Nyheter som angår Rec

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RECSI 28.03.2021 kl 18:14 790941

Helgelesning fra pv-magazine:
Redigert 18.01.2022 kl 19:10 Du må logge inn for å svare
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15.06.2021 kl 15:13 8618

Jeg syns det er ekstremt spennende og ting virker virkelig å akselerere.

Forumbruker Questi lagde en tråd om Enevate og kobling mot REC her:

https://finansavisen.no/forum/thread/73819/view (ligger fortsatt under tickeren REC)

GM skal samarbeide med LG chem som har investert i Enevate.
Slettet bruker
15.06.2021 kl 15:03 8436

Pure Silicon-Dominant Battery Technology er teknologien til enevate.

REC sin silane er foretrukne delen av silicon som rec har 70% av markedet av.
Høyst sannsynelig enevate er i kontakt med REC, angående fbr granuler eller silane.

Selskapet er som sagt i dialog med flere, men vi vet enda ikke hvem. Er mange potensielle kunder her.
Utvilklingen skjer veldig raskt nå, alle vil være først...

Er nok en med god grunn rec selv sier de er sikre på en lønnsom portofølje til oppstart av ML :-)

Hvem det blir som stikker av med silane gas kapasiteten til REC får vi nok vite om ikke altfor lenge
Redigert 15.06.2021 kl 15:07 Du må logge inn for å svare
15.06.2021 kl 15:03 8375

SEMI calls for US and EU cooperation on technology and trade
JUNE 15, 2021
Slettet bruker
15.06.2021 kl 14:35 8390

GM + LG chem = Enevate sin teknologi? Som vi tror baserer teknologien på FBR granulater rett fra reaktorene i ML?


Ref. :


"Det er all grunn til å tro at FBR-mikrogranulene som Enevate skal bruke i sin nye gigafactory kommer fra REC. REC er som kjent verdens eneste polysilisium produsent som bruker FBR (Fluidized Bed Reaktor) metoden, og det er umulig for Evenate å få tak i råstoffet for sitt batteri andre steder enn nettopp fra REC, skriver questi."
Redigert 15.06.2021 kl 14:39 Du må logge inn for å svare
15.06.2021 kl 05:31 9383

U.S.-China relationship 'going down a path of great confrontation,' analyst says
JUNE 14, 2021
Slettet bruker
14.06.2021 kl 22:28 9923

Hehe. Spennende tider og det beste er at det kommer bare til å bli enda mer spennende fremover! Gøy at vi får leve gjennom og bli med på den grønne revolusjonen verden er på vei til.
Slettet bruker
14.06.2021 kl 20:35 10575

Småplukker skrev Wow, denne er VIKTIG!
For de som ikke har skjønt det enda

- Most technologies mix silicon and carbon, some obviate the need for graphite, the most exciting and promising technologies use a high % silicon
› Preferred form of silicon is silane, given the stability & flexibility of silane
- REC the only silane producer in the United States
- REC’s silane has lowest carbon footprint and REC’s silane reputation and competence is unsurpassed.

Som sagt blir utsiktene bekreftet ukentlig hvor vi er på vei de neste årene :)

REC har vel 70% av hele silane markedet i dag?
Redigert 14.06.2021 kl 20:36 Du må logge inn for å svare
14.06.2021 kl 19:52 10671

InterBattery 2021: SK Innovation shows safer, faster, longer EV batteries
JUNE 9, 2021

her er en artikel med nogle billeder af det som var på udstillingen :)
14.06.2021 kl 19:35 10642

U.S. Department of Energy Announces New Vehicle Technologies Funding and Future Partnerships with Battery Industry
JUNE 14, 2021
14.06.2021 kl 16:50 11286

G7 agrees to end new gov’t support for coal power by end of 2021
JUNE 14, 2021
13.06.2021 kl 19:33 11980

hehe tak :))

Måske er det her hvad du søger

Der bliver nævnt noget om SK's Z-folding metode, som jeg også ser bliver nævnt i den artikel du delte :)

[News Analysis] EV fires draw attention to separator tech of LG Chem, Samsung SDI, SK Innovation
Nov 2, 2020
13.06.2021 kl 19:16 11237

Du er helt rå med å grave frem nyheter Manman, klarer du å finner noe mer om hvilken batteri teknologi SK hadde på utstilling ?
Står at de viser frem en ny anode teknologi på utstillingen, har søkt og undersøkt men finner ingen relevant info fra utstillingen.

In the “Longer than EVer” zone, SK Innovation introduces its unique post-generation cathode and anode material technologies that can extend the driving range of batteries as well as module technologies that can maximize the internal space efficiency of batteries


13.06.2021 kl 18:41 11197

US earmarks billions for chip production as COVID-19 hits Taiwan
JUNE 13, 2021
13.06.2021 kl 07:16 11692

Det er en fornøjelse, Uchi! :)
Jeg er glad for at i kan bruge det!

