision2 TotalView lanes, and upgrades to all existing lanes.

Fruit Sensor Lab offers first-hand experience of state-of-the-art sensor technologies
Visitors to the booth will be able to view detailed reports on fruit’s internal and external quality and characteristics in great detail at the Fruit Sensor Lab. The inspection, which will use Tomra Food’s latest sensor technologies, such as Compac’s Spectrim and Inspectra platforms, will reveal more characteristics than is possible with older technology, including sweetness level, internal defects, storage capability, and hard-to-see subtle external defects.

The experience will demonstrate the power and possibilities of today’s advanced grading platforms and software algorithms.

BBC Technologies: peace of mind from the world leader in single provider turnkey solutions for small, delicate fruit

BBC Technologies will highlight the benefits of its world-leading complete turnkey solutions for sorting, optimising and packing small fruit, and its ability to develop turnkey solutions that are specifically designed to meet the needs of individual customers.

The company’s suite of advanced turnkey technology for fresh product offers optical sorting solutions such as the MIRA360™ machine which sorts cherries and small tomatoes for colour and identifies and removes defects including cracks and splits, soft rot, wrinkles and bruises and insect damage, and the KATO 260 blueberry grader which identifies defects down to 0.1mm while ensuring product is handled gently. Its versatile filling and packing solutions, designed with particular focus on speed, handling and accuracy, offer a choice of systems to match different customer requirements: CURO 2, CURO 8, CURO 12 and CURO 16 featuring 2, 8, 12 and 16 filling stations respectively, and box filling.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:48 Du må logge inn for å svare
28.08.2019 kl 22:50 8181

Godt å registrere at den globale markedslederen innen "sorting food" ikke ligger på latsiden når det gjelder produktutvikling. Under kvartalspresentasjoner understreker også ledelsen at man i Tomra kontinuerlig legger stor vekt på R & D og produktutvikling. En veldig viktig og riktig prioritering, etter min mening.

Tuesday 27th August 2019, 10:12 London

Compac to showcase Invision 2

s part of Tomra Group's participation at Asia Fruit Logistica in Hong Kong, Compac will be showcasing its updated Invision 2 cherry grading platform, a product the group says "raises the bar on cherry grading and sizing accuracy".

According to Compac, Invision 2 retains five views of the fruit but improves detection of fine defects, such as stem pulls, bruising, sutures, small scarring and other small-size blemishes.

The technology includes ultra-high-resolution optics for the detection of fine blemishes, with new LED lighting offering greater illumination of each cherry.

Invision 2 also introduces an "all-new compute and electrical system" which provides a step-change in performance and a platform for future software releases to deliver further improvements over time, "so that Invision 2 will grow and evolve with the customers’ requirements".

"With these improvements, Invision 2 delivers the most accurate and stable sizing, resulting in higher value packout," the group outlined. "The extremely accurate defect grading with low good-in-bad (GIB) enables consistent throughput irrespective of fruit quality, and maximises yield and returns for the packhouse and grower. The greater precision of the system also reduces the operators’ workload, to the benefit of the overall operation."

Grading platform "raises the bar" on detection of cherry defects
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:48 Du må logge inn for å svare
26.08.2019 kl 23:05 8232

Tomra vil være veldig til stede under Pack Expo 2019 i Las Vegas Convention Center, 23. - 25.september.

TOMRA to showcase breadth of food-sorting capabilities

AUGUST 26, 2019

TOMRA Food will be demonstrating its newest sorting features live at Pack Expo 2019 for four selected industries: vegetables, potatoes, confectionery and petfood.


The TOMRA 5B will be sorting French fries and green beans live. This machine guarantees optimal sorting of a variety of food products, from vegetables and potatoes to leafy products, helping customers meet the highest standards for both food safety and quality. The TOMRA 5B incorporates TOMRA’s smart surround view technology, which features high-resolution cameras and high-intensity LEDs, providing 360-degree inspection and SmartSort.

“These innovations result in improved product quality, and also improve foreign material removal, while ensuring a reduction of false rejection rates,” said Mark Host, regional sales director of the Americas at TOMRA Food.

With worldwide demand for potato products continuing to grow, TOMRA Food is supporting potato processors by offering an enhanced sorting solution which removes more than 98 percent of all typical foreign objects found in product streams after washing and peeling.

Food processors struggling with filtering out such foreign materials and defects such as stones, plastics, glass, wood, metal, corncobs and rot before peeling, will welcome another sorting machine, the TOMRA 5A.

“TOMRA is already responsible for peeling an estimated 85 percent of the world’s potatoes for French fries,” said Host, who noted that the TOMRA 5A sorter builds on the company’s decades-long partnership with the potato industry as well as its dominance in potato sorting technology with its new quality management controls and new peel control module.

This new technology ensures the food safety of the whole potato along the entire processing line. In addition, it also dramatically reduces the risk of foreign objects damaging cutting equipment or otherwise contributing to a line stoppage.

“In addition to improving yields and lowering operational costs, the TOMRA 5A enhances food safety with its sophisticated ability to remove foreign material and minimize the risk of food contamination,” said Host.

One of the most important new features of both machines is their ability to help customers meet the latest regulatory food safety and quality standards.

“The new sorters offer enhanced sanitation features that have been designed and developed in accordance with the latest food hygiene standards and specifications,” said Host. “The TOMRA 5B, in particular, has a fast and efficient cleaning process that results in fewer unreachable areas and reduced waste material.”

Host also noted that customers are embracing the company’s powerful and award-winning TOMRA ACT. This intuitive graphical user interface design encompasses a one-screen layout, enabling users to see all critical sort information and real-time sorting data at a glance. Quick monitoring and fast adjustments are possible at all times, which means the customer is always in control of the quality of the sorting.

“Both sorters are extremely user-friendly and easy for operators to manage,” said Host.


TOMRA Food will also be promoting its state-of-the-art sorting solutions for a variety of confectionery applications. Their Genius optical belt sorter uses advanced high-resolution camera and laser technologies in different inspection zones to reliably detect cross-contamination, starch and foreign materials, as well as identifying clumping and misshapen products. This model has become a favorite in the North American market, where high demand for vitamin enhanced confectionery presents the challenge of separating almost identically colored sweets with totally different vitamin-enhanced characteristics.

