Nyheter som angår Rec

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RECSI 28.03.2021 kl 18:14 805598

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Redigert 18.01.2022 kl 19:10 Du må logge inn for å svare
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17.06.2021 kl 19:57 13993

"SEMI Supports Introduction of FABS Act in the U.S. Senate to Spur Semiconductor Manufacturing Growth

MILPITAS, Calif. – June 17, 2021 – SEMI, the industry association serving the global electronics design and manufacturing supply chain, today expressed strong support for the Facilitating American-Built Semiconductors (FABS) Act. The bill, introduced by Senate Finance Committee Chairman Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) and Ranking Member Mike Crapo (R-Ida.), and co-sponsored by Senators Mark Warner (D-Va.), John Cornyn (R-Tex.), Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.) and Steve Daines (R-Mont.), would create a 25% federal tax credit, with an election to receive the tax credit as a direct payment, for investments in semiconductor manufacturing facilities and equipment, as well as facilities and equipment to produce semiconductor manufacturing tools.

“SEMI commends Chairman Wyden, Ranking Member Crapo, and Senators Warner, Cornyn, Stabenow and Daines for their leadership to introduce a broad investment tax credit that will strengthen U.S. semiconductor supply chains and help U.S. policies keep pace with incentive proposals around the world,” said Ajit Manocha, SEMI president and CEO. “As lead times and demand for new tools grow, ensuring that upstream tool manufacturers can claim the tax incentive is particularly important.”
“We strongly support the FABS Act and look forward to working with the Senate, the House of Representatives and the Biden Administration to pass this critical legislation,” Manocha said.

About SEMI

SEMI® connects more than 2,400 member companies and 1.3 million professionals worldwide to advance the technology and business of electronics design and manufacturing. SEMI members are responsible for the innovations in materials, design, equipment, software, devices, and services that enable smarter, faster, more powerful, and more affordable electronic products. Electronic System Design Alliance (ESD Alliance), FlexTech, the Fab Owners Alliance (FOA) and the MEMS & Sensors Industry Group (MSIG) are SEMI Strategic Technology Communities, defined communities within SEMI focused on specific technologies. Visit www.semi.org to learn more, contact one of our worldwide offices, and connect with SEMI on LinkedIn and Twitter.

SEMI Contact

Samer Bahou/SEMI

Phone: 1.408.943.7870

Email: sbahou@semi.org"
17.06.2021 kl 17:45 14380


Her er en artikel om det sidste roundtable møde :)

US energy secretary: ‘We need to act now to develop domestic lithium battery capabilities’
JUNE 17, 2021

What did Secretary Granholm ask him?

Granholm asked Subra Herle how the 17 National Labs could facilitate innovation and scale-up of technology and manufacturing processes for advanced batteries.

Herle said the semiconductor industry example of installing next generation factories running on advanced machines enabled with technology like artificial intelligence should be followed.

Herle said that the lithium process isn’t really standardised, with each company having its own processes. The US has good know-how of materials, which needs to be brought together in a way that innovative and fast processes can be developed in the shortest time.

REC Silicon’s Chuck Sutton said that because the US lacks a strong manufacturing base and supply chain, the majority of his company’s products go overseas, where they’re used in the production of electronics power devices, then sent back to US and sold into the market.

REC Silicon produces silicon gases and polysilicon to industries including flat panel displays, solar PV and lithium batteries and Sutton said the opportunity exists for battery materials technologies to be built and developed in the US.

After witnessing first-hand what happened to the US solar manufacturing industry, “we strongly want that to not happen to batteries”, Sutton said, but a value chain can’t happen organically, it needs to be supported by government.

REC strongly supports the DOE’s new call for direct investment in the upstream sector: specifically cost-sharing grants to produce silane gas, lithium hydroxide, anodes, cathodes — everything that makes up a battery.

“This is the quickest way to scale the industry,” he said.

What did the energy secretary ask?

Granholm asked the US can respond to competitive challenges from abroad in silane gas production.

The US government needs to consider full supply chain, Sutton said.China is developing battery materials through its government and will look for ways to dominate the industry.

The US needs to do more than trade and loan guarantees to stimulate manufacturing: like offering grants and refundable tax credits to support the complete supply chain.

Solid Power CEO Doug Campbell’s company produces batteries with solid, not liquid, electrolyte. Representing the potential next generation of lithium batteries, Solid Power already has partnerships with automakers like BMW and Ford.

