COVID-19 : Trading - Pandemi - The Great Lockdown

OLJE 24.01.2020 kl 02:40 437843

Fra nyttår har det blitt oppdaget 830 tilfeller av det nye corona viruset med 25 dødsfall.
Foreløpig er det stengt 8 byer med en befolkning på ca. 23 millioner.
Wuhan airport er en hub i sentrale Kina med ca. 70k passasjerer daglig og har en del internasjonale destinasjoner.
Dvs. at i løpet av de 3 ukene det gikk før den stengte har vært ca. 1,4 mill reisende og derfor er trolig viruset spredt over hele Kina.
Det første dødsfallet utenfor Hubei regionen ble bekreftet i dag.

Kina er allerede rammet av swine fever for gris og matvareprisene har steget pga. dette og medført store sideeffekter.
Feiring av kinesisk nyttår starter i dag og fører til at flere hundre millioner normalt er på reise.
Kinesere foretrekker å reise hjem til familie eller innenlands ferie, men de siste årene reiser flere internasjonalt.
Mange av disse har allerede reist før de 5 byene ble avstengt.

- Turiststrømmen nasjonalt vil nå trolig bli redusert betydelig
- Hoteller får mange kanselleringer
- Færre går ut på resturanter
- Folk holder seg innendørs og forbruk vil falle betydelig
- Avlyste sportsarrangement
- Himmelske freds plass blir stengt

Nå vet man allerede at Kina har en potensiell gjeldsbombe og spørsmålet er om viruset kan utløse en større økonomisk nedgang enn SARS.
SARS hadde en betydelig kortsiktig effekt ett par kvartaler i 2003 og investorer i Asia frykter gjentagelse.

Shanghai Composite Index falt 2,75% torsdag.
Hong Kong er allerede i resesjon pga. tidligere demonstrasjoner og falt 2,8% på torsdag.
Nikkei falt 0,9% torsdag.

Nikkei forsøkte seg på oppgang fra start etter at USA ignorerte effekten av viruset, men er nå litt i minus.
Mange børser i Asia er stengt i dag pga. kinesisk nyttår.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 09:41 Du må logge inn for å svare
02.02.2020 kl 18:33 5216

Den såkalte kuren hauses alt for mye opp. En har selvsagt ikke råd til og behandle alle med denne løsningen som kanskje koster 1 mill per person. Det er ikke bare og hoste opp medisin heller.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:36 Du må logge inn for å svare
02.02.2020 kl 16:25 5319

God oversikt over spredningen av Corona viruset:
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:36 Du må logge inn for å svare
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02.02.2020 kl 16:08 5345

Kina ned 10% i morgen? Kommer til å bli blodig tror jeg
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:36 Du må logge inn for å svare
02.02.2020 kl 15:57 5368

Jeg skal nok inn igjen. Det meste av det jeg har tatt exit i har jo falt betydelig. Akkumulerte FRO betydelig under 100 før full exit på ca. 103 så fikk tatt inn noe av nedgangen der. Hadde vel opprinnelig inngang på ca. 95 i FRO.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:36 Du må logge inn for å svare
02.02.2020 kl 15:30 5411

Dersom frykten for coronaviruset demper seg de neste ukene, er det ikke usannsynlig at oljeprisen kan hoppe tilbake til 65 dollar per fat. Med dagens pris innebærer det en rekyl på 13 prosent. Blant CMC Markets tradere er det 88 prosent som vedder på oljeprisen posisjonert for en slik rekyl.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:36 Du må logge inn for å svare
02.02.2020 kl 15:20 5456

Hva syns du om LPG sektorn? skal du inn igjen?
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:36 Du må logge inn for å svare
02.02.2020 kl 15:13 5479

Dette er også kjent fra Kina. Som man ser også fra uttalelser i går om evt. manglende HIV-medisiner hvis viruset får stort omfang i Norge.
Trolig ikke noe problem for ett sykehus å ha medisiner for noen titalls pasienter, men problemet er når det kommer hundre eller tusenvis hver dag slik det er i Kina.
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02.02.2020 kl 15:09 5507

14:52Maria Rud Halvorsen
En smittet pasient skal ha blitt betydelig bedre i løpet av 48 timer da vedkommende fikk en kombinasjon av medisin mot hiv og influensa av thailandske leger, melder Bloomberg.
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02.02.2020 kl 14:24 5579

Hvorfor tallene fra Kina er helt feil og viser altfor få døde og syke.
China's Caijing newspaper released a shocking lying report on Saturday, entitled "People outside the statistics: they died of 'common pneumonia'?" "The number of people who suggest that no new coronavirus has been diagnosed or died from the virus is much higher than the official figures.