TOMRA Food will also offer the Nimbus free-fall sorter, which stands out for its capability to sort a variety of products — such as sugar-free, with-sugar and multivitamin sweets — with a variety of programs and applications, all on the same platform. This solution is in demand in European markets, where factories produce a variety of confectioneries and need to guarantee their customers a product free of cross-contamination.

Host said, “While the confectionery industry hadn’t invested in sensor-based sorting technology until very recently, most manufacturers are now turning to these solutions to achieve the consistent quality levels and reliable separation required by their customers. This is a fast-growing market that presents a huge opportunity for TOMRA. Our sorters are meeting with great success in the markets for their capacity to provide a complete solution and for our ability to address the great diversity of sweet recipes at different manufacturers, tailoring our systems to each customer’s requirements. This year we have installed our sensor-based sorting systems in Europe and the United States, where they are achieving excellent results for our customers.”


TOMRA Food has recently also become the first to provide advanced sorting solutions for petfood producers. By developing four new sorting applications of its proven technologies, TOMRA has made it possible for petfood manufacturers to easily remove even very small particles of foreign materials from dry meat and bone meal, ground frozen meat, biscuits residue, and dry kibble.

All four new sorting applications have been validated over the last two years at TOMRA facilities, as well as in real-world working conditions at petfood manufacturing plants in Europe and the United States. By recalibrating sorting machines originally designed to ensure the purity of food for human consumption, extensive tests have identified the best TOMRA equipment for specific petfood sorting tasks and have arrived at the optimal configurations for sorting efficiency and product yield.

TOMRA personnel will be on hand to explain more about all its newest sorting solutions at Pack Expo 2019 in the Las Vegas Convention Center Sept. 23-25 in booth No. US-7258.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:48 Du må logge inn for å svare
21.08.2019 kl 18:51 8275

Tong USA's first year brings US potato growers & packers more bang for their buck

August 19, 2019

Whilst Tong Engineering, the leading manufacturer of handling equipment for the potato sector in the United Kingdom, has been exporting equipment to the United States for many years, its new office has strengthened Tong’s position in the US vegetable market, whilst bringing US growers and packers a dedicated division for more streamlined communication and quick turnaround on spare parts and support.

Charlie Rich, Head of USA Sales at Tong Engineering:

“The past 12 months have been very exciting; building relationships with new and existing Tong customers, resulting in a very positive first year for Tong USA.”

“Tong is very highly respected as a worldwide leader in quality designed and manufactured handling equipment, and our Tong USA office ensures our expanding USA customer base receives the very best customer service every step of the way.
Even the simplest things like being in the same time-zone as our customers, allowing us to respond immediately to their requirements, has made such a big difference to how we do business in the USA.”

“We have had a great response from USA growers and packers looking for advanced, custom built vegetable handling solutions, with new sales ranging from individual machines such as our industry leading box and bin filler, the EasyFill, to complete turnkey grading and washing lines


Tong’s next generation washer with integrated destoner gently washes crop before it passes to a sponge dryer, followed by a Tomra Sentinal II for optical sorting.

Tong Engineering

TOMRA Food to showcase breadth of food sorting capabilities at Pack Expo 2019


August 20, 2019

20 Aug2019


TOMRA’s FPS (Field Potato Sorter) has been chosen by BCO, France’s leading onion produce. 30000 tonnes of onions are processed each year by TOMRA’s FPS sorter to remove foreign material.

The FPS is placed at the beginning of the production line to remove foreign material, clods of earth, stones, plastic or wooden pieces from crops in the range of 30000 tonnes delivered by many different suppliers - more than 50.

This first sorting upon delivery is crucial, since it helps protect the downstream industrial equipment from any material likely to cause malfunctions or damages, by ensuring a smooth removal of any such material.

A dedicated software application can handle all flows, regardless of the onion varieties that are processed.

Grégoire Volpoet, Area Sales Manager France at TOMRA Food, explains:

“The machine is embedded into the BCO industrial process at the beginning of the production line, and it is user-friendly, with a dedicated operator software. It provides outstanding performance and remains stable even at high speeds of roughly 20 tons/hour (without false detection), despite the airborne dust and particles that could hinder the removal of foreign material. The machine is widely used in the potato sector, but this is the first time in France that it is being used for an onion application.”

Eric Massias, head of production at BCO:

“The machine is an integral part of an innovative industrial plant entirely redesigned by BCO. It started with the inauguration of the site a year ago.”

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:48 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
13.08.2019 kl 12:03 16567

Håper du har hatt en god ferie.
Deilig at du er tilbake med dine informative innlegg som er til glede for enhver Tomra aksjonær.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:48 Du må logge inn for å svare
13.08.2019 kl 11:51 16577

Mye interessant fra Tomra Sorting Food nå som ferien er over.

6 Aug 2019


7 Aug 2019


7 Aug 2019


13 Aug 2019


Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:48 Du må logge inn for å svare
24.07.2019 kl 16:38 16987

Brasilianske Coplana velger Tomra for effektivitet og ikke minst for å oppnå den garanterte produktkvalitet som er nødvendig for å lykkes på verdens mest attraktive eksportmarkeder.

Coplana elects Tomra Food to optimize production line

23/07/2019 | Thomas Tim-Tim

With a matrix in Guariba and grain unit in Jaboticabal, interior of the state of São Paulo, Coplana Cooperativa Agroindustrial has been in the market since 1963, serving cooperates who dedicate themselves to the sugarcane crop, crop rotation with sugarcane, such as peanuts and Soybean, among others of smaller scale. In Peanuts, the cooperative stands out not only in the Brazilian market, but also abroad, with a history in relation to the brand Coplana Brazilian Premium Peanuts. The selected peanut has conquered the large food industry, including European Community players. The partnership with Tomra, in the last five years, has proved to be fundamental for the result reach.