Jeg fandt lidt mere også :)

Sunday read: China struggles with solar supply
JUNE 13, 2021
Slettet bruker
12.06.2021 kl 17:19 12365

Utrolig mange positive triggere for Recsi nå. Mulig denne er delt før, @Group14Technologies delte en tweet 1 juni hvor de bekrefter at de har løst koden for silikon anoder i batterier, SCC55. Vi tar et kvantesprang opp når produksjonsavtale med Group 14 blir bekreftet.
We've cracked the code. 🤓 We're manufacturing advanced #silicon #battery materials at commercial scale today. #domesticsupplychain #electrifyeverything Can you dig it?
Redigert 13.06.2021 kl 01:21 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
12.06.2021 kl 13:20 12652

Ekstremt spennende! Takk for at du deler med oss Manman! :)

Blir gøy å se hva slags tiltak G7 kommer med senere i dag. Fundamentet blir bygd på makro nivå og snart vil disse vestlige statene begynne å implementere disse planene og den grønne revolusjonen vi er på vei til vil være et steg nærmere. Gøy :)
12.06.2021 kl 10:27 12922

G-7 Poised to Counter China’s Effort to Gain Worldwide Influence
JUNE 12, 2021

Group of Seven leaders meeting this weekend in England are discussing plans to counter China’s effort to win influence around the world and rebuke the country over forced labor practices, according to two U.S. officials.

The leaders are planning a coordinated infrastructure initiative for developing countries, the officials said, after China has gained leverage by financing projects beyond its borders.

President Joe Biden also is asking the gathering of the largest advanced democracies to condemn what he calls China’s use of forced labor, including the government’s treatment of its Uyghur minority in the Xinjiang region.

Additionally, the leaders for the first time are expected to directly mention security challenges posed by China in a joint communique issued at the end of the summit.

The totality of the work is designed to offer an explicit contrast between Beijing’s approach to foreign relations and the alternative offered by industrialized democracies, according to the officials who briefed reporters on the plans on the condition of anonymity. Biden has in recent months argued the world is at an “inflection point” in a struggle between autocracies and democracies.

“We’re going to make it clear that the United States is back and democracies of the world are standing together to tackle the toughest challenges and the issues that matter most to our future,” Biden said Wednesday upon arriving in the U.K. for the summit in Cornwall.

China has worked to build international alliances by underwriting infrastructure projects in dozens of countries. Beijing also is sending coronavirus vaccines to the developing world, bolstering its international standing in places like Latin America and Southeast Asia through donations.

The announcement Saturday will include a program dubbed Build Back Better for the World that is intended as an alternative to China’s Belt and Road Initiative, a massive trillion-dollar undertaking that has seen Beijing finance a network of infrastructure projects.

The G-7 plan -- a play on Biden’s Build Back Better domestic agenda -- will offer alternative infrastructure opportunities with a greater emphasis on labor and environmental standards, transparency, and private sector involvement, the officials said.

Yet it’s not clear how -- or if -- the announcement will substantively change existing infrastructure efforts by the U.S. and its allies in the developing world. The Biden administration will ask Congress to “augment” available development financing resources, one of the officials said.

The leaders are seeking to make the G-7 efforts collectively a more effective counterweight to China’s efforts than individual infrastructure initiatives some member nations have started in recent years.

Biden also plans to press fellow G-7 leaders on Saturday to take concrete action against forced labor practices. The U.S. hopes leaders will make clear that China’s treatment of the Uyghurs is both morally outrageous and unfair economic competition, the officials said.

The White House has come under intense pressure from unions, human-rights groups and lawmakers who demand a ban on imports made with forced labor in the Xinjiang region. Administration officials for months have said they intend to remove forced labor products from U.S. supply chains but have yet to act.

A group of Democratic House members this week asked U.S. Customs and Border Protection to prohibit imports of polysilicon, a crucial material in solar panels, made with forced labor in China, adding that the agency has investigated and promised imminent action three months ago.
Slettet bruker
10.06.2021 kl 18:34 13705

OneD Battery Sciences Unveils SINANODE, The Next Generation of Electric Vehicle Battery Technology

Industry veteran Fabrice Hudry joins as Chief Commercial Officer as company launches pilot program for electric vehicle (EV) OEMs

PALO ALTO, Calif., June 10, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- OneD Battery Sciences, leaders in EV battery technology, today announced SINANODE, a breakthrough technology to power the next generation of EV batteries. To build a battery with more silicon, a longtime challenge for the EV industry, SINANODE seamlessly integrates into existing manufacturing processes to fuse silicon nanowires onto commercial graphite powders, tripling the energy density of the anode while halving its cost per kWh. The higher energy density increases battery range while nanowires shorten charging time, enabling OEMs to design and produce electric vehicles that answer the booming market demand for better batteries.

