Q messages from unexpected boards! ;-)))

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Q 09.09.2019 kl 13:12 44925

Mens vi venter på at 1st Amendment 'ytringsfrihetens board' 8chan skal åpnes igjen har Q gitt livstegn:

Remember Laura Silsby tried to illegally take 33 children from Haiti to USA for HRC? Now back in the news - and Q team is messaging us and trolling the Cabal of child traffickers when the Call Signs in the flight tracker are changed - one reads "HAITI33", another read "CABAL12". These military plain call signs usually doesn't mean anything - they are just codes. No 'nobody' in the system has the power to make changes like this, it must have high up authorization!

SpaceShot76 9. sep. 2019 - Q is talking to us-Haiti33/Epstein BLKmailTapesv/8ch Coming - 31 min:

Haiti. "Child trafficking victims who’ve spent their formative years servicing the carnal desires of men, often foreigners, who are three, four, five or six times their age. Their madam tells me that many of their customers are western humanitarian workers who’ve come here to help rebuild Haiti after the recent run of natural disasters." The more you know… Q
Redigert 11.09.2019 kl 21:55 Du må logge inn for å svare
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16.10.2019 kl 00:01 5742

Vi spanderer på oss 4 minutter Document TV med Hans Rustad som er den i Norge som nest etter Q-tråden forstår Trump's USA best:

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16.10.2019 kl 07:40 5718

X22-report 16/10-2019 - Declas Disinformation Projected, Chatter, JA Back In The News - Episode 1996b

Hunter Biden say it's all a conspiracy theory. The release of IG report on FISA abuse is postponed. Flynn and Trump put up similar Twitter banners.

- Michelle Obama https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XhnTPcRh1dY&t=02m51s
Boston Herald released a poll showing she would enter New Hampshire primary as frontrunner.
She said: “Just between us, and the readers of this magazine — there’s zero chance,”
Why would the DS do this? They're putting out feelers. BH: "MO has shrugged off the notion of running so far".

- Hunter Biden https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XhnTPcRh1dY&t=03m58s
He is saying that Rudy Giuliani and Trump they're pushing a conspiracy theory. "It's crazy."
Take a listen -> https://bit.ly/31lSaEu
MSM used feel-good strategy for investigating serious crimes. They are dishonest. They are Fake. They are enemies of the people.They're taking Hunter Biden's word that nothing happened, but they don't take the president's word, even after the transcript was released.Og rottereiret NRK er del av den samme propagandaen. Fiender av folket!

- Pelosi & Schiff's Flying Circus (RG, Fiona Hill) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XhnTPcRh1dY&t=10m24s
RG: I will not participate in an illegitimate, unconstitutional, and baseless “impeachment inquiry.” -> https://bit.ly/31iUNXN
There really isn't an impeachment inquiry. There was never a vote!
Jim Jordan: The "WB" has a right to protection that's what the whistleblower statute says. It doesn't say anonymity!
Fiona Hill(former WH advisor) was not even working in the WH at the time of Trumps call, but she was very upset with the call!?

- Pelosi & Schiff's Flying Circus (changing rules) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XhnTPcRh1dY&t=15m53s
The Dems fake impeachment inquiry have now shifted the closed-door interviews to depositions. The Democrats are doing this to avoid releasing transcripts of the depositions interviews conducted in secret.
They're trying to figure out a way to push this impeachment forward. Each time they have these witnesses testifying behind closed doors, they take a temperature reading to see who's on board with the impeachment vote. That's what this is all about.
125 House members sign on to representative Andy Biggs motion to punish Schiff, for lying to the American people, to Congress.

- JW (US ambassador Marie Jovanovic) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XhnTPcRh1dY&t=18m23s
Former US ambassador to Ukraine Marie Jovanovic, initiated a request for State Department officials to conduct surveillance on: Jack Posobiec, Trump Jr., Laura Ingraham, Sean Hannity, Dan Bongino and several others.
Part of the Obama SpyGate. The walls are really closing in on the deep state.

- The walls are closing in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XhnTPcRh1dY&t=20m25s
More evidence is out there pointing to what illegal activity MSM, som rottereiret NRK, and DS have done. Lying to the American people, for committing crimes, for committing treason, for committing crimes against humanity.
MSM and DS plans, they're not working like they used to. Hunter and Joe Biden defending themselves now, MSM defending themselves now. Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi they're in the back room in the dark trying to figure a way out.
Once the IG report on FISA abuse is all put out there, they're gonna have a very difficult time. BNL NEWS: "Memos from Steel dossier made their way directly to President Obama". BOOM
They never expected Trump and the Patriots to get this far. The Patriots are in full control.

- The IG report on FISA abuse https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XhnTPcRh1dY&t=23m38s
Maria Bartiromo: UPDATE -IG report NOT out this Friday. Likely end of moth.
Why was this done this way? It allows Patriots to hear chatter, see what the DS is up to, and avoid events. Is it going to be released on the 31st Halloween?

- Julian Assange https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XhnTPcRh1dY&t=27m12s
JA is headed to court in the UK, to figure out whether he can be lent out of prison while his extradition status is determined.
Q3341: "Key to DNC 'source' 'hack' '187'." Meaning the DNC source for the murder of Seth Rich.

- Project Veritas https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XhnTPcRh1dY&t=29m10s
They just released part two of the CNN scandale. Jeff Zucker will be resigning.

- Human trafficers in Michigan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XhnTPcRh1dY&t=29m55s
12 people were all arrested and charged with child sexual abuse. 48 arrests since "the ghost task force" was created 4 months ago.

- Syria https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XhnTPcRh1dY&t=30m46s
Fake News Media doing whatever they possibly can to try to stop Trump. Trump is removing the protection for the paid mercenaries and he's returning the country back to Syria.
Turkey are making space to return the 3 million refugees, that escaped out of Syria and into Turkey. G. Soros, Obama & DS plan of releasing them into Europe has gone down the drain!
Erdogan is asking for negotiations with the Kurds in Syria, just as Trump said. Trump is pushing PEACE.

- Computer generated articles https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XhnTPcRh1dY&t=35m45s
It raises concerns about potential misuse of the technology. DS thinks in terms of Propaganda. They don't think in facts, they don't think in evidence.

- General Flynn https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XhnTPcRh1dY&t=37m23s
Flynn has a paratrooper with his arms wide open. Trump is standing in front of the crowd with his arms wide open.
Flynn and Trump they're on the same page. Flynn's going to be set free. He's gonna let everyone know where the bodies are buried.

                          Citizen Journalist
Digital soldier
Redigert 16.10.2019 kl 12:11 Du må logge inn for å svare
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16.10.2019 kl 10:09 5370

Har begynt å følge med på denne YT-kanalen, fordi den er saklig og lite show og støy.
You Are Free TV
Today, Fiona H_ll, Soros Agent in the State Department, testifies before the House Intel Com.
CNN Pres. Zucker exposed by Project Veritas
Big Tech & Big Pharma team up for Global Digital ID Vaccine.

To receive videos from Project Veritas on it's Expose CNN project: https://www.exposecnn.com
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16.10.2019 kl 11:24 5355

X22Report for de som vil høre den i sin helhet (40 min): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XhnTPcRh1dY

Lori Colley October 15, 2019 - More Proofs Needed? - 30 min:

More amazing proofs coming out every day! Here are 7 important confirmed proofs...and why Q says we need to chill because timing is everything and setting the stage is vital.
Redigert 16.10.2019 kl 11:26 Du må logge inn for å svare
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16.10.2019 kl 12:43 5330

Kilden til "it is a war between the non-corrupted military and the NSA against the CIA and the deep state communists", som Lori Colley diskuterer:
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16.10.2019 kl 15:48 5280

Hysteriske Trump-hatere er uten tillit til at Trump kjenner sitt ansvar og gjennomfører sine fredsprosjekter - TRUST THE PLAN. Q

Sky News Verifisert konto @SkyNews
3 timer siden
Turkey's president @RTErdogan tells @AlexCrawfordSky he will not speak with the US Vice President about a ceasefire in Syria during his visit - adding that he will only talk to President @realDonaldTrump.