Among the main achievements of the cooperative in this production chain are the stimulation of the mechanization of peanut farming in Brazil, investments in more productive varieties and modernization of postharvest until reaching a quality standard attested, for example , by BRC-Britsh Retail Consortim. And since 2010, the first year he received the evaluation of the BRC, the Cooperative certification note, represented by grade AA. Working with processes in constant improvement, the cooperative elected TOMRA Food to optimize the production line.

According to Coplana production supervisor, Mateus Frazão, "the option for TOMRA's technology had as main objectives to maintain the evolution of quality aspects and ensure the safety of food, thus corresponding to the demands of the demand International ".

Currently, Coplana processes 90000 tons of peanuts, with the ability to reach the mark of 100,000. About the benefits of TOMRA's equipment, Mateus Frazão emphasizes: "The Helius machine allows, mainly, the control of physical contaminants (impurities), delivering a product of higher quality, which represents a breakthrough in relation to machines Conventional ".

Fewer impurities, higher quality

Faced with a large portfolio of equipment available for the most diverse applications, Coplana chose Helius 1200 for its industrial plant. This machine can be equipped with up to 12 individual laser signals, reponable by identifying all the imperfections of color, structure, size and shape in a flow of good quality products. To complement, strong air ejectors eliminate the imperfections of the flow of products in good condition, improving the quality of the final product, in this case the peanut.

For the commercial manager of TOMRA Food Brazil, João Medeiros, "Helius is the ideal machine for those seeking to remove defects of difficult detection of their products, especially those that are very similar to good quality products. Through laser sensors, Helius can detect impurities from the coloration and also from the structure of the mateiral, so it is much more efficient in eliminating foreign materials ". For the responsible of TOMRA, "the peanut market in Brazil is growing rapidly, and many beneficiaries are seeking alternatives to improve quality, adding value to the product, mainly to the conquest of the demanding European market. The Helius machine, as well as other cutting-edge technologies developed by TOMRA, coupled with our experience in the local and international markets, for example, Argentina, certainly contribute a lot with the Brazilian beneficiaries who want to export ", Concludes Medeiros.

Today, Coplana has 475 employees. For Mateus Frazão, "there is the possibility of future investments in more TOMRA technologies." Coplana's production supervisor further reinforces that "it recommends TOMRA's technology for the results obtained since 2014." For TOMRA, the Brazilian market is a strategic market, where the company has expanded activities in recent months, highlighting the team led by João Medeiros and the improvement of a local technical team to streamline customer service demand and thus providing greater aid in pre-and post-sales.

For TOMRA each customer is unique, and the needs of a customer can not be generalized to others. João Medeiros reinforces "in addition to having state-of-the-art technology, TOMRA has highly skilled professionals who offer not only a machine, but rather the appropriate solution for different situations." However, it is necessary, according to the responsible, to break the paradigm that lives in Brazil, where the beneficiaries still find many difficulties in the day-to-day. For this, "it is necessary to increase the efficiency in production, reducing to the maximum the level of Defects of its products, in order to compete with more technologically advanced markets, opening the possibility of exporting to other countries that demand better quality and who pay a higher price, consequently increasing the profitability of Operation. All this is possible with the help of TOMRA. "
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:48 Du må logge inn for å svare
22.07.2019 kl 10:26 17071

Det var derfor jeg solgte meg ut på 178. Men grunnen er vel at det prises inn stor vekst er st hele europa går mot ett pantesystem og tomra er verdensleder. Bl annet
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:48 Du må logge inn for å svare
22.07.2019 kl 10:21 17073

Technology is crucial to enhance sustainability ,minimally processed and processing

July 17, 2019

Sustainability White Paper, by Bjorn Thumas, TOMRA Food´s VP Business Development, Product Management Food Sorting and Marcom Food
While you may think you know what the word ‘sustainability’ means for your business, in reality it isn’t just about introducing environmental initiatives nor is it about standalone Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programmes.

So, what is sustainability? In short, sustainability is the efficient use of resources, which is vital for ensuring food supply for future generations. And technology is the answer to making the food sector more sustainable, efficient and profitable.

There is a common misconception among businesses that being sustainable will cost money. In fact, sustainability and profitability are linked, as both rely on the most efficient use of resources, and taking action to prevent food waste could save businesses €341 million a year, according to the Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP).


Bevises biological and chemical hazards like Salmonella and Mycotoxins, physical hazards can also contaminate the raw materials used for petfood.

The FEDIAF Guide to Good Practice for The Manufacture of Safe Pet Foods lists several physical hazards – all of which can be easily detected and rejected via the implementation of optical sorting technology.

A simple act with major consequences

That a simple act could have major consequences has become apparent from the latest optimisation effort made in the handling of blueberries. Nowadays, sorting machines very quickly sort blueberries supplied in bulk for all kinds of quality requirements. Compared to manual sorting, an enormous gain was made as a result.

The continued optimisation of that process is now being worked on. After all, the speed with which the machines handle the berries could be higher if an improvement effort was made in the very first step of the processing process: the input of berries. By automating the input speed, the entire process from bulk to final packaging could improve, according to Thomas de Meijer, Senior Mechanical Design Engineer for BBC Technologies

To this end, the Tray Tipper was developed by BBC Technologies from New Zealand, which became part of TOMRA last year. The automated tray tipping mechanism guarantees a more consistent input and more even distribution of the blueberries in the next step in the process, the optical sorter KATO260, compared to manual input. Feedback from the KATO260 to the Tray Tipper ensures an optimal throughput.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:48 Du må logge inn for å svare
02.07.2019 kl 15:40 17496

Tomra sorting machines makes a difference in the processing of pistachio

02 JULY 2019

Hero Tarım, one of the leaders of pistachio exports, touched on the importance of extraction technologies in the quality of peanuts.

Founded in 1976 as a family-owned company, the Gaziantep-based hero Agriculture continues its successes with its second generation executives. As well as the production of nuts, dried fruits, oilseeds, tahin, legumes, spices and olive oil, the hero is Turkey's largest exporter in the field of pistachio, and it covers 40 percent of the exported antep pistachio. Using TOMRA sorting machines since 2008, Kahraman Tarim also increases co-operation with TOMRA while continuing to grow.

