ZENA-M CEO laster tungt opp med aksjer!
Melding i går ettermiddag om at CEO laster opp med aksjer i ZENA-M!
ZENA-M har falt fra over 30 øre nylig. Ser vi 20 øre i dag!?
Director/ PDMR Shareholding
March 05, 2020
("Zenith" or the "Company")
Director/ PDMR Shareholding
Zenith Energy Ltd., ("Zenith" or the "Company"), (LSE: ZEN; TSX.V: ZEE; OSE: ZENA-ME), the international oil & gas production company, announces that its Chief Executive Officer & President, Mr. Andrea Cattaneo, has advised the Company that he purchased a total of 1,625,000 common shares of no par value ("Common Shares") in the capital of the Company at an average price of £0.0097 (approximately CAD$0.017) per Common Share on the London Stock Exchange.
Following the aforementioned dealings, Mr. Cattaneo is directly beneficially interested in a total of 43,134,115 Common Shares in the capital of the Company, representing 7.47 per cent of the total issued and outstanding common share capital of the Company admitted to trading on the TSX Venture Exchange and Merkur Market of the Oslo Børs.
Mr. Cattaneo is also indirectly interested in a total of 480,000 Common Shares, today representing 0.08 per cent of the Company's issued and outstanding common share capital admitted to trading on the TSX Venture Exchange and Merkur Market of the Oslo Børs.
Further Information:
Zenith Energy Ltd
Andrea Cattaneo, Chief Executive Officer Tel: +1 (587) 315 9031
E-mail: info@zenithenergy.ca
Novum Securities Limited - Broker Tel: + 44 (0) 207 399 9400
Charlie Brook-Partridge
Hugh McAlister
ZENA-M har falt fra over 30 øre nylig. Ser vi 20 øre i dag!?
Director/ PDMR Shareholding
March 05, 2020
("Zenith" or the "Company")
Director/ PDMR Shareholding
Zenith Energy Ltd., ("Zenith" or the "Company"), (LSE: ZEN; TSX.V: ZEE; OSE: ZENA-ME), the international oil & gas production company, announces that its Chief Executive Officer & President, Mr. Andrea Cattaneo, has advised the Company that he purchased a total of 1,625,000 common shares of no par value ("Common Shares") in the capital of the Company at an average price of £0.0097 (approximately CAD$0.017) per Common Share on the London Stock Exchange.
Following the aforementioned dealings, Mr. Cattaneo is directly beneficially interested in a total of 43,134,115 Common Shares in the capital of the Company, representing 7.47 per cent of the total issued and outstanding common share capital of the Company admitted to trading on the TSX Venture Exchange and Merkur Market of the Oslo Børs.
Mr. Cattaneo is also indirectly interested in a total of 480,000 Common Shares, today representing 0.08 per cent of the Company's issued and outstanding common share capital admitted to trading on the TSX Venture Exchange and Merkur Market of the Oslo Børs.
Further Information:
Zenith Energy Ltd
Andrea Cattaneo, Chief Executive Officer Tel: +1 (587) 315 9031
E-mail: info@zenithenergy.ca
Novum Securities Limited - Broker Tel: + 44 (0) 207 399 9400
Charlie Brook-Partridge
Hugh McAlister
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:53
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Ikke i dag. Men mulig i april!!
Hold ut og last opp på dagens kurs!!
Hold ut og last opp på dagens kurs!!
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:53
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06.03.2020 kl 09:10
20 marts LATO 😊 og det er lige om et øjeblik, så ja last op og hold fast i stolen 👍
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:53
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06.03.2020 kl 10:28
Det er 2 dage efter London event, og skæringen med hensyn til Afrika dealen. Så jeg tænker det er det 😊
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:53
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06.03.2020 kl 11:06
Den 18 får vi svar på rigtig mange ting, både i Afrika, men også den kommende plan i AS.
Bliver en super spændende dag, nok med gode nyheder..,
Bliver en super spændende dag, nok med gode nyheder..,
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:53
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06.03.2020 kl 20:59
I disse ulvetider er det nå litt ekstra spennende med zena i porteføljen... Kjekt å få økt på dette nivået.. Så blir det fest eller fiasko om noen uker 😂👌😜😜
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:53
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06.03.2020 kl 21:31
jeg ser ikke helt hva som er det helt store med Zena i porteføljen. Jeg hadde en del aksjer tidligere, men jeg var heldig å selge meg ut for en 14 dager siden
jeg er noe forundret i at det er fremdeles er investorer som fatter interesse i selskapet basert på innspill fra CEO. Han er den mest useriøse leder jeg som investor har opplevd.