Tyrkias president Recep Tayyip Erdogan snur og vil likevel møte USAs visepresident Mike Pence, som kommer til Ankara denne uken.
NTB 16. okt. 2019 14:01 – Oppdatert 16. okt. 2019 15:09

Det er viktig for Trump å vise oppblåste Erdogan hvem av de to som er mektigst, derfor må Erdogan møte VP først - og han forstår det!

De som ikke forstår, er løgnmedia, som hisser opp verden og Trump-hatet med at Tyrkia har 5 atombomber, osv. Gud, hvad trött jag blir!
Slettet bruker
16.10.2019 kl 16:39 5258

Forsnakker John McCain's datter seg på denne videoen når hun sier, "... my father - you can't kill him again - but whatever…"?
@MeghanMcCain on the video https://twitter.com/yashar/status/1183793726260424705

Was John McCain killed??? Good God!!! But we were told he died from cancer to the brain!!!! 😲
Q-konspirasjonsteoriene om at han ble henrettet for treason var jo bare tull og Q-galskap! … Eller?
(kopier linkene og åpne i ny fane, hvis de ikke kan åpnes fra forumet)
Truth on Traitor John McCain to Remain Buried for Stability of USA?
To preserve the Republic-(Some) things must remain BURIED. Q

Senator McCain and others roundly criticized Rep. Michele Bachmann in 2012 when she and four members of the House Permanent Select Committee Intelligence and the House Judiciary Committee cited Ms. Abedin in letters sent to the Inspectors General of the Department of Defense, Department of State, Department of Justice, Department of Homeland Security, and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, warning about Muslim Brotherhood infiltration of the United States government.

The Clinton campaign is attempting once again to sweep important questions under the rug about top aide Huma Abedin, her family ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and to Saudi Arabia, and her role in the ballooning Clinton email scandal. Her mother, Saleha Abedin, sits on the Presidency Staff Council of the International Islamic Council for Da’wa and Relief, a group that is chaired by the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi.

Perhaps recognizing how offensive such ties will be to voters concerned over future terrorist attacks on this country by radical Muslims professing allegiance to Sharia law, the Clinton campaign on Monday tried to downplay Ms. Abedin’s involvement in the Journal and the Muslim Brotherhood. The Clinton surrogate group Media Matters claimed predictably there was “no evidence” that Ms. Abedin or her family had ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, and that Trump campaign staffers who spoke of these ties were conspiracy theorists.

To debunk the evidence, Media Matters pointed to a Snopes.com “fact-check” piece that cited as its sole source… Senator John McCain. This is the same John McCain who met Libyan militia leader Abdelkarim Belhaj, a known al Qaeda associate, and saluted him as “my hero” during a 2011 visit to Benghazi. http://thehill.com/blogs/pundits-blog/presidential-campaign/292310-huma-abedins-ties-to-the-muslim-brotherhood

Bare en liten reminder nå når Trump rydder opp i galskapen og globalistene skriker! En Freudiansk tungeglipp er sjelden tilfeldig.

Redigert 16.10.2019 kl 16:51 Du må logge inn for å svare
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16.10.2019 kl 21:21 5197

President Trump’s First 1,000 Days: In Spite of Constant Harassment from Deep State and Dems, President’s Accomplishments are Historic!


Destroying the Illusion 15. okt. 2019 - IG Report Delayed, But Will Cover More Than Just FISA - We Must Have PATIENCE! - 7 min:
Slettet bruker
16.10.2019 kl 22:19 5184


Donald J. Trump Verifisert konto @realDonaldTrump 33 min

Peace through strength. Q
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17.10.2019 kl 00:12 5146

#StableGenius forbereder USA på IG rapporten som snart kommer:

Joe M @StormIsUponUs 5 timer siden
Joe M Retweetet Filthy Liberals
"Maybe we'll see some things about Obama." #IGReport

I predict you will se things you don't even believe; the level of corruption; whether it is Comey or President Obama himself!

Looks like the "delay" to the #IGreport is due to disagreements between the DOJ and FBI over what should be redacted prior to release...that says the Hill likely already knows what's in the report and is freaking out. The DOJ wants more transparency and the FBI is trying to cover its exposed tail with redactions.

What story should the MSM cover? It's all bad. Impeachment has already been played and is falling apart.
The only option left is a FF or death to clog the news. POTUS has mobilized The Marines since two weeks ago.

Joe M @StormIsUponUs 6 timer siden
Joe M Retweetet Qtime
#TheStorm is about justice, but also the eradication of evil. Anti-humanity globalist administrations of old would not expend the resources to cleanse our world of this monstrous filth, but that's all changed.
Slettet bruker
17.10.2019 kl 00:54 5129

A major Trump rally is scheduled for the 17th in Dallas, TX.

Mark Taylor @patton6966 9 timer siden
Pray for the President's protection folks, he's in Dallas on the 17th. The DS is desperate. Panic!

Did Joe Biden have a slip of tongue mentioning "Trump and the 17th"??? What was Biden talking about before he stopped himself?

May God protect POTUS45 and keep him safe thru these dangerous times! God bless President Trump! 🙏❤🙏❤🙏❤

Trust the Plan. Q
Slettet bruker
17.10.2019 kl 01:08 5121

Panic indeed!!!

Donald J. Trump Verifisert konto @realDonaldTrump 32 minutter siden
Do you think they like me?

Donald J. Trump Verifisert konto @realDonaldTrump 24 minutter siden
Nervous Nancy's unhinged meltdown!

Donald J. Trump Verifisert konto @realDonaldTrump 11 minutter siden
The Do Nothing Democrats, Pelosi and Schumer stormed out of the Cabinet Room!

Litt dramatikk der, kan man jo si! Ask yourself why!!! #GreatAwakening

BTW- Why are they creating FAKE realities???
Festet tweet
Donald J. Trump Verifisert konto @realDonaldTrump 2 timer siden

I wonder how Fake News will explain The Cabinet Room MELTDOWN tomorrow? Mockingbird narrativ will be out at 4 AM. 🤡🤡🤡
Slettet bruker
17.10.2019 kl 09:31 5075

X22-report 17/10-2019 - [DS] Plan Fails, Strange Messages Sent, 17th Mentioned - Episode 1997b

Nancy Pelosi told the American people that Impeachment vote will not be held. No Vote = No Impeachment Inquiry = The subpoenas do not carry a penalty for non-compliance= No one is going to cooperate.
Joe Biden:"I've done nothing wrong, my son has done nothing wrong".

- Ukraine(Obama) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pWjtj9GplsI&t=03m23s
A top US diplomat(George Kent) testified that the Obama administration, not the international community, orchestrated Ukraine prosecutors(Viktor Shokin) firing. The IMF and Western nations were differential to US directives on the matter! IMF put Billions of USD into Ukraine.

- Pelosi & Schiff's Flying Circus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pWjtj9GplsI&t=04m29s
Mike Pence: "Impeachment inquiry has been designed and implemented in a matter that calls into question your commitment to fundamental fairness and due process rights". They're doing everything Above The Law.
Remember, HRC: Why don't we tear up this constitution, if it's not doing what we want. BOOM!! DS entire mission, their entire goal, was to get rid of the Constitution! Why were trying to take the weapons away?
Schiff trying to trap Volcker into saying that Ukrainian officials felt pressured to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden's son Hunter.
Then Pelosi announced they will not hold a house impeachment authorization vote. The house is not on board with this. BOOM!!
Nancy Pelosi cannot nullify a constitutional firewall between the legislative branch and executive branch.