ADVERTISING The reporter recently came to "interview more than 10 patient families, most of the families infected." They also helped the terminally ill elderly, pregnant women transferred to various hospitals, their families are in the line of life and death. "

Reporters wrote that Liu Mei's mother-in-law at home did not breathe, sent to the hospital after the rescue died, Liu Mei told reporters, mother-in-law on January 21 appeared a new symptoms of coronavirus pneumonia, in Wuhan First Hospital diagnosis results show a high degree of lung infection, but several hospitals were not admitted to hospital, can only be isolated at home, until critical After the old man was taken to the ambulance, the family never saw it again, only received a spark list, showing that the old man's cause of death was viral pneumonia, but Liu Mei's mother-in-law was not counted as a confirmed death figure for pneumonia in Wuhan, because she was not admitted to hospital, nor was she diagnosed with new crown pneumonia, can only be counted as the unfortunate person who died of "ordinary pneumonia".

The difficult situation of a bed in Wuhan has not been alleviated. This is in fact a witness in Wuhan, the citizen reporter Chen Qiushi observed the situation, he arrived in Wuhan on New Year's Eve, sent a series of videos to the outside world day after day to confirm the situation. "The number of confirmed and suspected cases has climbed to the same time, and there are still many people whose lives are still on the line beyond the statistics of the outbreak. "

A hospital was requisitioned the director of the department told the financial reporter, "These two days the hospital clinic a day about 120 fever patients, of which about 80 have lung infections, but only 5 may eventually be admitted to the hospital", the hospital can only let the remaining 75 patients go home: "patients have no way, we can not."

It is understood that only patients admitted to hospital can be counted as suspected, in order to be eligible to do nucleic acid test paper examination. However, due to the hospital bed difficult to find, most patients can not be admitted to the hospital, so also lost the opportunity to do nucleic acid test paper examination. According to the doctor, at least 80% of patients who have completed nucleic acid tests can be diagnosed and transferred to other designated hospitals.

Reporters learned that the above-mentioned fixed-point hospital has at least 5 suspected cases of death are undiagnosed, so can not be counted in the confirmed death toll, which means that the current outside world saw the number of confirmed, death cases, can not reflect the truth.

Medical resources are more strained than ever before.

The road to hospital admission is difficult to get to Qingtian, one way is to rely on the community queue, the other way is to have nucleic acid test paper fixed-point hospital queue, such as the confirmed hospital can not refuse. Both roads are difficult. Financial reporter comments: "But for seriously ill patients to come to water, every minute may be life and death suffering."

However, a doctor at a fixed-point hospital in Wuhan said that the hospital received 600 seriously ill patients, but none of them were diagnosed because "the lack of test paper, but we do not understand why it is lacking".

What kind of patients can use nucleic acid test paper, Wuhan Third Hospital doctors said that doctors think patients need hospital treatment, in order to be hospitalized and do nucleic acid testing. According to another medical staff, "Applying for nucleic acid tests can only allow the doctor to open a suspected case report card, but only in a very urgent situation will the report card be filled out." "

According to reports, many patients and doctors are confused, Wuhan Health And Recital Committee on the 27th has said that in principle, the daily test samples can be detected nearly 2000, but why the total lack of nucleic acid test paper; Normally, 48 hours out of results. Without a confirmed report, there are no beds.

Also, according to the patient's family, even if the community and hospital recommend that the patient be admitted immediately, there is no guarantee that a bed will be available. A fixed-point hospital because of bed tension, there are a large number of patients with a single queue can not be admitted.

Doctors said that the seriously ill patients can be considered suspect, need to be diagnosed for further treatment, if not confirmed died, will not be counted as a confirmed death toll, can only be counted as "lung infection death."

Conclusions, a large number of patients in patients are outside the diagnosis process and statistics.

The netizen's reaction was strong.

Many patients were not included in the statistics, and the reaction of netizens on Weibo was almost one-sided. Shi Wencan: "80 patients have lung infections, only 5 can be hospitalized, hospital is suspected." Think it's all horrible."

Yao Yanxuan said: "This is the real reality of Wuhan, those false figures, false reports simply can not hide the people's deep water hot, there are too many families are infected, at any time may be broken, but still can not be diagnosed, can not live in hospital, many old people are waiting to die, too cruel!" A human disaster, with a flower life, a happy family to pay for, the creation of this human disaster of all people should have a few lives in hell! Orange: "A lot of people died before the diagnosis, these will not be recorded in the mortality rate." Nor will it be credited to be credited with this historic event. Watermelon vendors: "Early official selling caused the current outbreak, after the outbreak and not enough medical resources to treat, not timely treatment and there will be a risk of infecting others, this is a vicious circle ah ..."