"During this decade, we will witness the largest and fastest transformation of a global industry that's ever been seen, and the decisions made today will determine which car makers come out on top of a market poised to bring in over $6 trillion between 2025 and 2030 alone," said Vincent Pluvinage, CEO, OneD Battery Sciences. "EV demand will be driven by range, charge time, and cost, and our SINANODE technology addresses each of these purchase drivers in a significant way. Bottom line, 2025 winners of the EV race will be powered by the only technology equipped to get the most silicon into the battery."

Over the last three years, leading graphite suppliers, cell makers, and EV makers in the U.S., Europe, and Asia, have tested SINANODE by applying the technology to commercial EV-grade graphite used in the anodes of EV batteries. Key findings and benefits include:

Increased Range and Battery Life – SINANODE successfully fuses silicon nanowires to commercial graphite powders from multiple suppliers and tripled the anode specific capacity (Capacity > 1000 mAh/g, a measure of energy stored per unit weight). The SINANODE anode material can then be blended with graphite, to achieve high Initial Coulombic Efficiency (to > 92%, a key metric used in matching anodes and cathodes) and an higher anode specific capacity over more than 1000 full charge/discharge cycles than any state-of-the-art EV cells in production today.
Reduced Cost – SINANODE was developed with commercial manufacturing CVD equipment available from multiple vendors, using only silane and nitrogen gases available in very large quantities at attractive costs. This reduces the investments and time necessary to scale up the SINANODE step to EV quantities, while decreasing the cost of EV anodes (measured in $ per kWh) by almost 50%, when compared to the cost of most competitive anodes used in EV batteries today.
Seamless Integration with Increased Performance – SINANODE offers a fully differentiated, globally patented technology that can be deployed with multiple existing suppliers in multiple continents, to leverage their large investments and the supply chain strategies of the leading participants in the fast-evolving EV industry. Rather than trying to replace existing suppliers, adding SINANODE replaces inefficient steps in the current processing of silicon additives with a scalable technology that increases performance and decreases costs of the materials and cells used in EVs.
To deploy SINANODE today, the company also announced its pilot programs, providing EV OEMs with their own dedicated plant to deploy the SINANODE step, creating differentiated nanosilicon configurations for their high-performance Li-ion batteries vision and their 2024 EV production cycle ambitions. SINANODE's technical achievements, patent portfolio and business model enable EV makers to dramatically increase the use of nanosilicon in the anodes of lithium-ion batteries, and meet near-term consumer demand for longer range, faster charging, and more affordable EVs.

Furthermore, Fabrice Hudry, a veteran energy executive, has joined OneD Battery Sciences as Chief Commercial Officer, overseeing SINANODE production as the company begins the deployment of pilot production facilities and partnerships. Hudry joins the company after a seven year tenure at Samsung SDI, where as Vice President of Energy Solutions, he built the company's Energy Storage Solutions (ESS) from the ground-up in America, firmly establishing SDI as the #1 Li-ion battery manufacturer with the top renewable energy players and leading automotive EV pioneering partners.

"What Silicon nanowires can do for the electric car battery is simply remarkable, and represents the most long-awaited innovation for the industry," noted Hudry. "Joining OneD Battery Sciences as the company launches their pilot program is an incredible new opportunity at the perfect time, as I've seen firsthand what SINANODE can do to reduce costs and optimize performance immediately. I've explored the future of battery technology and believe SINANODE is the only technology that will pave the road for a realistic solid-state electrolyte battery transition."

For more information on pilot-program participation opportunities, please email fabrice.hudry@onedsinanode.com.


10.06.2021 kl 16:21 13914

Tackling solar’s polysilicon crisis, part two: No blind price cuts, technology is king and collaborate to reduce waste
JUNE 10, 2021
Slettet bruker
10.06.2021 kl 07:47 14499

Denne fabrikken har jo rimelig stor produksjonskapasitet også. Nå er vel kineserne kjent for å kutte svinger, men den må nok stenge ned en liten periode for inspeksjon før den kan starte opp full produksjon igjen. Vil nok gi utslag i polyprisen på kort sikt.


Hoshine Silicon's LinkedIn page describes the polysilicon producer as “the largest silicon metal producer in the world with its own coal and thermoelectricity.”

In 2019, the company’s silicon metal output reached 560,000 metric tons and accounted for around 26% of the Chinese market and almost 17% of the global supply.