- Ukraine Investigation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pWjtj9GplsI&t=10m44s
The Biden's, The Clinton's, Hussein Obama are investigated.
Take a listen https://bit.ly/31nZPlU
He mentioned the Server 10 times! He wants everyone to understand that we found the server. It is in Ukraine. BOOM!

- IG report on FISA Abuse(FISA D-class) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pWjtj9GplsI&t=12m15s
The FISA report was supposed to be released on the 18th, then Maria Bartiromo said maybe later this month.
Take a listen https://bit.ly/2qlvmbk
Trump: " You will see things that you don't even believe!". " Comey, Strozyk & Lover Page, mcCabe & President Obama! BOOM!
The reporters seemed shocked about this. :-) LOL - Because the truth is going to be revealed!

- General Michael Flynn https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pWjtj9GplsI&t=13m29s
His layer Sidney Powell requested that the US government, provide her documents related to DS spy Joseph Mifsud. The evidence includes BlackBurry Phones used by Joseph Mifsud.
General Michael Flynn is going to go free. BOOM!

- Border
The DEMS have been trying to block Trump from diverting the funds from the military to the wall. Trump vetoed the measure.

- Sealed Indictments https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pWjtj9GplsI&t=16m10s
A 23 year old South Korean man, accused of running what they call is the world's largest dark web child porn marketplace. 100 other suspects have been arrested in South Korea.
This is just going to ramp up. The cases are gonna get bigger and bigger and bigger until we get to the big players.

- Obama https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pWjtj9GplsI&t=17m56s
Tweets that he is proud of Justin Trudeau. Trudeau is worried before the forthcoming election and need the endorsement.
Obama decided to endorse Trudeau, but he has not endorsed an American presidential candidate. Is he waiting for someone who haven't entered the race yet? Maybe Michelle or Michael?

- Syria https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pWjtj9GplsI&t=19m27s
MSM are saying the Kurds are good people and this shouldn't be happening. The DS created the Syrian war, the al Nasir, al Qaeda, PKK.
MSM rebrand different groups, so you don't know who's who. the DS-MSM did this when they were supplying weapons to al Qaeda. They rebranded them the Syrian Revolutionary Forces. Now they rebranded PKK to the Syrian Democratic Forces!
This is actually backed up by General Raymond Thomas. This is done in order to arm and support them! They are actually the paid mercenary group of the intelligence organization. Their instructions when Obama was president, was to release them into Europe. This was a Soros mission!!
There will be negotiations, and there will be PEACE! But he "Syrian Democratic Force"s aka PKK they will no longer be in control.

- Nancy pelosi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pWjtj9GplsI&t=23m45s
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is wearing a bracelet with bullets and orange beads, and a green dress.
The orange bead represents "the orange man". Bullets means "take him out". Green dress represents "a green light" => they have the go-ahead!
Then we have Biden. He messes up when he speaks. "Oh! I was never supposed to mention the number 17!". Take a listen: https://bit.ly/35LCluv
"It is so important to remove this man from Office! On the 17th........." 17(Q) - Dallas(JFK) - POTUS(FISA). BOOM!

                          Citizen Journalist
Digital soldier
Redigert 17.10.2019 kl 13:09 Du må logge inn for å svare
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17.10.2019 kl 10:26 4998

"I wonder how Fake News will explain The Cabinet Room MELTDOWN tomorrow? Mockingbird narrativ will be out at 4 AM. 🤡"

Akkurat! Slik ser overskriften ut: "Stormet ut av Trump-møte: – HAN hadde et sammenbrudd"

Ganske morsomt med tanke på bildene Trump allerede hadde sendt ut for å komme Fake News i forkjøpet!!!

(Er det forresten noen som husker Schumer's krigsdans etter møtet der Trump først hadde sagt seg villig til å angripe Iran?)

Trump visste hva reaksjonen ville bli over Syria - derfor sendte han ut bildene denne gangen!

Still asleep? Anyone? #GreatAwakening 😄😆🤣😂😅😉😉

Redigert 17.10.2019 kl 10:30 Du må logge inn for å svare
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17.10.2019 kl 10:55 4976

Du leste det først på Q-tråden! ;-)))

Lori Colley 17. okt. 2019 - Blockbuster Q Proof - 29 min:

McCain death is a HUGE Q-proof - now confirmed by his own daughter - and more!

Watch #StableGenius: The wonderful letter Trump wrote to Erdogan! #StableGenius
Redigert 17.10.2019 kl 11:10 Du må logge inn for å svare
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17.10.2019 kl 11:32 4957

Tenke seg til at DNC har et Satanisk pentagram i taket, under kadidatdebatten!! Det er så en ikke tror det er sant, selv når en ser det!
Redigert 17.10.2019 kl 11:34 Du må logge inn for å svare
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17.10.2019 kl 11:38 4957

Ansiktsuttrykkene til Chuck Schumer og Nancy Pelosis etterlater ingen tvil om hva de mener om presidenten. Det skulle vært et møte om Syria, men Demokratene gjør det til et spørsmål om Trumps evne til å lede, til et spørsmål om karakter. Trump finner seg ikke i å bli spottet og mobbet i sitt eget hus og sier Pelosi er en tredjerangs politiker. Pelosi reiser seg og skrider ut.

Anders Magnus har et stort ansvar for å formidle hva som foregår i USA. Men Magnus har gitt oppdraget helt på båten og er et dårlig mikrofonstativ for Demokratene.

Gang etter gang hører vi P2s Nyhetsmorgen spørre om det nå er begynnelsen på slutten for Donald Trump. Studio gjør ikke en gang noe forsøk på å skjule sin iver. Magnus leverer. Han leverer varen Marienlyst vil ha, selv om det er en løgn.

I dag kunne han fortelle at et brev Trump skrev til Erdogan 9. oktober, var blitt kjent. Det var ifølge Magnus skrevet i en stil som var en statsleder helt fremmed. Magnus sa det mer var som skrevet av en ungdomsskoleelev. Jeg tenkte: Wow! Virkelig?

Brevet er bare et tastetrykk unna. Det ble publisert av Trish Rogan i Fox Business onsdag. Men brevet var slett ikke umodent og upassende. Tvert imot.

Magnus spiller opp til en karikatur som de Trump-hatende mediene har kjørt på i fire år: at Trump hører hjemme i bleier eller i en tvangstrøye.
Magnus og NRK synes ikke å tenke over at det ikke bare er Trump de tråkker ned i søla. De tråkker også på the president of the United States of America. Eller tror de ikke amerikanerne oppfatter det slik?

Vanlige amerikanere synes det holder. De er lei gnålet. De stemte på Demokratene i 2018 for at de skulle gjøre noe. I stedet har det vært «impeach, impeach» fra dag én. Har Demokratene levert noe som kan minne om et grunnlag for å fjerne presidenten? To års etterforskning med ubegrensede ressurser ga zero bevis.


Les Hans Rustads eminente betraktninger!

(Selv om vi vet dette preller av på løgnmediene og deres fornekter-skare; eller skal vi her på forumet heller si benekter-skare? He he!)
Slettet bruker
17.10.2019 kl 16:00 4902

Spørsmål om liv og død tas ikke så nøye av DS satanistene i NWO - dancing with fallen angels as they are!