Developing a much-needed supply chain is a big opportunity for the US, Campbell said.

What did Secretary Granholm ask?

Jennifer Granholm asked Campbell what the hurdles are to commercialisation and adoption of solid state batteries and how the DOE could help.

“Supply chain, supply chain, supply chain,” Doug Campbell said.

The US is among the leaders in global innovation, but not in production. The Solid Power CEO echoed Glen Merfeld’s sentiment that the US should focus on leapfrogging to advanced technologies and processes, rather than investing in today’s supply chain.
Redigert 17.06.2021 kl 17:53 Du må logge inn for å svare
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17.06.2021 kl 16:51 14569

Takk igjen manman!! Super informasjon👍
17.06.2021 kl 16:09 6833

Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 113 / Tuesday, June 15, 2021 / Notices
JUNE 15, 2021

SUMMARY: Through this notice, the International Trade Administration (ITA) of the Department of Commerce announces a roundtable discussion with industry representatives and U.S. government officials. ITA invites applications from industry representatives to participate in the roundtable from existing manufacturers and prospective new market entrants, with products that are or will be produced in the United States in one or more of the following segments: Solargrade polysilicon, silicon ingots, silicon wafers, solar cells, and solar modules.

Event: The roundtable will be held on June 29, 2021 from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., Eastern Daylight Time. Event Registration: ITA will evaluate registrations based on the submitted information (see below) and inform applicants of selection decisions, which will be made on a rolling basis until 25 participants have been selected.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The International Energy Agency (IEA) forecasts that the world will add at least 145 gigawatts (GW) of solar capacity this year and 162 GW in 2022. The United States ranks second in the world for overall solar generation capacity and its solar deployment continues to grow exponentially, with around 20 GW added in 2020. Despite this large domestic demand for solar, U.S. manufacturers have experienced competitive challenges, and the United
States has thus become more reliant on imports including for PV components such as solar cells.

The Department seeks individual input and views at the June 29, 2021 roundtable regarding the U.S. solar PV panel (module) value chain, including the following topics:

• The current state of upstream manufacturing for solar PV in the United States, including solar cells, silicon wafers, polysilicon, and other key materials and components of PV modules;

• The potential contribution of U.S. solar panel manufacturing towards the Biden Administration’s overarching clean energy goals as set out in the Executive Order ‘‘Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad;’’

• Best practices and policy proposals to incentivize further investment in a responsible solar panel manufacturing supply chain in the United States; and

• How to ensure that future federal procurement of solar energy will maximize the deployment of solar panels made in the United States. The event is closed to press and public. Industry participation is limited to 25 qualifying industry representatives. Officials from the Department of Energy, Department of State, and other relevant agencies will also be invited to participate in the discussion.

Captain Pound
17.06.2021 kl 09:59 7445

Jeg har vært inne i REC en stund og har et betydelig antall aksjer. Jeg trader ikke men blir mange ganger frustrert over de "ulogiske" svingningene i aksjen, drevet av daytrade, algoritmer, short osv. Men en ting kan jeg si - jeg har aldri vært mer BULL enn jeg er i dag. Alt ligger til rette for en stor opptur. Alle de "små" signalene på makro nivå, fornybarsatsingen i USA og det grønne skifte. Rart at ikke norske aviser skriver mer om selskaper som er posisjonert for denne oppturen, men det har vi desverre blitt vant til. Husk at vi siden nyttår har gått sidelengs med opp og nedturer sturt av tradere UTEN en eneste nyhet. Nyheter vil komme, hva skjer da? Jo, den ekspoderer og da er toget gått for de somm sitter på gjerdet og de som er ute av aksjen midlertidig. Stay long - stay strong.
Slettet bruker
17.06.2021 kl 08:20 7567

General Motors expands EV investments, plans more U.S. battery manufacturing capacity
16.06.2021 kl 16:06 8103

US Congress urges Border Patrol action on forced labor allegations
JUNE 16, 2021

Members of the U.S. House Ways and Means Committee has sent a letter urging customs officials to “immediately take aggressive enforcement actions” regarding polysilicon products entering the United States from Xinjiang, China.

The letter to acting U.S. Customs and Border Protection commissioner Troy Miller was dated June 10 and has been signed by two dozen members of the congressional tax writing committee.