Han har ikke maktet å øke selskapets verdier i det hele tatt
jeg er noe forundret i at det er fremdeles er investorer som fatter interesse i selskapet basert på innspill fra CEO. Han er den mest useriøse leder jeg som investor har opplevd.
Han har ikke maktet å øke selskapets verdier i det hele tatt
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:53
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06.03.2020 kl 22:21
Var du heldig for 14 dager siden 😂😂😂
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:53
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06.03.2020 kl 22:35
Kig på AAOG, det er useriøst 👍👍.
Tror nok vi kan være glade for AC valg over de sidste 3 måneder, ellers havde vi været i samme sted.
Måske endda meget tæt på konkurs👀👀.
Forventer ikke hverken dig eller andre negative herinde forstår det 👍👍
Bare bliv ude og glem aktien 👍
Tror nok vi kan være glade for AC valg over de sidste 3 måneder, ellers havde vi været i samme sted.
Måske endda meget tæt på konkurs👀👀.
Forventer ikke hverken dig eller andre negative herinde forstår det 👍👍
Bare bliv ude og glem aktien 👍
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:53
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07.03.2020 kl 09:13
Kan tenke hva en vil om ac, og store deler av det han har sagt gjennom året har dessverre ikke stemt.. Samtidig putter han selv betydelig penger inni selskapet og er på vei mot 10%,og kan umulig være interessert i å tape dette.får han til noe av planene i Afrika står vi i hvert fall ikke på 0,11...
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:53
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09.03.2020 kl 12:14
Det er klart at når Andrea Cattaneo kjøper seg videre tungt opp i Zena kan det være klart for mye morro i Zena i tiden som kommer. Må være en gylde kjøpsmulighet nå
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:53
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09.03.2020 kl 17:16
Spenstig dag.. Verdien på selskapet er nå i underkant 50 mill kroner..
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:53
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09.03.2020 kl 18:07
Med de sidste dages udvikling, kan jeg godt forstå hvis handlerne ikke bliver gennemført, lige med det samme selvom det vil være dødsstødet for firmaet, men med en så lav oliepris kan der dårligt være penge i det, olienprisen skal op igen på et tidspunkt, spørgsmålet er så kun hvornår! Og har firmaet kreditten til at holde ud?
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:53
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10.03.2020 kl 14:02
noen tanker om ha vi først kan forvente her?
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:53
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10.03.2020 kl 14:16
Er nok en av de siste dagene en får kjøpt til kurs under 0,10. Når Andrea Cattaneo har kjøpt millioner av aksjer til en kurs godt over 0,10 kan det vanskelig bli feil med et kjøp under 0.10. Spennende tider fremover. Zena har potensial til en mangedobling
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:53
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10.03.2020 kl 15:57
Noe på gang? 😉
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:53
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10.03.2020 kl 16:26
Kommer det en melding etter børsslutt eller i morgen tidlig? 🤔
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:53
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10.03.2020 kl 17:26
Er vel bare en korreksjon etter gårsdagen. Om de kommer med en melding nå så bør det være at et av oppkjøpene er godkjent.. spørs om det er klart nå. Tviler på at det kommer noe denne uka
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:53
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10.03.2020 kl 17:48
Å han kjøper og kjøper...da ser han i allefall ikke en konkurs komme i nær fremtid, og har nok relativt god tro på videre utvikling
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:53
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10.03.2020 kl 19:53
Smukt, de store køber, og amatørerne sælger..
Ikke noget nyt i det 👍👍.
Undertegnede har lastet yderlige, men nu er det også slut.
Meget simpelt, Ferrari eller trabant 😂😂😂🏎🏎🚙🚙
Ikke noget nyt i det 👍👍.
Undertegnede har lastet yderlige, men nu er det også slut.
Meget simpelt, Ferrari eller trabant 😂😂😂🏎🏎🚙🚙
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:53
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10.03.2020 kl 19:57
Han vet mest av alle om hva som foregår på bakrommet.
Ser ut som vi "kan" ha noe positivt i vente.
Innside kjøp er vanskelig å få til å bli noe negativt.
Han fyller jo på med flere og flere aksjer.
Tvilsomt at han vil brenner opp pengene sine, han har virkelig trua på at dette lykkes.
Det blir spennende å se hva som skjer fremover,ellers så må vi vel fastslå at dagen etter en børsmelding alltid blir rød.
Men de som kjører kursen ,har mindre volumer nå.
Vi får håpe det lysner , og at vi begynner å bore etter olje/gass snart.