Joe Biden’s Wife Was Not Killed by Drunk Driver – The Accident Was His Wife’s Fault and Truck Driver Was Haunted by the Tragedy til His Death. For years Joe Biden has told the story about how his wife and daughter were killed by a drunk truck driver in 1972.
The truck driver Curtis Dunn was never charged in the crash. Newark resident Pamela Hamill wants an apology from U.S. Senator Biden (D-Del.) for his recent characterization of her father as having been drunk during the 1972 accident that killed the Senator’s wife and daughter. In 2008 Pamela Hamill went public to clear her father’s name.
Newark resident Pamela Hamill wants a public apology from vice presidential candidate U.S. Sen. Joseph Biden (D-Del.), who she says has repeatedly besmirched her late father, Curtis C. Dunn. Dunn was the tractor-trailer driver involved in the December 1972 accident that took the life of the newly-elected U.S. Senator’s first wife, Neilia, and 13-month-old daughter, Naomi.
Dunn died in 1999, but his daughter says she’s fed up with Biden publicly mischaracterizing him as having been drunk when the accident occurred. According to Delaware Superior Court Judge Jerome O. Herlihy, who oversaw the police investigation 36 years ago as chief prosecutor, there is no evidence supporting Biden’s claim.
“The rumor about alcohol being involved by either party, especially the truck driver (Dunn), is incorrect,” Herlihy said recently. Police determined that Biden’s first wife drove into the path of Dunn’s tractor-trailer.

Selv om han truet POTUS med at de snart skulle "danse med engler" kondoleres Cummings død med vakker anerkjennelse:

Donald J. Trump Verifisert konto @realDonaldTrump 59 minutter siden
My warmest condolences to the family and many friends of Congressman Elijah Cummings. I got to see first hand the strength, passion and wisdom of this highly respected political leader. His work and voice on so many fronts will be very hard, if not impossible, to replace!

Vern om liv, folk og nasjon er President Trump's høyeste prioritet:

Donald J. Trump Verifisert konto @realDonaldTrump for 9 timer siden
“About 500,000 human beings were killed in Syria while Barack Obama was president & leading for a “political settlement” to that civil war. Media has been more outraged in the last 72 hours over our Syria policy than they were at any point during 7 years of slaughter.” BuckSexton

Donald J. Trump Verifisert konto @realDonaldTrump for 9 timer siden
I am the only person who can fight for the safety of our troops & bring them home from the ridiculous & costly Endless Wars, and be scorned. Democrats always liked that position, until I took it. Democrats always liked Walls, until I built them. Do you see what’s happening here?
Redigert 17.10.2019 kl 16:04 Du må logge inn for å svare
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17.10.2019 kl 16:39 4890

Det er ganske ubegripelig all den aggresjon kommunister og sosialister har vist opp gjennom historien, enten de kalte seg Leninister, NasjonalSosialister, Globalister eller en Nighthawks i Ku Klux Klan. I dag ser vi denne aggresjonen materialisere seg i bla. Antifa.
Og de er like jævlige mot sine egne som de er mot sine motstandere.
Det er rett og slett ikke til å kome unna at dette sinnelaget må være definerende for en Sosialist. Det er en karakteregenskap. De aller største jævlene blandt kapitalistene er også Sosialister og også Globalister, som f.eks. G. Soros.
Når DNC stiller med et Satanist-symbol i taket under kandidatenes utspørring, så har begeret rent over. Det finnes ikke unnskyldning for å si at en selv er Sosialist.

Right Side Broadcasting Network
President Donald Trump Rally LIVE in Dallas, TX 10/17/19
Starter om 2 timer. Trump om antakelig 6 timer
Redigert 17.10.2019 kl 18:07 Du må logge inn for å svare
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17.10.2019 kl 19:37 4845

Tiffany FitzHenry - The Fall of the Bloodline Aristocrats - 16 min: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-3-lu8dFuSc

Har du som jeg lurt på hvorfor også våre norske komikere har blitt så politiserte på venstresiden/globalismen etter Trump's inntreden i WH? Spør deg om de bare er copycats av Hollywood, eller om også de er styrt av produsenter med bindinger som ikke skulle være der:

Behind The Illusion; Ellen Degeneres.
The C.I.A and The Media History lesson: After leaving the Washington Post, Carl Bernstein spent six months looking at the relationship between the CIA and the media. In his scathing 25,000-word cover story, published in 1977 in Rolling Stone, “The CIA and the Media,” Bernstein wrote that by 1953, CIA Director Allen Dulles already oversaw the vast majority of the American media network.
By all academic and investigative accounts that nefarious relationship has gotten stronger every decade since, as the line between what is entertainment and what is media has become more blurred. Enter Ellen Degeneres, and, of course, our good buddy her long-time Executive Producer, Andy Lassner.
Emails Expose Ellen as Willing State Department Puppet. A leaked 2009 memo in an email exchange with then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton singled out The Ellen Degeneres Show which could be used to “amplify and deliver messages that advance policymaking.” The memo stated that Ellen DeGeneres is willing to use her platform to promote the agenda of the State Department.
The email was part of a batch of State emails released in response to a Judicial Watch lawsuit.
The State Department memo highlighted the importance of ‘using shows like Ellen’ to ‘push government agendas’ as opposed to more political news outlets, writing: “These outlets can create vital support for official policy or pending legislation among key domestic constituency groups but also create momentum for policy abroad. As the media environment continues to become more and more globally interconnected, it will be critical for the leadership of the State Department to leverage these media opportunities to amplify and deliver messages that advance policymaking.”
In another leaked official State Department exchange, a top government aide and the Secretary of State discuss Ellen Degeneres’ quote, “willingness to do whatever we ask.”
So, to recap, Ellen Degeneres is willing to covertly push official government foreign policy under the guise of a silly, non-threatening morning talk show. If that’s not the definition of a government asset I am not sure what is?
It should be noted, the most common, official CIA cover, is provided by the State Department. Their relationship is a tangled one, to say the least. In an excerpt from the 1988 winter edition of Foreign Affairs, they admit: “Over the years, public views of the Central Intelligence Agency and its role in American foreign policy have been shaped primarily by movies, television, novels, newspapers, books by journalists, headlines growing out of congressional inquiries, exposés by former intelligence officers, and essays by experts.”
The edition goes on to discuss how the CIA is said to be an “invisible government,” and how broad questions exist about the proper relationship between the intelligence service and policymakers (such as in the State Department). It raises questions of whether the CIA slants or “cooks” its intelligence analysis to support covert actions or policy, and of the degree to which policymakers or their staffs selectively use—and abuse—intelligence to persuade superiors, Congress or the public.
To reiterate what we learned above, Ellen Degeneres is willing to covertly push official government foreign policy under the guise of a silly, non-threatening morning talk show. Also, interestingly, Sony is the company that distributes The Ellen Degeneres Show.
“The work publicly known from Sony is to produce entertainment; however, The Sony Archives show that behind the scenes this is an influential corporation, with ties to the White House (there are almost 100 US government email addresses in the archive), with an ability to impact laws and policies, and with connections to the US military-industrial complex.” – Julian Assange.
[3 documented examples]… Is it starting to make sense why when Trump Jr. made an offhand comment about “Ellen being deep state” the collective force of the machine came down on him? The CIA-OIG-Entertainment Industry Report, which states the many dubious legal and ethical problems with this relationship and goes into detail about the lack of appropriateness with which it is handled. https://tiffanyfitzhenry.com/deep-dives/behind-the-illusion-ellen-degeneres/
Slettet bruker
17.10.2019 kl 21:16 4819

Donald J. Trump Verifisert konto @realDonaldTrump for 2 timer siden
Great news out of Turkey. News Conference shortly with @VP and @SecPompeo. Thank you to @RTErdogan. Millions of lives will be saved!

Donald J. Trump Verifisert konto @realDonaldTrump for 1 time siden
This deal could NEVER have been made 3 days ago. There needed to be some “tough” love in order to get it done. Great for everybody. Proud of all!