Kahraman Tarim Exports 80 percent of its pistachio to Europe as an industrial product. Pistachios exported to the whole world, especially Italy, Spain, Portugal and Germany, are mainly used in areas such as chocolate, ice cream, pastry, salami, sausage production.
Turkey's annual average of 130,000 tons of shell pistachio production, noting that hero Agriculture deputy general manager Ahmet deadlock; "We are producing 40 percent of pistachio as the subject of exports as Kahraman Tarim. The average 8,000 tone of Turkey's exports of approximately 20,000 tons is hero farming. Every year, our production grows exponentially. Therefore, our cooperation with TOMRA continues to increase, "he said.
In 2008, the first BEST sorting machines started using TOMRA, Kahraman Tarim's production facilities have 6 TOMRA sorting machines. Finally, in 2018, the Nimbus BSI + extraction machines have received a deadlock stating; "The first BEST machine we've received is actually still using high performance. However, the technology is evolving and we have experienced new developments with the TOMRA Nimbus BSI + machines that we have recently received. We've been using this machine for a year. We have always been very sensitive in terms of product quality. We are very pleased with the contribution of Nimbus BSI + to our product quality. "

Hjemmeside (engelsk):
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30.06.2019 kl 19:21 17651

Hva er det som kan forklare at Tomra aksjen ikke er veldig overpriset med en P/E på 51?
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:48 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
27.06.2019 kl 17:21 17774

Tror den er priset alt for høyt. Så kan de som mener det motsatte kjøpe aksjer.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:48 Du må logge inn for å svare
Ypsilon 7
27.06.2019 kl 16:54 17786

Noe merkelig kursutvikling de siste dagene, men det er helt sikkert en god forklaring på det ... noen ... 🤭❓
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:48 Du må logge inn for å svare
24.06.2019 kl 11:43 17948

Er fremdeles spent på hvem som kjøpte aksjer for ca en kvart mrd i slutthandelen fredag.....
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:48 Du må logge inn for å svare
22.06.2019 kl 10:57 18088

Enda bedre var det jo attpåtil at selgeren som dukket opp MÅTTE ut, slik at de fikk kjøpt 1 prosent under sist omsatte i ordinær handel. Normalt ville jo et slikt desperat behov for aksjer sikret en enorm kursoppgang, noe det også indikerte en stund i slutthandelen. Kjøp/salg var på 340 kr.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:48 Du må logge inn for å svare
22.06.2019 kl 08:59 18128

Samme sjedde i asc fredag. siste handel 3,52kr.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:48 Du må logge inn for å svare
22.06.2019 kl 08:49 18141

Derfor man har sett denne litt underlige handelen denne uka. God stigning i løpet av dagen, for så å bli ganske kraftig solgt ned mot slutten av dagen. Arrangerte greier med andre ord. Godt gjort at det sånn uten videre dukket opp så mange selgere i slutthandelen da, når de måtte kjøpe så mange aksjer.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:48 Du må logge inn for å svare
22.06.2019 kl 00:31 18199

Inn i obx indeks i dag, så var vel indeksfond som måtte kjøpe og noen som benyttet muligheten de visste kom til å ta gevinst på et stort antall aksjer
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:48 Du må logge inn for å svare
21.06.2019 kl 17:30 18289

Herlig at noen finner inngang på dette nivået så attraktivt. Tegner godt.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:48 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
21.06.2019 kl 17:18 18296

Det var noen brutale handler på slutten i dag!
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:48 Du må logge inn for å svare
21.06.2019 kl 17:17 18299

I slutthandelen fikk vi en investor som mente at kjøp av 800 000 aksjer til kr 291,20 var et gunstig kjøp. At noen velger å gevinstsikre etter en flott reise er bare naturlig. At en slik sum kun selger ned kursen litt over 1% over åpen børs, sier litt om momentet.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:48 Du må logge inn for å svare
21.06.2019 kl 16:27 18327

Hva fa.... skjedde i slutthandelen?
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:48 Du må logge inn for å svare
06.06.2019 kl 20:07 18495

Dette er fantastisk folkens. Nesten som magi! Giganten Nestlé har da også valgt Tomra som strategisk partner og garantist for at meget giftige aflatoxin holdes unna deres produkter, får vi vite. Legg merke til det. :)

Laser sorting machines can eliminate the risk aflatoxins in foods

Created: Wednesday, 05 June 2019 06:20

TOMRA, food safety technology provier, has launched near infra-red (NIR) spectroscopy, fluorescent lighting and advanced lasers to analyse and identify the extremely low intensity of light reflected by aflatoxin mould and fungus in a variety of food types, enabling the detection of aflatoxin contamination

Food contamination by aflatoxins, which can cause cancer, is worrying scientists and regulators. New concerns about these naturally-occurring poisons, voiced earlier this year by scientific advisors, have provided a stark reminder of the health risk to consumers and the commercial risk to food businesses.

Aflatoxins are 68 times more lethal than arsenic and capable of seriously damaging human and animal livers. Aflatoxins can cause fever, malaise, and anorexia, followed by abdominal pain, vomiting, and hepatitis. Worse still, chronic toxicity from aflatoxins can reduce immune efficiency and trigger cancer, which is why they are classified by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a Group 1 Carcinogen. Exposure to aflatoxin-contaminated food is known to have caused hundreds of deaths in India and Kenya and many more fatalities have probably gone unreported. Even in Europe, where there are strict rules about food safety, in 2013 several nations reported widespread aflatoxin-contamination of milk.

The most poisonous type of aflatoxin, B1, occurs naturally in a wide range of foods. This fungus infects cereal crops including wheat, plus walnut, corn, cotton, peanuts and tree nuts. Aflatoxin B1 also infects spices, crude vegetable oils, figs, other dried fruits, cocoa beans, and rice. Another type of aflatoxin, M1, can be present in milk taken from animals which have eaten feed contaminated by aflatoxin B1. Pasteurisation of the milk does not protect against aflatoxin infection.

Aflatoxins are not harmful to humans or animals if consumed in small doses, but aflatoxin-intake from food and milk does have to be kept low. This is why, in many parts of the world, maximum permissible levels of aflatoxins in food are defined by law. If regulators find these levels exceeded, the business responsible pays a heavy price. In addition to the expensive disruption of a product-recall, there is the likelihood of costly and possibly fatal brand damage.