Ser ut som vi "kan" ha noe positivt i vente.
Innside kjøp er vanskelig å få til å bli noe negativt.
Han fyller jo på med flere og flere aksjer.
Tvilsomt at han vil brenner opp pengene sine, han har virkelig trua på at dette lykkes.
Det blir spennende å se hva som skjer fremover,ellers så må vi vel fastslå at dagen etter en børsmelding alltid blir rød.
Men de som kjører kursen ,har mindre volumer nå.
Vi får håpe det lysner , og at vi begynner å bore etter olje/gass snart.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:53
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11.03.2020 kl 08:19
Utrolig så mye Mr. Cattaneo kjøper hver eneste uke nå i Zena. Dette gjør han selvfølgelig for å tjene gode penger og nå når kursen helt er gruset så øker han antall aksjer. Et bedre kjøpssignal er det vanskelig å finne.
March 10, 2020 ZENITH ENERGY LTD. (Zenith or the Company) Director/ PDMR Shareholding Zenith Energy Ltd., (Zenith or the Company), (LSE: ZEN; TSX.V: ZEE; OSE: ZENA-ME), the international oil & gas production company, announces that its Chief Executive Officer & President, Mr. Andrea Cattaneo, has advised the Company that he purchased a total of 1,850,000 common shares
March 10, 2020 ZENITH ENERGY LTD. (Zenith or the Company) Director/ PDMR Shareholding Zenith Energy Ltd., (Zenith or the Company), (LSE: ZEN; TSX.V: ZEE; OSE: ZENA-ME), the international oil & gas production company, announces that its Chief Executive Officer & President, Mr. Andrea Cattaneo, has advised the Company that he purchased a total of 1,850,000 common shares
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:53
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Får håpe att han får til noen avtaler til nå, for oljeprisen kan gå bratt opp snart
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:53
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12.03.2020 kl 08:06
Update on Acquisitions
March 12, 2020
("Zenith" or the "Company")
Update on Acquisitions
Zenith Energy Ltd., ("Zenith" or the "Company"), (LSE: ZEN; TSX.V: ZEE; OSE: ZENA-ME), the international oil & gas production company, provides the following update in view of the recent volatility in oil prices and financial markets.
As announced to the market, Zenith has centred its strategic focus on pursuing large-scale, revenue generating oil production and development opportunities in Africa.
Zenith is in the process of finalising the following, publicly announced, acquisitions:
• Acquisition of an 80 percent interest in Anglo African Oil & Gas S.A.U (“AAOGC”), operator of the potentially transformational Tilapia oilfield in the Republic of the Congo with a 56 percent interest. Completion of the acquisition of AAOGC remains conditional on certain regulatory requirements in the Republic of the Congo which the Company is expecting to achieve imminently.
• Final stage negotiations with a national authority in West Africa for an oil production asset, formerly operated by a major international oil company, which last produced at a rate in excess of 1,000 barrels of oil per day. Zenith is pleased to confirm that negotiations have now been extended to also include the possible acquisition of a second asset, operated by an international oil major, currently producing 600 barrels of oil per day. The Company believes that the potential acquisition of the aforementioned assets represents a significant opportunity to materially increase Zenith’s near-term oil production and, in turn, achieve sizeable revenue generation upside.
• Exclusivity Agreement for a working interest in an onshore oil production asset in Tunisia currently producing at a rate of approximately 700 barrels of oil per day, generating gross annual revenues of approximately US$15 million (“Tunisian Acquisition”). Zenith is currently performing its due diligence process with the objective of finalising the transaction in due course. Completion of the Tunisian Acquisition will be subject to approval from the national oil company of Tunisia, Entreprise Tunisienne d’Activités Pétrolières (ETAP). Zenith is advanced negotiations with an international oil major to sign an offtake agreement for the asset's future oil production in order to fund the Tunisian Acquisition.
• Acquisition of Coro Energy Plc’s Italian natural gas production and exploration portfolio (“Italian Acquisition”). Completion of the Italian Acquisition is conditional on the necessary regulatory approvals being obtained from the Italian Ministry for Economic Development. Upon completion, Zenith will become one of Italy’s leading natural gas producers with an increase in Italian gross production revenue of approximately 410%, and an expected yearly gross revenue of approximately €3.6 million. It is therefore expected that, upon completion of the Italian Acquisition, Zenith will have a daily total cumulative production from its enlarged Italian portfolio of approximately 65,000 standard cubic meters (approximately 382 BOE per day).
Andrea Cattaneo, Chief Executive Officer, commented:
"The recent steep decline in oil prices as a result of world events has particularly impacted financial markets, whilst also presenting new opportunities to acquire highly prospective oil and natural gas production assets at advantageous terms.