The letter complained that the agency has been slow in following up on forced labor allegations and “has yet to take a single enforcement action.” The letter said that customs officials had received allegations in late 2020 and suggested “imminent enforcement action” three months ago. “We believe it is time to act,” the letter said.


"We write to respectfully request that U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) immediately
take aggressive enforcement actions regarding polysilicon products entering the United States
from Xinjiang, China.
In response to detailed allegations regarding the prevalence of forced labor in polysilicon
production in Xinjiang, CBP sent a letter to Members of Congress in December 2020 confirming
that it will investigate such allegations and take all appropriate follow up action. In a subsequent
briefing with congressional offices of Ways and Means members working in February 2021,
CBP asserted that enforcement actions regarding polysilicon were forthcoming. However, CBP
has yet to take a single enforcement action, even though it received allegations more than
seven months ago and suggested imminent enforcement action nearly three months ago. CBP
has had sufficient time to review the disturbing facts regarding forced labor and polysilicon
production in Xinjiang—we believe it is time to act.
There is overwhelming evidence of the use of forced labor in polysilicon production that we
believe exceeds the standard for acting in accordance with Section 307 of the Tariff Act of 1930
(19 U.S.C. §1307). CBP must act quickly to enforce our laws prohibiting the use of forced and
slave labor from entering our country. Our government cannot sit idly by. We need you to take
strong action. American jobs, our economy and our values are at stake."
Redigert 16.06.2021 kl 16:08 Du må logge inn for å svare
16.06.2021 kl 16:05 8096

Meyer Burger shifts cell strategy to keep production in-house and accelerate expansion plans
June 16, 2021
Franz Richter, chairman of the board of directors at Meyer Burger, said the change in strategy would allow it to focus on the higher-margin module business, while the closure of the financing facilities would allow the company to expand faster than planned.

A selection process for the second module fab has started, and Meyer Burger said the design of the facility will be flexible to allow it to produce both utility-scale modules and rooftop modules, responding to market demand.

Slettet bruker
16.06.2021 kl 14:27 8301

👍 Det var etter/ de ble kjent da han var president.
16.06.2021 kl 14:13 8394

Dette: https://youtu.be/LM8DUnQxQa8?t=472
(Da blir det ikke noe annet enn texas her 💥)
Slettet bruker
16.06.2021 kl 12:38 8522

Takker deg. Da kan jeg eller kose meg med setningen "supplychain very soon, so stay tuned for more on that ".
Redigert 16.06.2021 kl 12:45 Du må logge inn for å svare
16.06.2021 kl 12:11 8690

Bill Clinton var ikke president da han besøkte Røkke, det var G.W Bush
Slettet bruker
16.06.2021 kl 11:53 8806

I et litium-batteri er det litiumet som holder på energien. Men for at litiumet skal flyte fra anode til katode (via elektrolytt og separator), må anode og katode bestå av ulikt materiale, som kan holde på x antall litium-ioner. Det vanlige er at anoden bruker grafitt, mens katoden gjerne har en blanding av nikkel, kobolt og mangan.

Problemet med dagens batterier er at grafittanodens kapasitet for litium-ioner er så mye mindre enn katodens. Hele batteriet begrenses av anoden. Ved å blande inn silisium, øker man andelen av litium-ioner anoden - og dermed hele batteriet - kan holde. Konkurransen går nå på hvor mye silisium man kan bruke i anoden før den blir ustabil og bryter opp.

Kort sagt: et batteri med silisiumanode er fortsatt et litium-ion-batteri.
Redigert 16.06.2021 kl 11:55 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
16.06.2021 kl 11:49 8804

Se der ja!!!

Jeg tipper det her kan være grunnen til at Røkke skulle inn som styreleder i hui og hast. Han har allerede gode relasjoner med demokratene etter snuoperasjonen i Philadelphia - Bill Clinton besøkte Røkke da han var i Norge. De ble kjent da Clinton var president ref snuoperasjonen i Philadelphia.

Vel/ for å sikre verdikjeden er de helt avhengig av RECsi - så de kommer ikke utenom.

RECsi flerdobles så snart dette bekreftes.
Redigert 16.06.2021 kl 14:26 Du må logge inn for å svare
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16.06.2021 kl 11:47 8620

"Group14 has received a $3.96 million grant for the project from the U.S. Department of Energy. The company is backed by the lithium-ion battery maker Amperex, specialty chemicals provider Cabot, lithium-ion anode materials producer Showa Denko, BASF Venture Capital and OVP Venture Partners."