An unusual woman: "When I decided to seal the city, I flashed the result in my head and broke down and cried. Is not missing test paper, lack of medical resources, test paper represents the quota of resources, approved to test the confirmed to enjoy free treatment. Even if their own self-funded treatment, the hospital has no beds, still do not live in, let alone confirmed. Human life is like an ant, quietly dying. This article is expected to live long and to see and cherish."

Some netizens think there is something strange behind state power: "Never learn to tell the truth, " says Mr Scully. A country that can't even face real data can never see the living behind every number. "Listen bully" just like the crime rate, do not file a case, less, as the number is very good to see, as a person is too miserable. "Insiney! In times of crisis, their motherland can not cure themselves, can not be frank about the facts? Why steal the concept, undiagnosed death is not death? Why is real data so unacceptable to big leaders? Why do you have this kind of treatment? Don't we deserve to know the truth? "
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:36 Du må logge inn for å svare
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02.02.2020 kl 13:54 5604

Har hørt det er ledige stillinger i folkehelseinstituttet, tror du kunne passet inn der.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:36 Du må logge inn for å svare
02.02.2020 kl 13:24 5650

Heelt enig. Herrejemeni for noe vås og opphausa greier . Mediene herjer og folk er vettaskremte. Dette er ikke noe annet enn et influensavirus. Myndighetene i Kina skulle aldri innført disse drastiske tiltak. Hadde viruset fått utvikle seg naturlig hadde ingen løfta et øyelokk.
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02.02.2020 kl 13:23 5652

Heelt enig. Herrejemeni for noe vås og opphausa greier . Mediene herjer og folk er vettaskremte. Dette er ikke noe annet enn et influensavirus. Myndighetene i Kina skulle aldri innført disse drastiske tiltak. Hadde viruset fått utvikle seg naturlig hadde ingen løfta et øyelokk.
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02.02.2020 kl 09:27 5868

As New Coronavirus Spread, China’s Old Habits Delayed Fight
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:23 Du må logge inn for å svare
02.02.2020 kl 05:56 5982

Nå kommer også utsettelser for gjenåpning av fabrikker/anlegg til 17. februar og skoler åpner ikke før 1. mars.

BEIJING (AFP) - The eastern Chinese city of Wenzhou restricted the movement of residents and closed roads on Sunday (Feb 2) in the most drastic steps taken by authorities outside the epicentre of a deadly virus.

Only one resident per household is allowed to go out every two days to buy necessities, the authorities said, in the city of nine million, while 46 highway toll stations have been closed.

Zhejiang province has the highest number of confirmed cases outside central Hubei province at 661 confirmed infections, with 265 of those in Wenzhou.

Schools and universities will not resume classes until after March 1, and the authorities said enterprises should not resume work until after Feb 17 - except government institutions and administrative departments, which will start work on Feb 9.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:23 Du må logge inn for å svare
02.02.2020 kl 05:51 5997

14.555 smittede og 305 registrerte dødsfall.
2110 kritisk syke og ca. 20k mistenkt smittet i tillegg,

Philippines reports first virus death outside China
The person who died in the Philippines was a Chinese man from Wuhan, the World Health Organization said.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:23 Du må logge inn for å svare
01.02.2020 kl 23:52 6115

Dead rate begynner å stabilisere seg.
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01.02.2020 kl 23:31 6147

FHI om coronavirus: Vil ikke bruke karantene tross smitte-kontakt

Støtter ikke smitteteori
Tidligere har eksperter i andre land gått ut og sagt at viruset spres under inkubasjonstiden. Lørdag gikk svenske helsemyndigheter ut og sa at dette ikke er sikkert.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:23 Du må logge inn for å svare
01.02.2020 kl 21:48 6240

SHANGHAI — The northern Chinese city of Tianjin has ordered schools and non-essential companies to remain closed until further notice to curb the spread of the coronavirus that has already infected thousands in the country, a local government-run newspaper said.

Tianjin Daily, said the date when work and school could resume would be announced at a later stage, citing a local government committee responsible for controlling the epidemic.