We are currently in the process of completing a series of transformational acquisitions that, by virtue of their material existing production, or near-term highly prospective production potential in the case of Tilapia, will enable Zenith to rapidly enlarge and diversify its portfolio at a time of great opportunity for companies with a clear strategic focus.”
Further Information:
Zenith Energy Ltd
Andrea Cattaneo, Chief Executive Officer Tel: +1 (587) 315 9031
E-mail: info@zenithenergy.ca
Novum Securities Limited - Broker Tel: + 44 (0) 207 399 9400
Charlie Brook-Partridge
Hugh McAlister
Notes to Editors:
Zenith Energy Ltd. is an international oil and gas production company, listed on the TSX Venture Exchange (TSX.V:ZEE) and London Stock Exchange (LSE:ZEN). In addition, the Company's common share capital was admitted to trading on the Merkur Market of the Oslo Børs (ZENA:ME) on November 8, 2018. The Merkur Market is a multilateral trading facility owned and operated by the Oslo Børs.
The Company was assigned a medium to long-term issuer credit rating of "B+ with Positive Outlook" on October 9, 2019 by Arc Ratings, S.A. On November 18, 2019, the Company was assigned a "B+" with Stable Outlook debt issuer credit rating by Rating-Agentur Expert RA.
Ansvar, re
March 12, 2020
("Zenith" or the "Company")
Update on Acquisitions
Zenith Energy Ltd., ("Zenith" or the "Company"), (LSE: ZEN; TSX.V: ZEE; OSE: ZENA-ME), the international oil & gas production company, provides the following update in view of the recent volatility in oil prices and financial markets.
As announced to the market, Zenith has centred its strategic focus on pursuing large-scale, revenue generating oil production and development opportunities in Africa.
Zenith is in the process of finalising the following, publicly announced, acquisitions:
• Acquisition of an 80 percent interest in Anglo African Oil & Gas S.A.U (“AAOGC”), operator of the potentially transformational Tilapia oilfield in the Republic of the Congo with a 56 percent interest. Completion of the acquisition of AAOGC remains conditional on certain regulatory requirements in the Republic of the Congo which the Company is expecting to achieve imminently.
• Final stage negotiations with a national authority in West Africa for an oil production asset, formerly operated by a major international oil company, which last produced at a rate in excess of 1,000 barrels of oil per day. Zenith is pleased to confirm that negotiations have now been extended to also include the possible acquisition of a second asset, operated by an international oil major, currently producing 600 barrels of oil per day. The Company believes that the potential acquisition of the aforementioned assets represents a significant opportunity to materially increase Zenith’s near-term oil production and, in turn, achieve sizeable revenue generation upside.
• Exclusivity Agreement for a working interest in an onshore oil production asset in Tunisia currently producing at a rate of approximately 700 barrels of oil per day, generating gross annual revenues of approximately US$15 million (“Tunisian Acquisition”). Zenith is currently performing its due diligence process with the objective of finalising the transaction in due course. Completion of the Tunisian Acquisition will be subject to approval from the national oil company of Tunisia, Entreprise Tunisienne d’Activités Pétrolières (ETAP). Zenith is advanced negotiations with an international oil major to sign an offtake agreement for the asset's future oil production in order to fund the Tunisian Acquisition.
• Acquisition of Coro Energy Plc’s Italian natural gas production and exploration portfolio (“Italian Acquisition”). Completion of the Italian Acquisition is conditional on the necessary regulatory approvals being obtained from the Italian Ministry for Economic Development. Upon completion, Zenith will become one of Italy’s leading natural gas producers with an increase in Italian gross production revenue of approximately 410%, and an expected yearly gross revenue of approximately €3.6 million. It is therefore expected that, upon completion of the Italian Acquisition, Zenith will have a daily total cumulative production from its enlarged Italian portfolio of approximately 65,000 standard cubic meters (approximately 382 BOE per day).
Andrea Cattaneo, Chief Executive Officer, commented:
"The recent steep decline in oil prices as a result of world events has particularly impacted financial markets, whilst also presenting new opportunities to acquire highly prospective oil and natural gas production assets at advantageous terms.
We are currently in the process of completing a series of transformational acquisitions that, by virtue of their material existing production, or near-term highly prospective production potential in the case of Tilapia, will enable Zenith to rapidly enlarge and diversify its portfolio at a time of great opportunity for companies with a clear strategic focus.”