Donald J. Trump Verifisert konto @realDonaldTrump for 56 minutter siden
This is a great day for civilization. I am proud of the United States for sticking by me in following a necessary, but somewhat unconventional, path. People have been trying to make this “Deal” for many years. Millions of lives will be saved. Congratulations to ALL!

Som jeg sa, så måtte Erdogan mykes med litt tøff bank først, før han skjønte at han måtte samarbeide. Men Europas alle politikere kastet seg på kne for muslimen og har betalt milliarder! Allikevel tillater de seg å kritisere Trump - som brukte noen få dager og ikke så mye som en dollar!!!

Slettet bruker
17.10.2019 kl 22:39 4806

Trump-haterne er blitt en trussel mot nasjonal sikkerhet. De Trump-hatende mediene og Demokratene snakker ikke bare Trump ned, de snakker også USA ned. USAs fiender ser et hus som er i splid med seg selv. De ser et galehus. Det kan friste USAs fiender til fremstøt. Erdogan kan ha tenkt at Trump var svekket av riksrettssaken.

USA befinner seg i krig, men Demokratene og Trump-hatende medier tar ikke hensyn til det. De kan ikke forestille seg at deres oppførsel kan ha innvirkning på USAs omdømme og presidentens stilling. Demokratene og Trump-hatende medier mener de står over nasjonen i tradisjonell forstand. De har et mandat fra historien til å drive Resistance. Det er slik autoritære bevegelser begynner.

Nancy Pelosi og Demokratene snakker høyt og lenge om at Trump er en trussel mot nasjonal sikkerhet, og NRK og norske medier etterplaprer slik at det blir opplest og vedtatt. Men nå sier Liz Cheney (R.-Wyo) at det er Demokratenes vedvarende kjør mot presidenten som har pågått så lenge at det svekker USAs omdømme ute i verden og dermed Trumps handlingsrom. Riksrettssaken er ikke bare et angrep på Trump, det er også et angrep på embetet.

Under Sovjetunionen var kremlologi et fag: Man forsøkte å lese hvem som var på vei opp og hvem som var på vei ut. All journalistikk og diplomati har et element av slik dechiffrering. Men dagens Washington minner mer om et galehus og det er ingen tvil om hvem som fører an: Demokratene og Trump-hatende medier. Det har vært et sirkus rundt høringene uten sidestykke.

Hva da med presidenten? Han svarer direkte og kontant og gir mange liberalere koleriske anfall. Det utrolige er at mange liberalere hater Trump enda mer i dag enn de gjorde for tre år siden. De har fortsatt ikke akseptert resultatet av valget i 2016. De representerer en kontrarevolusjon som vil reversere valget. Det snakkes seriøst om å avsette Trump og la Pelosi overta. Stort alvorligere kan det ikke bli. Det er det som kalles et vedvarende stille kupp.

Du har sammensvergelsen mot kandidat Trump og senere presidenten. Nettverket involverte en rekke mennesker og etater. Men det er en mye større konspirasjon som gjelder undergravingen av presidentens legitimitet. Normalt slutter opposisjonen opp om den valgte lederen, vel vitende om at han eller hun representerer nasjonen. Å svekke lederen er å svekke nasjonen. "The people pushing hardest for Trump’s early removal are more dangerous than Trump."


"En supermakt kan ikke satse på dialog i en globalistisk verden. Trump er USAs siste sjanse. Uten ham hadde USA blitt henvist til å spille annenfiolin overfor Kina."
Slettet bruker
17.10.2019 kl 23:14 4758

Mike Pence refererte under pressekonferansen flere ganger til Presidentens "Strong and Decisive Action" og "Strong Leadership" etter våpenhvileavtalen med Erdogan!

He he - ikke helt som Speaker Pelosi ville karakterisere sin President med andre ord! ;-DDD ;-DDD ;-DDD

Vi andre bør ALDRI glemme at Syria var et kristent land inntil de begynte å ta imot flyktninger. I dag er Syria muslimsk og tusener av kristne er slaktet ned. Noe å tenke på med tanke på vår egen fremtid - vi kan lese i dag at en politiadvokat nylig stilte i retten som representant for den norske stat med hijab og politi-badge til juristkappen - samtidig flytter regjeringen oppgaver fra Finanskomiteen fordi de ikke har tillit til Abid Raja. Endringene kommer sakte, men de kommer.

Mike Pence: "Todays ceasefire is a credit to President Trump and to President Erdogan!"

Redigert 17.10.2019 kl 23:19 Du må logge inn for å svare
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18.10.2019 kl 07:46 4680

X22-report 18/10-2019 - The Panic Is Real, Middle East Plan Perfectly Executed, 17, Coincidence - Episode 1998b

The DS panicking in real-time. They know what's coming. The Muller investigation: FAILED, Russian Collusion: FAILED, "WB" complaint: FAILED, Impeachment voting: FAILED.

- Pelosi meltdown https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51Q1G5jd0Dw&t=02m23s
Nancy Pelosi was out of control and made a scene at the White House, she threw a tantrum(fikk et raserianfall). Trump put Pelosi in her place. Called her a third-grade politician. As they left the meeting Trump said: "Goodbye, we'll see you at the polls", and later:"Nancy Pelosi needs help fast! There is either something wrong with her "upstairs", or she just doesn't like our great Country." "Pray for her, she is a very sick person!" :-)LOL
Oppfører en seg som en idiot i et offisielt møte med POTUS & The Executive Branch, så må en gjøre regning med å bli behandlet som en.
Do you think they like me --> https://bit.ly/2MWOpAu :-)LOL

Pelosi: "Is it acceptable for the President to ask a foreign country to investigate his political rivals?" YES! It is The President's duty if there is corruption! (Deal with it, b....!)

- Rudi Giuliani(Investigated) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51Q1G5jd0Dw&t=07m30s
RG has locating the HRC email server to Ukraine.
The federal investigation into Rudy Giuliani's business dealings in Ukraine and relationship with Ukrainian American businessman who were just arrested, is much broader and more evasive than we previously known. It is the same FBI agents and prosecutors, who targeted Michael Cohen and Michael Flynn who are now handling Giuliani's case.
Which means they're looking to blackmail him with something like they did Flynn, like they did Cohen.

- Pelosi & Schiff's Flying Circus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51Q1G5jd0Dw&t=09m39s
They're now pursuing the audio tape-recording, and subpoena it. Paul Sperry: "Sit Room makes no such recordings"
* Sit Room is a 5,525-square-foot conference room and intelligence management center in the basement of the West Wing of the White House.
It's another dead end. The audio tape-recording: FAILED.

Adam Schiff he lied to the American people. He lied to Congress. He created a fake phone transcript call. House reps are now voting to Censure Adam Schiff.

- Senate Investigation(DNC, HRC) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51Q1G5jd0Dw&t=11m28s
Trump: "What has happened with Anthony Weiner's laptop, the server, all the emails between Huma Abedin and Hillary Clinton, the deleted Clinton emails"
They are building the narrative. You can't spring it on the people if they have no clue.

- Obama SpyGate(Joseph Mifsud) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51Q1G5jd0Dw&t=14m09s
Sidney Powell(General Flynn's Attorney) filed a motion and is asking for Mifsud 2 BlackBerry phones.
The timing of the Italy trip, Powell's motion and her assertion that the government only recently came into possession of the smartphones, suggest Barr & Durham returned stateside(kom tilbake til USA) with the evidence.
It would be an impossibility for our government to cordially obtain Mifsud smartphones if he were truly a Russian agent.
The US government told Powell that, If we determine that they contain information that is relevant to sentencing we will produce them to you.
Powell knew about the phones, suggesting she has a well-placed source sympathetic to Flynn.
Flynn goes free!