Tianjin, which has a population of around 15 million and borders capital Beijing, had 32 confirmed cases of coronavirus as of 10 p.m. local time on Jan. 31.
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01.02.2020 kl 15:14 6394

Frykter medisinmangel i Norge ved corona-utbrudd
Lite medisiner på lager kan bety problemer hvis corona-viruset kommer til Norge. – Vi kan få mangel på antibiotika og bedøvelsesmidler, sier Steinar Madsen i Legemiddelverket.
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01.02.2020 kl 15:02 6437

Kina er alvorligst rammet av Handelskrigen. Coronaviruset er kun en forbigående parentes. USA gir seg ikke uten å tyne landet inntil margen, samtidig som forløsninger på konflikten kan begynne å gjøre seg gjeldende.
Kina er for aggressiv "all over", meget pågående også i vårt land - med truende adferd i ytterste konsekvens (nylig dansk referanse), samt med et overreaksjonsmønster i særklasse i enhver sammenheng. Kina må tøyles en del inn utfor landets grenser.
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01.02.2020 kl 13:20 6514

Viruset har såvidt begynt.
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01.02.2020 kl 13:19 6527

An experiment that created a hybrid version of a bat coronavirus — one related to the virus that causes SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) — has triggered renewed debate over whether engineering lab variants of viruses with possible pandemic potential is worth the risks.

In an article published in Nature Medicine1 on 9 November, scientists investigated a virus called SHC014, which is found in horseshoe bats in China. The researchers created a chimaeric virus, made up of a surface protein of SHC014 and the backbone of a SARS virus that had been adapted to grow in mice and to mimic human disease. The chimaera infected human airway cells — proving that the surface protein of SHC014 has the necessary structure to bind to a key receptor on the cells and to infect them. It also caused disease in mice, but did not kill them.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:23 Du må logge inn for å svare
01.02.2020 kl 13:09 6542

Stadig, Fradrag :D ?
To kommentarer kun.
Viruset har ikke gjort så mye av seg, og snart er det utbrent, "sesongen" over - noen uker gjenstår.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:23 Du må logge inn for å svare
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01.02.2020 kl 12:53 6561

The missing link in the Wuhan coronovirus story – the only entry from a bat in GISAID, collected in 2013 in Yunnan
Among all the 50 odd (increasing rapidly, thanks to a worldwide collaboration) human nCoVs in GISAID, there is one which is from bats (analyzed in this pre-print) – it was submitted on the 24th of Jan 2020, much after the first human nCoV (10th Jan 2020). This is the missing link – it is hugely different from all other known coronaviruses – and very close to the human nCoVs. See table – how similar it is to humans (all in 98%+) – and how different (as low as 59%) in other coroviruses.

More info:

China / Yunnan Province / Pu’er City
2013-07-24 – Collection date

So, how did this bat coronovirus just land up?

Note they were using CRISPR on (other-TGEV) coronoviruses in Wuhan.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:23 Du må logge inn for å svare
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01.02.2020 kl 12:50 6577

Cover up. Les her:


The origins of the highly virulent coronavirus isolated from Wuhan (Hubei, China) are uncertain, as are the reasons for its highly virulent nature (human-to-human transmission before the onset of symptoms). Here, 29 genomes of 2019-nCoV in GISAID reveals a genomic fragment which is present in all 2019-nCoV genomes, (and also in the recent Nanopore sequencing data from a family [1]), and absent in other species. The only entry in GISAID from bats (BatCoV-RaTG13) is a mystery (it does not have any publications linked to it), but is very close to human 2019-nCoV. Mutations in the viral genome need to translate in changes in protein sequences (and function) in order modulate its virulence. This genomic fragment is in the N-terminal of the spike-protein (98-228), a known-epitope region and implicated in viral entry into host cells. Interestingly, this region also encodes a novel 87 novel protein, with a shifted open-reading frame (a phenomenon common in viruses). The genomic fragment will help in faster diagnosis (excluding all other coronaviruses), while the protein information will aid in vaccine or inhibitor design. Note, there are no other fragments which have this property - present in nCov and absent in others. Coincidentally, amino acids ‘17-240 were deleted from the N-terminal domain of the TGEV Spike gene’ using CRISPR, an experiment carried out in Wuhan [2].
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:23 Du må logge inn for å svare
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01.02.2020 kl 12:27 6610

"Health officials expressed worries on Saturday as they said a 75-year-old man could’ve been infected with the new coronavirus locally.

The man was confirmed as Hong Kong’s twelfth case of the infection on Thursday.

Dr Chuang Shuk-kwan of the Centre for Health Protection said the man returned from Shunde in the Guangdong province on January 7 and visited Macau between January 10 and 14.

Then he spent almost all of his time in his neighbourhood of Tsing Yi for a week before he developed symptoms of shortness of breath and coughing on January 22.