Fra 13. oktober 2020. Altså har Department of Energy allerede kastet en del penger etter Group 14 tidligere. Videre investeringer nå låter logisk!
Slettet bruker
16.06.2021 kl 11:44 8468

For å være litt vrien. Et ltihiumbattery har vel ltihium som anode ?. Eller er dette ordet nå etter hvert, også brukt for nye tekniske løsninger ?. (f.eks.Silisium) Kan kanskje også betyr at Jennifer bruker ordet som en fellesbetegnelse på batterier. Når man er All in, er det lett å henge seg opp i språk varianter.😎
Slettet bruker
16.06.2021 kl 11:23 8515

Det er lov å håpe, slik jeg ser det er Rec en stor del av supply chain for nestegenerasjons batterier basert på Silan kapasiteten. Mye av satsningen nå er for å konkurrere og ta ledelsen over Kina og andre nasjoner, teknologisk sett. Da gir det veldig mening at Rec er en del av dette.
16.06.2021 kl 11:18 8446

Secretary of Energy, USAs energiminister Jennifer Granholm sier altså rett ut: "We are gonna be announcing a public-private partnership to focus on the ltihiumbattery supplychain very soon, so stay tuned for more on that" Noen som vil vedde IMOT at REC er en del av avtalen? Ojojoj, dette kommer til å TA SÅNN AV!!!
16.06.2021 kl 10:29 8561

Jøss, det var en forsnakkelse men dette er dynamitt.
Slettet bruker
16.06.2021 kl 10:08 8627

Chuck Sutton fra REC snakker fra 19:18.

Dette er meget bra. Skal mye til for at ML ikke åpner nå.
Slettet bruker
16.06.2021 kl 09:48 8434

manman01 skrev 👀
Dette er bra.

Det er forunderlig hvordan kursen beveger seg - og hvordan dette styres. Og det værste er at mange aksjonærer blir stressa når noen kjører kursen ned/ og tilsvarende optimistiske når den går opp igjen.

Det har jo ingen verdens ting med selskapet RECsi å gjøre.

Min eldre bror ringer fra tiden til annen og spør: Hva skjer?

Svaret er : Ingen ting er endret fra i går. Men noen vil tjene penger på at du tror det:)

Uansett: Jeg ser fram til annonserte avtaler og 3-dobling innen årets slutt.
15.06.2021 kl 16:46 8807

‘The status quo is no longer going to cut it’: Investor confidence sky high but ACORE calls on solar funds go further still
JUNE 15, 2021

JUNE 15, 2021
15.06.2021 kl 16:43 8756

U.S. Solar Market Eclipses 100 Gigawatts
JUNE 15, 2021
WASHINGTON, D.C. and HOUSTON, TX — The U.S. solar market surpassed 100 gigawatts (GWdc) of installed electric generating capacity, doubling the size of the industry over the last 3.5 years, according to the U.S. Solar Market Insight Q2 2021 report, released today by the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) and Wood Mackenzie.

Solar had a record-setting Q1 2021 and accounted for 58% of all new electric capacity additions in the United States. Renewable energy accounted for nearly 100% of all new electric capacity in Q1.
Slettet bruker
15.06.2021 kl 15:13 8828

Jeg syns det er ekstremt spennende og ting virker virkelig å akselerere.

Forumbruker Questi lagde en tråd om Enevate og kobling mot REC her:

https://finansavisen.no/forum/thread/73819/view (ligger fortsatt under tickeren REC)

GM skal samarbeide med LG chem som har investert i Enevate.
Slettet bruker
15.06.2021 kl 15:03 8646

Pure Silicon-Dominant Battery Technology er teknologien til enevate.

REC sin silane er foretrukne delen av silicon som rec har 70% av markedet av.
Høyst sannsynelig enevate er i kontakt med REC, angående fbr granuler eller silane.

Selskapet er som sagt i dialog med flere, men vi vet enda ikke hvem. Er mange potensielle kunder her.
Utvilklingen skjer veldig raskt nå, alle vil være først...