- The Border https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51Q1G5jd0Dw&t=17m19s
Trump vetoed DEMS plan to stop the wall. Senate could not override Trump's veto of border security declaration: FAILED.
Trump signed the historic Asylum cooperation with the Central American countries, and as a consequence he's reinstating aid to Central America.

- Syria https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51Q1G5jd0Dw&t=18m37s
The mission to remove the terrorists is moving forward.
Lindsey Graham & McCain, they were working with terrorist organizations in Syria and Ukraine. They funded them. Lindsey is panicking about Syria.
Trump: Focus on judiciary! Lindsey(head of Senate Judiciary Committee) ought to find out with what happened with Comey, with McCabe, with Lisa, with strzok, with President Obama, with Brennan.
MSM: "Peace will lead to more war". Trump: "500,000 human beings were killed in Syria while Barack Obama was president". "Media has been more outraged in the last 72 hours over a Syria policy than they were at any point during seven years of slaughter!"
Tom Fitton (JW): "Docs uncovered show Obama Clinton were aware arms going to Syria through Benghazi, and were warned about the rise of ISIS!"
Obama/Clinton created the Iran Syria Iraq and the entire Middle East mess. Fredsprisvinneren Obama!
US and Turkey agreed to a ceasefire in Syria! it was Turkeys mission to go after the terrorist groups to allow the millions of people who are in Turkey to come back to the country. Plan worked perfectly!

- Elijah Cummings https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51Q1G5jd0Dw&t=24m28s
Elijah Cummings passed away at age 68. He was a key figure in the impeachment inquiry, trying to get Trump's taxes. He went to the hospital for simple medical procedures, and now he passed away.
It's the 17th and now his death is in the news. It is the news cycle. Coincidence? But there's another event coming!
The IG report on FISA abuse is coming. Will they release bits and pieces?

                          Citizen Journalist
Digital soldier
Redigert 18.10.2019 kl 07:47 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
18.10.2019 kl 12:14 4578


Donald J. Trump Verifisert konto @realDonaldTrump 6 timer siden
Democrats are now the party of high taxes, high crime, open borders, late-term abortion, socialism, and blatant corruption.
The Republican Party is the party of the American Worker, the American Family, and the American Dream! #KAG2020 Dan Scavino


Folkets kjærlighet er President Trump's beste livsforsikring! Forever LOVE & PEACE with TRUMP!

Redigert 18.10.2019 kl 12:22 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
18.10.2019 kl 12:35 4560

Fra Presidentens tale i natt:

Donald J. Trump Verifisert konto @realDonaldTrump 7 timer siden
Tonight, we forcefully condemn the blatant corruption of the Democrat Party, the Fake News Media, and the rogue bureaucrats of the Deep State. The only message these radicals will understand is a crushing defeat on November 3, 2020! #KAG2020

Donald J. Trump Verifisert konto @realDonaldTrump 8 timer siden
The radical left tolerates no dissent, it permits no opposition, it accepts no compromise, and it has absolutely no respect for the will of the American People. They are coming after me, because I am fighting for YOU! #TrumpRallyDallas #KAG2020

Donald J. Trump Verifisert konto @realDonaldTrump 8 timer siden
Thank you Dallas, Texas - I love you! #TrumpRallyDallas #KAG2020

Slettet bruker
18.10.2019 kl 13:03 4550

PRESIDENT TRUMP Dunks on Barack Obama and Liberal Media Hack at Texas Presser After Peace Deal in Turkey.
After landing in Ft. Worth President Trump spoke with reporters and cheered the cease-fire agreement between Turkey and the Kurds in northern Syria. During questioning one reporter asked the President about the cease-fire agreement and the people dying. President Trump: "No, no. If you let this go you would have lost millions of lives. Don’t forget your friend President Obama lost more than a half a million lives in the same region."

Trump speaks on Turkey ceasefire deal (2 min): https://youtu.be/QqZNLgPl6yY

Turkey Agrees to 5-Day Ceasefire in Northern Syria After Trump Fires Off Warning Letter to Erdogan. Turkey agreed to a 5-day ceasefire in Northern Syria to allow the Kurds retreat to a 'safe zone.'

Det er ikke mange som under den TOTALITÆRE GLOBALISMEN har avslørt dens rette navn KOMMUNISME (i ny innpakning):
"This did not make any headlines… President Trump correctly called out the communists in the region and in the room during their discussion. Chuck Schumer: He was insulting. Especially to the Speaker. She kept her cool completely. (lie) But he called her a third rate politician. He said that there were communists involved and you guys might like that. Trump was right! The Kurdistan Worker’s Party (PKK) is a communist group." - thegatewaypundit.com
Slettet bruker
18.10.2019 kl 13:59 4530

Jeg fikk ikke lagt inn et godt nok bilde av tante Pelosis meltdown i rapporten --> https://bit.ly/2oIRqMH
Men POTUS hadde ett å låne meg :-)
Borderline Personlighetsforstyrrelse eller hysteri som det kaltes før i tia. Det ble vel kanskje litt vel epplekjekt. :-)
Redigert 18.10.2019 kl 14:06 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
18.10.2019 kl 14:37 4521

With Cummings gone, Carolyn "Impeach Trump" Maloney becomes Chair of the House Oversight Committee.
Meanwhile, Rick Perry, Secretary of Energy resigns after Mulvaney's comment at the Chief of Staff Press Conference today…

You Are Free TV 18. okt. 2019 - #CEASEFIRE: Syrious! "IMPEACH'er" Maloney, NICE Server #NOV3FF - 34 min:

Videoen peker på en annen video - du kan ta det som 'tinnhatt' fredagskos - eller konspirasjonsteori - eller ren underholdning - eller???
Will there be a mass casualty event in Seattle on Nov 03, 2019 (34 min): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9_ifwcbO6U
"Freemasons plan up to a hundred years ahead and they always keep it in the open!"

1633 Coincidence? Everything stated has meaning. Find paper articles re: Freemasons. Controlled. Q
1630 Why are Freemasons on the scene of most shooting locations? Openly giving interviews? Symbolism will be their downfall. Q
1956 It's always been out in the open. You just have to LOOK. Symbolism=END. Q
Redigert 18.10.2019 kl 15:29 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
18.10.2019 kl 22:34 4413

Mens Macron sutrer fordi han blir oppdatert om Syria på Twitter, så går dialogen mellom vennene Trump og Erdogan greit:

Donald J. Trump Verifisert konto @realDonaldTrump 17. okt.
Great news out of Turkey. News Conference shortly with @VP and @SecPompeo. Thank you to @RTErdogan. Millions of lives will be saved!

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Verifisert konto @RTErdogan 17. okt. 2019
Svar til @realDonaldTrump @VP @SecPompeo
Mr. President, many more lives will be saved when we defeat terrorism, which is humanity's arch enemy. I am confident that this joint effort will promote peace and stability in our region.

Det er kanskje de avslørende beskjedene til verdens befolkninger Macron misliker at kommer så direkte og uten omsvøp?
Folk kan gjøre seg sine egne refleksjoner uten medienes løgner og falske narrativ. Globalismen er død, elitene kjemper imot!
Slettet bruker
18.10.2019 kl 23:05 4409

Erdogan's "Operation Peace Spring" - October 16, 2019.
Turkey does not target Kurds, Arabs or any other group in Syria. Terrorists alone are the target of this operation.
This is a counter-terror operation - not an occupation or invasion.
Together with the Syrian people, we are fighting against oppressors.