Further Information:
Zenith Energy Ltd
Andrea Cattaneo, Chief Executive Officer Tel: +1 (587) 315 9031
E-mail: info@zenithenergy.ca
Novum Securities Limited - Broker Tel: + 44 (0) 207 399 9400
Charlie Brook-Partridge
Hugh McAlister
Notes to Editors:
Zenith Energy Ltd. is an international oil and gas production company, listed on the TSX Venture Exchange (TSX.V:ZEE) and London Stock Exchange (LSE:ZEN). In addition, the Company's common share capital was admitted to trading on the Merkur Market of the Oslo Børs (ZENA:ME) on November 8, 2018. The Merkur Market is a multilateral trading facility owned and operated by the Oslo Børs.
The Company was assigned a medium to long-term issuer credit rating of "B+ with Positive Outlook" on October 9, 2019 by Arc Ratings, S.A. On November 18, 2019, the Company was assigned a "B+" with Stable Outlook debt issuer credit rating by Rating-Agentur Expert RA.
Ansvar, re
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:53
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12.03.2020 kl 08:27
Tja mon ikke han kan få dette til billige penge nu 👍👍👍
Spændende, men nu skal han snart have lukket nogle aftaler, selvom det sidste tids olie-fald må gøre forhandlingerne lidt mere besværlige, men også billigere 👍👍
Zenith is pleased to confirm that negotiations have now been extended to also include the possible acquisition of a second asset, operated by an international oil major, currently producing 600 barrels of oil per day.
Spændende, men nu skal han snart have lukket nogle aftaler, selvom det sidste tids olie-fald må gøre forhandlingerne lidt mere besværlige, men også billigere 👍👍
Zenith is pleased to confirm that negotiations have now been extended to also include the possible acquisition of a second asset, operated by an international oil major, currently producing 600 barrels of oil per day.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:53
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12.03.2020 kl 09:15
Dette er meget solid og ikke uten grunn til at CEO har lastet opp med millioner av aksjer de siste ukene. Fremtidige formuer skapes
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:53
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13.03.2020 kl 08:43
Legg merke til aaog meldinga. Ikke noe due course. Men imenently, noe som sier meg at dato for underskrivning er satt da ac er i Afrika igjen!
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:53
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13.03.2020 kl 10:42
Jeps 👍👍
Og de går igang med at snakke SOCAR næste uge
Hvor de skal bore henne 👍👍
Og de går igang med at snakke SOCAR næste uge
Hvor de skal bore henne 👍👍
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:53
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13.03.2020 kl 10:56
her får vi en deilig reprising snart..blir som Archer viss en av avtalene går gjennom snarlig....
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:53
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13.03.2020 kl 23:15
Ingen ''in due course'', satser allerede mandag kan være dagen, med utbetaling fra SNPC så blir dette bra
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:53
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13.03.2020 kl 23:42
Dette blir først bra ,når Zenith beviser at de er kapable til å få mere/noe olje/gass opp av bakken.
Det er den eneste løsningen
Det er den eneste løsningen
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:53
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14.03.2020 kl 10:31
Enig. Vi som har vært i denne aksjen en stund nå har vel innsett at olje opp er det eneste som kan drive kursen i positiv retning. Vil sikkert hoppe noen prosent om et av oppkjøpene blir godkjent men de store løftene får vi nok først når vi får i gang produksjonen av eks antall fat pr dag.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:53
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14.03.2020 kl 11:05
Verdien på selskapet er under 50 mill.. Det er kun luft.. En signert avtale vil løfte denne betydelig.. Alternativet er konk
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:53
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15.03.2020 kl 10:31
Hvis vi går litt tilbake til rigg meldingen, skriver Andrea at det skal være «no delays» for å bore i april. Dermed endrende språkbruk, når datoer for ting ikke er satt så er «in due course brukt. Nå i nylige meldinger er språket endret til noe mere tids spesifikt. Og som nevnt tidligere over her, han skriver at avtalen med aaog kommer umiddelbart, dato er satt med kongo’s myndigheter, utbetaling fra snpc følger nok. Også med!!!!
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:53
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15.03.2020 kl 15:47
Enormt spennende fremover.....
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:53
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16.03.2020 kl 01:14
Satser på lasting de nærmeste dagene, nå ligger de hvertfall så billig at tapet blir ikke veldig stort i forhold til oppsiden....
Benytter corona hysteriet til og laste opp i flere selskaper zena er bare en hobby:p
Benytter corona hysteriet til og laste opp i flere selskaper zena er bare en hobby:p
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:53
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16.03.2020 kl 08:54
Husk, det er alltid 100% nedsiderisiko
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:53
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