Recognising and disposing of aflatoxins

TOMRA’s sorting machines aim to employ unique biometric signature identification (BSI) technology. BSI works by detecting the biometric characteristics of the food items it scans - for example, nuts and raisins - and compares these to features stored in the machine’s database to determine whether the items should be accepted or rejected. This detects and removes smaller defects than is possible with conventional spectral technology. Detection accuracy is so good that false-rejection rates are exceptionally low and yields exceptionally high.

An example can be seen in action at Nestlé Group’s processing line in Dongguan, China, run by sub-brand Hsufuchi Foods. Quality and safety are one of the ten corporate principles at Nestlé, which has chosen TOMRA as its strategic partner in fighting aflatoxin contamination in peanut products.

To validate Nestlé’s Helius sorters with Detox technology, TOMRA’s application support teams conducted a six-month test on the Dongguan processing line, adjusting sorting parameters with more than 500 tonnes of peanuts of different varieties. TOMRA also worked with Nestlé on quality inspection and invited a third-party inspection agency to define validation protocols, ensuring the validation process and results were sufficiently representative.

Zhang Ahfung, deputy general manager in charge of production at Dongguan, said, “TOMRA’s technical support was very efficient and quick in response, both in the test phase and after machine installation. Through many tests we are now assured that TOMRA’s Helius sorter can effectively control the level of aflatoxin in peanuts. This puts my mind at ease, because I do not have to worry about our product quality any more. Now we will consider implementing a Detox-technology-based sorter in all facilities where aflatoxin problems arise.”

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:48 Du må logge inn for å svare
28.05.2019 kl 20:32 18610

Avslutter kveldens "skippertak" på Tomra-trådene med nok en suksesshistorie for Tomra Sorting Food. Denne gangen innen rosenkålproduksjon i Belgia.

Tomra optical sorter: less staff, more quality for the production of Brussels sprouts

Corporate echo | Posted on 16/05/2019 at 16:36

Trypol Pack is a Belgian farmers ' cooperative, located in Flanders, specializing in Brussels sprouts. A production on which they Excel thanks to Tomra sorting machines.

On likes to remember, Brussels sprouts is a Belgian speciality. Born in 1685, it would come from the commune of Saint-Gilles and would be the result of a hybrid of cabbage. So he doesn't have his name at random.

The production of Brussels sprouts has been up for a few years. It is attributed the virtues of a super-food. We can even see new rare varieties, such as the violet-coloured Brussels sprouts and the flowable Brussels sprouts that give the reception tables a look and originality. The demand is still seasonal, it is a vegetable that is consumed rather in winter.

Serving large distribution and transformers

The result of a family farm specializing in this vegetable, it is in 2008 that Trypol Pack is created in order to commercialize its harvest not only in bulk to the industrialists of the agri-food industry, but also, to the fresh market, packaged in nets. This packaging allowed him to go to the large distribution which finds less losses than in bulk. In addition, the packaging lengthens the shelf life of the product.

Production is now exported to 3 neighbouring markets: in France and the Netherlands and Germany. Export represents 80% of the market, compared to 20% on Belgium.

The harvest starts in September for the fresh market. In November, it is oriented towards the customers of the food industry for frozen or canned foods. The sizes over 30mm are for the fresh market. The smallest cabbage, between 15 and 35 mm, go to the industrialists. The combination of the two outlets makes it possible to optimize harvesting and production processes.

With the optical sorting, half the staff on the production lines.

In 2017, Tryvan installed a first Tomra optical sorting machine. This sorter has a capacity of 10 tons/h.

"We wanted to automate as much as possible. Because it is difficult to find staff, the sorting work is really tedious and delicate, explains Evelien Vanlerberghe of Tryvan. "We use a Tomra optical sorter to detect and eject products unsuitable for sale, pebbles, and other impurities from the harvest stream."

It continues: "the machine has allowed us to reduce the workforce: we had about fifteen people on the production line, we now need only 8."

The optical sorting machine guarantees a higher quality level. Optical sorting is more effective than the human eye that gets tired and makes mistakes.

The machine is easy to use. Different programs have been installed, we can launch the one you want in a few seconds from the touchscreen, depending on what happens to us from the fields, the colors and characteristics of the cabbage being different according to the varieties, Brussels sprouts, cabbage with leaves, purple cabbage. It's very simple, easy to handle, and it always has customer service if needed.

Tryvan plans to invest in a new optical sorting machine to directly process the crop in the field. This will ensure the purity of the reported flow of the fields. The process will be more efficient.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:48 Du må logge inn for å svare
13.05.2019 kl 19:51 18731

Spanske Dafisa skamroser og satser alt på Tomras sorteringsteknologi når det gjelder sin mandelproduksjon. Gjengir litt fra innledningen. Mye mer å lese.

Spanish almond sector boom

Dafisa improves its position in the international market with the sensor classification system of Nimbus BSIS


The implementation of Tomra 'S Nimbus BSI in Dafisa 's production line ensures quality and safety resulting in increased productivity and efficient use of resources. The introduction of this technology from Tomra Food, one of the most advanced suppliers in sensor-based classification solutions, improves the competitiveness of Dafisa, which raises positions in the world ranking of almonds, of better quality than the American.

The Spanish almond sector is booming. It is a healthy product with great profitability. The high quality of the Spanish almond is, without a doubt, one of the reasons for the good prospects of growth of this market, whose biggest consumer is the European. We must highlight the profound transformation of this Spanish industry which, together with the incorporation of new technologies and varieties of almonds, is improving its yield, planting frames and crop techniques.

Dafisas hjemmeside:
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:48 Du må logge inn for å svare
13.05.2019 kl 19:38 18751

Her et veldig interessant møte med salgsdirektør i Tomra Sorting Food Kina, Liu Linhu. Gjengir bare litt fra innledningen så følg linken under for å lese mer.