Donald J. Trump Verifisert konto @realDonaldTrump 5 timer siden
Just spoke to President @RTErdogan of Turkey. He told me there was minor sniper and mortar fire that was quickly eliminated. He very much wants the ceasefire, or pause, to work. Likewise, the Kurds want it, and the ultimate solution, to happen. Too bad there wasn’t.....
.....this thinking years ago. Instead, it was always held together with very weak bandaids, & in an artificial manner. There is good will on both sides & a really good chance for success. The U.S. has secured the Oil, & the ISIS Fighters are double secured by Kurds & Turkey....
....I have just been notified that some European Nations are now willing, for the first time, to take the ISIS Fighters that came from their nations. This is good news, but should have been done after WE captured them. Anyway, big progress being made!!!!

Donald J. Trump Verifisert konto @realDonaldTrump 5 timer siden
Can you believe I am doing this important work for our Country, and have to deal with Corrupt Adam Schiff and the Do Nothing Democrats at the same time? It was not intended to be this way for a President!

Millions of people can see your excellent work and successes that the Fake News and the Globalist will never recognize.
You make so many of us deeply grateful - and you will eventually wake up so many more to true FREEDOM AND PEACE!
Slettet bruker
19.10.2019 kl 00:05 4388

It is all intertangled and they are all intertangled!

An Attorney General is shot to death on a tiny island in Micronesia.
Following this story leads to a Baby Mill run out of Arizona, Human Trafficking foundations, Manta Rays, a child named Maggie & Barack Obama. ... Strap in!

Amazing Polly 18. okt. 2019 - Swamp Creatures of the Pacific - 38 min:
Slettet bruker
19.10.2019 kl 09:10 4305

Ingen X22-rapport for lørdag 19. oktober

X22-Ukerapport for Uke 42
Jeg vil legge inn sammendrag av ukas hendelser, men kan ikke sitte pal forran data'n, så jeg legger inn enkeltdeler utover dagen og kvelden, når og hvis jeg får tid.

IG-rapporten om FISA-missbruk
Rapporten vil etter sigende inneholde mye mer enn selve missbruket av FISA, og skal visstnok være "tjukk som ei telefonbok". Den vil åpne portene til Obama SpyGate, Ukrina, CrowdStrike og HRC epost, DNC, WikiLeaks og Fake News Media som Rottereiret NRK er en del av. IG-rapporten vil navngi enkeltpersoner som har opptrådt skjødesløst, konspiratorisk, utvist maktmissbruk, korrupsjon, organisert kriminell aktivitet og/eller rett og slett landsforræderi.

Den Amerikanske Presidenten karakteriserer tirsdag rapporten selv slik: https://bit.ly/2qlvmbk - "You will see things that you don't even believe!" "Du vil ikke tro det, selv når du leser det!" Comey, Strozyk & Lover Page, Comey, McCabe & President Obama!

DS-aktørene som opptrer i IG-rapporten og alierte, vil bruke rottene sine i media, men også egengenererte handelser for å forsøke å redusere effekten FISA vil ha på den jevne amerikaner. En slik hendelse vil kune være det som tidligere FBI-direktør James Comey hinter til, i sin Twitter-melding denne uka.

Ivanka Trump twittret: https://bit.ly/2pEGv6v -> Comey svarer søndag: https://bit.ly/33GomEj "We promised not to take them down" - Ikke mulig å forstå annerledes enn som en trussel mot barna til POTUS. Når var Comey sist familiær med Trump-familien? Aldri!

Dette inntrykket av en uttalt vilje til attentat fra DS, C_A, MS13 blir forsterket av epost mellom FBI ansatte Peter Strzok og Lisa Page: https://bit.ly/33xSTUF - Her diskuterer de muligheten for et attentat på POTUS og hans familie. Hva er deres ultimate forsikring? "A fathers love for his children knows no bounds"!

Maria Bartiromo, som har kilder i DOJ, rapporterte først at IG-rapporten om FISA-missbruk først skulle utgis fredag 18., men har siden korrigert dette til "i slutten av måneden". Årsaken ryktet ble satt ut, var for å kunne fange opp kommunikasjon mellom DS-spillere. Vi vet ikke om rapporten vil bli utgitt i sin helhet eller stykkevis og delt. Hensynet til den jevne Amerikaners bevissthet omkring de kriminelle forhold som beskrives i rapporten, er trolig avgjørende for hvordan dette vil bli gjort.

Var Elijah Cummings(68) bortgang den 17. en slik hendelse, "støy" som ble fanget opp av Patriots, og som utsatte publiseringen av IG-Rapporten? Det vet vi ikke noe om, men hans død kom betimelig, og Joe Biden refererte tirsdag også til den 17. -> https://bit.ly/35LCluv .

FISA-rapporten er årsaken og bakgrunnen for svært mye av den kollosale støyen som kommer fra Kongressen og Representantenes Hus, men ikke hele årsaken. I tillegg kommer det aldeles kollosale hatet som Demokratene & DS-spillerne i Kongressen, Representantenes Hus og Senatet har til USAs valgte President Donald Trump. Det kommer jeg tilbake til i neste del: Nancy Pelosi & Adam Schiff's Flying Circus!


                          Citizen Journalist
Digital soldier
Redigert 19.10.2019 kl 10:57 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
19.10.2019 kl 15:52 4260

X22-Ukerapport for Uke 42

Nancy Pelosi & Adam Schiff's Flying Circus
Adam Schiff nekter å la varsleren vitne for Kongressen, men fredag 11. oktober ble identiteten avslørt. Eric Ciaramella, CIA operativ i NSC med ansvar for Ukraina. EC var også involvert i overføringen av de 4,5 Millliarder USD fra IMF til Ukarina, som senere forsvant.

Milliardær Victor Pinchuk sendte Ukrainas MP Bielkova til et møte med EC samme dag som Bielkova møtte David Kramer for ferdigstilling av Steel Dossier 2.0. -> https://bit.ly/33Cl9FM

Ciaramella er også koplet til Ali Chalupa(DNC), som konspirerte med Ukrainas ambasade i USA, og som etter alle solemerker er den i DNC som initierte hele Obama SpyGate. Epost mellom Chalupa og Miranda(DNC), som Rudi Giuliani sitter på, viser denne samrøren mellom Ukrainas embetsmenn og DNC Clinton kampanjen. -> https://bit.ly/33JvRdx

På tirsdag kom det frem at også Ciaramellas advokat Mark S. Zaid, er koplet til HRC 2016-kampanje. I et siste desperat forsøk på å samle noe som helst bevis eller dritt om POTUS, sender hans advokat ut en melding den 7. oktober, om at han er villig til å gi rabatt til den som står frem med informasjon -> https://bit.ly/2IyGjwm.

Rudi Giuliani publiserte Onsdag et brev addressert Adam Schiff's House Intel Committee, hvor han beskriver at han ikke samarbeider med en ulovlig, grunnlovsstridig og grunnløs Riksrett etterforskning -> https://bit.ly/33Ljgqh
På torsdag ble det kjent at også VP Mike Pence nekter å samarbeide med denne Spanske inkvisisjonen -> https://bit.ly/2MTFPCq

Schiff fortsetter utover uka sine forhør av vitner, i det skjulte. Erik Volker USA sin ambassadør til Ukraina ble forsøkt lokket til å si at Ukraina følte seg truet til å etterforske tidligere VP Joe Biden og hans sønn Hunter Biden.

Nancy Pelosi gir deretter opp sitt forsøk på riksrettsak, og annonserer at hun ikke har et flertall i Representantenes Hus. Onsdag er Nancy Pelosi i møte med POTUS, hvor hun får et raserianfall, reiser seg opp og irettesetter Presidenten. Donald Trump setter henne på plass og kaller henne en 3.-rangs politiker. Tante Pelosi snur seg og forlater møtet. --> https://bit.ly/2MWOpAu
Oppfører en seg som en idiot i et offisielt møte med POTUS & The Executive Branch, så må en gjøre regning med å bli behandlet som en.