Er nok en med god grunn rec selv sier de er sikre på en lønnsom portofølje til oppstart av ML :-)

Hvem det blir som stikker av med silane gas kapasiteten til REC får vi nok vite om ikke altfor lenge
Redigert 15.06.2021 kl 15:07 Du må logge inn for å svare
15.06.2021 kl 15:03 8585

SEMI calls for US and EU cooperation on technology and trade
JUNE 15, 2021
Slettet bruker
15.06.2021 kl 14:35 8600

GM + LG chem = Enevate sin teknologi? Som vi tror baserer teknologien på FBR granulater rett fra reaktorene i ML?


Ref. :


"Det er all grunn til å tro at FBR-mikrogranulene som Enevate skal bruke i sin nye gigafactory kommer fra REC. REC er som kjent verdens eneste polysilisium produsent som bruker FBR (Fluidized Bed Reaktor) metoden, og det er umulig for Evenate å få tak i råstoffet for sitt batteri andre steder enn nettopp fra REC, skriver questi."
Redigert 15.06.2021 kl 14:39 Du må logge inn for å svare
15.06.2021 kl 05:31 9593

U.S.-China relationship 'going down a path of great confrontation,' analyst says
JUNE 14, 2021
Slettet bruker
14.06.2021 kl 22:28 10133

Hehe. Spennende tider og det beste er at det kommer bare til å bli enda mer spennende fremover! Gøy at vi får leve gjennom og bli med på den grønne revolusjonen verden er på vei til.
Slettet bruker
14.06.2021 kl 20:35 10785

Småplukker skrev Wow, denne er VIKTIG!
For de som ikke har skjønt det enda

- Most technologies mix silicon and carbon, some obviate the need for graphite, the most exciting and promising technologies use a high % silicon
› Preferred form of silicon is silane, given the stability & flexibility of silane
- REC the only silane producer in the United States
- REC’s silane has lowest carbon footprint and REC’s silane reputation and competence is unsurpassed.

Som sagt blir utsiktene bekreftet ukentlig hvor vi er på vei de neste årene :)

REC har vel 70% av hele silane markedet i dag?
Redigert 14.06.2021 kl 20:36 Du må logge inn for å svare
14.06.2021 kl 19:52 10881

InterBattery 2021: SK Innovation shows safer, faster, longer EV batteries
JUNE 9, 2021

her er en artikel med nogle billeder af det som var på udstillingen :)
14.06.2021 kl 19:35 10852

U.S. Department of Energy Announces New Vehicle Technologies Funding and Future Partnerships with Battery Industry
JUNE 14, 2021
14.06.2021 kl 16:50 11496

G7 agrees to end new gov’t support for coal power by end of 2021
JUNE 14, 2021
13.06.2021 kl 19:33 12190

hehe tak :))

Måske er det her hvad du søger

Der bliver nævnt noget om SK's Z-folding metode, som jeg også ser bliver nævnt i den artikel du delte :)

[News Analysis] EV fires draw attention to separator tech of LG Chem, Samsung SDI, SK Innovation
Nov 2, 2020
13.06.2021 kl 19:16 11430

Du er helt rå med å grave frem nyheter Manman, klarer du å finner noe mer om hvilken batteri teknologi SK hadde på utstilling ?
Står at de viser frem en ny anode teknologi på utstillingen, har søkt og undersøkt men finner ingen relevant info fra utstillingen.

In the “Longer than EVer” zone, SK Innovation introduces its unique post-generation cathode and anode material technologies that can extend the driving range of batteries as well as module technologies that can maximize the internal space efficiency of batteries


13.06.2021 kl 18:41 11390

US earmarks billions for chip production as COVID-19 hits Taiwan
JUNE 13, 2021
13.06.2021 kl 07:16 11885

Det er en fornøjelse, Uchi! :)
Jeg er glad for at i kan bruge det!

Jeg fandt lidt mere også :)

Sunday read: China struggles with solar supply
JUNE 13, 2021
Slettet bruker
12.06.2021 kl 17:19 12558

Utrolig mange positive triggere for Recsi nå. Mulig denne er delt før, @Group14Technologies delte en tweet 1 juni hvor de bekrefter at de har løst koden for silikon anoder i batterier, SCC55. Vi tar et kvantesprang opp når produksjonsavtale med Group 14 blir bekreftet.
We've cracked the code. 🤓 We're manufacturing advanced #silicon #battery materials at commercial scale today. #domesticsupplychain #electrifyeverything Can you dig it?
Redigert 13.06.2021 kl 01:21 Du må logge inn for å svare