NB!! Taurang == Tomra

The food industry continues to develop, and enterprises are steadily seeking to change

China Economic News network 2019-05-07 14:31:02

-Interview with Liu Linhu, sales director of Taurang food sorting in China

Mr. Liu Linhu has over 20 years of experience in the food industry, from process design and R & amp; d in the food industry to the introduction of foreign advanced technology into China, he has been deeply involved in the food industry, dabbling in different areas of the food industry, but also experienced the rapid development of the entire Chinese food industry stage. After joining Taurang China in early 2018, Mr. Liu Linhu was mainly responsible for the sales and pre-sales technical testing of Taurang food in China and the implementation of three pieces of business in the project.

"Three See" the development trend of global food industry

Mr. Liu Linhu the entire food industry chain into three pieces, a piece of raw materials, the second is the processing of products, the third is the consumer end. In his view, the entire food industry is facing changes and challenges in the overall progress of the situation.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:48 Du må logge inn for å svare
13.05.2019 kl 18:15 18782

Sitter på en haug av interessante selskapsnyheter innen alle forretningsområder som jeg ikke har hatt tid/anledning til å poste på forumet den siste tiden. Prøver å få ut litt nå, kjapt og i rask rekkefølge, til dere som er interessert i det som skjer i Tomra, og begynner her.

Tomra som global markedsleder innen sorteringsteknologi for mat, har de to siste årene også utviklet og testet sorteringsteknologi for dyremat

Agro media » Factory-process »

Innovation: Tomra tackles the petfood market by proposing new sorting solutions

Tomra food, the world's leading manufacturer of optical sorting machines for the agri-food industry, innovates by offering sorting solutions to pet food manufacturers. By developing...

Celine Agromedia | April 29th, 2019

Tomra food, the world's leading manufacturer of optical sorting machines for the agri-food industry, innovates by offering sorting solutions to pet food manufacturers.
By developing four new dedicated sorting solutions, Tomra allows industrialists to easily eliminate the finest foreign objects found in frozen ground meat, dried meat, animal meal and croquettes.

These new sorting solutions have been tested for 2 years in Tomra factories and in real-life in manufacturing units in Europe and the United States. By adjusting the parameterisation on sorting machines originally designed for food intended for human consumption, a series of tests have determined the optimal configurations in terms of accuracy and efficiency.

The risk of contamination of pet food can be high due to the nature of the raw materials used. Animal, meat and bone meal, from offal collected in slaughterhouses, may contain all sorts of foreign objects. The frozen minced meat which enters the composition of the boxes also comes from giblets. The residue of biscuits used to make dry croquettes may contain plastic or packaging cardboard. And if the storage silos of dry croquettes are not completely empty before filling, there may be risk of cross contamination.

Solutions adapted to different types of pet food

Tomra has adapted sorting solutions to the specific challenges posed by the different categories of animal feed. The sorting machines were designed to withstand high-stress environments, wet, dry or dusty environments, says Tomra.

Optical sensors that inspect the flow of products distinguish between a product and a foreign material or cross-contamination depending on the colour, structure or composition perceived. Nozzles installed on the platforms eject questionable materials with precise and powerful air jets, which does not slow down production performance.

"Pet owners have increasingly high expectations. Tomra's sorting technologies now allow manufacturers to respond in a simple and reliable way to the quality and safety requirements of products, explains Bjorn Thumas, Director of development at Tomra food.

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:48 Du må logge inn for å svare
29.04.2019 kl 23:13 18976

Har ikke tid til å servere "ferdigmat" i kveld så dere får følge link og lese dere som er interessert. Den kinesiske matvareprodusenten Su Zhou Kou shui Wa Food Co., Ltd som omsetter for milliarder av yuan, bruker store ord om forbedringen innen produktkvalitet og konkurranseeve etter å ha erstattet gammelt utstyr med Tomras sorteringsteknologi.

NB! Taurang == Tomra

optical sorting enhances the quality of sunflower seeds and creates a boutique brand

China Economic News Network 2019-04-26 16:38:08

Su Zhou Kou shui Wa Food Co., Ltd:

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24.04.2019 kl 07:26 19090

Kontraktene triller inn dørene for TOMRA!!! Gleder meg virkelig til Q1 den 7 Mai. Det er da jeg tror vi får den virkelige Take Off’en for aksjen!!!

Spennende dette!!!

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:48 Du må logge inn for å svare
23.04.2019 kl 21:23 19148

Mer storfint nytt fra Tomra Sorting Food. Supert når man får servert nyheter av slikt kaliber daglig!

Ardo fokuserer på kvalitet og omsetter for en milliard euro. Ja, Ardo produserer 25% av de frosne grønnsakene på det europeiske markedet, og dere kan selv lese hvorfor man velger Tomras sorteringsteknologi og hva man sier om den. Kort fortalt; for Ardo er kun det beste godt nok.

Ardo upgrades processing technologies with Sentinel II optical sorting machines

Tomra Food selected to partner Ardo

Tomra Food, a manufacturer of sensor-based sorting machines for the food industry, has been selected to partner Ardo, which is known for their work in the fresh-frozen vegetable sector. Ardo has installed two Tomra Sentinel II optical sorting machines at its processing plant in Ardooie, Belgium, as part of its ongoing objective to achieve ‘maximum output in both volume and quality.’

Ardo is a family-owned business which has grown to a €1bn turnover through commitment to quality. Ardo employs 3,800 people at 21 production, packing and distribution sites in nine nations, and exports to more than 100 countries. The company sources vegetables, herbs and fruit from 3,500 growers and processes 860,000 tonnes annually. One-quarter of all frozen vegetables in Europe come from Ardo, primarily for use in soups, ready-to-eat meals, and baby food. Ardo also supplies the house brands of almost all large European supermarkets, as well as large caterers for rest homes, hospitals and schools.

Ardo’s Group Marketing & Communication Director, Heidi Goovaerts, commented: “As a very innovative company, investments in the factory are one way that we differ from our competitors. We also differentiate ourselves through sustainability. This includes minimising food waste, which is one reason why we selected Tomra ’s sorting machines. Tomra ’s technologies will help us minimise waste and maximise productivity at the same time as delivering the highest product quality.”