If You Like Subpoena Coladas:

                          Citizen Journalist
Digital soldier
Redigert 19.10.2019 kl 16:37 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
19.10.2019 kl 22:03 4134

@realDonaldTrump: "It was not intended to be this way for a president."

Noen utvalgte av siste døgns overskrifter:
1. Unhinged Retired Admiral and Clinton Loyalist Calls for Coup of President Trump: Remove Trump from Office ‘The Sooner the Better’.
2. BREAKING: Man Arrested with Gun Outside of Trump Dallas Rally.
3. Actor Tom Arnold Threatens Assassination of President Trump.
4. Tolerant Liberals Plaster Advertisement in Times Square of President Trump Being Kidnapped, Hogtied and Physically Abused.
5. Til slutt tar vi med den pågående impeachment-prosessen etter 3 års fallert Russia Collusion etterforskning:
Lee Zeldin Verifisert konto @RepLeeZeldin 17 timer siden
I’ve sat through EVERY interview so far of this so called “impeachment inquiry” & the President hasn’t done anything to possibly impeach him for. NOTHING.

Nei, slik skal ikke en hardt arbeidende statsleder ha det! May God keep President Trump safe and bless him!
Slettet bruker
20.10.2019 kl 00:03 4107

Watkins Xerxes For 1 dag siden
We have been up twice, and those configurations failed. Expect to see a live version soon. Within hours we should be functional.

Jim Watkins regner med at 8chans forbedrete plattform 8kun vil være opp snart...

Kan vi håpe at også Q kommer tilbake? I over to måneder har vi sett utfolde seg alt Q har forberedt oss på. Siste melding:

3570 You have more than you know. Q
Slettet bruker
20.10.2019 kl 11:24 4015

Erna satt i går og dummet seg ut på Skavlan i følge med annet oppsop Fredrik kan få tak i - som fx et medlem av den morderiske Charles Manson gruppen som i 1969 tok livet av bl.a. den nydelige høygravide Sharon Tate og hennes ufødte baby - så har Erna funnet frem en rød kjole med gjennomsiktige striper i skjørtet som kamera bokstavelig talt lar publikum se langt opp i skrittet hennes (og det er ikke noe vakkert syn med alt flesket), og de klarer å få noen sleivspark uten å nevne Trump's navn direkte, men hint hint hint.

Imens holder den utrolig utholdende POTUS45 et tempo som selv de største rockestjernene må misunne ham - så får han også gjort uendelig mye, og ofte må han selv rapportere all suksessen som Fake News holder seg langt unna, etter hvert retweeter han også andres omtale:

Donald J. Trump Verifisert konto @realDonaldTrump 5 timer siden
Watters' World

Donald J. Trump Retweetet
GOP Verifisert konto @GOP 18. okt.
.@realDonaldTrump is putting AMERICA FIRST!

Erna vil gjerne fremstille "Amerika First" som egoistisk isolasjonisme - NOE DET IKKE ER! - for det er klart man skal kjøpe varer og leie tjenester av sitt eget land så langt man kan; det har å gjøre med omsorg for sine nære og sin neste - Erna bruker heller våre skattepenger på "våre" fjerneste! Så er Erna heller ikke lenger elsket av det folk som har valgt henne; stadig oftere ser vi nå i kommentarfeltene "Erna ikke min statsminister" - og Erna, det hjelper ikke å vise frem for mye av en ekkel og kraftig overspist kropp - vi liker deg ikke, for du gir bort landet vårt, og du strammer livremmen hardt for våre egne som er i kommet i en vanskelig livssituasjon og som du burde prioritert over alt annet!

Har Erna, som Gro, tenkt å tilbringe noen år utenlands etter endt karriere, mens hun bruker opp korrupte kickbacks hun har fått for å gi bort Norge, tro? Det gjenstår å se, men elsket blir Erna ALDRI for sine svik mot folk og land. Til både kongehus og norske politikere er det bare én ting å si: LOOK TO AMERICA!
Slettet bruker
20.10.2019 kl 14:16 4122

          X22 - REPORTS UKE 42
1994b Man 14. Okt - https://finansavisen.no/forum/post/1025420
- Ilhan Omar (Riots at Trump rally)
- The Biden's Coruption
- Marie Yovanovitch (Do-Not-Prosecute list)
- Schiff's Flying Circus ("WB")
- DS palyer's are flipping (Mifsud)
- The Border (Kevin McLean resign)
- DS Endless Wars
- The Harvest has begun
- Q953 Public Awakening

1995b Tir. 15. Okt - https://finansavisen.no/forum/post/1030370
- Hunter Biden (ABCnews)
- Schiff's Flying Circus ("WB")
- Pelosy & Schiff's Flying Circus (Fake)
- Trump is pointing at Obama
- Epstein (Bill Gates)
- The Border (procedures working)
- California (in De Sh)
- Project Veritas report on CNN (CNN Zucker nervous)
- Syria (Fake ABCnews video)
- The FISA-report (Events their only option)

1996b Ons. 16. Okt - https://finansavisen.no/forum/post/1035506
- Michelle Obama (Poll)
- Hunter Biden (a conspiracy theory)
- Pelosi & Schiff's Flying Circus (RG, Fiona Hill)
- Pelosi & Schiff's Flying Circus (changing rules)
- Judicial Watch (US ambassador Marie Jovanovic)
- DS (The walls are closing in)
- The IG report on FISA abuse(Postponed)
- Julian Assange (to court in the UK)
- Project Veritas (CNN, 2nd release)
- Human trafficers in Michigan
- Syria (3 million refugees back to Syria)
- Computer generated articles (DS thinks in terms of Propaganda, not facts and evidence)
- General Flynn (Twitter banner)

1997b Tors. 17. Okt - https://finansavisen.no/forum/post/1041197
- Ukraine(Obama)
- Pelosi & Schiff's Flying Circus
- Ukraine Investigation
- IG report on FISA Abuse(FISA D-class)
- General Michael Flynn
- Sealed Indictments
- Obama(endorsement)
- Syria
- Nancy pelosi

1998b Fre. 18. Okt - https://finansavisen.no/forum/post/1046402
- Nancy Pelosi (Meltdown)
- Rudi Giuliani(Investigated)
- Pelosi & Schiff's Flying Circus (audio tape-recording)
- Senate Investigation(DNC, HRC)
- Obama SpyGate(Joseph Mifsud)
- The Border(Historic asylum cooperation)
- Syria(Plan worked perfectly)
- Elijah Cummings(17th)

                          Citizen Journalist
Digital soldier
Slettet bruker
20.10.2019 kl 14:17 3980

Uke 38 https://finansavisen.no/forum/post/940355
Uke 39 https://finansavisen.no/forum/post/965564
Uke 40 https://finansavisen.no/forum/post/993521
Uke 41 https://finansavisen.no/forum/post/1022957
Uke 42 https://finansavisen.no/forum/post/1054526

Ukerapport 42(FISA) https://finansavisen.no/forum/post/1051400
Ukerapport 42(Pelosi&Schiff) https://finansavisen.no/forum/post/1052543

                          Citizen Journalist
Digital soldier
Redigert 20.10.2019 kl 14:24 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
20.10.2019 kl 16:00 3960

8chan (8ch.net) @infinitechan Oct 18
We’ve received over 200 board migration requests. Thank you!
A few top 25 boards are still missing.
Please make sure to let your BO know to contact admin@8kun.net with his/her correct shared secret.

Rudi Guilliany - > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h6a_PUgbVdk
Redigert 20.10.2019 kl 16:05 Du må logge inn for å svare