“We’re very worried because we can’t find the source of infection of this patient. We can’t rule out the possibility that he’s infected locally, while all 12 other cases are directly or indirectly linked to the Hubei province,” she said.

“This case shows we may have patients in the community with no obvious symptoms who might have infected this man.” "
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:23 Du må logge inn for å svare
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01.02.2020 kl 11:30 6673

The case of a 10-year-old boy who was diagnosed with the Wuhan coronavirus even though he showed no symptoms is raising concern that people may be spreading the virus undetected by the front-line screening methods implemented to contain the epidemic.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:23 Du må logge inn for å svare
01.02.2020 kl 11:28 6666

Fradrag, her sprer du fake news selv. Dette med HIV-DNA er bare tull, og stammer fra noen journalister som søkte opp noen aminosyrer i en database, og misforsto hvordan dette fungerer.

Fra Konamixx hos Tekinvestor:
«It is definitely not the case. The authors of the paper typed in the amino acid sequence insertions into a search engine that finds other similar sequences. But with short sequences like those they typed in (seriously? 6 amino acids in length? What a joke.) , you’re going to get a LOT of results. They cherry picked HIV out of the list for no scientific reason. Try it yourself. Here’s the link. Just type your amino acid sequence of interest in. You’ll find a LOT of results, and a lot of noise.»

«It is a travesty that that paper has been and shared by someone with a very large audience and no virology expertise. Fueling the fire of conspiracy theorists.
Also fwiw, it (like anything uploaded to biorxiv) was not peer reviewed.»
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:23 Du må logge inn for å svare
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01.02.2020 kl 11:24 6682

The available evidence most strongly supports that the 2019-NCoV virus is a vaccine strain of coronavirus either accidentally released from a laboratory accident, perhaps a laboratory researcher becoming infected with the virus while conducting animal experiments, or the Chinese were performing clinical studies of a Coronavirus vaccine in humans.

Dr. Dale Brown brought to my attention the studies that have reported serious immunopathology in animals – rats, ferrets, and monkeys – in which animals vaccinated against coronoviruses tended to have extremely high rates of respiratory failure upon subsequent exposure in the study when challenged with the wild-type coronavirus.
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01.02.2020 kl 11:19 6695

Hvorfor sprer du den artikkelen til stadighet. Det er falske nyheter. Dette viruset er mye farligere enn influensa. Det sprer seg vekdig godt. I snitt sprer en smittet person det videre til 4 andre.

Indiske forskere mener at viruset har biter av DNA fra HIV viruset inni seg. Derfor kan det ligge latent i kroppen. Det forklarer hva vi har sett at folk kan være symptomfrie og likevel smitte andre.
Det siste tilfelle på La Gomera er en tysker som har sammenheng med de 3 andre tyskerne som ble smittet av en kinesisk kollega.
"MADRID, Jan 31 (Reuters) - Spain's National Centre for Microbiology has confirmed the country's first case of coronavirus after a man was diagnosed with the virus on the remote island of La Gomera in the Canaries, the Health Ministry said late on Friday.

The patient is part of a group of five people taken into observation on the island and isolated after it was found they had come into contact with a German man diagnosed with the virus."
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01.02.2020 kl 11:11 6712

DJIA Weekend futures faller nye 0,7%
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01.02.2020 kl 11:10 6714

Dette vil trolig ramme mange anlegg i Kina relativt hardt.
De kommer nok ikke tilbake 9. februar!

Expats across China flee as virus fears mount
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:23 Du må logge inn for å svare
01.02.2020 kl 10:52 6736

Tåler kinamann ikke et nytt influensavirus? Det er de svakeste, svekket av et langt alvorlig sykdomsbilde som dør. Alt akkurat som før, rundt om i hele verden. Hva med det jevne kostholdet til den enkelte i et så tett befolket knallhardt styrt regime land? Holder det mål? Spiser dem stadig mer "tom" mat, uten helt å vite det - alle som ikke har god kjøpekraft på det jevne - ensidig kosthold.

Hva er egentlig agendaen til kinamannen? Har dem spekulative motiver, eller er dem kun engstelige?
Kina er i alle fall dyktig med forebyggende tiltak.

Vi andre må bare ta anbefalte forholdsregler, ovenfor angivelige smittekilder.
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01.02.2020 kl 10:41 6734

Apple stenger alle butikker i Kina frem til 9. februar.
12000 smittede og 18000 mistenkt smittet. Blir de mistenkte ikke testet pga. kapasitet?

120000 innlagt til observasjon i tillegg!
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01.02.2020 kl 07:50 6834

Dagens oppdatering fra Kina (South China Morning Post)
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