Ardo’s Production Line Manager, Gillis Alliet, said: “Technology does not stand still, and that’s why we decided to purchase these new machines, because we always strive for a better product. The Sentinel II is a reliable machine, well designed for operator safety, and an enhancement for our line in terms of food safety. The machines are easy to set up, give good results, and have a really nice control display. The operators are happy to work with these machines - they use them like they use their mobile phones, intuitively. The Sentinel is easy to set up and gives the best results.”


Publication date: 4/23/2019
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:48 Du må logge inn for å svare
22.04.2019 kl 16:44 19520

Storfin nyhet for Tomra Sorting Food, publisert av Bloomberg

Tomra Sorting Food i Belgia har hatt Uzbekistans ambassadør til Belgia og toppleder i det uzbekiske eksportfirmaet Agrowide på besøk til forhandlinger. Agrowide satser knallhardt på eksport og forstår øyensynlig at globalt markedsledende sorteringsteknologi er det beste kortet å ha på hånden når kunder skal overbevises om kvaliteten på produktene man kan levere.

McClatchy-Tribune 04/17/2019 7:31 AM ET

Norwegian company to supply modern agricultural equipment to Uzbekistan [Trend News Agency, Baku, Azerbaijan]

April 17-- Apr. 17--Uzbek Ambassador to Belgium, Dilier Hakimov, visited Norwegian TOMRA company in the Belgium city of Leuven. During the visit, issues related to the equipment, which is best suited for sorting vegetables and fruits supplied by Uzbek Agrowide company abroad were discussed, Trend reports with reference to the press service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan.

The director of foreign economic activity of the Agrowide company from Uzbek Margilan city Kudrat Muratov also participated in the negotiations. The parties agreed that TOMRA experts would visit Uzbekistan. In addition, the company will take part in the specialized exhibition of agricultural equipment AgroTech Uzbekistan 2019 to be held in June.

TOMRA was founded in 1972 and started its activities with the design, manufacturing and sale of reverse vending machines for automated collection of used beverage containers. Today TOMRA continues to innovate and provide cutting-edge solutions for optimal resource productivity within two main business areas: Collection Solutions (reverse vending and material recovery) and Sorting Solutions (food, recycling, and mining).

TOMRA Sorting Solutions creates sensor-based technologies for sorting and process analysis within the recycling, mining, food and other industries. With more than 13,740 installations worldwide, TOMRA Sorting Solutions offers a unique range of complementary sorting technologies, the most extensive service base, and the widest geographic and market segment coverage in the industry.

TOMRA Food is the leading provider of optical sorting and processing technology for the fresh and processed food industry. With approximately 8,230 sorting installations globally, TOMRA Sorting's food business is instrumental in optimizing the world's food utilization, safety and quality.

Agrowides hjemmeside:
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:48 Du må logge inn for å svare
15.04.2019 kl 21:35 19802

Herlig lesning, rett og slett!

Her er det noen av bransjens aller største aktører innen bl.a. hasselnøttproduksjon og -foredling som benytter og skryter hemningsløst av Tomras sorteringsteknologi og betydning for lønnsomhet, matsikkerhet m.m. Herlig lesning altså, Gjengir begynnelsen, men her er (mye) mer å lese for den som følger linken.

Hazelnut producers prefer TOMRA technology

Olam Progida, one of the leading hazelnut producers of Turkey, has been increasing its efficiency and product quality with TOMRA food sorting machines for more than 20 years.

Finally, Olam Progida, who delivered TOMRA NıMBUS BSI + machines in 2018, continues to invest with TOMRA, who is pleased with its value for food safety and after-sales services.

Founded in 1989, Olam serves as one of the leading global agricultural companies that supply food and industrial raw materials to more than 22,000 customers worldwide. With its leadership position in the majority of 18 different platforms such as cocoa, coffee, nuts, nuts, sesame, spices, rice and sugar in 66 countries, Olam continues its success in the hazelnut industry with Progida in Turkey. Olam Progida, Turkey's most exporting hazelnut producer as the success of the achievement of TOMRA Food's advanced technology, he also mentions.


Having continued production in four separate hazelnut factories including Giresun, Ordu, Sakarya and Georgia, Olam Progida has been using TOMRA Gida's sorting technologies for 20 years. Progida has a total of 18 TOMRA sorting machines in four separate facilities.

Olam Progida offers value added products such as natural extra selected nuts and roasted hazelnuts, bleached nuts, roasted and chopped nuts, hazelnut paste. The World's second largest hazelnut exporter, underlining the Olam Progida Technical Services and Project Manager Aykut Gören; "Turkey meets 70 percent of the annual hazelnut production in the world. For Centuries, Turkey has always been offering high quality hazelnuts to the world markets. Turkish hazelnut is extremely suitable for industrial use, but of course the conditions of processing are as important as the minimum production conditions. We are processing nuts in our modern integrated facilities, which we equip with the latest technology as Olam Progida. The performance of TOMRA sorting machines in our Lines contributes greatly to our efficiency, "he said.

Olam Progida, mainly in Europe, Germany, Italy, France, Austria, Switzerland, all the world countries, including the annual hazelnut exports processed over 32 thousand tones. More than 673 million jars of cocoa Hazelnut cream to produce enough annual hazelnuts indicating that; "We are going out of traditional methods of Hazelnut management. We use the Latest technology and in this sense we take advantage of the benefits of TOMRA sorting machines in many ways. As we guarantee food reliability with TOMRA, we also see benefits in our operating costs. As a Total solution, we are very pleased with TOMRA's high benefit-cost table, "he explained.

Tar også med stausrapport fra den australske mandelprodusenten Bright Light som bygger splitter nytt produksjonsanlegg utstyrt med 15 sorteringsmaskiner fra Tomra. Les og bli glad. Man trenger ikke hausse Tomra, Tomraq er "selvhaussende". :)

Bright Light Agricultural Products, Tomra has chosen almond extraction solution

15TH APR 2019

One of the fastest growing private companies in the Australian almond industry, Bright Light has chosen TOMRA Food as a solution partner for almond extraction from the beginning. A total of 15 sorting machines will be installed at the Advanced Almond processing site in Hattah/Victoria to achieve the goal of achieving "first-class" quality of Bright Light in the single passage of the product from the tape.