The factory unit affected by the fire is one of Hoshine's two major manufacturing bases and an independent source claimed the explosion occurred in the 200,000-metric-ton-annual-capacity second phase of the production complex, with the adjacent, 390,000MT facility still operating at normal output.
Slettet bruker
09.06.2021 kl 23:35 15139

First solar bruker thin film: De benytter en tynnfilm-halvlederteknologi basert på CdTe, for å produsere fotovoltaiske moduler. De er største produsent av tynnfilm-celler i verden
Slettet bruker
09.06.2021 kl 23:13 15272


First solar bygger ut i usa.

De er med i allianse med REC, men også Wacker og Hemlock.
3.3 gw
Mener alle disse 3 har kapasitet til å levere til ca 14-15 gw tilsammen.

Er wacker og hemlock i drift?

Hvem får leveranse til disse 3.3 gw hos first solar og hvem leverer poly til first solar? Noen som vet? Og om noen vet hva status for drift hos hemlock og wacker ang poly?
Slettet bruker
09.06.2021 kl 23:11 15209

Er det noen prosjekt ingeniører her som kan sende spørsmål til Sila angående denne jobben, som f.eks hvor langt en burde regne med i reisetid til byggeplassen for fabrikken fra din (påståtte) bopel i Moses Lake?

Slettet bruker
09.06.2021 kl 18:14 15762

Litt skadefryd må man vel unne seg:
09.06.2021 kl 17:54 15813

Fra Group 14 linkedin

According to the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)'s recent National Blueprint for Lithium Batteries report, the U.S. currently has less than a 10% global market share for manufacturing capacity across all major battery components. As the Biden administration works to speed up market growth of EVs and grid storage, onshoring manufacturing is absolutely critical in order to overcome the global scramble for scarce battery materials, which is imposing major hurdles for companies and governments alike.

At Group14, we remain dedicated to addressing supply-demand imbalances with our lithium-silicon battery materials, manufactured at scale in our domestic commercial manufacturing factory. Ultimately, mass adoption of EVs will be a joint effort made possible with collaboration and commitments from the public and private sectors, and we’re confident that the U.S. will ramp up efforts to increase domestic manufacturing capabilities.

Read more about how the Biden administration will support the battery supply chain from Ben Geman at Axios: https://bit.ly/3ghG48Y"
09.06.2021 kl 17:52 15771

Statement of President Joe Biden on Senate Passage of the U.S. Innovation and Competition Act
JUNE 8, 2021

I applaud the United States Senate — led by the dedicated efforts of Majority Leader Schumer and Senators Todd Young, Maria Cantwell, and Roger Wicker — for coming together to pass the U.S. Innovation and Competition Act. This legislation addresses key elements that were included in my American Jobs Plan, and I am encouraged by this bipartisan effort to advance those elements separately through this bill.

It is long past time that we invest in American workers and American innovation. Along with the American Jobs Plan, the U.S. Innovation and Competition Act would make generational investments in research and development and advanced manufacturing to help us grow critical industries and win the jobs of the future. It will empower us to discover, build, and enhance tomorrow’s most vital technologies — from artificial intelligence, to computer chips, to the lithium batteries used in smart devices and electric vehicles — right here in the United States. By strengthening our innovation infrastructure, we can lay the foundation for the next generation of American jobs and American leadership in manufacturing and technology.

We are in a competition to win the 21st century, and the starting gun has gone off. As other countries continue to invest in their own research and development, we cannot risk falling behind. America must maintain its position as the most innovative and productive nation on Earth. I look forward to working with the House of Representatives on this important bipartisan legislation, and I look forward to signing it into law as soon as possible.
09.06.2021 kl 17:49 15763

Senate Passage of USICA Marks Major Step Toward Enacting Needed Semiconductor Investments
JUNE 8, 2021

SIA Welcomes White House Report on Strengthening America’s Semiconductor Supply Chains
JUNE 8, 2021
09.06.2021 kl 17:39 15790

Meget meget meget spændende tider vi går i møde :)

Stort tak for at dele :)
Slettet bruker
09.06.2021 kl 17:08 15701

"Ser vi utover 2030, trenger vi omtrent 10.000 GWh for å transformere all lett transport, og en tilsvarende kapasitet for å dekke lastebil, buss og annen mellom- og tungtransport innen midten av århundret. Legg til kravene for industribatterier som trengs for å legge om el-nettet til 100 prosent fornybar energi, sammen med global utvikling og stadig økt etterspørsel av elektrisitet og transport, og det er sannsynlig at det globale behovet for Li-ion-lagring vil nå 30.000 GWh i midten av århundret med en markedsskala på 1 billion (am. trillion) dollar i året." -Sila Nano