Bright Light Sales and Marketing Manager Simon Murphy said; "After Years of contract manufacturing, we have made a carefully planned decision to invest in the almond processing facilities in Victoria's thriving region, built for our own purposes. With an Annual production volume of 25,000 metric tonnes, this new facility will have the capacity to peel and crush crusted packaging, as well as to classify the raw brown inner almond product according to the ' desired qualities ', "he said.

Bright Light Agricultural Products are cultivating almonds with the latest irrigation infrastructure and technologies. From Recently planted, it has almond orchads in a wide range of ages, from ripe to trees.
"We have fertile almond groves that require us to invest in our OWN processing facility," said Tim Orr, Director of Operation Bright Light. We will Also be ready to process future target product quantities with the growth of our newly planted young trees. We expect our NEW operations to be fully ready for the 2020 season, "he said.
"As Bright Light, we are proud to meet our customers ' expectations with our high quality products," says Orr; "We think in the Long term, and we have passed a strict process in choosing our new hardware that we prefer from different sorting solutions. Using TOMRA's expertise, the concept that we combine with our Project coordinator PASS will make it ready to package our products with minimal Light and re-processing required. To achieve This goal, in addition to other mechanical and pneumatic cleaning units, a total of 15 sorting machines will be installed, "he explained.
"We are very pleased to be a partner of extraction solutions in This exciting project: Senior Vice President and TOMRA Food Sorting President Ashley Hunter. The effort spent by the Bright Light, PASS and TOMRA organization to complete the processing concept has been a good example of sharing the collective experience to deliver the most ideal solutions with cutting-edge products. "

Tim ORR explained: "TOMRA's BSI + technology has made a difference. In Particular, TOMRA's ability to target insect newbores, including insect bites fed with a pinhole-shaped fruit, is not only major damage, it was really surprising. With TOMRA in Australia using this technology in 2018, we have combined laboratory testing with real field data. BSI + technology, double, sticky, immature, rotten and stained products such as other difficult almond defects have revealed extraordinary results, "he said.
Simon Murphy: "The Multi-extraction concept is an important consequence of the global and local application expertise of TOMRA, which means that we can perfectly understand our needs to meet our critical objectives, regulate technology and order of implementation" .
Tim Orr said the ease of operation is another decisive factor in the choice of TOMRA; "Due to the distance to the settlements of the seasoning and growing agricultural areas of the work, access to qualified employees is very difficult. Therefore, The extraction process was important to work with the minimum workmanship, "he added; "TOMRA proved to be the best in his class again. The use of Production conditions and interviews with the operators of the daily working in the extraction machines confirmed that the process with the machines is very easy to operate. "

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11.04.2019 kl 21:58 19988

Tomra konsoliderer og styrker nærværet i Sør-Afrika. Under et lite utdrag, følg link for å lese mer.

TOMRA Food consolidates its leading position in the South African market

April 9, 2019


South Africa: market of strategic importance on the African Continent

TOMRA Food is a global leader in sensor-based sorting solutions with extensive international experience, running projects in more than 80 countries. The company has a well-established presence in the South African market, where it has been operating for more than 20 years, and is today the company’s main market on the African continent.

“South Africa offers a world of opportunities. The mechanization and automatization of the post-harvest processes is well underway in the country, and the challenge is now to keep the momentum. TOMRA Food’s advanced technology enables producers of fresh and processed foods to raise their quality levels. Its sensor-based sorting equipment can be used for a multitude of food applications, from fresh whole products to processed food. South Africa is spearheading the automatization process on the continent, and shows the benefits and the opportunities that machines such as TOMRA Food’s can bring to producers in other African countries,” adds Norman Smith.

The consumer trend towards healthy eating is boosting the global demand for nuts, and South Africa is among the world’s biggest exporters. A recent boom in demand for macadamias has created new opportunities, which South Africa’s agriculture industry has taken up, with plantings having tripled in the years from 2013 to 2016 and industry projections forecasting a 40% increase of NIS by 2020. “For the South African producers to take full advantage of this growing market, a high processing capacity and product quality will be essential, and TOMRA Food offers the best equipment for them,” explains Norman Smith.

I Storbritannia har Tong Engineering utviklet et potetsorteringssystem for potetprodusenten B&C Farming som trengte noe nytt, bedre og ikke minst noe mer effektivt, for å erstatte sitt 29 år gamle, utdaterte system. Som dere kan lese har Tong Engineering integrert Tomra FPS (field potato sorter) i systemet. Antar jo at Tong Engineering her har valgt Tomra FPS fordi man med det mener man integrerer den beste sorteringsteknolgien som er tilgjengelig i markedet i sitt system.

Custom-built facility designed for British contract farmer and potato grower


Tong Engineering has designed a custom-built seed potato grading facility for B&C Farming – a Norfolk-based contract farmer and potato grower in the UK – taking into account the latter’s current and future requirements.

B&C Farming has been using a custom grading line from Pearl Engineering for no less than 29 years and needed to upgrade to newer, more efficient equipment.

Since reduction of labor costs was a key objective in the specification of the new line, Tong implemented a side-eject box tipper that feeds the crop into the line.

“It is a fine line between keeping the forklift drivers busy, and them being too rushed, risking accidents or causing the line to stop and wait for the crops. The side-eject box tipper not only reduces forklift movement, allowing us to cut the number of forklifts required for grading, but it also ensures a continuous flow of crop onto the grading line,” saysTony Bambridge, managing director at B&C Farming.

Labor requirements at the crop cleaning and grading section of the line have also been taken into consideration.

“Taking care of the complete grading system from start to finish, Tong integrated the Tomra FPS (field potato sorter) into the line for automatic detection of stones and clod in the unwashed crop. With this removal of debris now being performed automatically, inspection staff can now focus on grading for quality of the potatoes, with size-grading took care of by Tong’s EasyGrade screen grading modules.

“Inspection staff are now in a fully-insulated, heated and sound-proofed cabin, allowing for much more pleasant inspection conditions,” Bambridge says.

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